Sagacity Phantasm(Harem X Mal...

By thehistoryMYTH

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Your Name and Your Last Name?? Y/n L/n(please enter) I've chosen you to take part in my game. You shall be th... More

Essential Memo from Allen Howlers
Book Cover and Your Avatar
Phase 1: Oh Hey, It's My Waifu
Phase 3: Chunchunmaru
Phase 4: Horseman Horde!
Phase 5: Cuddling Reunion
Phase 6: Vivlio Mansion
The Story Will Be Post Hiatus
Diverting from 2nd to 1st Pov
The Story Continues
Phase 7: Vivlio Mansion II
Phase 8: We Are Getting Robbed By Aquatic Rodents

Phase 2: Duel Against A Penguin

841 20 3
By thehistoryMYTH

After a long tread from the bushy and rose-filled maze, you and Yuzuriha have stopped in front of a cave enclosed by a hedge. The leaves squirmed with its large body and instantaneously it leaped out and landed in front of both of you.

Clouds of dust swirled and scattered as he landed on the earth, only a dark silhouette. Fear fueled your system and the only choice you have in your head is run. Yuzuriha, however, readied her katana.

As the cloud of dust subsided we saw our enemy... A penguin, well, sorta.

"Tremble before me, lowly humans! For I am Pango, the Penguin Knight!" Claimed the Penguin Knight. "Now then I challenged you both to a duel!!"

Yuzuriha dropped her ready stance and fear subsided from you. You both glance at each other looking for some answer on who this penguin knight is. 

The penguin knight before you is a guy wearing a penguin pajama suit with a penguin head hoodie. The question thou, is he a knight or a bandit?

"Ok...... Kid, Penggy, Pengu? Pango? Listen, we don't want any trouble so you can go back to your cave or whatever and hibernate or something." Yuzuriha said gaily.

The penguin knight stood straight with his spear pointing at you both. 

"Are you daft silly woman?" He chuckled. "Don't you see what's happening? I'm robbing you both!"

He spun his crescent shape spear and pierce it into the ground. It exploded and created a crater fit for a turtle shell. 

"Now then let us fight!"

Yuzuriha fixed her stance, readied her katana for a battle. You, however, have no powers and no idea what's going on so it's safe to stand back a little and hide behind her. Thinking critically, you listened to your inner voice and hid behind a tree log. 

"Sigh, even though I don't want to since this is troublesome for me but I guess I have no choice then."

In a quick second, they make their move. An instant flash of the sun reflecting the blade their weapons crossed paths hitting the blade with a loud clank. They both knocked back because of the force of their weapons crossing but landed on their feet.

After a quick recover, Pango struck with blinding speed, thrusting his crescent spear in front of her. It was an inch close to Yuzuriha's chest but it was deflected by the hilt of Yuzuriha's trusty weapon Ayame and threw a punch at the face of the penguin.

The penguin sprang back and admired Yuzuriha's quick reflexes.

"Wow, never met anyone who can use a blade that fast," he complimented, "but let us see if you can leave out of here unscathed."

Yuzuriha stretching her arms and legs for a warm-up, cheerfully giggled. You just kept gaping at her for her confidence and astonishing beauty. Yuzuriha notices and gave a quick glance and winked. Your cheeks turned red for a moment but fell short while as you see the penguin leaped forward for another striking blow.

Yuzuriha dodged it by leaping to the side and quickly drew her katana. It was a flash second but she just struck the penguin's spear with a large clank. It looks as if she never drew her sword but she did and made a sweeping move in a second.

Pango balanced and sprint forward and violently sweeping, slashing and thrusting his crescent shape spear. Yuzuriha tried her best to avoid the attacks by parrying, dodging or counter-attacking but it made no effort to leave her unscathed as scratches draw on her body.

In a sudden change of pattern, Pango kneed Yuzuriha in the gut pushing the air out of her and kick her to the side. It sent her flying to a stack of logs. 

"Yuzuriha!" You shouted as if it helps anything.

Yuzuriha quickly recovered and limply stood. She coughed and calmly tie her loose hair back to a ponytail.

"Don't worry there, young man. I'm just getting warmed up." 

"Oh, really now? Brave words from a weakling but I must say I'm impressed. You are the first one who secondly matched my speed." Courageous words from a penguin. "Forgive me but I must end this."

He rushed towards a limping Yuzuriha and you watched it with wide eyes thinking how pathetic and useless you are. You knelt and looked down on your hands, there is nothing and that is what you have.

As Pengu thrust his spear yet again, Yuzuriha casually leans on her left, evading the devastating blow and she uses this opening to strike her opponent. She swiftly slashes her katana but Pengu matched her speed by using the back of the long spear, he blocked it but it was close.

Yuzuriha, however, isn't done. She stepped on Pengu's foot and elbowed him in his nose. After it struck him, she quickly draws her katana and made a sweeping cross slash at him. It left a crimson X on his chest.

Yuzuriha leaped back and was now in front of you.

"Hey Y/n, here's a tip. When things went down hard. Never look down, but lift your head and get through. Okay?" Yuzuriha smiled despite being scathed.

After realizing what she said, you stood and look straight at her eyes and it gave you a sense of determination to protect her. 

"Yuzuriha, I want to protect you."

"Hmm?" Was the sound that came from Yuzuriha with an inquiry expression on her face. "Well, maybe in the future but right now, big sis is going to protect you."

Pango for recovered and readied his spear for a final attack.

"Pfft, what a drama between siblings." He scoffs. "Too bad, you are going to die."

Yuzuriha limply stepped forward but for some dumb reason, you stepped in front of her.

"Oh, what is this your puny little brother trying to protect you?" He ridiculed "What are you gonna do? Perish in front of her?"

"Hey, Y/n get behind me, you won't stand a chance against him. Heck, you can't even leave out of here alive fighting him." Yuzuriha said.

As you, the Mr. Protagonist refused to hide away and face him shadowing your fears, and at this moment it's either you lived or die as the penguin leaped forward with his crescent spear lifting upward.


Memo: Pango the Penguin Knight is an OC character of mine from the story I wrote in my notebook.

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