In the End

By Honey_Money_

391K 25.9K 30.6K

Jovie Rawlings is many things but in control is not one of them. She's arrogant, loud, sassy, the biggest fli... More

Master Reading List
1~ Funny
2~ Fish
6~ Strange
7~ Peanut Butter
9 ~ Kiss Cam
10 ~ Party
11 ~ Lips
12 ~ Girlfriend
13 ~ Jojo
14 ~ Unknown
15 ~ Paranoia
16 ~ Sorry
17 ~ Deal
18 ~ Kitchen
19 ~ Heavy
20 ~ Weird
21 ~ Foreplay
22 ~ Normal
23 ~ Parents
24 ~ Monday
25 ~ Thigh
26 ~ Drunk
27 ~ Vacation
28 ~ Memories
29 ~ Alive
30 ~ Planet
31 ~ Stop
32 ~ Apple
33 ~ Eighteen
34 ~ Amelia
35 ~ Broken
36 ~ See
Announcement - Please Read
37 ~ Teddy Bear

8~ Code Green

8.7K 617 665
By Honey_Money_

"I don't understand."

Peyton rolls her eyes, "Will asked me to a movie this weekend."

So I've been told, "What movie?"

"It 2."

I start laughing again, the selection funnier each time I hear it.

"You hate horror movies." Despise is a better word for it.

Peyton hides from scary commercials and cries if I force her to even see a picture of a horror movie.

"That's why I need you to come with us." She hisses, hitting me with a pillow.

"Alone?" Because while I love her I don't think me third wheeling will be kind to Will.

"No, ask Beau to come too." She shrugs.

I gasp, "Are you doing this just so I have to go out with him?"

Because that would be impressive.

"No, I need moral support." She states rather unconfident. "Beau is just a bonus."

Studying my best friend, I'm reminded of just how much she deserves this. We're seniors and this would be her first date experience. Even if asking him out first isn't part of my master plan.

"Fine, but only for you." I sigh, letting her hug me.


I'm beginning to hate the thought of studying.

It's nice that I'm with Beau but we haven't done anything since Tuesday night when he was over.

It's Friday and I'm using the away game as an opportunity to have some alone time with him while the boys are out. But for the first time in my life, I'm nervous.

"Jo, I think I'm officially all caught up." He offers, tapping the table.

Letting out a dramatic sigh of relief, I lean back in my chair. "Finally, it's hard enough doing my own homework."

He lets out a deep breath that echos through me, surveying the empty house. "Where are your parents?"

"Mom's out with friends." I lie, not in the mood to explain she's working. Especially since I don't know when she'll be home.

"What about-" he starts but I cut him off, knowing exactly where the conversation is headed and dreading it.

"I have a question for you." I blurt out.

He stops, hazel eyes staring at me expectantly.

Shit, I didn't think this through.

"You see, Will asked Peyton to dinner and a movie tomorrow. And while she's my best friend, Payton's rather... shy."

He nods.

"I was wondering... she suggested..."

Oh, for the love of God, Jovie Grace, this is stupid.

"Would you be okay if we tagged along with them?" I spit out, trying to read his reaction.

"By 'we' do you mean me and you?"

I nod, "If you're okay with that, if not I get it."

This was not how I saw our relationship progressing.

"I'd love that." He grins, leaning towards me.

Me too.


Studying myself in the mirror, I fret over the brown and cream stripped sweater tucked into blue jeans.

"Does the sweater fully tucked make me look fat?" I ask, turning to Peyton.

She doesn't look from the mirror as she applies a pink gloss. "No, it's cute."

"You didn't look." I pout, going to pull it out.

"You never look fat, now stop before I have to tuck it back in for you." She says, straightening out her jean skirt and fluffing her pale pink sweater.

I roll my eyes but stop, trying to ignore the slight shake of my hand. This isn't my date so why am I nervous?

I'm not nervous, this is something I've done a thousand times.

He's just a boy, that's it.

Smiling, I grab my bag and head for the door.

Silently, we make it halfway to the front door.

"Where are you two going" Gentry asks.

Peyton sends me a wide eyed look, but I turn around with a shrug. "Peyton needs foundation for her date tomorrow so we're going to the mall."

"Why do you look so pretty?" Garner questions, shoving a handful of popcorn into his mouth.

I gasp, "Can I not put effort into myself for fun?"

My brothers chuckle, "No."

Assholes. "Maybe I'm trying to find a boy at the mall to occupy my time?"

That's beyond believable.

My twin shrugs, ready to drop the matter but Garner clears his throat, "What about Beau?"

