TWD: Dynamic (Clementine X Ma...

By Burning_Poppy

202K 5.6K 2.8K

Nine years since the start. Nine years since the dead became the apex predators of the Earth. Nine years sinc... More

Christmas Eve Special
Christmas Special
New Year /Eve Special
Book 1


3.8K 123 204
By Burning_Poppy

You are awakened by the shaking of your bed. You look to see what is happening to see AJ getting off of the top bunk. The sun is just rising.

You: Youre an early riser.

AJ: Oh sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up.

You: It's fine.

You get out of your bed and stand up, stretching your whole body. You twist your back and it makes a series of loud cracks.

AJ: Ew.

You: What?

AJ: What did you just do?

You: I popped my back.

AJ: Did it hurt?

You: No.

You walk over to the desk in your room and slip your keychain into your pocket.

AJ: What was that?

You: Nothing.

AJ: I saw it.

You: It's a keychain.

AJ: A what?

You: Just something my friend gave me a long time ago.

AJ: Did he die?

Unknown: You know what you have to do.

You: No! I can't! Not you too!

Unknown: Y/N, you have to.

You: Yeah... Yeah, he did.

AJ: What happened?

You: Let's not talk about this.

AJ: Oh, sorry.

You: Quit apologizing.

AJ: Sor- I mean... Ok

You chuckle at him.

You: I need to go help Clem, so... Don't get into any trouble.

AJ: I can look after myself with all these new moves you taught me.

AJ starts swing his fists in the air.

You: Wouldn't say your that good yet.

AJ: What?

You just crushed his little dreams.

You: You have to master it. It takes more than a few hours.

AJ: Oh ok... But Louis said you were only staying a week.

You start moving around awkwardly.

You: Yeah, we'll uh... See what happens.

AJ: I want you to stay.

You smile at him.

You: I'll remember that. Now get going, we got surviving to do today.

AJ giggles and runs out of the room. He reminds you of you. You just hope he doesn't end up the same.

You walk out into the hall and over to Clementine's room. You knock but don't hear anything, so you walk in. She is still asleep, so you go to the other bed, that you assume is AJ's, and lay down. Closing your eyes, you go back to sleep almost instantly.


Something hits you in the side of the head and wakes you up. You hear it hit the floor.

You: Ow.

You grasp your head and sit up. Clementine sits with her legs over the edge of her bed, giggling. There's a hat on the floor.

You: That hurt.

Clem: I wasn't expecting the bill to hit you.

You: Well, I'm glad you find it funny.

You sit up and rest your back on the wall.

Clem: Why are you in here?

You: Oh, AJ woke me up earlier when he got up, so I came to see if you were awake. Obviously, you weren't, so I decided to lay down.

Clem: He wasn't too much trouble, was he?

You: No, he was fine.

Clem: Did he learn anything useful?

You: I guess we'll have to see.

Clem: You can't just tell me?

You: Nope.

Clem: Fine.

She begins preparing herself to stand up.

You: How are you?

Clem: Are you talking about last night?

You nod at her.

Clem: I don't know. I just... It'll take time to get over missing a leg.

You: Everything takes time. You'll be fine, I can tell.

Clem: Wow, something sappy from the lone survivor.

You: I have my moments.

She laughs a little at this. You just smile at her.

Clem: Come on, we have stuff to do today.

You get up and hand her the crutches. She begins to stand and almost falls over, but you catch her. You help her back to an upright position.

Clem: Thanks.

You: Just doin my job.

You slowly walk behind her and she leads you outside. There are a few people sitting around, but none of them pay attention to the two of you. Slowly you make your way to a new part of the building.

You: Where are we going?

Clem: My office.

She turns and smiles at you.

You: You have an office?

Clem: Yep.

You: Seems kind of silly.

Clem: I didn't come up with the idea.

You come to the end of the hallway and Clem stops.

You: You think you can get up these stairs?

Clem: Well... Uh... No.

She shifts uncomfortably on her crutches and then tries to take a step.

You: Nope.

With one quick move you pick her up, bridal style, before she ends up falling.

Clem: I had that.

You: Debatable.

You begin walking up the stairs.

You: You're going to have to direct me.

Clem: When you get up the stairs, I'll show you.

Louis: Hey! Oh... Clem we're about to head out!

Clementine hides her face.

Clem: Ok!

You: What was that?

Clem: What?

You: Uh... You hid... Why?

Clem dodges the question and points to a doorway.

Clem: That's my office.

You take her in and sit her in a chair behind the desk.

You: I'm gonna go grab your crutches real quick.

Clem: Thanks.

She has hidden her face behind her hands now. You walk out and down the stairs. You find the crutches right where you left them at the bottom of the stairs. You turn to traverse the stairs when you hear someone coming up behind you. Trying to be quiet.

You: Don't do that, unless you want to get hurt.

They stop, but don't say anything. This concerns you so you turn around. A young girl stands there with a pistol in her hand, shaking.

You: Put the gun down.

Young girl: I just need some food. Then I'll be out of here. I don't want to hurt anyone.

You: We don't have any. That's why most of our people aren't here right now.

Clem: Y/N! What's taking so long!

You: Hold on!

You walk up to the girl. She begins to tremble violently.

You: Get out of here. Before you make a mistake.

Young girl: I'll shoot.

You: I'm sure you would, but that would have serious consequences. Now go.

She slowly backs away slowly and disappears from where she came, you're assuming.

You walk up the stairs and set Clementine's crutches down beside her.

