The Only Way || She-Ra

By Small_Raging_Turtles

67.1K 2.5K 3.5K

Light Hope needed She-Ra and her sword to activate the Heart of Etheria. Adora wasn't going to let her have... More

Prologue: Stars
Chapter 1: Facing Reality
Chapter 2: Harmonious Teamwork
Chapter 3: Guilty Party
Chapter 4: The Test
Chapter 5: A New Kind of Promise
Chapter 7: The Funeral
Chapter 8: Even If We Could
Chapter 9: Just a Memory
Chapter 10: The Masks We Wear
Chapter 11: That One Chapter Where Shadow Weaver Gets Everything She Deserves
~ Soundtrack ~
Chapter 12: The Secret Weapon
Chapter 13: Skeletons
Chapter 14: A Wager to Die For
Chapter 15: Nothing But The Truth
Chapter 16: The Portal
Chapter 17: Adora
Chapter 18: A Fixed Timeline
Chapter 19: 6-32
A/N The End...Or Is It?
A/N Meme Dump + Updates on the Sequel

Chapter 6: Missing Piece

3.1K 119 221
By Small_Raging_Turtles

As Bow led Entrapta and Perfuma to his room in the palace, he wasn't sure if what he was doing was the right call. On one hand, it's not like they needed the sword anymore but on the was almost like handing over a piece of Adora, something that was in short supply these days.

"Can you really build a spaceship in one day?" Perfuma asked Entrapta.

"I didn't have plenty of time to study it when we returned from Beast Island, but I've been attempting to make one for quite some time. The difficulty is just finding compatible tech."

"Well hopefully this will work," Bow stopped in front of his door. "It's all we have."

The door creaked open and the others waited outside while Bow went in. He made his way to the dresser by his bed, opening the top drawer. Inside laid what was left of the sword of protection. The hilt was still connected to the jagged metal. He tried to ignore the red stains that were still on the edges. The runestone that used to shine so spectacularly looked dulled in the unlit room.

Taking it in his hands gently, he rejoined the others. Part of him didn't want to hand it over to Entrapta, but he did.

"Be careful with it," Bow said, to which Entrapta smiled sincerely. Her and Perfuma left to return to the clearing. Looking out the window, Bow could already see a pile of scrap metal building up. He turned to go to the training center when someone caught his eye.

Shadow Weaver, he thought. Ever since Glimmer disappeared, she had been acting really strange. He remembered how she reacted when he told her what happened to Adora. All of that suave confidence fell and she hasn't said a thing since. She just watches in the shadows, listening in to conversations. Bow really wished she'd just leave already but he wasn't about to start that fight.

Ignoring her, he left, deciding he would just go help Entrapta instead. Oddly enough, he didn't want to be on his own anymore. Especially not in a room full of weapons.


Glimmer didn't know what to expect, other than that whatever was about to happen was going to hurt.

Taken to the same room as before, she noticed the equipment was still lying as they left it: some instruments thrown to the ground, others malfunctioning and sparking. The machine that had been shoved into the scientists head had been pulled out of the wall. Glimmer was at least happy she wouldn't have to deal with that thing again.

The scientist kept a deathly grip on her. Not even prying at his fingers got him to loosen his hold. Glimmer considered biting him but before she could, he slammed the door shut, sealing them in the laboratory. Not wasting any time, he used his other hand to grab Glimmer by the hair and bang her head against the wall.

He let go of her but she was too dizzy to do anything. That, paired with her already existing headache, made for some foggy vision.

The scientist grabbed her again by the shoulder and threw her into the wall. Groaning, she tried to push against it to hold herself up when she felt two metal spikes stab into her backside. Letting out a scream of agony, Glimmer dropped to the floor.

Twisting her head, she saw that the metal prods were connected to some wiring from a machine on the wall. Bracing herself for what she guessed was coming, she saw the scientist slam down a switch on the wall.

Glimmer must of momentarily blacked out, because for a second she couldn't see and then she was writhing on the ground. The pain was different from before, more like when she had been captured by the Horde. This time though, instead of feeling the black garnets disrupting her magic, she felt her own powers fighting against her body. Every cell was on fire, lit up by the same magic she had learned to master.

"I told you," The scientist gripped her face, "I'm going to drain you until there's nothing left." Letting her fall back to the floor, Glimmer let loose another scream. She didn't even know what she was saying anymore. She just wanted it to stop.


