The Adventure Kids Get Frozen...

By AdventureGirl5

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The Adventure Kids have come back to Arendelle to see their friends. Until something happens that takes our h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 3

707 11 38
By AdventureGirl5


The whole gang was soon gathered all together, hanging out in the library. 

The Frozen gang had invited the adventure kids to stay the night, since they were like family to them. The adventure kids enjoyed talking with their Frozen pals, telling them how their lives were going for them back in their world. 

The subject was soon brought up to an old adventure Ari had never heard of before, where her aunt and parents got trapped in the adventure kids' world for awhile in a place called Storybrooke while having to deal with an evil snow queen. And this had occurred right before Anna and Kristoff's wedding. 

The adventure kids started laughing, remembering when Kristoff had to ask permission from Elsa first to marry her sister and how she threatened to freeze him if he'd hurt Anna. 

"That's the first time you ever made a guy sweat" They teased Elsa playfully. 

"Oooh, I wish I could've been trapped in your world. It sounds so intriguing" Olaf mentioned, since he was still in Arendelle when that happened. 

"Trust us, you wouldn't" Kali told the goofy snowman. Their world was not meant for the Frozen gang. 

Although Olaf did have his fair share of adventures in other places, like when Princess Sofia of Enchancia's magic amulet accidentally sent him instead of Anna to help Sofia deal with the now formerly wicked fairy Miss Nettle. 

Soon, the family started playing a game of charades and it was soon Anna's turn. She started growling, acting like someone who was mean and scary. 

"Uh, um, lion?" Kristoff tried guessing. 

"Grizzly bear!" Olaf and the twins guessed. 

"Um, monster?" Kristoff said. 

"Brown bear!" Olaf tried again.

"Angry face?" David guessed. 

"You're Marshmallow!" Teeders cried. 

"Black bear!" Olaf kept trying. 

"Uh, you're a grouchy old troll?" Cynthia guessed. 

"Hans!" Kali suddenly cried out. Anna then told them they were getting somewhere with that guess. 

"Unredeemable monster!" Elsa quickly shouted out. 

"Greatest mistake of your life!" Kristoff guessed eagerly. 

"He didn't even kiss you" Olaf mentioned, while the rest of the gang gave him those brief odd looks. 

Sven then rang the bell, meaning that their time was up. 

"Villain" Anna finally answered. 

"Ohhh" Everyone said, now realizing. 

"Now that makes total sense" Brock mentioned.

"We all kind of got it" Ann said. 

Ari hadn't seemed to be paying attention most of the time during the game. She was too distracted thinking about the voice. She tried listening for it but didn't hear anything, wondering if she had just imagined it after all. 

"Okay, Olaf, you're up" David told the snowman. 

"Okay" The little snowman waddled on up for his turn, mentioning. "This is so much easier now that I can read"

"Agreed" Kali nodded to the snowman. 

"Lightning round. Boys against girl" Olaf declared. 

"We're ready!" David said with Kristoff. 

"Bring it on!" Brock added. 

Olaf started shaping-shift his body parts into many different things while the boys guessed them all correctly. Olaf even did a pretty good impersonation of Elsa. 

Kristoff laughed in victory while David and Brock cheered, having gotten all the answers right. The girls however looked annoyed to the boys. 

Anna turned, looking a bit annoyed at her husband. "I don't think Olaf should get to rearrange"

 "Yeah, that's totally cheating!" Ann agreed. 

"Doesn't matter, this is going to be a cinch" Teeders told the girls as it was now their turn. 

"Yeah, we got the best of the best when it comes to charades" Ann added, referring to Ari since the princess was very good at this game. 

"Ari, it's your turn" Kali told the fire princess, getting her attention. 

"Oh..." Ari returned her focus back to the game and went up to take her turn. 

"You guys are going down!" Cynthia told the boys, thinking like this was war. 

Ari took a slip of paper from Sven and read it before she began. 

"Okay, here we go!" Teeders said, as Sven rang the bell. 

"You got this, Ari!" Anna told her daughter. 

Ari began acting out the phrase she had been given to describe the best she could, but the girls weren't getting it. 

"Uh, nothing! Air! Tree! People!" Anna and the girls tried guessing. 

"Treekle!" Anna cried out. 

"That's not a word" Kali told her. 

"Okay, a can? You're shoving? Pushing!" Cynthia kept guessing, wanting so desperately to get this one. "My problem is that I push people away and then hate them for leaving!" 

"What are you talking about?" The other adventure kids gave their friend these weird looks, never having known that about the dramatic fashionista. 

"Girl, you got some serious issues" Ann told Cynthia. 