Clem: So, we need to clean this place up a little. I'd like you to do that.

You: Huuu, really? I'm so excited.

You say sarcastically.

Clem: Well, do this today and I'll let you go out hunting tomorrow.

You: Now that, is more like it.

Clem: By the way, what took you so long?

You: Just chatting with uh... Short kid.

Clem: Willy?

You: Sure.

Clem: He was staring at you wasn't he.

You: Yeah.

You lie, you have no idea who she's talking about.

Clem: I had that problem when I got here. He's a bit of a weird one.

You: What happened to the balcony?

Clem: I got in a fight, we broke it, and fell.

You: Ouch.

Clem: Honestly wasn't that bad.

You walk over to it and look outside. Violet stands on the guard tower and keeps watch. You can barely see the young girl moving through the trees opposite of where Violet is looking.

You: What happened to Violet? Her eyes I mean.

Clem: It happened when the boat exploded. She was trying to stop it from blowing up.

You: What, why?

Clem: It's a long story.

You move over to stand behind her chair and look over her shoulder. She's looking at a map of the area with a line that says safe zone on it. It's been written on a lot.

Clem: They're going to this area today. If they don't bring anything back the group at the river will bring some fish. You'll go here tomorrow.

She points to a spot on the map.

Clem: Hopefully you'll find something good.

You: Guess we'll see.

Clem grabs her crutches and stands up slowly.

You: Where to now?

Clem: You need to clean. I'm going to sit and enjoy the outdoors.


You've been cleaning the place up for the entire day. Clementine has sat on the stairs the entire time, poking fun at you every now and then. The sun is starting to set when the others return. You can hear them talking.

Violet: Hey, get anything good?

Louis: Just some fish.

They walk through the gate and shut it behind them. Omar immediately gets to cooking.

Louis: Hey Y/N, we're gonna play a game, if you want to join.

You: No.

Louis: Come on. You have to sometime.

You: I really don't.

Clem: You're playing.

Clementine has snuck up behind you.

You: I don't want to.

Clem: That really sucks for you.

You: Fine, one time.

Louis: Yes!

You walk over to the bench and help Clementine down and then sit down next to her. Violet, A red haired girl, and another kid join in. You lean over to whisper to Clementine.

You: Who are they?

Clem: Ruby and Aasim.

You: Thanks.

Louis gets a deck of cards out and begins shuffling and passing them out.

Louis: We're playing War today, in honor of our guest.

Clem: No. Stupid. Questions.

Violet: We don't want a repeat of last time Louis.

Louis: I didn't do anything last time.

You: I already hate this.

Louis: The rules are simple. If you, Y/N, get the highest guard you win and get to ask a question. If one of us win we ask you a question.

You groan and shift a little in your seat. You really don't want to answer personal questions.

Louis: Alright, flip.

You immediately lose with Louis as the winner.

Louis: You've been alone out there this entire time? No relationships, no nothing?

You: Yep.

Louis: Really?

You: No, I'm lying to you.

Louis: But why?

You: Doesn't matter.

Louis: Alright fine. Everyone, flip.

Violet wins.

Violet: Boom. How many people have you killed?

You: I don't know. Too many to count.

Ruby: A rough guess.

You: No, it's too many to guess.

They shift a little in their seats, uncomfortable with the fact they have a murderer sitting in front of them.

Louis: Flip.

You win.

You: Uhh I don't... I don't have a question.

Clem: I'll ask for you. What's everyone's favorite color?

You: That's boring.

Clementine punches you.

Clem: Hey, at least I said something.

You: It's a great question.

Violet: Purple. Before anyone says anything... I know...

Ruby: Green.

Aasim: Blue.

Louis: Blue.

Clem: Orange.

You: I don't have one.

Clem: That's boring.

You laugh at this.

Louis: He laughs! Now for the next round. Flip.

Ruby wins.

Ruby: Um... Been anywhere cool?

You: Ah, a rational question, but no I have not.

Louis: Ruby, you have to ask hard hitting questions so we can learn about him.

Clem: No, you don't.

Louis: Fine next round. Flip. I win.

You: Fuck.

Louis: Ever done the nasty?

Violet: DUDE!

You: The what?

Louis: The nasty.

You: I have no idea what you're talking about.

Louis: Sex.

You: No clue.

Louis: Well, Clem can show you.

Clem: What?!

Violet: LOUIS!

Louis: It was a joke.

You: What's happening?

Clem: Nothing.

Louis: Alright let's move on.

Violet: Please.

Louis: Flip, I win again!

Clem: Oh god.

Louis: Who was the first person you killed?

Violet: You actually ruin this game.

You begin rubbing your hands up and down your legs. You remember her harrowing scream as you plunge the knife into her head.

You: I uh...

You get choked up. Clementine puts a hand on yours to stop you from moving. She's missing a finger.

Clem: This is over.

Louis: What?

Clem: Get out of here Louis.

Everyone gets up and walks away to leave you, except Clementine.

You: I knew this was a bad idea.

Clem: He did the same thing to me when I got here. He just doesn't understand.

AJ: Hey Y/N.

AJ has come over and sits down next to you.

You: Hey. Did you have to use your new moves today?

AJ: No. I caught some fish though.

You: Good job!

Clem: Find anything weird out there?

AJ: No, everything looked normal.

Clem: Good.

Unknown: HEY!

You turn to see a man standing at the gate.

Unknown Man: You have any food?

You: Shit.

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