The visitor

By saltykonpeito

2.7K 148 24

Saori, the aspiring young writer was living her comfortably mediocre life in Kyoto. Little did she know that... More

The new roommate
Scrambled eggs
Star Wars marathon
Happy birthday, Saori!
A series of unfortunate events
Breaking and entering
Tokyo trip
Season of farewell
Not good at goodbyes
Turning the page
Nobunaga's legacy
White day
Wedding planning
The devil's concubine

Candy hearts

120 7 1
By saltykonpeito

'I've got huuuuge news, love.'

I burst through the door but I wasn't prepared for what came next. A beautiful, platinum blonde woman was clinging on my man and he was smiling at her flirtatiously.

'Saori? What is it?' Nobunaga looked at me like everything was perfectly normal.

'I...Ehm... I'm sorry, I just...' My face flared up and I ran off. 'Gotta go. Bye.'

'This can't be happening to me again...' I felt sick in my stomach.

I sat on a bench trying to convince myself that it wasn't what it looked like. I didn't know whether it was from the freezing January cold or the numbing fear but I was shivering uncontrollably.

'There has to be a logical explanation. He would never...' I muttered to myself, struggling with my tears. I couldn't even bring myself to say it out loud.

When I was completely frozen, I decided to go home. I was scared. My heart wouldn't take it if he...

'I-I'm home.'

'There you are. Let's eat! I'm starving.' Nobunaga strode up to me, hugged me and kissed me on my forehead. 'Your face is frozen.'

Before I could say anything, he ushered me to the table and pushed me down on a chair.

'So what's the big news?' He asked curiously and shoved some food in his mouth.

I stared at him.

'Oh, yeah the news. Right. My publisher rescheduled the promo tour and extended it by three weeks. The first event will be in Melbourne, Australia and I'll go overseas too. So I'm leaving tomorrow.'

Nobunaga's eyebrows pinched and his expression turned grave. He continued eating his dinner without a word. He kept acting like nothing had happened and it pissed me off.

'I'm sorry, are we just going to ignore the fact that I caught you with a blonde woman in our living room?'

'I'm going to pretend now that I didn't hear that.' He replied curtly.

'Is that so?'

'I'm not going to engage in idle explaining.' He said nonchalantly and kept picking at his food.

'Do you even care how I felt when I saw you with that woman in your arms?' I snapped.

'Did you care about asking for my permission before saying yes to that promo tour?' He said arrogantly.

My eyebrows ran up on my forehead. 'Why would I ask for your permission?'

'Because you belong to me.' He looked at me like I was merely one of his assets.

'That doesn't mean you have control over me.' I snorted.

'Yes, it does.'

'What is your problem? I am the one who should be mad.' I lost my cool and raised my voice.

'You just blurt it out that you are going away god knows where tomorrow and you expect me to be happy about it?' He raised his voice too.

'This is part of my job and I want to do this. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I'm not gonna blow it because of your stupid insecurities.'

'Your pointless so called job has become more important to you than everything else.' He kept his eyes fixed on me. His expression was unreadable.

'Excuse me?!' I gasped. I can't believe he really said that!

'We agreed on one week and only in Japan. I'm not allowing you to go away for longer than that.'

'You don't own me.'

'Yes, I do.' He crossed his arms and cocked his brow smugly.

'You are just like Kenny...' I hissed.

'Take that back!' He slammed his fist on the table and jumped to his feet.

'No. And I'm done with you and with this conversation.' I stood up too.

'This conversation ends when I say so, damn it!' His thundering voice shook the walls.

We were staring daggers at each other across the table.

'You are impossible.' I shouted with him. I was so mad at him...

'No, you are impossible.' He shouted too.

'You are acting childish and stupid and I am going on that promo tour and there is nothing you can do about it. Good night!' I turned on my heel and marched off.

'Saori!' He yelled. 'Saori, if you walk out that door tomorrow, I swear...'

'Yes? What will you do then?' I turned back.

'You will never see me again.'

'Good.' I squinted. 'Maybe this relationship was a mistake after all.'

'Is this your final word?' He glared at me.


'Very well.' He nodded and headed to the door.

'Just go!' I grabbed a cushion and threw it after him. 'Idiot!'

He slammed the door when he left.

I was tossing and turning in bed restlessly for hours. I was still agitated. We've never shouted with each other like this and he's never walked out on me before. At last, he came home.