Damn him.

"Beau is an option but it's been 3 weeks since he's moved here and I'm still single so..." I let him connect the nonexistent dots.

Green eyes, twin to my own, evaluate me before my little brother shrugs, "You're so weird."

Grabbing Peyton's hand, I go for the door. "Newsflash so are you, but I love y'all."

"Bye." My friend squeaks out as I slam the door shut.

That was close.


Standing outside of the restaurant, I'm beginning to think Peyton's been stood up when a figure walks our way.

"Hey." Will offers, shoving his glasses up on his nose.

"Hi." Peyton says, her jet black hair falling in her face.

A smile spreads across my face as I watch them, this is too cute to be real.

"You look stunning." A voice offers from behind me.

My smile turns to a smirk as I face Beau, my eyes unabashedly scanning his white button up and cowboy boots.

Country boy.

"Thanks, so do you."

After a horribly awkward introduction of Beau to Will, we make our way inside to our table.

The Italian restaurant is nice, dark lighting and chatter distracting us from the fact no one at our table is talking. Will too uncomfortable around us to speak.

This should be a fun night.

The waitress walks over to us, a perky blonde that offers us a dismissive once over before landing on Beau. "Welcome to Mia's, I'm Claire and I have the pleasure of serving you tonight."

A snort escapes my nose and Peyton giggles in agreement.

"Is something funny?" She demands, scowling at us.

"No, I'll have sweet tea with lemon though." I smile politely while the words are colder than ice.

"Same here." Beau cuts in with an apologetic smile.

By the time she leaves, Beau frowns at me. "Was that necessary?"

"She was blatantly flirting with you." I state in shock.

"And that's an issue because?" He asks with an easy grin.

I shrug, knowing exactly what he's getting at. "It's not, I came here to eat not witness a hook up."

I'm about to pay good money I shouldn't be spending on this dinner, I shouldn't have to suffer.

By the time bread is placed in front of us conversation has made minor improvements.

And by minor improvements I mean Will has said more than 5 words.

"What's your favorite movie?" Peyton asks him, smothering her bread in the olive oil plate.

"I like Avengers." Will admits, "I sorta started with the comic books and it shifted onto the screen."

Peyton's forced smile shifts to a real one and I know it's because if there's one benefit from spending so much time at my house it's because we're obsessed with super hero's.

"Really?" Beau questions in shock. "I could never really get into the men in tights."

Will blushes and I jab him, not every opinion should be shared.

Before anyone can talk Peyton groans, lowering in her seat and motioning for me to do the same.

"What's-" I start, turning around.

My blood runs cold as I see a group of teenage guys scanning the restaurant. Identical smirks spread across their faces as they notice us in the corner.

"I'm gonna kill them." I mutter as they walk our way.

"Hello, ladies." Gentry starts, pulling a chair up next to Beau.

"You two look mighty nice for a trip to the mall." Garner finishes triumphantly as AJ plops down next to Peyton.

Seth combines a table with ours and Jay sits next to AJ.

"I'm so sorry." Jay tells us, "I tried to talk them out of it."

I wave him off, deciding I'll deal with this mess later as a stroller pulls behind me.

"Why is Brooklynn here?" I demand as Aspen moves Seth down to sit with the younger boys.

"We were babysitting." Houston offers, motioning for me to toss my uneaten bread to him.

"There's no way we'd skip this fun little tradition." Aspen says.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Beau questions, so lost at what to do.

"It's pretty simple." AJ says, taking a sip of my drink.

"Every time one of us goes on a date with a new person, everyone shows up." Jay adds.

"It started when I dated Kat our freshman year." My brother chimes in.

"And we've been doing it for everyone ever since." Aspen clarifies, "We couldn't skip out on Peyton."

"This is why we met you here." I tell Beau. And why we lied about the date. And why we ensured it would be a casual date so we could appear believable.

"I'm gonna get you back, Dweeb." I threaten Garner, chucking my lemon at him.

It was easier when he was in middle school, he wasn't so involved in our social lives.

I could get away with a lot more.

Our waitress struts back over, scanning our larger table. Beau long forgotten as she takes in the dirty blonde hair boy in my other side.

She runs a hand over his shoulder before resting it on his bicep to get his attention, "I'm Claire, your server, how can I help you?"

"You could stop touching me and put away the bedroom eyes." Aspen suggests.

Almost all of us hide our laughter as she turns bright red.

"Then I'd like a kids cup of water and a Dr. Pepper."

