You are my Home

By irisdietrich

27K 697 62

Sequel to You are my Freedom, a Damon Salvatore x OC story. More

So Far...
Normal and Mundane
Burn, Baby Burn
Offense is the Best Defense
What about Matt?
Ghost World
Ghost World Part 2
Now What
The Plan
Time's Up Part 1
Times Up Part 2

Senior Prank Night

1.8K 52 2
By irisdietrich

A/N: I will not be introducing Bill Forbes this chapter... or maybe ever, I'm not sure yet but I definitely don't want him in the story right now so aside from Stefan not being under Klaus' control this is another major divergence from the original plot of season 3.

3rd Person POV:

Jeremy is in his bedroom trying to sleep, he can admit after months of trying desperately to live in denial he is being straight-up haunted. Needless to say, it sucks, he is trying his hardest to hold on for when Bonnie comes home not wanting to tell her over the phone knowing she would cut short her family time to come back and help

"Jeremy" He hears a soft voice whisper to him, he shuts his eyes tight trying to will the voice away 

"Jeremy," The voice calls again and reluctantly he opens his eyes to find Anna lying next to him, shocked he jumps up out of bed,


She seems slightly surprised, "you heard me?"

"What are you doing here?" he asks ignoring her question.

"I need to know you can hear me."

"You drop in, lay on my bed... you're supposed to be dead Anna, Jesus I thought all this time it was Katherine haunting me."

"Jeremy! Tell me you can hear me." 

He turns around looking right at her, "Yeah! okay? Yeah, I can hear you, all right? What the hell!"

She slowly smiles, looking so happy, it nearly makes him forget the hell he has been through over the summer trying to ignore all the voices trying to get his attention.

"I've been trying to get you to hear me for days. Yelling your name and screaming."

"You have? why?" He asks.

"You're in danger." She tells him.

"Danger from who?"

Anna shakes her head, "it's not as simple as a who, there is a darkness, it's following you and it's not going to give up."

"Wait so this isn't about Katherine?" He asks confused.

"No, although you should be worried about her too, no she's just... hitching a ride I guess, this is way bigger than her."


The Next Day Most of the Gang is at the High School Setting up Pranks and Practical Jokes in as many rooms as they can manage

It's nighttime... the school is empty. Matt is using a bench press machine in the weight room. He stops for a rest and hears a noise. He gets up and walks through the school. He finally enters a classroom. It's dark inside, and when he steps inside he sets off a number of mouse traps that have been placed on the floor. He turns on the light. Tyler, Caroline, Elena and Bonnie are here setting the traps.

"Ohh! Oh, come on! Seriously?!" Caroline cries, "Do you know how long it took for us to set all this up?!"

Tyler chuckles "Forgot about senior prank night, huh?"

Matt looks around at the mess, "clearly."

"How could you forget? We've only been waiting for this since like freshman year," Caroline says completely baffled by Matt.

Elena smiles at Caroline, "Yeah, Matt. If I'm doing this, you're doing this."

"I'm kind of surprised any of you are doing this," Matt says.

"Caroline's making us," Bonnie tells him.

"We're about to be seniors. These are the memories that will stay with us forever, and if we don't..."

Elena cuts off Caroline finishing her thought- "and if we don't create these memories now, then what's the point of it all?"

"Go ahead and make fun, I don't care, wait where is Clara she should be here too," Caroline says thinking out loud.

"Why she's not a senior, plus you only want her around because she always sticks up for you," Bonnie points out but Care just sticks her tongue out at her.

"She's in the library using the computers to research online colleges and nearby community colleges so she can get her foundation classes done," Elena says.

"Oh yay!" Caroline claps happy for her friend, "I knew getting her in to see the guidance counselor was a good idea."

Elena smiles and then gets up and starts to leave.

"Where are you going?" Matt says calling after her.

Elena turns around, "to superglue Alaric's desk shut," she says proudly.

Caroline beams at her, "I love you!" she calls out to Elena.

Matt smiles, "Alright that actually sounds fun, I'm in." 

Matt and Elena leave their friends and start to walk down the hall when they bump into Klaus,

"There's my girl!" Klaus says taking in the sight of Elena,

"Klaus!" Elena says panicked

"You are supposed to be dead, what are we going to do about that?" he asks menacingly. 

Matt looks confused, "What the hell is this guy talking about, Elena?"

Before Elena can answer Klaus turns his attention to Matt

"My Apologies, I don't believe we've been introduced, Niklaus Mikaelson," he says with a slight bow.

Elena steps in front of Matt, "Please, Klaus, he doesn't know anything, just let him walk away."

Klaus smirks, "Sorry, love." Klaus looks into Matt's eyes and compels him, "Lift your left foot," Just then another student walks by and Klaus grabs him, "who are you?" he asks.

"Uh, Chad." the kid stammers out

Klaus nods, "Chad, if Matt here drops his foot... beat him to death." 

"No! no, please, please don't do this," Elena begs.