Morning turned to midday and midday turned to evening. As the hours passed, nearly every member of the rebellion was checking in on the progress of the ship (to the slight annoyance of Entrapta, though she didn't mind talking while she worked).

With Bow's help and the occasional help of the princesses, everyone was happily surprised that Entrapta hadn't been in over her head. She really was going to finish this. Everyone just hoped it could fly.

As Entrapta finished, all she had left to do was implement the sword's runestone into the ship. For this, she advised everybody to wait a good distance away, seeing as most of these things tend to have explosive results.

Bow, Perfuma, and Frosta stood by the castle wall, watching the ship from a distance. Mermista and Scorpia, who were on their way anyways, joined them.

"Hey guys," Bow greeted. "What's up?"

"Me and Scorps were talking and, like, we had a question," Mermista said.

"We'd just like to know the plan once the ship is done," Scorpia asked.

"Also like what exactly is stopping us from getting blown out of the sky?" Mermista crossed her arms. "Just a thought."

Bow hadn't thought of that truthfully. It was a valid point. Prime had shot at a ship that he himself might of stolen. What's to stop him from doing it again?

"Aha!" Joyous laughter could be heard from across the clearing. Everyone turned to see the lights slowly blink on. Steadily the ship rose, hovered for a moment, and set back down. Entrapta came running over to them, grinning widely. "We are cleared for take off! Now, I didn't have time to add a lot of the things I wanted to but this should be easier to maneuver than the old model."

"Hey! We were wondering, is it possible that you added an invisibility ray or maybe a way to hide us once we're in the air?" Perfuma asked.

"Oh no, that would take weeks to figure out, but it's a great idea!" Entrapta took out her recording device and walked away, jabbering into it about stealth tech.

"We don't have time to wait until she can hide us," Bow said. "Every second we waste down here is another second Glimmer could be in danger."

"Then we should be going now," Frosta insisted. "Come on, let's get the others."

"Wait, wait, wait," Mermista stopped Frosta from running off. "So if their big scary ship starts firing at our small not-so-scary ship, what do you expect us to do?"

"The explosion was big Bow," Perfuma admitted. "I don't think whoever was flying our's survived."

"It could've been a robot or something," Frosta said. "It's one of my theories. I have another one where-"

"We aren't backing down," Bow said. "I'll go alone if I have to. We're rescuing Glimmer because she wouldn't hesitate to rescue any of us. It's worth the risk."

"Um, on that note," Scorpia looked around nervously, "I actually wanted to ask if we could rescue Catra as well?"

"Why would we want to do that?" Frosta asked.

"It's just, I mean she's on that ship too and I just thought..." Scorpia was way too aware of the strange looks she was receiving. "I'm just saying, she doesn't deserve to be on that ship any more than Glimmer does."

"You're right," Bow said, though not happily. "We don't know what Horde Prime's capable of, meaning we don't know if he'll hurt Catra or not."

"Who's to say she's not exactly where she wants to be?" Mermista asked. "For all we know, she's on Horde Prime's side. I don't think it's worth it."

"We don't leave people behind," Bow said.

"Catra doesn't count," Mermista argued. "I'm case you forgot, she destroyed my kingdom."

"Then at least let us bring her in to Brightmoon," Scorpia insisted. "We can keep her here." Mermista and Frosta still didn't look convinced. "Please?"

"All we can offer her is a chance," Bow said. "I can't guarantee you anything though."

Scorpia would just have to accept that as an answer. With that decided, Bow left to go get the rest of the group. Seeing as the ship was operational, they had to do this now. There wasn't any time to lose.


It was decided that not everyone should go on the ship as planned. With the whole possibly-getting-blown-up thing on everyone's minds, it wasn't the smartest move to have the entire rebellion in the air.

Entrapta would fly the ship. Bow, Scorpia, and Micah would join her. Frosta insisted she come too, but Entrapta explained that she wouldn't be much help, seeing as the distance from the runestone would make her powers useless.

Everyone else would stay on the ground.

As the group split, everyone's nerves were on edge. They didn't discuss what would happen if the ship got shot at, or worse: shot down. Everyone simply knew with their latest string of luck, they were bound for some good news and they might as well hope this was it.

In the cockpit, Bow saw that Entrapta had changed the control panels. They weren't so reliant on First One tech, and had more modern controls. She had also added more seats, a nice touch. At the very front of the panel, Bow could see the hilt plugged into the ship, the runestone pulsing lightly.

