The Investigation Chronicles...

By KatelynBlackwood

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A series of stories an investigator hears from his clients. Daily uploads as I write more *Not edited Rewritt... More

Winter's War
Angel Auction
The Seven Gates of Hell
The Magician's Horses
*Vampires - Not Named
The Fallen Realm
Truth in Nightmares
vamp stuff 2.0
Ridgewood Academy
Wolf - unnamed
The Shop


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By KatelynBlackwood

"Quote to be written"

Kinslee "Kit" -

"The bridge is collapsing! Move out!" He yelled as he moves dozens of cars further up the bridge where they wouldn't fall in.

His partner was silent but understood. They came knowing the bridge was collapsing and Kit only said that for the public. Everyone was running from the buildings that decorated the sides of the bridge. The two danced around, moving the collapsing buildings out of the way before they collapsed onto the pedestrians.

"Kat! Hurry up, the police are coming soon!" Kit dove off the side of the bridge and hovered at the side, stabilizing the bridge as people continued to run.

Kat took the building and condensed all the falling material into a ball. He placed the material balls along the bridge. Kit came up the side and flipped over as one of the cables came crashing down. He placed the cable back and the two finished removing people from the bridge.

As the bridge collapsed, the two held it steady and moved the pieces to land safely. They could rebuild it, but if a small earthquake damaged it to this extent, they knew it wouldn't be a good idea. The two flew off, landing on a cliff in the distance. They took off their masks and changed out of the clothing they were just wearing.

"KitKat, good job you two. Hurry up back to base, we'll send someone to pick you up." Kat's earpiece sounded as he waited patiently and Kit shrugged, flying off back to base.

Kit yawned as he floated below the clouds. Kat had a harder time flying than he did and often was picked up, too prideful to be carried by Kit. Their friend often had to pick him up. Kit landed at base and stretched, looking around with boredom.

Kat landed soon after with their friend. The angel shook his wings and walked off to speak with their boss. He leaned against the railing of the roof and looked at Kat. His partner looked off in the distance absentmindedly.

"Good work you two, you were able to safely get the senator off the bridge before it collapsed." Their boss walked out, her heels clicking against the concrete.

"What's next? You wouldn't come to congratulate us unless something else was going on," Kit muttered and looked at Kat.

"Smart boy, senator Davis is going to a meeting for discussing our country's ideas to fight climate change. It is supposed to be a peaceful conference but a few of our enemies will be there, we want you to watch and make sure he's safe." Kit walked off and grabbed some food, his energy stores depleted.

"You want us to watch and wait like your lackeys? That's a waste of our time lady," Kit grumbled, chowing down on the food.

"No it's not, now be quiet like your partner Kat," the woman huffed and Kit glared, "your paycheck will come through shortly. I'll send you the address. Off you go." She shooed them away and Kit gave her the finger.

Kat moved Kit's hand down so their boss didn't see. He scoffed and waited for Kat's ride to come back. The two looked down on the city below, Kit thinking about how quiet Kat had become recently. As he was about to ask, his ride came.

"Damon, what do I owe the pleasure?" Kit glared, looking at their boss' pet.

"I'll be taking you two to the location. It's across the city." The angel spread out his wings with a smile.

"I can get over just fine," Kit grumbled but the angel pulled him to his chest.

Kit grumbled and Kat came over as well as they flew to their destination. They landed on the roof and the angel smirked at Kit. He glared at him, dusting off the part of his shirt that Damon touched. His shirt was pulled by the angel and the two made eye contact.

"I'll be back in an hour, I'll see you then." Damon winked and flew off, Kit gagged and conjured up a new shirt, getting rid of the one he was just wearing.

"Let's go in shall we?" Kat nodded and the two sunk into the building.

Both were invisible as they sunk through the floors. They took their positions, Kit staying in the room and Kat guarding the door. The senator took her seat and was greated with a small meal as the politicians began to talk. Kit put a mask over his face and radioed Kat.

"Nothing is going on over here, anything on your end?" He was met with silence and Kit feared the worst.

He stayed in his position, knowing if he went to check he could be put at risk. His mask faded as he fed his magic into creative barrier around the politicians. Kit looked around and noticed a wire going behind the wall and jumped into the barrier himself. The wall exploded, the debris flying off the barrier.

"We need senator Davis, stand up." Before the senator could, Kit placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Do not move, I will take care of them," he whispered so only she could hear.

Kit put a secondary barrier around the senator and stepped out of the barrier. He quickly took out the first line of intruders, putting pressure on their pressure points. His partner was out cold on the floor, blood streaming out of his neck. Kit cursed and picked him up, pulling on his magic and making his healing cocoon. He placed him a floor below on the other side of the building, using Kat's magic to make him invisible.

"I know you're here. You're part of the team protecting Davis. Step out child." Kit watched from the ceiling.

"Why should I?" He forced his voice to echo in the room.

"I gave your friend a special kind of poison I have the antidote to. And no, you can't steal it from me. It's in my arm." Kit grimaced and fell from the ceiling, staying cloaked.

"What the fuck do you want with the senator?" He seethed, looking for the antidote on his arm.

"It appears your boss didn't inform you about why you're really protecting Davis, but that's none of my business. Boys, move out!" The doors surrounding the room were knocked down.

Kit stayed on the ceiling, noticing a bulge on the leaders bicep. He grinned and came down, reaching his arm through his clothing and pulled out the antidote. His grin failed as he was electrocuted. Kit quickly turned the energy into magic and absorbed it.

He felt himself grow dizzy as he used more energy to de-arm the intruders and cuff them. His magic was being depleated once more. Kit pulled through and knocked out the intruders, keeping the protective barrier around the senators. He moved Kat back upstairs and hung him on the ceiling.

"What the hell did you send us into? You'll be getting hell when we come back!" Kit seethed into his earpiece and waited for the police to arrive.

Once they did, he picked up Kat and made his way back to base. Damon met with him in the air and tried to speak, ignored by Kit. He began to poke his side and Kit pushed him away. Kat was still knocked out cold in the cocoon and Kit held onto the antidote in his hand.

"You have more access to information that we do. So Damon, why did you do that to us? I'm barely holding on right now?" Kit whispered, looking at Damon with a frown.

"That wasn't supposed to happen. There's stuff going on at base that even I don't know. We need to figure it out, will you work with me?" Kit looked at his hand with disgust.

"How do I know you won't betray me," he looked back at Kat, "us."

Damon sighed and winced as he pulled out one of his feathers. Kit looked with wide eyes as it was placed into his hands. The angel gave a weak smile and that was enough, they continued their mission back to base in silence.

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