The Adventure Kids Get Frozen...

By AdventureGirl5

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The Adventure Kids have come back to Arendelle to see their friends. Until something happens that takes our h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 11

565 6 26
By AdventureGirl5

"Hey, everybody. Just thought we'd let you know Adventuregirl5 worked really hard on this chapter and it wasn't easy" 

"So thank you all for appreciating her hard work and dedication she puts into her stories for all of you guys. That is all" Cynthia told the readers, then left. 

*A/N: Thank you all for your support, my fans ;) 

Ari was out on the ocean's shoreline, facing out into the Dark Sea as the waves came crashing down against the shoreline. 

Now it's not that Ari hated the water, she just hated being in water over her head. 

There was no way she was going to cross the Dark sea like this. And believe me she already tried, but ended getting washed right back up onto the shore. 

She was going to have to find a different way to get to Ahtohallan. 

She headed east, back into the forest and started going down a different path where it was rather quiet... A little too quiet. 

Ari continued to proceed with caution as she kept on going through the forest. That's when things started to turn bad... 

Ari started to look around and noticed the trees and brush started to catch on fire and was quickly spreading around her. She suddenly got suspicious as she wasn't the one doing this, and it wasn't Bruni either. 

She then heard this odd screeching sound from up above. 

The princess looked up through the trees to see this gorgeous giant bird flying overhead, like the legendary pokemon Ho-Oh. But this wasn't no ordinary bird, it was a Phoenix, a mythical bird from ancient Greek folklore made completely out of fire.  

She eyed the huge mythical bird curiously, until she saw it coming down pretty fast at her. Ari quickly dodged the Phoenix as it swooped down at her and came around again to take another go at her. 

It was attacking her! Ari wasn't going to let the giant firebird get her though and blasted her magic at it, a direct hit in the face. But the fire bird flew up and came around again to try and strike her. It tried blasting her a few times, but Ari was quicker and blasted the Phoenix again. This time, sending it down crashing through the trees with a thud.  

Ari slowly and cautiously came up to the bird that was down for the count. It slowly looked at her with its big red eyes. Ari looked back into its eyes, only to realize the reason why the Phoenix had attacked her was because she had invaded it's territory. 

That made the young princess frown, as she felt bad. She needed to make it up to it somehow. 

Ari then remembered something her aunt had taught her back when she was younger...

"Don't fight fire with fire"

Ari soon sighed, realizing the only way she was going to get out of this was if she befriended the Phoenix.  

She slowly and cautiously came up to the large fire bird. She then slowly reached her hand out towards it and gently placed it on top of its head. This was very much like when Hiccup first befriended Toothless. 

The Phoenix started to calm down while the fire around the forest decreased. The Phoenix looked up at Ari as it seemed to be smiling at her. Ari chuckled a little as she smiled back at the bird, having managed to tame it. 

She then stepped back while the giant bird stood up. It then crouched back down as it looked like to be offering Ari to ride on its back. 

The princess was hesitant at first, but soon climbed up and positioned herself on the fire bird's back. 

The phoenix then took off into the sky while Ari suddenly clutched on tightly to the fire bird, taken a bit surprised. 

"Whoa..." Ari soon said while looking around with awe as she was flying on the Phoenix over the dark sea. It felt so unreal, like something out of a dream. 

The Phoenix soon screeched to the fire girl, getting her attention. Ari looked up to see a small piece of land up ahead covered in snow and ice. 

"Of course. Glaciers are rivers of ice" Ari realized, speaking to the fire bird. "Ahtohallan is frozen"

Ari then heard the voice again while she and the Phoenix flew towards Ahtohallan. Little did they know, a familiar snow queen wasn't far behind on a water horse. 

Once Ari arrived at Ahtohallan, she climbed off the Phoenix and thanked it before it flew off. After all the adventures Ari's been through, she couldn't believe she was now here in Ahtohallan, about to discover the truth about herself and her family's greatest secret. 

Ari heard the voice again as she entered the cave and soon started singing. 

"Every inch of me is trembling" Ari began singing as she walked through the icy cave and all was quiet. "But not from the cold~"

"Something is familiar... Like a dream I can reach but not quite hold~"

"I can sense you there. Like a friend I've always known. I'm arriving, and it feels like I am home~"

"I have always been a fortress" Ari admitted, while shedding just a few tears. "Kept secrets deep inside~" 

"You have secrets too..."

"Don't let them know~" Ari could hear Elsa's voice echoing inside her head, but was starting to feel her presence nearby. 

"But you don't have to hide..." Ari told the voice.  

"Well, now they know~" Elsa's voice echoed again. 

"Show yourself," Ari told the voice. "I'm dying to meet you~"

(Let it go, let it go. Can't hold it back anymore~)

"Show yourself... It's your turn~"

(Let it go, let it go. Turn away and slam the door~)

"Are you the one I've been looking for all of my life?" Ari asked the mysterious voice, who'd been calling her and Elsa all this time. 

"Show yourself... I'm ready to learn~" 

"Ah, ah, ah, ah~" Ari sang out to the voice. 