'Nobunaga?' I sat up in the bed.

He didn't even look at me when he passed by the bedroom.

'Maybe you were right and this was a mistake.' His tone was cold and aloof, like he was talking to a stranger.

'So that's it?' I felt a lump in my throat.

He didn't answer, just slumped down on the couch and turned on the TV. I sank my face in my hands and cried myself to sleep.

I woke up in the morning and he was already gone. His watch was on the table. The elegant dress watch was the first proper birthday present I'd given him and he wore it all the time. He has never left it home before. I discovered a long crack across the crystal. Something else was broken too. Perhaps beyond repair...

I packed up my suitcase and headed to the train station with a heavy heart.

He never called or texted me. After the second week I was sure it was over. Luckily, during the promo tour I received so much love and positivity from everyone, I somehow managed to forget about my aching heart and enjoy the journey. At least until I wasn't all by myself in a hotel room. The nights were the worst...

One month just flew by and I had to go home. When my flight landed in Osaka I still kindled a faint ember of hope in my heart that he would be waiting for me. But he wasn't there. I cried throughout the whole train ride. Even when I arrived before my building, I sat in the taxi for a long time, waiting for some kind of miracle that would save me from going up.

'Miss, are you going to get out or what?' The taxi driver turned to me slightly annoyed.

'What? Oh, yes of course.' I shook my head.

I rummaged through the content of my handbag looking for my purse. I touched something cold and smooth in there and my heart made a loud thump.

When I stepped inside, everything looked exactly how I'd left it. Benny was on the bed, the sword was still on the rack.

'So he didn't move out.' I sighed with relief.

I noticed that everything was tidy and spotless. A little too spotless actually. He might have gone a little obsessive compulsive with the cleaning.

Later, I was nervously pacing around in the living room, repeating my carefully planned apology, which was more of a desperate pleading, in my head over and over again.

When I heard the key turn in the lock, my heart jumped. He didn't notice me in the dark room when he entered. He turned his back on me and switched the lights on. There was a bunch of red roses in his hand. He doesn't hate me... I couldn't move or even make a sound.

'How far did you fly away from me, my little dove?' He sighed and pulled out his phone.

My phone started ringing in my pocket. He spun around and we locked eyes.

'Saori...' His voice trailed off.

'I-I...' I stuttered. 'I got your watch repaired...'

Really? Is this what came out of my mouth?

Nobunaga stared at me in shock. Then he ran to me and his thick wool overcoat flung off from his shoulders. I almost tumbled back when he collided with me.

'I was waiting for you at the airport.' He buried his face in my neck.

'I took an early flight because of the blizzard alert.' My voice cracked up.

'Why didn't you call me?' Clutching my clothes, he tightened his arms around me.

'I'm sorry...' I was jet lagged, exhausted and overwhelmed. I broke down crying. 'I thought you didn't love me anymore...'

'You are such a fool.' The vibration of his low, rumbling voice filled my chest.

'But you never called me and you said...' I pushed my forehead against his chest and smelled the scent of the roses mixed with his cologne.

'These roses...' He let go of me and gave me the bouquet. 'They represent each day my heart was bleeding after you.

I wanted to say so much but I was at a loss for words. I stood before him helplessly with the huge bouquet in my arms and my relentlessly falling tears. I love him. I'm so in love with him...

'I was giving you freedom. Isn't that what you wanted?' He searched my face.

'What are you even saying?' I looked up at him.

'When you announced that you would leave sooner, I panicked. I didn't want to be apart from you for so long again.' He combed his fingers through my hair fondly. 'But I learned my lesson. If I try to tie you down, I will only end up losing you. You were right, I don't own you.'

'Truth is you do.' I placed the watch I'd been clutching in my hand all this time in his palm with the back case up.

He traced the new engraving with his fingertips. Yours... Endlessly.

'That woman...' His handsome smile suddenly disappeared.

'You don't have to explain. I don't care anymore. I trust you. I really do.' I shook my head.

'Yes, I have to.' He insisted. 'She was here on behalf of that fashion designer we'd met in Tokyo because he wanted me to be his model for a photo shoot. Haguro brought home a dead rat and she got startled by the sight. And that's when you walked in.'

I felt so ashamed. I hung my head. 'Oh my god, I was so stupid...'

