Little mermaids big bad wolf

By crazy_redneck-freak

55.5K 2.1K 226

Jordan Texas bay and her family move to California do to an incident involving her and her family's secret th... More

Part 1. New begginings
Part friend.
Part 3.mate.
Part 4.dont go past the border.
Part 5.he's cute.
Part 6.who is this?
Part 7.kissing a stranger.
Part 8.pool party.
Part 9.sleep over.
Part 10.panic rant.
Part 11.werewolf construction.
Part 12.till next time.
Chapter 13
Part 13.Are you trying to get killed!
Part 14.I'm one too.
Part imformation.
Part 16.channels mate.
part 17.kidnapping by accident.
Part 18.bad dreams.
Part 19.mad wolfie.
Part 20.why do you run?
Part 21.a good day.
Part 22.prom dress.
Part 23.possesive.
Part 24.the mark.
Part 25.goin for a run.
Part 26.I'm a mermaid.
Part dive.
Part 28.don't eat the deer!
Part 29.breakfast.
Part 30.big news.
Part 31.Full moon.
Part 32. Wolfing out.
Part 33.morning after.
Part 34.lake trip.
Part 35. Leaving him.
Part 36.Two Legs Instead of Four.
Part 37.Hunting My Boyfriend.
Part 38.babysitting a werewolf.
Part 39. Going back to school for a week.
Part 39. Old Friends.
Part 40.meeting the friends.
Part 41.Abduction.
Part 42.She's got a Concussion.
Part 43. Home.
Part 45. Room Mates
Part 46. Daddy Dearest
Part 47. A Dream

Part 44. On the Run.

69 4 0
By crazy_redneck-freak

Jordan's POV

Three months later ...
In Albany, New York

I walked into the bar on pearl street which is where I've been working for the past couple of weeks as a bar tender.

"Hey Kitty!"my coworker Abigail said happily as I walked in I gave her a small smile.
I had been using my middle name as an alias so as far as these people know I'm a 21 year old girl who's name is Kitty State.

"Hey how was your date with Mr. Tall dark and handsome."I said putting my stuff down and heading to the sink that was in back.

"Omg he was so dreamy the whole night. I don't know where to start!"she says as I wash my hands
"How about when he picked you up."I suggested as she squealed and nodded.

"Oh that's a great place to start!"she says as I give her an eye role.

"Okay well it started out he showed up in a suit and he leads me out to this beautiful Lamborghini.
So we get in and go to this amazing Italian restaurant with the best cuisine I've ever put in my mouth might I add!"she says I smile at her

"I ain't saying she a gold digger but she ain't messing with no broke..."I sing to her before she covers my mouth.

"No this time I thinks it's serious cause not only does he have all that but he has to be the sweetest man in the world! Ahhhh..."she said sighing dreamily at the end.

"Well all I have to say is don't fall so quickly you might end up with a sociopath, and no body wants that."I say heading behind the bar and tying my apron around my waist.

A man walked in and sat down as Abigail kept spitting out "I know's"and how "she wasn't doing that anymore."

"Hi hun what can I get ya?"I ask the burly man that just sat down.

"I'll take the strongest thing you got," he said
"Rough night I take it."I say he nods "I found out that my girlfriend of 6 years just run off with another guy because he got her pregnant."he says bluntly and taking the shot I gave him.

"Eehhh yikes here this ones on me"I say poring some more in his glass.
He downed that too "wanna know what's even worse?"he says I nod yes and he pulls out a small velvet black box and opened it up to reveal a beautiful diamond engagement ring with a white gold band.

"Hey it's her loss she could have her a ring like that and a wedding in eight months but instead she's gonna be fat and preparing herself to take care of a kid on her own."I say he nods.

"Thanks for listening I normally don't do stuff like this but every movie said to come tell a sexy bar tender my troubles."he says giving me a sad smile.

"Welp the tv definitely lied to you cause bar tenders are the ones who have there life in shambles most the time."I say he smiles less sad this time.

"Well then let me buy a drink for the both of us in hopes to help you with your shambles."he says I laugh "that's good with me."I say as we both down the glasses at once.
And lord did I feel it hit since it had been 3 months since I last drank that and I may or may not have made it a double.

"How long have you lived in New York?"he asks I look at him a little confused was I really that out of place here.

"The accent kinda a dead give away."he says i have a duh moment for a second before answering.
"A few about you where you one of the born and raised New Yorkers or are you trying to get away?" I ask

"Born and now I wish I'd gotten out of here the second I turned 18." He says
"Well I feel that" I said pouring him more in his empty glass he nods as a thank you before taking sip this time instead of downing it.

"Well what did you run from a guy or bad home life?"he asks
"Kinda both but then again neither!"I laugh at how weird that sounds but it was the truth.
"I had a boyfriend we were serious but my dad disapproved and made it where we couldn't be together which in turn ruined our own relationship."I explained he nodded.

"I'm guessing you were a daddy's girl then?"he says
"Through and through."I said smiling at the memory that now felt so tainted.
"This might be a bad call but are you doing anything after work?"he asked I stood there in shock.
Then man was attractive big blue eyes dark hair and a well kept 5 a clock shadow.
His clothes consisted of boots dark jeans and a white v-neck.
He was well built but in comparison to my mate he seemed ordinary.

"I'm still kind of involved with that guy back home I don't think it's a good idea for me to go out with an attractive man."I said with a sorry smile he smiled back and nodded.

"What if I promised it wasn't a date and more like to souls distracting one another from their problems."he says I think on that.
"Fine but don't think your getting laid!"I said he laughs "wouldn't dream of it."he says

"Great I get off at ten."I say then walk over to the business women sitting at the other side of the bar to take her order.