"Polar bear!" Olaf cried out his guess. 

"Hey!" The girls looked to the snowman since it wasn't his turn. "Sorry" he apologized. 

Anna groaned as they were running out of time, with she and the other girls telling her little mini look-alike. "You gotta give us something" 

"Uh..." Ari tried, but just then, she started hearing the voice again and became lost in it's mysterious siren.  

"Ooh, distracted!" Anna suddenly started guessing, thinking this was part of the game. "Um, worried? Panicking? Disturbed!" 

But Kali and Elsa started to notice something really did seem to be bothering Ari. 

"Oh, come on! You definitely look disturbed!" Anna told her daughter. 

"Times up" Sven said, ringing the bell. 

"We won" Kristoff told Anna while David and Brock started cheering. Anna only gave Kristoff this serious glare of annoyance for having lost the game. 

"Yo, Ari!" Cynthia came up and snapped her finger in front of the princess's face as she was still totally lost in space. 

"Hm?" Ari shook her head, returning back to reality and looked to her friends and family who were all giving her concerned faces. 

"You okay?" Teeders asked her. 

"Oh, uh, yeah..." Ari replied dubiously. "I'm just, going to turn in for the night"

"Are you sure?" Anna asked her daughter in a bit of concern. 

"Yeah," Ari nodded. "Goodnight" the young fiery princess then left, closing the door behind her. 

This left the gang very confused. 

"That was a bit strange" David mentioned about Ari's behavior. 

Olaf then yawned. "I'm tired too. And Sven promised to read me a bedtime story. Didn't you, Sven?" 

"Did I?" Kristoff asked in Sven's voice, not remembering any promise about telling Olaf a bedtime story. Sven even shook his head no. 

"Oh, sure" The cheery snowman replied. "And you do the best voices. Like when you pretend to be Kristoff, and you're like, 'I just need to go to talk to some rocks about my troubles'"

The mountain man looked a bit offended as the reindeer and snowman soon left the room. Now that just left Elsa, Anna, Kristoff and the adventure kids. 

"Did Ari seem weird to you guys?" Anna asked the others in a bit of concern. 

"She, seemed like Ari" Kristoff shrugged his shoulders, not really paying attention to Anna's concern.  

"She did seem to be acting strange to me" Kali mentioned as she had noticed Ari being distracted earlier. 

"Well who wouldn't be? I suggested that we play Risk" Cynthia responded, not seeming to get the point Kali was making. 

Ann groaned, annoyingly telling Cynthia. "Ugh, that game takes foreveeerrrr!"

"Do you think we're pushing her too hard?" Anna was starting to get all anxious, becoming an over-concerned mom and all. But who could blame her since her daughter had magical powers. 

"Do you think it has to be with us planning to send her to Auradon in a few years?" Anna questioned, now starting to think she was a bad mother. 

"No, of course not!" The other adventure kids replied. 

"I'm sure it's not that" Kali assured Anna. 

"Yeah" Kristoff added, coming up to his wife and placed his arm around Anna's shoulder to comfort her. 

"I'll go talk to her" Elsa informed the others she'd go talk with Ari. 

"Thanks, Elsa" Anna smiled at her big sister. 

Elsa smiled back at Anna. "What would I do without you?"

"You'll always have me" Anna told her sister, smiling to her. 

Elsa then left the room while the others watched her leave.  

"That's good" David said, before asking the other adventure kids. "Now, who wants to give me my foot massage before bed?" 

The rest of the adventure kids all groaned in response to that. 


Elsa came up to Ari's bedroom door and knocked on it. 

"Come in..." Ari said. 

Elsa entered, finding her niece seeming distant while she was looking out her window. 

"Are you okay?" She asked her softly. 

"Yeah, sure" Ari told her aunt. 

But that wasn't going to convince the ice queen so easily. 

"What's bothering you?" She then asked her niece. 

"Nothing" Ari quickly lied. 

"Come on, Ari. I know you too well" Elsa replied. "You can tell me..." she said gently, coming over to sit down next to her niece on the bed, comforting her. 

It's true, Elsa was the only one Ari could really tell anything to. Her aunt has always taught her to let it go and never hide her feelings. 

"I've..." Ari hesitated, thinking she would sound crazy. "There's this voice I've been hearing"

Elsa's eyes slowly widened in interest. 

"I know it sounds crazy, but..." Ari started, feeling uncomfortable. 

"Oh, Ari, it's not crazy at all..." Elsa cut in, bringing her niece in close to her. 

"In fact, there's something I need to tell you that I haven't told anyone else..." The ice queen started. 

