Being Alive ( D.W)

By Gerlithequeen

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Book 3 "Because i love you" I don't own Supernatural or the pics i upload. I only own Elena and her story. More

3. 1 The Demon Life
3.2 Turning Back Normal
3.3 Speechless
3.4 "Carry On My Wayward Son"
3.5 Aunt Bunny
3.6 "What Was That About?"
3.7 Hidding
3.8 "Tell Me It Was Them Or You"
3.9 "I'm Not Scared"
3.10 Good & Bad Charlie
3.11 Young Dean
3.13 "I Need Your Help, Dad"
3.14 Charlie
3.15 Nadya's Codex
3.16 Oh My God
3.I7 Go Ahead, Kill Me!
The Darkness
A Baby
"I'm In Heels"
"We Are Not Fighting"
"What Was I Supposed To Do?"
"Who Crushed The Impala?"
"I Already Have My Answer"
Killer Costume
The Cage
"Are You Still In Love With Me?"
"Careful, Sammy"
"Cupid's Mark"
Lucifer Inside Cass
"I Saw You Dead"
"Bonding Time"
The Horn
God's Plan
"Don't Go, Please"
Screw You
Mary Winchester
Family Hunting Trip
Killing Hitler
Vince Vincente
Mr. President.
"Who Is Dean?"
"Where's Dad?"
"Do You Trust Dean?"
"Where We Happy?"
The Supernatural Books
"What Is Wrong With Cass?"
"You Made A Deal?"
Mr. Ketch and Mary
"Don't Go"
The Rift
Alternative Universe
Let Me Return The Favor
"I Love You, Dean"
New King Of Hell
"My Queen "
"It Was Mary "
"So You're Choosing Her?"
"We Have a Child?"
"She's The Trigger"
"I Love You"
Bonding Time With Jack
Bringing Him Back
Saving Dean
The Box
"Why Are You Giving Up On Us?"
John And Mary
"Michael. He's Gone"
"Damn Right, Doll"
"Leave Me Alone"
"I Love You So Much"
Queen of Hell
This Is The End Of The World
"You Did Not Fail Me"
"I Missed You So Much"
"You Enjoyed it"
"You Were Right"
A Trip To Purgatory
Alt. Sam and Alt. dean
"Happy Birthday, Leny"
"Just Drive"
"Would You Trade Me?"
"We Are Free"
"Please, Bring Him Back To Me "
"Welcome To Heaven, Boys"

3.12 Cain

1.2K 32 2
By Gerlithequeen

A few days later. Polunsky Prison West Livingston, Texas.

We walked over to a cell and i saw a man kneeling there. 

Me "Warden Skeefe?"

The guy turned to us and stood up. 

Sam gestured to us "Inspectors Moore, Ranaldo and Ramon. We spoke on the phone"

Warden nodded "yeah. welcome to death row. Have a look"

We stepped into the cell and looked around.

Warden "but good luck finding anything out of TDCJ compliance "

Then he walked out. 

Dean tapped Sam on the chest and Sam went off to distract Warden. 

Dean took out the EMF reader and started to hold it around. 

It was quiet. 

Me "there's nothing here"

He nodded "Let's wrap it up "

I nodded and we walked out of the door. 

Dean shook his head at Sam who nodded. 

Warden "Mainstream media's calling for my head, said i was grossly incompetent. But the tabloids, they're saying-"

Sam said amused "They say it's magic. That Tommy pulled off some dark miracle to escape "

Warden froze. 

Sam "You saying you believe that?"

Warden "There was some kind of magician on the block last night, but it wasn't Tommy"


We were looking at the video footage from the security cameras. 

Warden "That's right before Tolliver vanished "

Sam "a brownout?"

Warden "That was my thought, but then...."

I saw a man walking down the corridor.

Sam "is that one of the guards?"

Warden shoo his head "Nope. But i don't know who he is, how he got in, or how he and Tolliver got out"

Dean "Can you zoom in on that?"

Warden "Can and have. Too dark to make out much of anything "

Dean "do it"

The guard did. 

Dean "freeze it "

The guard did. 

The frame of the guy in the footage... he seems familiar. 

Dean "blow it up"

The guard did. 

I saw the profile of the guy and my jaw dropped. 

That's Cain. 

I looked at Dean who recognized him too. 

Dean put a hand over the mark. 

I looked at Sam who looked at me.

In the car. 

Dean got into the car with some fast food and milkshakes. 

Me "so?"

Dean "Cass is still not answering"

Sam "Great. Well, i have been looking into Tommy Tolliver seeing if i can figure out why Cain went to the trouble of springing him"

Dean "And?"