Buckling up his seatbelt, Bow couldn't help but stare at the massive ship looming over them. He wasn't even sure how he was suppose to find Glimmer in a place like that but it was something he'd need to figure out when he got to it.

Entrapta flipped on a few switches, the ship groaning as it woke up. Taking a deep breath, she glanced back at the others reassuringly before focusing on the steering. "Preparing for takeoff in three...two..."

The ship blasted into the air faster than its passengers were prepared for. Seatbelts jabbing into their bodies, they gripped onto their seats as the land beneath them grew smaller.

"Breaching the atmosphere in"

The ship slammed to a halt, or at least it felt that way. As it virtually slowed down to nothing, the pressure in everyone's heads dispersed and their limbs felt lighter than they ever had before.

"It's beautiful," Entrapta gasped. The others turned to look out the window and found themselves in awe as well. The stars and planets that surrounded them looked different above the clouds.

If only the Horde ship wasn't blocking part of their view.

"So Bow," Micah asked calmly, "At what point exactly was the old ship shot down?"

"Good question," Bow squeaked. "I'm not exactly sure."

"I'm sure we'll be fine," Scorpia laughed nervously. "We'll be fine, right?"

As the ship edged closer to the battle cruiser, the four weren't feeling as confident as they hoped. That is — until Entrapta noticed something.

"That's odd," Entrapta squinted. "Is it just me or does it seem like this side of the ship's controls are down?"

Bow leaned forward in his seat, taking a good look as well. Looking at the rest of the ship, everything was glowing an ominous green, the weapons engaged and routinely swiping the area. In the spot where they were approaching though, the ship was dark and the weapons were turned off.

Was it dumb luck? Or was something else going on? A trap maybe?

Whether it was a wise decision or not, Entrapta flew faster towards the docking bay. If this was luck, then they couldn't waste it. And if it wasn't...hopefully they weren't rushing towards their doom.

Without so much as a hiccup, the docking bay opened at the presence of the ship and Entrapta was able to land quietly. The room itself was completely dark.

"Any idea what's waiting out there for us?" Scorpia asked nervously.

"Only one way to find out." Bow took his bow in hand, readying an arrow. Leading the group, his hand hovered over the doorway, before swinging the entrance open.

At first, they couldn't see anything. With the room so dimly lit, they couldn't make out more than a few feet in front of them. Motioning for then to continue, Bow crept further out into the room, making it all the way to the exit.

"Why isn't anyone here?" Micah asked. "Shouldn't this whole ship be guarded?"

"You would think," Bow eyed the closed doors, trying to make out anything from the cracks in the frame. Surely enough, he saw a shadow, singular but just as terrifying. There was definitely someone waiting on the other side.

The others readied themselves for a fight. Bow pressed a button on the keypad and the doors slid open revealing a single Horde soldier.

Everyone was ready to attack when to their surprise the soldier held their hands in the air. Faltering, they weren't sure what to do.

"I'm not here to fight," The guard explained. "I'm here to help."

"Who are you?" Bow asked, arrow aimed for his chest.

"Sentry 6-32, Squadron 78. I'm a friend."

The others weren't convinced.

"Don't you wonder why you were able to board so easily?" 6-32 asked. "I disabled the weapons. I'm on your side. Time, however, is not. Your friends are in danger. I can take you to them."

"You're going to have to give us more if you want us to trust you," Bow said.

The guard sighed. "Listen, I'm your only chance. You can come with me, or you can waste time searching a ship bigger than Brightmoon."

Bow, Micah, Entrapta and Scorpia turned to each other.

"What should we do?" Scorpia whispered.

"We may never find Glimmer if we don't follow him," Micah said. "I'm not risking it."

Bow nodded. He could see how all of this was weighing on him. Bow couldn't imagine the disappointment Micah must of felt when he realized he wouldn't be seeing his daughter after all.

"Alright," Bow turned back to 6-32. "Lead the way."

The guard nodded, immediately setting off down the hall. The others followed.

"No one should follow us," 6-32 explained. "I had this section of the ship cleared, but it won't last for long." He led them to an elevator and punched in a code. The others waited impatiently, uneasy with being confined in such a small space with their new companion.

Alas, the guard made no moves against them and when the elevator doors open, he diligently led them to where they were suppose to be.