Ten that night...

I walked around the bar helping Abigail pick up before the next people's shift started.
As we walked to the back David and Nancy walked in who were the people's who's shift was starting.
"Oh thank the lord! David I've never been so happy to see you."I say as I walk over to him and Nancy getting prepped for work.

He smiled "still getting used to happy hour I see."he says I nod and he laughs.
"Yeah half the crap these people ask for I'm like what is that!"I say he smiles
"Yeah well we make a lot of original drinks so you have to memorize half the menu."he says

"Okay well I'm gonna head out I have plans tonight."I say only to here Nancy and Abigail "oohhh"in the back ground.
"A date perhaps"Nancy says "oh is it that hottie you were chatting it up at the bar with earlier!"Abigail squeals.

"Okay Abigail your at a ten let's bring that down to a two please."I laugh at her as she blushes.
"Sorry I just get so excited sometimes!"she says quieter this time.

"Anyways if you must know ,yes that who I'm hanging out with, but before you jump to conclusions! No it's not a date just a friendly meal."
I say knowing good and well I was still fully obsessed with diesel and couldn't think about other men romantically anymore.

I herd a ding come from the door only to see the guy from before who's name I just realized I don't know.
Whoops ...
I smiled at him once he sall me and started my way over to him putting on my nude jacket that went to the back of my knees.

"You ready to go?"he asks  I nod as he opens the door for me and we walk outside to we're you could see our breath.

He walked me over to a nice new hummer that was black.
As I got in and texted Abigail if she didn't here from me in a few hours to send out a search party just Incase this guy was crazy.

He got in and turned the suv on." So are you hungry at all?"he asks I laugh" there's never a time that I'm not."I say he smiles at me.
"Good cause I know this great little pizza place about ten minutes from here it's my favorite place to eat."he says as we drive after about 15 min we arrived at the place, and it looked so New York that I had to keep myself from laughing at how cliché this all felt.

We went in ordered and sat in a booth across from on another.

"So how long are you planning on being in town?"he asks.
"I'm not sure. It depends on my situation I guess you see my family keeps trying to... talk me back into coming home. they don't actually know where I'm at, and I'd like to keep it that way."I say he nods

"My parents didn't know where I lived for an entire year when I first moved out."he says I smile.
"Welp that's definitely the way to do it this day and age"I add when a server brings us our orders.

" I wanna call them make sure there okay but I'm worried that only bad can cone from it."I say deciding who better to tell my worst fears then a complete stranger.

"I would so they don't worry...but maybe from a pay phone so they don't have your number."he says his smile was so contagious it just made you feel happy.

"I'm gonna be honest with you, as embarrassing as this is, I still don't know your name."I say
"Oh I'm sorry... um Dan Wesley, and yours?"
"Kitty State"I say as we shake hands to make it more of a proper introduction.

"Anyways enough about me let's talk about your issues for a little while."I say he nods

"Where do I start."he says looking very in thought.
"How about just a run down of you as an individual,"I suggest.
"Ok let's see I'm 21 years old, I went to Harvard for 4 years to become a lawyer, I inherited my own germ from my dad who recently retired, by favorite color is blue, and I spent the past 6 years in a relationship with my high school sweet heart who turned out to be a bitch."he ends I nod.
" that's the best run down I've ever gotten from someone. Kudos,"I say raising my glass to him slightly.

"Okay your turn what is your story?"he says grabbing his drink.
"Um well I was raised in North Carolina in a small town where you new everyone and we're family with half of them, I graduated my junior year of high school, spent a lot of my high school years drunk at college party's, I ended up in bad relationship after bad relationship till we moved to California and I met my most recent lover, ended up drinking my way into worst child ever, and ran off haven't talked to any of them since."I said leaving out the stuff that was really bad like the years I spent in torment or my recent escape from the Psych ward.

"So your an alcoholic that works at a bar"he asks I shake my head.
"No I'm not an alcoholic I don't need it nor do I want it..I think I was just trying to forget all the messes I'd made.
Ever felt like no matter what decision you make it's always the wrong one even though you think it's right?"I say he nods

"Pretty much every day."he says with a sigh.

I heard a jingle from the door opening when a familiar scent hit me and I looked up to see violet standing there her as much in shock as I was.
"Crap! can you just give me a minute?"I say before getting out the booth, and going over to her. I grabbed her arm, and headed back towards the hallway that lead to the restrooms.
"Jay what are you doing here your family has been looking for you non stop for months."she says pulling out her phone I grab it and put it in my back pocket.

"No you can't tell them where I am!"I say she looked confused.
"Why not listen they just don't want you around that Lycan anymore and I don't blame them!" She states I sigh
"Well there tactics are little extreme!"I say
"What do you mean they said they were gonna send you on stuff for your mom.. you know down under with the fishy's."she says I frown.
"Well that's a lie cause they had me at a psych ward when I ran off"I say quietly she gasps.

"No your dad promised me when Grey,Alex, and I..."she stopped as she started thinking.
"Oh God Jay I'm so sorry I didn't know!"she says
"You see why you can't tell them I'm here my dad had my whole family convinced I was a pathological liar who was crazy and could kill everyone."I tell her

"Well you can't stay in New York by yourself it's not safe here."she says before her eyes go wide.
"I'll stay with you that way I can make it up to you what we did."she says I roll my eyes.
"Fine but your not getting this back till you can be trusted."I say grabbing her phone and waving it in her face slightly.

"Well that's fair I guess but what about when grey calls?"she says
"We'll figure this out later. Where are you staying?"I ask she grabs the phone and puts in the address before handing it back.
"Meet me there at 12 no later other wise I'll assume you've run"she says I nod.

And we part ways like nothing happened.

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