The Investigation Chronicles...

By KatelynBlackwood

219 7 0

A series of stories an investigator hears from his clients. Daily uploads as I write more *Not edited Rewritt... More

Winter's War
Angel Auction
The Seven Gates of Hell
The Magician's Horses
*Vampires - Not Named
The Fallen Realm
Truth in Nightmares
vamp stuff 2.0
Ridgewood Academy
Wolf - unnamed
The Shop


17 0 0
By KatelynBlackwood

"Not all lies are worth the price."

Chann -

"Please come in and help me. The alphas are meeting today and I don't think I can do this on my own."

Chann rolled his eyes, he knew that Caha would be fine on his own. He rarely went to the pack house because he was one of the few non-wolves living on the property. His magik was strong, one of the few reasons they allowed him to stay. Chann looked back at his small apartment and everything moved back into place before the door closed behind him.

Chann walked to the pack house yawning, looking up at the blooming trees. He knew that omegas go into heat every month, but now that mating time is coming the alphas would go into ruts themselves. His body shivered at the thought of taking care of the omegas in heat, they were always in so much pain. The birds in the trees above chirped as Chann stood before them, as if agreeing with his thought.

The front door opened and Chann walked in, Caha was right there to give him a hug. The omega grinned and dragged him inside. Chann was greeted by the omegas and betas working for the alpha meeting. Whispers grew into conversations about the alphas.

"Hello Chann, it's been a long time since you've come here. How are you?" One of the beta's kissed his forehead and ruffled his hair.

Chann shrunk back, giving them a playful glare and went outside. He sat on the back porch and looked up at the trees with a smile. Reaching up, one of the flower pods bloomed and the flower fell into his palm. The warlock smiled and came back inside, giving Caha the flower.

"Thank you," Caha's voice wavered as his cheeks flushed pink.

With a smile, Chann walked around the house. Few things had changed since last spring when he was here. The plants adorning the windows perked up as he walked into the rooms, looking out on the garden outside. He looked out longingly, seeing pairs walk around in love.

"Chann! Come set up the meeting room with me!" Caha called from the kitchen and he made his way in.

Chann grabbed some of the supplies and followed Caha to the meeting room. The alphas would arrive shortly making the two quickly set up the room. There were at least fifty seats prepared for the guests and Caha began to grew nervous. Chann felt the energy change and gave Caha a reassuring smile.

The two went back to the main room and were greeted by the betas and omegas. Caha went to fill his place greeting the alphas at the front door one by one. The omegas and betas were not allowed to assist at the meeting itself, the pheromones would be too strong. One of the betas motioned at Chann to go grab some of the food to deliver it to the alphas.

He quickly put a magik mask on to play on the safe side and grabbed the food. The cart was overflowing with food and Chann felt his mouth fill with saliva at the thought of eating. Knocking on the door, he was given permission to enter. The alphas looked up at him from there seats as Chann gave them their food.

Chann felt himself shrink back at the sheer presence of all the alphas. It changed the magik in the air and it flew into him like a sponge, making him smile. His plates began to float to their destinations with the food that the alphas wanted. The alphas chouresed and gave Chann a round of applause.

Chann made his way back to the kitchen to grab more food. Everyone was waiting and whispering as he walked in. Caha gave him a worried expression and pulled him aside. His face had lost some color as he looked at Chann.

"Not all the alphas arrived yet. Some are coming from other countries and I was just told that they're nearly here from the airport," Caha's voice quivered as he shrunk back to the kitchen.

Chann looked at Caha's shaking form before grabbing the rest of the food and making his way back to the meeting room. His legs began to shake as he passed the front door and his body began to throb as the dominating presence grew. Chann collapsed by the meeting room, his legs no longer having the strength to keep him up.

"Come on Chann, I know you can do it." Caha waved from the kitchen and smiled.

Chann stood, relying on the cart to keep him upright. He entered the meeting room and was greated by many smiles. The alphas were greeted with more food and refills of their drinks. With another round of applause, Chann bowed and made his way back to the kitchen.

"Look!" Caha pointed to the front door as the alphas made their way in.

Chann ignored them, not caring about more alphas. He was already exhausted from the alphas' presence and wanted to go home. Once the front door closed, Chann grimaced and made his way back to the meeting room with more food. The pain returned from earlier and his hand shook as he turned the doorknob.

"Now that everyone is here, welcome, this is our pack wizard Chann. Chann, why don't you do some magik for us?" He glared at the alpha and began to mumble under his breath, warlocks were different than wizards, but the alpha didn't care.

Unable to move, Chann dispersed the food to the new alphas with magik. Feeling his consciousness begin to slip, he conjured a small plant for each alpha. He pulled from his deep reserves and made all the flowers bloom for the alphas. His face was stern as he glared at his alpha.

"Well done, may I have a refill?" One of the alphas spoke from the back and Chann felt the pain from earlier return.

Unable to move due to the pain, Chann levitated over to the alpha with the cart and poured him another cup of tea. The alpha's dominating energy was suffocating, causing Chann to collapse to the floor. With flickering eyes, he looked up at the alpha that stood above him. Feeling a flame beginning in his stomach, Chann whimpered and curled into a ball.

"Open the door Davis," the alpha snarled and picked up Chann.

The alpha picked up Chann and he whimpered more, feeling the heat consume him. He began to sweat profusely and looked up at the alpha with lazy eyes. Growls began to fill up the room as the alpha snarled back at them, making the alphas silent. His grip on Chann increased as he took him up to one of the spare rooms.

"Hello beloved," the alpha whispered to Chann.

Chann let out a painful whine and gripped onto the alpha's sleeve. The alpha looked at him curiously, the warlock was stunning and he smiled. His eyes widened as he saw Chann shifting. He continued to whimper at the alpha and claw at him, bringing him closer.

"You're beautiful, please call me Andreas love." The alpha kissed Chann's forehead.

Chann felt the pain leave his body, yet the heat persisted. His eyes met with the hungry alpha's and he whimpered once more, feeling himself submit to his gaze. Andreas gaze raked over Chann with a grin. The boy was magical beneath him, with his gaze just as hungry as the alpha's.

"Mhmm, I feel weird," Chann murmured and gripped onto the alpha.

Andreas smiled as his beloved buried his face into his neck. "Look at yourself," he whispered into his ear as he neared the mirror.

Chann was shell-shocked at his reflection to say the least. The alpha's golden eyes matched his as they looked at each other through the mirror. His cheeks flushed pink as he felt something move in front of him. Looking up, he let out a gasp as he noticed his full appearance.

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