Ari looked up to her aunt curiously, listening closely. 

Elsa was silent for another few seconds before answering. "I've been hearing a voice too..."

Ari's eyes widened with shock that she was not the only one hearing this strange voice calling to her. 

"What do you think it could be?" Ari asked her aunt. 

Elsa was silent for a few seconds before answering. "I don't know..." 

The two royals did wonder about this voice very much, even though they couldn't figure out what it was and why they were the only ones hearing it. They had a right to be worried. They didn't want to tell anyone else about it though, that would possibly start a panic. 

The topic soon changed as Ari had another important question for her aunt. 

"Aunt Elsa?" The young princess born with fire powers started. "Do you ever feel like you were meant for more? Do more than what you were just born to be?" 

Elsa thought, as she could definitely relate to what her niece was saying. 

"Yes..." The ice queen replied softly while giving a small nod.  

"Ari, everyone is special in their own unique way" Elsa then explained to her niece. "I mean, just look at Olaf"

The two of them then laughed together, knowing how goofy the little snowman could be. They even remembered those few times when Ari accidentally melted him. 

"We can't always control our destiny, Ari" Elsa told her niece. "But you'll find your purpose one day... trust me"

Ari smiled at her aunt while the two held each other close. 

"Will you sleep with me tonight, please?" Ari then asked her aunt. 

"Of course, sweetheart" Elsa smiled to her niece. 

The two of them scooted in close to each other on the bed and began singing the lullaby that'd been taught to them both as children and soon drifted off to sleep together.  

A little while later, Ari tossed and turned in her sleep as she was having dreams about the Enchanted Forest from her family's stories. She then suddenly woke up as she started hearing the voice again. 

It bugged her as to why she and Elsa were the only ones in their family born with magical powers. All this pressure was put on the fiery princess for just becoming one thing in her life, which was becoming Arendelle's next queen. 

Ari knew her family would always love her, whether she was born with powers or not. But she couldn't help feel that she had disappointed them with her powers and one day feared that they would destroy Arendelle and everyone she loved, just like how Elsa had felt when she had trouble with her powers. 

Ari was growing up too fast, having to take in all these new responsibilities. 

But there was a reason she was hearing this mysterious voice. Maybe it was trying to help tell her she was meant to become so much more than what she was just born to be. 

Ari quietly got up and left the room, not wanting to wake up her aunt or anyone else. 

The voice continued calling to her as Ari quietly walked down the hallways. The voice echoing through her head, and she needed to figure out why. 

"Ah ah, ah ah.... Ah ah, ah ah.... Ah ah, ah ah ah ah...."

"I can hear you!" Ari started, whispering to the voice. "But I won't!"

"Some look for trouble, while others don't"

"There's a thousand reasons I should go about my day and ignore your whispers which I wish would go away, oh oh" Ari sang while looking at herself in the mirror. 

"Ah ah, ah ah..." The voice continued. 

"Oh Oh..." Ari sang back, continuing down the hallway. 

"Ah ah ah ah, ah..."

"You're not a voice! You're just a ringing in my ear. And if I heard you, which I don't! I'm spoken for, I fear"

"Everyone I've ever loved is here within these walls. I'm sorry, my family, but I must answer this mysterious call" 

"I need a little adventure, I need to find the truth. But I'm afraid of what I'm risking if I follow you-"

"Into the unknown!"

"Into the unknown!"

"Into the unknooooowwwn!~"

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. Ah ah ah ah, ah, ah..."

Ari sighed, before she continued to leave. Coming out through the secret back door of the castle and down onto the fjord. 

"What do you want? Cause you've been keeping me awake. Are you here to distract me so I make a big mistake?"

"Or are you someone out there who's a little bit like me? Who knows deep down I'm not where I'm meant to be?" Ari sighed sadly while looking down at her reflection in the water. 

"Every day's a little harder as I feel my power grow. Don't you know there's part of me that longs to gooo~"

"Into the unknown?"

"Into the unknown!"

"Into the unknooooowwwn!"

"Ah ah ah ah, ah ah ah ah"

"Whoa, oh, oh" Ari sang while unleashing her powers. "Are you out there? Do you know me? Can you feel me? Can you show me?"

"Ah ah ah ah, ah ah ah ah"

"Ah ah ah ah!" Ari started singing in sync with the voice. 

"Ah ah ah ah, ah ah ah ah. Ah ah ah ah, ah ah ah ah!" 

Ari started chasing the voice out onto the edge of Arendelle, before stopping on the edge of a cliff. 

"Where are you going? Don't leave me alone!" 

"How do I follow you~"

"Into the unknooooowwwn!~" 

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