Clara POV: (In the Library)

Arizona State, Ashford, Purdue, Capella... ugh they all seemed exactly the same might as well just close my eyes and randomly click on one.

Taking a deep sigh I smell something... blood.

Getting up from the computer I walk past the library doors, and now I can hear someone getting beat up, I normally wouldn't get in the way of a fight, but I'm concerned with the amount of blood I smell.

Turning the hallway corner I spot Elena's friend Matt, he is on the floor looking close to passing out.

"Hey!" I run over and pull the other kid off him but he won't stay back, he keeps coming for Matt. I even try to compel him and nothing... which means he's already compelled. There's a vampire here, a powerful one.

I'm not proud but I knock the kid down and stomp on his legs breaking them.

Grabbing my phone I call Damon

"Hey Sexy ho-"

"Damon!" I cry out cutting him off.

"What's wrong, where are you?!" he asks immediately knowing something is wrong from my voice.

"The high school I had... I had to, please just get here, bring Stefan something is happening, something really bad."

"I'm on my way."

3rd Person POV:

Damon and Stefan speed up to the school in Damon's Camaro quickly hopping out and racing over to Bonnie.

"Damn, you guys are really excited about prank night," Bonnie says oblivious to the reason for their urgency.

"What? No. where the hell is everyone, what's happening in there?" Damon asks frantically cluing Bonnie in that something is wrong,

"I don't... why what's going on?"

Damon doesn't waste time explaining and rushes past her into the school to search for Clara, leaving Stefan to catch Bonnie up.

"The peaceful summer we just had, something tells me that's over."


Bonnie and Stefan follow Damon inside but break off deciding to check the gym first and unfortunately run into Klaus.

Upon seeing Elena by Klaus Stefan calls out to her, "Elena!"

Equal parts relieved and terrified to be seeing him Elena calls back "Stefan!"

Klaus turns to Stefan, "Ah mate, good of you to join us and you brought along the little witch, I presume you're responsible for Elena still walking around among the living?"

Bonnie refuses to show any fear and steps forward, "that's right. If you want to blame someone, blame me," she tells him.

"No Bonnie, you need to get out of here, he compelled someone to hurt Matt you have to find him," Elena tells her friend.

"Oh, I wouldn't bother with that something tells me that young man is long since dead."

Elena looks sick at the thought and tells Klaus right to his face what a monster he is.

Klaus smirks, "Yes I am. Unfortunately, you and your witchy friend have interfered and I'm not quite the monster I hoped to be by now but you are going to fix the problem," he says turning to Bonnie.

"I would never do anything to help you, we defeated you once, we can do it again."

Right then Rebekah enters the gym with Tyler and Caroline

Tyler is trying to struggle out of her grip, "Get off of me!" he cries but Rebekah remains unbothered.

"Hush now," she says letting Caroline go and throwing Tyler across the room to Klaus

"Ah, I'd like you all to meet my sister Rebekah. Word of warning... she can be quite mean."

Rebekah rolls her eyes at her brother, "Don't be an ass."

Elena scared for Tyler shouts for Klaus to leave him alone and to let him and Caroline go.

But Klaus ignores her pleas and continues talking to Bonnie, "You see Miss. Bennet something tells me you'll actually be quite eager to assist me, in fact, I'm going to make this very simple... Every time I attempt to turn a werewolf into a vampire-hybrid, they die during the transition. It's quite horrible, actually."

He bites his wrist and grabs Tyler making him drink his blood and in the next second Klaus twists Tyler's head and kills him shocking everyone much to his amusement.

Caroline screams and races over to Tyler's body "You killed him," she says devastated

"He's not dead, Klaus' blood will turn him into a vampire," Stefan tells her.

"And if Bonnie's successful, he'll live through his transition," Klaus says.

"Go on, then. Go and fetch your grimoires and enchantments and what-not. I'll hold on to Elena...for safe-keeping... in fact, I think I'll hold on to Stefan as well we have some catching up to do."


Damon has found Clara and compelled Chad to believe he succeeded in killing Matt ending Klaus' compulsion, he feeds him his blood fixing his broken legs and sends him home believing he never came out and stayed home that night not feeling well.

The pair get Matt fixed up and sent on his way, they follow noises to the gym and eavesdrop on the situation making sure to stay hidden.

Caught up on everything now they look to each other unsure what to do.

Damon looks at Clara wanting to protect her, "he doesn't know you're alive yet, we have to keep you hidden."

Clara shakes her head, "Were you not listening Damon there are two Originals down there with our friends I'm the only one who has a shot against them."

"First, friends is a bit of a stretch, second just because you have some of the benefits of being an original doesn't mean you have their strength you've only been around a century and a half, that's nothing to them, so no we're not risking you, think of something else!" He tells her firmly.

Clara gets busy thinking before she looks at Damon again, "Alaric, where is he? 'Cause we're gonna need weapons, a lot of them."

Damon smirks, "There's my girl."

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