"Ah, ah, ah, ah~" Ari then heard the voice call back and turned around to see a light leading down a tunnel. 

Ari smiled as she started chasing after the light down the tunnel. 

"I've never felt so certain. In all my life I've been torn. But I'm here for a reason. Could it be the reason I was born?" Ari questioned herself, while she continued going deeper down into the cavern. 

"I have always been so different. Normal rules did not apply~" Elsa sang, as she was exploring down a different part inside the cavern. 

"Is this the day? Are you the way, I finally find out why~" Ari and Elsa both sang in sync with each other, even though they were in different parts of the cavern. 

"Show yourself!" Ari and Elsa both sang. 

"I'm no longer trembling!~" Elsa said. 

"Here I am, I've come so far!~" Ari said. 

"You are the answer I've waited for, all of my life~" Elsa sang to the voice. 

"Oh, show yourself!" Ari and Elsa sang, as they were both getting closer to discovering who the voice was. 

"I need to know who you are~" Ari told the voice. 

Ari and Elsa both came into a dark room, as they could feel each other's presence closer than ever and could also start to hear each other's voices. The four symbols of the elemental spirits soon appeared before them, being engraved on the floor. 

"Come to me now. Open your door" Ari told the voice, as her whole body was now literally glowing like the fire that burned inside her. "Don't make me wait, one moment more~"

"Oh, come to me now!" Elsa sang to the voice. "Open your door. Don't make me wait, one moment mooooorreee~"

The girls then stepped into the center of the four elements and their own snowflakes then appeared beneath them, each with a different color to match their element. Suddenly, a flash of light appeared around Ari and Elsa, and the whole room then lit up, revealing all the past memories of Ari and Elsa's lives. 

Both girls were in their own specific areas of the room, separated only from each other by a wall of mist while they both were seeing their whole lives shown before them. 

They both then started remembering the special song about the river they've been told as they heard it playing in their heads. 

"Where the north wind meets the sea~"

"Ah, ah, ah, ah~"

"There's a river..." 

"Ah, ah, ah, ah~" 

"Full of memory~"

Ari and Elsa then both turned around to where they heard the voice coming from and saw a young Iduna calling out for help from the spirits while saving Prince Agnarr. 

What each of the girls saw next was a shocking surprise...

For Ari, it was seeing her aunt Elsa from an old memory on the night she taught her the song about Ahtohallan. 

And for Elsa, it was the most incredible, most beautiful surprise of all in the ice queen's whole life.... She saw her mother! There in front of her, Queen Iduna. Very similar to how Simba saw the ghost of his father Mufasa for the first time after so long.


"Aunt Elsa..." Ari's eyes started to fill up with tears as she saw her aunt in her memory. 

"Come my darling, homeward bound~" Queen Iduna's spirit sang to her daughter, while Ari's memory of her aunt Elsa reminded the same thing to her. 

Ari and Elsa both became teary while they both sang out to the memories of their loved ones. "I am found!!!~"

(Let it go, let it go! And I'll rise like the break of dawn!~)

"Show yourself! Step into your power~" Ari and Elsa both sang their hearts out together while both their dresses were transformed. 

(Let it go, let it go~)

"Grow yourself~"

(That perfect girl is gone!~)

"Into something new~"

(Here I stand in the light of day~)

"You are the one you've been waiting for~" Queen Iduna told her daughter, while the memory of Elsa told the same thing to Ari as she's always told her. 

"All of my liiiife!~" Ari and Elsa both sang their hearts out to their loved ones while in tears. 

Ari and Elsa had both finally figured out who they really were. Their true purposes. 

"Oh, show yourself!~"

(Let the storm rage oooooonnn!~)

Ari and Elsa both started using their powers to swirl up the mist and clear it away. 

"Ah, ah, ah, ah. Ah, ah, ah, ah. Ah, ah, ah, ah~"

"Ah, ah, ah, ah!~" Ari and Elsa both finished singing out with all their hearts as they brought down the wall of mist. 

Once the mist was cleared away, both girls saw that their powers had created moving replicas of people from the past all in Arendelle and of their memories. 

Ari looked around with awe until she soon gasped as she saw her aunt a few feet away from her with her hair down. 

"Aunt Elsa?" Ari called as she couldn't believe it. 

Elsa looked over and gasped once she saw her niece. "Ari!"

"Aunt Elsa!" Ari cried out with tears of joy as she came running over to her aunt. 

The girls ran towards each other with their arms opened as they soon hugged each other tightly and cried. Aunt and niece reunited. 

"I missed you" Ari cried while hugging her aunt. 

"I missed you too" Elsa smiled warmly while hugging back her niece. 

"But you have quite some explaining to do once we get back" Elsa then told her niece sternly but gently. "Your parents have been worried sick"

Ari hung her down briefly, feeling bad that she had worried her friends and family. But Elsa soon smiled to her niece and Ari soon smiled back as the two of them started to have a look around, seeing all the memories of their people, friends and family. 

