SARCASM โ™” ั‚ะฝั” ะฒัั”ฮฑะบฦ’ฮฑั•ั‚ ยขโ„“ฯ…ะฒ...

By Batbooo

271K 5.9K 1.4K

"You know Bender being a dick won't make yours any bigger" I sniggered holding eye contact with him. He smirk... More

โ‰ช Cast โ‰ซ
โ€ข ONE โ€ข
โ€ข TWO โ€ข
โ€ข THREE โ€ข
โ€ข FOUR โ€ข
โ€ข FIVE โ€ข
โ€ข SIX โ€ข
โ€ข SEVEN โ€ข
โ€ข EIGHT โ€ข
โ€ข NINE โ€ข
โ€ข TEN โ€ข
โ€ข ELEVEN โ€ข
โ€ข TWELVE โ€ข
โ€ข THIRTEEN โ€ข
โ€ข FOURTEEN โ€ข
โ€ข FIFTEEN โ€ข
โ€ข SIXTEEN โ€ข
โ™ก Book Cover โ™ก


5.5K 154 72
By Batbooo


"I was just thinking...i know it's kind of a weird time but i was just wondering um, what's going to happen to us on Monday? When we're all together again, i consider you guys my friends"

I smile genuinely. He so adorable i just want to squish his little cheeks!

"I'm not wrong am i?"

"Well if you want my personal opinion then no you're not wrong. I mean i don't have a lot of other friends as it is so what's 5 more right? i mean my 'social status' doesn't define who i have to hang out with. And if they did have something to say well they can fuck off to fucksville" I shrugged making them laugh when i brushed dust off of my shoulders, giving Brian a wink.

"Anyone else think it's wrong?" I asked looking around, hopefully nobody saying a dickhead answer. Bet you there's at least watching you all. *squints eyes intimidatingly*

"No" Andrew gave a short but sweet answer.

"So on Monday what happens?" Brian asked inquisitively

"Are we still friends you mean? If we're friends now that is?" Duh Claire! Keep up with the conversation.


"You want the truth" This Bitch better not..

"Yeah i want the truth" oh Bri.

"I don't think so.." BITCH THE FUCK. You over there crying and shit trying to be sympathetic, im so close to busting your ginger ass. It's okay Brian we don't need her.

God my period must be coming up, the monster is taking over.

Brian looked away disappointed in the answer he received, my face said it all. DISGUSTING.

(Not intended but if you read this and you're from Britain you might understand why i laughed while writing this word. I can never not hear it hehe. Sorry for the interruption...continue)

"With all of us or just John?" Allison asked hesitantly

"With all of you" She replied with a stone cold look on here fae before looking away.

HA she can't even look us in the eyes! Pathetic..

"That's a real nice attitude Claire" Andrew fussed with discomfort written on his face.

"That's putting it a whole lot nicer than what i would have said Andy"  I growled, looking at Claire intimidatingly as i rested my head on Bender's shoulder.

John took my hand in his and drew circles on my knuckles to calm me down, making me relax slightly.

"Oh be honest Andy..If Brian came walking up you in the hall on Monday, what would you do? I mean picture this you're with all the sport, i know exactly what you'd do. You'd say Hi to him and when he left, you'd cut him all up so your friends wouldn't think that you really liked him" Wow Claire really though about this scenario didn't she. Almost like she's done it countless of times.

No wonder everyone calls her a Heartless Bitch behind her back.

"No way" Andrew was quick to throw back in her face. To be honest i genuinely think that Andrew is a nice guy...Wow i must be coming on my period. Did i just say that Andrew was nice. Ew. Gross.

"Okay, what if Amber or I came up to you" Allison asked.

"Like that'd ever happen" I shorted under my breath.

"Same exact thing" My eyebrows raised so far they got lost in my hair line. Holy shit.

Suddenly i felt like i was stood on a volcano that was erupting as John launched up. Literally like a volcano eruption and said "YOU ARE A BITCH!!"

Christ, i think i got whiplash.

I put my hand on Bender's chest to steady him, don't need WW3 happening this sudden, i'm too young to die.

"Why? Because i'm telling the truth, that makes me a Bitch?"

"No! 'cause you know how shitty that is to do to someone, and you don't got[balls to stand up to your friends and tell them that you're going to like who you wanna like"

Every word that Bender spoke we're true.

To my right i saw Brian looking off into the distance while he wiped away his stray tears hoping nobody would notice. All he wanted was some friends for god's sake.

Feeling really bad for Brian i got off of John's lap and sat down on my knees as i leaned over and brung Brian in for a hug as he sniffled in my ear.