Sam sighed "Still pretty unclear. I did find this blotter out of Orlando about his dad, Leon Tolliver. Uh, like father, like son. Convinced felon, fresh warrant for an assault charge. But he's gone missing. Hasn't been seen in a week"

Dean took a bite of his hamburger "You think the two are connected ?"

Sam "i mean, police just assumed he'd fled the warrant but if Cain took Tommy it might not be a coincidence"

I asked confused "so, Cain's got a vendetta against the entire family?"

Sam "Maybe"

Dean's phone started to ring and he looked at it "It's Cass"

The he answered it and put it on speaker. 

Dean "hey, where you at?"

Cass "Illinois"

Sam "hey, Cass, we got a lead. Cain abducted a Texas death-row inmate named Tommy Tolliver"

Cass "He's dead"

I froze "what? how do you know?"

Cass "Call it an educated guess. Cain has been very busy"

Dean "okay, where are you? We'll come to you"

Css "i'll call you back"

Then he hung up. 

At the bunker. In the control room. 

Cass "I'm sorry i couldn't bring better news, Dean"

Apparently Cass had found out were Cain was burying his victims. there were a lots of graves.

Dean "It's not your fault, Cass"

Me "Thank you for having news in the first place"

Sam walked to us and sat down on his chair  "Sheriff gave me a few more names, some preliminary IDs on the bodies"

Dean "and?"

Sam "and it seems to fit Cass' story. I mean, there's no way to tell the relation to Cain, obviously but he's wiping out entire families, one after another"

Then he started to type something on the laptop. 

Me "so who's next? is he even done with the Tollivers?"

Sam "i think so. Leon didn't have any sibling or any other children and Tommy was never married, so.."

Me "but just because he's not married doesn't mean he doesn't have a kid"

Sam groaned and looked at the screen ".oh come on. Damn it"

I smirked "son or daughter?"

Sam "son. Estranged. Lives with his mother in Ohio. Austin Reynolds, 12 years old"

Dean "is the kid still alive?"

Sam "as of an hour ago, yeah, he updated his status"

Dean's face dropped. 

Sam "but it's a kid. You don't really think Cain would-"

I nodded "he would. Let's not forget for how long he's been on this planet. At some age in your life you just don't give a fuck anymore how old your victims are"

Dean nodded and walked to the stairs. 

Me "Where are you going?"

Dean turned to us "we know where Cain's headed. This kid's in danger "

I raised n eyebrow at him.

Sam nodded "okay, so what we track him down to Ohio, and then what?"

Dean "Then i'll do what i have to do. I'll kill Cain"

In Dean's bedroom. 

I walked inside and saw Dean putting a shotgun into his bag.

Dean "when he ave me the mark, Cain said that this day would come. That after i killed Abaddon, i would have to come and put him down"

I nodded "i know, i was there. but you're really taking order from a madman?"

He shook his head "no, he wasn't mad then. Cain resisted the mark for a long time. Then i came kicking up trouble about the blade. I sent him down this path. this is on me "

I shook my head "doesn't mean you have to go after him"

He nodded "it does. There's only one thing that can kill him"

My stomach dropped "The blade"

He nodded. 

Me "Wielding the blade against Cain himself or may never come back from that fight"

He looked at me "i know"

I sighed "Call Crowley"

At a farmhouse. Night. 

Cass walked to us. 

Me "The kid here?"

Cass "He's nearby. Upstairs in the barn. He's playing with a basketball"

Dean "Cain will strike soon. Maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow, but soon"

Me "and when he does-"

Dean "i got it"

Me "you charge in with the blade, solo. And the kid? what, we just watch and wait until Cain attacks ."

Sam "i thought this was a rescue mission. "

Dean "We save the kid after Cain shows"

Cass "we know what Cain's after. that's out only advantage. We wanna trap Cain, we use it"

 I asked pissed off "use a child as bait. Are you guys kidding me right now?"

Suddenly Crowley showed up "I'm with the princess. "

Dean "What's the matter, Crowley, you suddenly grow a conscience? too good to put a minor in danger?"

Crowley "don't give a damn about the kid. I'm talking about the risk to us"

Dean shook his head "there is no us. You're here for one reason, that's to hand me the blade"

Crowley "yeah, about that. seeing as this is shaping up to be one of those two-step, capture-then-kill kind of deals ...i think your buddies would agree it's better to keep the blade out of your hands until we've got Cain sewn up, just to be safe"

Dean didn't say anything at all. He was not happy with what Crowley just say. 

Crowley "now, back to this plan of yours"

In the barn. 

Dean walked over to me. 

Me "so if this works and we capture Cain then what?"

Dean "We'll cross that bridge when we---if we comes to it. "

I nodded. 

Dean "you know last week when i said that i would go down swinging when the time came?. I mean that i was at peace with that. "

I nodded.