That being said, it wasn't what they had in mind.

In front of them was a prison cell, but Glimmer was nowhere to be seen. Instead, there sat Catra, looking just as bewildered as them, if not more.

"Catra?" Scorpia frowned. Scorpia couldn't help but notice that Catra seemed different, less rigid, less angry and just sad.

"What is this?" Micah turned on 6-32. "Where's my daughter?"

"You'll fail without her," 6-32 motioned to Catra. "You, the scientist, I need you to open her cell."

Entrapta happily obliged, eager to get a closer look at Prime's tech. Bow stood there conflicted as Scorpia and Catra talked through the barrier and Micah and 6-32 argued.

"How long is this going to take?" Micah demanded. "I need to bring Glimmer home."

"Like I said-" 6-32 stopped, turning his head to the side. He was listening to his communicator. "I have to go. Your ship has been noticed." Beginning to run to the elevator, he shouted back, "Catra knows where Glimmer is! Stay together!"

Left to fend for themselves, all eyes turned to Catra, except for Entrapta who was still firing away at the control panel.

Even though she was behind the force field, Bow still felt uneasy. Not once had he had a positive interaction with Catra and he doubted that would change now. Who's to say she wouldn't turn on them as soon as that barrier lifted?

"Where's Glimmer at?" Micah asked desperately. "I'll go ahead myself."

"I can show you once you let me out," Catra said, not confident they'd bother if they had what they needed.

"Typical," Bow said. "Entrapta, how are we doing?"

"Just another minute!" Entrapta called.

"Tell me where my daughter is!" Micah pounded on the force field, growing restless.

Catra didn't know what to do. She did desperately want to get out and she did want to save Glimmer, but who's to say them wasting time on her wouldn't be Glimmer's downfall. Reluctantly, she decided she'd have to risk it. "Take the elevator. Three floors down and five doors to the right. She was taken by some crazy scientist guy."

Micah was already racing towards the elevator. While Entrapta didn't move, Bow found himself stuck at a crossroads.

"Go," Scorpia reassured him. "We'll handle everything here."

Nodding, Bow raced off to join Micah. Scorpia looked to Catra, both anxiously waiting for the barrier between them to drop.

"Scorpia I'm..." Catra looked down ashamedly. "I'm sorry about, well, everything. I've been a bad friend and ended up treating you the same way I resented people for treating me. I understand if you don't want anything to do with me."

"Do you really think I'd be here if I didn't want anything to do with you?" Scorpia smiled warmly. "I appreciate the apology though. When we get out of here, we'll have a talk."

"I'd like that," Catra said quietly.

"Got it!" Entrapta cheered. Instead of the barrier lifting though, Catra jumped back as the control panel exploded in sparks and the barrier faltered completely. Alarms blared throughout the corridor.

Entrapta gave the group a thumbs up. "Time to go!"


When Bow and Micah made it to the lab, they heard what was happening before they saw it. Lying on the ground was Glimmer, metal rods sticking out of her back, muscles spasming weakly as her magic was being drained out of her body. She was pale, covered in sweat, and, worst of all, screaming, begging, for it to end. Otherwise, the room was empty.

Rushing to Glimmer's side, Micah scooped up his daughter, holding her and trying to ease her suffering. Bow followed the wires to the machine and smashed it with his boots until it shut off. He, too, joined Glimmer, helping to remove the rods and stop the bleeding.

"D-Dad?" For a moment Glimmer was scared that she had died and was seeing her father in some strange afterlife. When she looked around though, she could tell that she was still on the Horde ship.

She tried to stand up but could barely push herself to her feet. Her limbs were too weak, her body still jolting here and there. The only thing she could focus on was her own breathing, and even that was labored.

"Let's get her out of here," Bow grabbed Glimmer's legs so the two could carry her out when suddenly he felt his body give out under him.

On the floor, he looked to see who he assumed was the deranged scientist Catra had mentioned earlier. The scientist was busy trying to overpower Micah, who luckily had seen him coming. The two wrestled on the floor while Bow dragged Glimmer out of harm's way.

"I've had enough of you people!" The scientist yelled as he slammed his fist into Micah's jaw, knocking him out cold. Bow ran up to stop him but the scientist swatted him away too. Landing on the ground, Bow felt the wind get knocked out of him. He couldn't get up.