They saw so many memories, including some of Ari's early memories like when she was first learning to use her powers back as a little girl. The adventure kids meeting Olaf for the first time with Anna, Kristoff and Sven back during the gang's first adventure when Elsa accidentally turned summer into an eternal winter. 

Ari saw a brief interesting memory of her aunt singing "Let it go" and laughed a bit while Elsa cringed, being a bit embarrassed by that memory. Another memory they saw was of Anna meeting Prince Hans for the first time, which Ari melted away with her powers. 

They even saw a memory of young Iduna and Agnarr hanging out together, and when Iduna saved Agnarr on the day the forest fell. 

One very particular memory then caught Elsa's attention as she heard a voice. 

"King Runeard, I'm sorry, I don't understand"

"Grandfather!" Elsa gasped. 

Ari looked up from hearing her aunt say that and looked in surprise with her aunt to see a replica of King Runeard talking to one of his guards. 

"We bring Arendelle's full guard" King Runeard declared. 

"But they've given us no reason not to trust them" The guard said, referring to the Northuldra. 

The girls soon figured out that this memory was revealed to be on the day the forest fell. 

"The Northuldra follow magic," King Runeard explained to his guard. "Which means we can never trust them" 

"Grandfather?" Elsa was confused, as she and Ari couldn't believe what they were hearing from him. 

"Magic makes people feel too powerful, too entitled" King Runeard explained. "It makes them think they can defy the will of a king"

"That is not what magic does" Elsa glared at the replica of her grandfather. 

"That's just your fear" Ari added while glaring at the replica of her great-grandfather. 

"Fear is what can't be trusted" Elsa said. 

The girls then watched King Runeard and his guard leave, going right through a wall. 

"Huh?" The ice queen and fire princess were curious to where they were going. 

Elsa removed the wall of ice with her powers as the girls were about to head down to follow King Runeard. 

But something was watching them...

"You see, the dam will weaken their lands. So they will have to turn to me" King Runeard said as Elsa and Ari followed him deeper down into the cavern where it became darker. 

But then Elsa suddenly stopped herself and Ari in their tracks as she could sense something behind them. 

"Ari, look out!" Elsa cried as she suddenly got her niece behind her and blasted her magic at the threat that was stalking behind them but missed. 

The two girls gasped while their eyes widened with fear to see that their stalker was this big dark cloud. It turns out that this was the dark spirit that the Northdulra had warned Elsa about and that had been threatening the forest. 

It's what's been following Ari since she arrived in the forest. 

Elsa shielded her niece with one arm and used the other arm to blast her ice magic at the dark spirit to destroy it. But shockingly, the blast of ice went right through the spirit as it had no effect. Elsa's powers had done nothing to it. 

The dark spirit then attacked the girls, striking directly at Ari. 

"ARI!" Elsa cried out of fear for her niece. 

The dark force was trying to get inside Ari's body and possess her and her magic to use for evil. Ari soon opened her eyes, revealing them to be black. The spirit had wanted this so that the two elements would fight in hopes they'd destroy each other. 

"Ari, come on. Snap out of it!" Elsa tried to tell her niece. "Please, don't do this!"

But the dark spirit had complete control over the young girl. 

"I will NOT hurt you, Ari!" Elsa told her niece, tucking her hands away refusing to fight. 

Ari then created her biggest fire ball in her hands, preparing to blast Elsa with it. 

"ARI NO!" Elsa cried. 

Ari then threw the fire ball directly at Elsa. The blast knocked Elsa off the edge of the cliff and made her fall further down into the cavern. 

The dark spirit then left Ari's body and disappeared. Ari groaned as she placed her head on her forehead for a moment, trying to shake off what just happened. 

But then her eyes suddenly widened as she gasped, remembering what she had just done. She ran over to the edge of the cliff and looked over down to where Elsa fell. 

"Aunt Elsa! You okay?" Ari called in concern. 

"Yeah, I'm alright" Elsa called back, grunting while she stood up. Luckily the blast had only stunned her. 

Elsa began to look around, seeing some more replicas of the Arendellians and the Northuldras. She was starting to feel rather cold though and looked down to see ice forming over her hands. 

Ari luckily was able to survive these freezing conditions in Ahtohallan, due to the heat in her body thanks to her powers being so strong. 

Elsa continued on and soon discovered the dark truth about her grandfather. She saw a replica of the Northdurla leader sitting down for some tea, not knowing that King Runeard was coming up behind him with his sword drawn, about to murder him. 

Elsa tried to stop this but couldn't as her whole body was starting to turn to ice. 

"AUNT ELSA!" Ari cried out, watching her aunt freeze up. 

But before Elsa froze to death, she forced herself to use all her remaining strength to send the message out to her sister. 

"Anna!..." Elsa cried. 

And with one blast from her magic, Elsa froze completely, turning into an ice statue. Very similar to when Anna froze to death while saving her sister. 

Ari cried as her aunt had now been frozen, blaming herself for pushing her down too deep. The fiery princess continued crying. Devastated, not knowing what to do now....

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