'Yes, you were.' He lifted my chin. 'And I was the world's biggest fool.'

'I don't think your job is pointless. You are very talented and I want you to know that I am proud of you. Please forgive me!' He said softly and the tip of his nose brushed against mine as he leaned closer.

'I'm sorry I compared you to Kenny. You are nothing like him. You are caring and loving and I know you would never cheat on me.' I whispered and our lips almost met but he pulled away slightly.

'Or at least I wouldn't do it at home. I'm smarter than that.' He smirked.

I gasped in disbelief. He seized the opportunity, and the back of my neck, and kissed me. I melted into the deep and sensual kiss and accidentally dropped the roses.

'Mmm...' I moaned. How I missed this!

'You left me in despair and stood me up at the airport. I assume you agree that you deserve punishment.' His alluring murmur by my ear was just too tempting.

'Uhm...' I bit my lip coyly. 'Maybe?'

'Don't look at me like this!' He growled and kissed me harder this time.

I crept my hands underneath his black cashmere sweater and touched his abs. Gosh, a single touch and my panties are ready to fly off.

'Do you know what day is today?' I smiled at him and took that damned sweater off him.


'It's Valentine's day. Today, girls shall please their boyfriends.' I grabbed his belt and unbuckled it.

I sank to my knees, pulling down his pants. This was my only weapon that could really make him come undone. He kept sighing and silently moaning and I played him like a fiddle. I enjoyed being in control. I loved making him look so helpless. I reached up my hand and dragged my nails down his torso. He dug his fingers into my hair. When his knees were visibly shaking, I felt merciful and finished him.

'Agh, gods!' He staggered against the wall, trying to catch his breath.

'This was unfair.' His voice was still a little ragged.

'Don't complain, you are the one who never plays fair.' I grinned victoriously.

'This is insinuation.' Nobunaga squinted and grabbed me by my waist.

He sat me on top of the chest of drawers and pulled my knees apart. Pop, pop, pop... There goes my blouse. He yanked my jeans off me. He took off my bra in a blink of an eye and removed my underwear just as quickly. Then he brought my foot to his lips and laid teasing kisses on the bridge of my foot, moving up on my shin. He picked a rose from the bunch and stroked my inner thighs with it. He drew circles around my belly button with the rose and kissed his way up to my breasts. His favorite part... He was thoroughly arousing me and I was nearing my limit. Then he went down on me. His technique was driving me wild. I couldn't stop writhing and squirming. I curled my toes and bit my lip. I came with a loud moan and accidentally kicked the vase.

'I never liked that vase.' He chuckled between my thighs.

'Please, make me yours, Devil king!' I begged.

'Very well.' He nodded and sank into me smoothly.

'I love you, Saori!'

'I love you too, Nobunaga!' I hugged him with my arms and legs.

What started as sensual love making quickly turned into gratifying make up sex. He didn't restrain himself and I let him have his way with me. The chest of drawers was banging against the wall loudly but I was too swept away by lust to care. We did it on the dining table, the coffee table, the couch, in the armchair and we end up on the floor somehow.

'I got you a Valentine's day gift.' I purred like a kitty cat in his arms.

'Bring it here!'

I got him a pack of those little heart shaped candies with sweet messages on them when I was in America. I picked a candy from the bag and brought it to his lips.

'Oda Nobunaga, will you be my Valentine?'

'I will.' He nodded. 'XOXO? What does it mean?'

'Hugs...' I twined my arms around his neck and pecked his lips. 'And kisses.'

'How peculiar!' He grinned and ate the candy.

We kept feeding each other candy taking turns.

'Hehe, this one is perfectly fitting for you!' I giggled.

'Cutie pie?' He cocked his eyebrow and took the candy with his lips.

'True love' He said softly and smiled. 'I shall give this one to you, for you are my one true love.'

Geez, I'm melting... I took the candy heart and held it between my lips. Then I kissed him slowly until the sugar dissolved in our mouths making the kiss even sweeter.

'I'm just telling you that you'll have to spoil me twice this much on White day.' I planted a kiss on his forehead.


'Because that's the rule. Everyone knows that.' I picked a candy without looking and fed it to him but he didn't eat this one right away.

He kept looking at the candy between his fingers, seemingly lost in his thoughts.

'I'll keep that in mind.' He nodded and put the candy aside. 'Now come here my love, I'm not done with you.'

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