"It's okay Brian, don't listen to her. All of us will be your friends no matter what okay. You're my dork and don't let anybody tell you that we don't care for you because we do. I might seem a little cold and sarcastic at times but that's not because i don't like you Bri, it's just who i am. And i know if anybody were to judge me, it for sure in hell wouldn't be you." I whispered all in his ear so it would stay between us.

See i do actually have a heart sometimes, i just don't have the right friends to show that to. Well i mean, what friends did i have. Almost 0 with the exception of Allison.

I rubbed his back as he slowly began to calm down.

"You're going to be fine Brian, don't you worry. I have your back and if it comes to where it's my back that needs watching which is highly unlikely but if it does then i know your skinny little arms and stature can do that" I joked at the end hoping to lighten his mood. Best cure for sadness is laughter.

Luckily i head Brian chuckle a little knowing that my plan worked. I kissed the side of his head IN A FRIENDLY WAY before removing my arms and looking into his reddened puffy eyes.

"You okay?" I asked concerned.

He nodded softly, using his jumper to wipe up his remaining tears and leftover snot. Lovely. "Yeah" he smiled. i hummed a "Good" Before giving his arm a rub before scooting back to Bender and Claire who were still arguing.

"Okay what about you, you hypocrite? Why don't you take Allison to one of your heavy metal vomit parties"

I sat back down on Bender's lap which he then instantly acted upon my wrapping his arms round my waist as i kissed his forehead that was creased with frustration. His expression softened although i could tell it wouldn't fully be relieved until Red here shuts her trap.

Allison giggled in thought. To be honest i think that night would be sick!

"Or take Brian out to the parking lot and lunch and get high, or what about Andy for that matter. Oh and what about Amber huh, they'd all think that you'd be going out with her just for a quick screw and im sure you'd play on it saying it was true behind her back".

This girl is playing a dangerous game. Of course now i don't believe a word that comes out of her mouth because it's all bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit.

John's grip on my waist tightened as his lips thinned. I played with her hair massaging the base of his hairline whispering comforting words in his ear. Basically telling him to ignore her and that i knew he wouldn't ever do that to me.

"What about me?" God her voice makes me want to strangle her.. Bender ran his tongue along his teeth, fighting himself to stay as calm as possible. I guess my soothing techniques are equal to none at this point.

"What would your friends say if we were walking down the hall together, they'd laugh their asses off and then you'd also tell them similar to Amber's scenario, that you were doing it with me so they'd forgive you for being seen with me"

"Get off your high horse and shut your mouth you two-faced snobby cow. I know for a fact that John wouldn't be seen dead with you and your daddies credit card shoved so far up your ass it only just fits on the second shelf, So don't you dare compare yourself to even be on the same level as me. Bender wouldn't snoop so low to take a girl like you who im sure he would hit it and quit it within the same day if he even felt the need to go so low as to go out or even be seen with you . I pity the boyfriend that has to put up with you one day because so far iv'e only spent a few hours with you and i already want to ring your neck. So don't you dare speak about you and Bender in that context ever again otherwise i won't be held responsible for my fists the next time you say something out of line about my man" i finished.


('lil GOT reference *wink wink*)

The room was silent

"I know that Bender's friends would like me a hell of a lot more than you, you sarcastic freak" She retaliated.

Wow shit comeback, took her like 3 minutes for her to come up with a poor excuse of an answer. Before i could even retaliate Bender butted in..

"Don't you ever talk about my friends, you don't know any of my friends, you don't look at any of my friends and you certainly wouldn't condescend to speak to any of my friends! So you just stick to the things that you know! Shopping, nail polish, your father's BMW and your poor rich, drunk mother in the Caribbean!-"

Bender reeled off every one on his finger while he was pointing his finger aggressively in her direction. Is it bad that i kind of feel a little bit turned on. Oof get me a fan.

-"SHUT UP!" she threw a tantrum as she kicked Bender's leg almost sending me flying off John's leg if he wasn't supporting my body. John payed no mind and carried on in his rage of fury.

Claire stropped as she looked away and crossed her arms, trying to keep herself from crying. What a drama queen, she doesn't know what its like for Bender and I. If she cries at a few targeted words, that'd be like butterflies and rainbows at my house. She wouldn't even last a day. Stop your crocodile tears and grow a back bone Honey.

"And as far as being concerned about whats going to happen when you and i walk down the hallways of school you can forget it because it's never going to happen. I already have the perfect girl right here so bury your head in the sand and wait for your fucking prom!"

"I hate you!" Claire's eyes were pooling with baby tears. But did i give a not really.

"Yeah good!" Bender finished. Putting my arms around his neck i buried my head between his neck and shoulder blade before lightly kissing it a few times. His arms rubbed up and down my back, each calming the other down.

I think we both need therapy after this.

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