Dean "i just didn't realize the time would come so soon. like right now. I'm scared, Elena"

I shook my head "Dean, as much as i want to take that fear from you, you and i both know that i'd lie if i say that you're gonna win"

He nodded "i know"

Me "Cain's got hundreds of years of experience in fighting and everything. "

He nodded "i know"

I put a hand on his cheek "no matter how this ends tonight - not matter who walks out of this barn alive...i love you"

He nodded before kissing me "i love you, baby"


I looked around and didn't see Austin anymore.

I walked out of the barn and saw Austin standing there.

Cain was in front of him "i'm here to kill you"

Sam rushed over to me. 

Cass shook his had"no, you won't"

Sam grabbed the boy and pulled him into the barn. 

Cain "you can't stop me"

Cass tried to use magic on Cain but Cain didn't even flinch. 

Cain used his magic to throw Cass against the wall. 

Then Cain walked to the barn. 

I rushed inside and Sam shot the gate behind me. 

Cain tried to open it. 

I used my magic to keep them shut .

Suddenly Cain was standing behind the boy with a knife in his hand. 

The boy turned to him shocked "no, please, don't"

Cain looked at me annoyed and stabbed Austin who went up in purple smoke "Illusion spell"

I nodded "Yes, the real Austin is long gone"

Cain "Eighteenth-century magic .If i had to hazard a guess, Rune of Amaranth"

Crowley walked up to us and nodded "Good eye. Something i picked up from my mother"

Cain "well, i know you fear me. So i can only assume .."

He shoved the straw on the ground away from the place and nodded "ah, clever"

A devils trap. 

Cain "won't hold me for long, you know"

I shook my head "won't need to"

Crowley, Sam and i walked out and Dean stood there. 

I saw him looking at Cain before i closed the doors again. 

Cass walked to us, rubbing his head.

Me "Cass, you good?"

Cass nodded "yes. It worked?"

Sam nodded "yes"

Dean "my turn"

Me "Dean, look, we wanna help"

He shook his head "no, with you in the ring you'd just be a liability"

I sighed "Dean-"

Dean "i'd be worried about what he could do to you. Or what i could do"

I looked at him in tears. 

Dean "plus i need you four out here to take out whatever comes out of there. And i'm serious.  i mean, whatever comes out"

it went silent for a second. 

Crowley nodded "happily "

I shot him a look. 

Dean looked at him and held his hand out. 

Crowley took he blade out "what guarantee do i have that you'll give it back when you're done?"

Dean "i survive and i come out of there and i don't give it back you'll all have a much bigger problem on your hands"

Crowley went to put the blade into Dean's hand. 

Me "hold on"

They looked at me. 

I rushed over to Dean and kissed him. 

Dean kissed me back surprised but then with love.

Crowley "That's what i call a goodbye kiss"

I broke the kiss, looked Dean in the eyes and shook my head "it's not"

He nodded and Crowley handed him the blade. 

Dean tensed for a second and looked at it. 

I asked worried "Dean "

Dean nodded "I'm good"

I raised an eyebrow at him but then nodded. 

Dean then walked into the barn to Cain. 

The fighting noises started. 


Dean walked out of the bar with blood over his face. 

Everyone tensed. 

Crowley "Dean. The Blade"

Dean looked at it. 

There was blood all over that thing. 

Dean walked closer to Crowley who tensed.

Then he handed Castiel the Blade. 

Crowley eyed him"you lied to me"

Dean "it's not the first time today. Cain's list? You weren't on it"

Suddenly Crowley disappeared. 

Sam went to hug his brother "hey, you did it. Dean, you did it"

Dean looked at me with a beaten look. 

I smiled at him in tears. 

He did it. 

At the bunker. 

I was sitting on my bed, taking my shoes off when a beaten up Dean walked inside. 

He looked at me, weak "hey, baby"

I stood up and jumped into this arms "you did it"

He put his arms around me and pulled me to him. 

I felt what he was feeling. 

He wasn't okay at all. 

Dean let go of me "can we just go to bed? i just want to sleep for the four days"

I nodded "of course. "

Then i looked at him "Let me just grab something drink in the kitchen, okay?"

Dean nodded "I'm gonna lay down"

I nodded "sure, do that"

He nodded "okay"

Then i walked out of my room and closed the door. 

I put a hand on my mouth to cover my sobs while i walked into the kitchen. 

Sam was sitting there, drinking a beer. 

I walked over to the fridge. 

Sam "Elena, hey"

I grabbed a water bottle from the fridge. 

Sam asked worried "Elena, you okay?"

I slammed the fridge door shut and turned to him.

Sam's face fell when he saw my face "how is he?"

I shook my head, sobbing.

Sam stood up, walked over to me and hugged me.

I looked at him "I'm worried about him, Sam"

He nodded "i know, me too"

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