Everyone adds their orders before she walks off, no longer shaking her hips.

"Was that needed?" Beau snaps, glaring over me.

Aspen shrugs, pulling Brooklynn out of her stroller. "Her job isn't to touch me."

No, it isn't.

"So, what were we talking about?" AJ asks, resting his arm on the table.

"Will was just telling us about how he likes the Avengers." Peyton says, sitting up in her chair.

Will nods, clearly expecting another rejection but AJ claps his shoulder. "Dude, I love the Avengers."

Conversation flows a little smoother after that.

Our food is finally set in front of us, interrupting a very intense debate over Marvel vs DC.

My stomach growls as I take in my pasta. Food will make this night better.

But my stomach drops as I take in the noodles.

I offer my fork to Aspen, "Taste this."

Talking a bite, he shakes his head as he grabs the waitresses attention.

"Is there an problem?" She asks not bothering to plaster a fake smile to her face.

"These should be gluten free noodles." I say, motioning to my plate.

She rolls her eyes, "Your diet isn't that important."

My jaw drops but Aspen beats me to a retort, "She's allergic, she asked for gluten free noodles and I would like for this plate to be corrected."

"I'll get right on that." She grits out.

"And I'm still waiting on a high chair." He adds, shifting Brooklynn in his lap.

Sighing while my stomach growls, I take Brooklynn so he can eat.

She stares up at me, repeatedly tapping my nose with a grin.

"Do you want some of my food?" Beau asks, whispering in my ear.

My eyes fall to his shrimp Alfredo, "I can't eat it, thank you though."

A fork appears on my other side and I hesitantly take a bite of Aspen's spaghetti.

"Half this 'till your food gets here." He offers as his sister tries to yank my earring out. "Something tells me our waitress is going to take her sweet time."

If the glare she sends my way as she goes to serve another table is any indication, he's definitely right.


We roll ourselves out of the restaurant and venture on the short walk to the theater.

I lag behind, making faces at Brooklynn just to hear her giggle.

"You don't have to carry her."  Beau says, joining me.

"I know but I want too." I assure him, I even told Aspen to put the stroller in his truck.

Brooklynn is everything I miss about life. Carefree and effortlessly happy, it's infectious.


"I was there when Lena announced they were pregnant. I was in the room when we found out the gender. I was in the hospital when she was born." I tell him, a soft smile tracing my lips as she hits my shoulder. "Brooklynn is my little sister, I want to enjoy this before she grows up."

Before I'm off at college somewhere and she's left alone with the younger boys.


"Wanna hold her?" I ask him.

He freezes, eyeing the baby like she's going to attack him. "Babies don't usually like me."

"Nonsense, Brookie likes everyone." I insist, handing her over. "Even AJ."

AJ throws his middle finger in the air, leading the group in our walk.

Three seconds into being in Beau's arms she busts out crying, tiny arms reaching out for me.

Laughing, I take her back, drying the tears from her small face.

"She's a little fussy." I offer, bouncing her in my arms.

We walk in silence, the theater lights glowing ahead.

"So do they do this for all first dates or only the first, first date?" He questions, pointing to the group of idiots.

"Depends." For me it only happened on my first date and my first date with Jay. "I guess it just depends on if they think it's serious or not."

"Well, then I guess we'll have to find a way to sneak around it."

A blush spreads across my face at the look he sends me just for the moment to be interrupted by Seth.

"Jov, can you buy my ticket?"

The moment dies as I take his money, walking up to the window.

Somehow, after flashing the sophomore working the ticket booth a few smiles, I manage to get tickets for all three of the younger boys.

Being a girl has its perks.

We pile into the theater, choosing seats at the top.

I purposely let the idiots pile in first, before sitting between Gentry and Beau. Peyton and Will sit next to us on the end, sparring them from even more harassment.

Will might combust if one more person claps him on the shoulder.

The movie starts, Peyton instantly hiding herself in Will's side. An arm gets thrown over my shoulder.

"Try not to jump to much." Beau whispers smugly.

"Funny, that's exactly what I was gonna tell you." I snip back, leaning into him.

I, for one, live for horror.

Half way through the movie, a horrible smell fills my nostrils. I'm about to punch Gentry for farting when I glance down at Brooklynn sleeping in my arms.

Oh, no.

Sure enough, after a quick check, the adorable baby has shit herself.

"I'll be back." I tell him, motioning for my brother to hand me the diaper bag.

Beau plugs his nose, frantically shaking his head as he makes space for me to leave.

Once I'm in the light, I swear as I take in the stain on her pants. "What did those idiots feed you?"