Spinning on his heels towards Glimmer, the scientist took out his gun and aimed it at her head. She didn't even have enough energy to look at him, her head drooping over her chest.

"So long princess."

"Technically, she's a queen."

Glimmer didn't get a good look at who said that before the scientist squeezed the trigger.

A blur flashed in front of Glimmer's eyes and she was surprised to find she was unharmed (or at least not any more harmed than she already was).

Bow, having regained his bearings, shot a bludgeoning arrow at the man, knocking him out and sending him to the floor. He then raced to Glimmer's side.

"Are you ok?" Bow asked hurriedly.

Glimmer nodded lazily. "What...w-who?"

Bow turned to realize what she meant. Scorpia and Entrapta were crowded around Catra, who was lying on the floor.

"Oh no," Scorpia kept repeating to herself. "Oh no, oh no."

"Relax," Catra grunted. "I just got grazed in the shoulder."

With everyone who could still walk now on their feet, they quickly made a game plan. Bow and Catra would help get Glimmer to the ship. Scorpia could carry Micah, and Entrapta would take the gun, leading the way.

It must've been a miracle but they weren't stopped by any guards in the hallway, nor in the elevator. Everything was smooth sailing until they got to the ship deck.

6-32 was waiting anxiously for them. "You did it?"

"No need to sound so surprised," Catra said. "Are we leaving or not?"

"Follow me," 6-32 said. "I had to move your ship. Luckily with the alarms, everyone cleared out of here. Good thinking, whoever's idea that was."

"Yes, that was definitely intentional," Entrapta nodded eagerly.

Making it to ship, the others piled in. 6-32 was about to board as well when Catra stopped him.

"What do you think you're doing?" Catra glared.

"I'm coming with you."

"No, you aren't."

"Really?" 6-32 laughed. "So first you're mad because you want to pass my test, then, you finally pass it and you don't want the reward? I told you I can help."

The two could hear footsteps not far away. They were about to have company.

"Fine," Catra waved him inside. "Let's just go."

Loaded up, the ship closed it's doors and shot out into the sky, putting as much distance between them and the ship as possible.

"The weapons system should still be down," 6-32 reassured everyone. "It took me ages to disable them, meaning it'll take just as long for them to turn back on. They can't shoot at us."

Despite that fact, Entrapta still made sure they reached the ground as soon as possible.

Glimmer was lying on the floor. Micah had woken up and was now sitting over her, performing a spell. As he did, everyone could see the color returning to her skin.

"What are you doing?" Bow asked curiously.

"Returning some magic to her," Micah said, "At least until we can get her to the runestone."

Bow sat with her, keeping a hand on hers. He looked around to assess the others. Entrapta was busy flying, while 6-32 asked her questions, pointing to the sword connected to the ship. Catra sat with Scorpia, poking at her wound.

"I don't think you should do that," Scorpia cringed. It was only a skin deep cut but it freaked her out regardless.

Huffing, Catra quit it and looked around at the crew. She was honestly surprised that there was no one else on the ship.

Catra decided to ask Scorpia the question on her mind. "So. Where's Adora?"

Scorpia's shoulders dropped. She knew this was inevitable but it didn't make it any worse. Looking at the others, she saw that Glimmer had heard Catra, and was now asking Bow the same thing.

Catra noticed too. She saw the looks Bow and Micah had. They didn't bode well.

"Scorpia?" Catra asked. "What's wrong?"

"Well, you see Wildcat. Something...happened," Scorpia started.

"What is it?" Catra was growing more frustrated. "Did she not want to come? Did she not want to save us?"

"No," Scorpia shook her head, "That's not-I mean technically she saved everyone."

Catra looked to see Glimmer was crying now over something Bow said. "Scorpia, what's going on?"

Scorpia took a deep breath. "I need you to promise me something. Promise you aren't going to shut yourself out after this."

"Why won't you just give me a straight answer?"

"Just tell me you won't push us away."

"Not until you tell me where Adora's at." Catra tried to ignore Glimmer's conversation, tried to ignore whatever could've elicited such a reaction. "I still have to talk to her, I have so much to say. Scorpia?"

The next thing that came out of Scorpia's mouth washed over Catra, gradually at first. Scorpia went on, probably explaining what happened but Catra had already stopped listening. Everything else went out of focus, played around her like static, and all Catra could hear were those same two words on loop.

Adora died.

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