Because it sure was explosive.

Before I can go ask for the keys, Aspen walks out. "Tell me before you steal my sister."

"It's a code green." I say, already walking for the door.

"Want me to pull my truck around?" He asks, taking the diaper bag from me.

"No, I'm hoping the fresh air will take away the smell." Because I might gag if this doesn't go away.

Power walking through the parking lot, we receive a bunch of odd glances.

"So did we manage to crash two first dates?" He interrupts the silence, throwing down the tailgate before going to grab a spare set of clothes and a towel.

"No and I'm begging you to not pull this card with me." I say, trying to set Brooklynn down as the towel is laid out.

Pulling her fragile, porcelain fingers from my vibrant hair, I struggle to keep her asleep.

Another set of hands help, "Are you really serious about this?"

I don't bother to look up from the mess I'm trying to clean, "Yes, I want this to work out."

"Why?" He scoffs, "No offense, Jo, but he's a dud."

"Because I need this to work out." I explain, turning to him. "I've ruined every potential relationship I've ever had and I think he could be different."

Blue eyes hold mine, reading my emotions as I go for the wipes. "Fine, Jojo, I swear that we won't crash yours."

Relaxing, I turn back to the diaper to let out a swear at the new, nasty stain I have on my sleeve. "Ew, ew, ew, ew! Penny, get it off!"

"That's a shitty situation." He laughs, jumping back from me as I throw the arm at him.

I really hate life sometimes.

As I finish cleaning her up and change her clothing, managing to keep her asleep, Aspen goes into the truck.

He comes back with a bulky black sweater. "You need this."

Moving Brooklynn to where she's in no danger of falling off, I try to find the best way to change.

"You grab my cuffs and pull it off of me." I order him, stretching my arms out.

"We're in a parking lot." He protests.

"I have a bra on, make it quick, I'm the one who smells like shit." I snap.

Cautiously pulling my sweater off, I toss the new one on lighting fast. "And I'm clothed."

I struggle with the sweater that falls almost to my knees before deciding to leave it alone.

Walking back, I insist on holding Brooklynn. Aspen snaps a picture to send to his parents as proof of life, something that became mandatory after we almost left her at a McDonald's a few months ago.

We were very new to the babysitting life and AJ had a new car he wanted us to see.

Somehow Gentry was the one who remembered her.

"You two are so cute." An older woman says, stopping her husband as she smiles at us.

"Thank you." We say together, used to people fawning over Brookie.

"We were young parents too." She adds.

"Right after high school." Her husband confirms with a wink.

"Oh, no, this is..." I try to tell them, blushing as bright as my hair.

"This is my baby sister." Aspen corrects them. "We're just friends."

"Our mistake." He says, smiling warmly.

"You're a lovely little group." She offers as they continue on with their walk.

"Great, so I look like a freaking mom." I whine, suddenly very self conscious of my body.

"That sweater is very bulky, it's the fact you're carrying a baby." He assures me.

The theater door opens, Peyton freezing as she takes us in. "H-hi."

Noticing her bloodshot eyes, I hand Brooklynn to Aspen. "What happened."

"I got too freaked out and left but... I'm okay now." She assures me, hiding her hands behind her back.

The door opens again, AJ walking out with an icee. He blinks at our gathering, "Oh, I was going to find you two."

"Code green." Aspen explains as the rest of our group joins us.

I lag behind, waiting for Beau who hands me my purse.

"You look different." He remarks, throwing an arm over my shoulders.

"You don't want to know what happened to my top." I say with a shudder.

Walking back to the cars, we observe the group. "Their date definitely was something."

I snort, "It's one for the books."

"Hopefully ours isn't that bad."

"When will that be?" I question boldly, stopping far enough away to be alone.

"You'll just have to see." He smirks, leaning in.

"Jo, mom made those brownies you like!" Jay calls out, "We're headed there now."

Beau frowns, "I've got to head home, want a ride?"

My eyes wander back over to my friends, my stomach growling since I never got my meal. "I'm gonna stay with my brothers but I'll see you."

He nods in understanding and I make it three steps before running back to him.

My lips crash into his, pulling back to find a shocked face. "I promise our date won't be like this."

It will be so much better.


Hi, I'm back home for the week for thanksgiving and I'm so happy I could dry!

Thank you guys for 6 mill on LIC, don't forget all the fun things that will happen when my insta (linked in bio) reaches 1k followers! New LIC bonus chapter, LIS bonus chapter, Triple LIL post and Triple ITE post.

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