Burn (A transformers prime fa...

By fireshadow96

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War changes and affects everything. War changes people's lives and opinions. Autobot's become Decepticon's an... More

Burn Introduction
Half Truth, Half Lies.
Discovering The Truth
Making Friends
A New Side
Lost And Found
Brother & Sister
Hello And Goodbye
Visions of a Monster
One last kiss.
A Second Chance


234 13 3
By fireshadow96

Sorry it’s taken me a while to update ! Hope you enjoy the chapter ! :) 


“Where is she ?” Knockout said as he paced back and forth the med-bay, Breakdown was stretched out on the medical berth watching his sparkmate panic. “Why aren’t you worried ?” Breakdown was going to make a smart remark to Knockout but Thunderstar let herself inside before he could speak up. 

“Sorry. Sound and I were in the training room..So what are we doing tonight ?” Thunderstar had been in the control room all day, the only time she left was to get herself some energon. After being dismissed by Megatron she and Soundwave went to the training room and challenged one another to a quick match that ended up lasting a good hour. Which is why she was late to meet with Knockout and Breakdown. 

“We were planning on playing a game..”

“A human game,” Thunderstar was intrigued by the low tone each one used. She jumped on the berth then laid on the edge so she was hanging upside down, she loved doing it when she was younger. 

“You call it Truth or Dare right ?” Knockout took her silence as a yes and gave Breakdown a nod to tell her the twist they were putting on it. 

“Well kid, we’re changing the rules,” Breakdown grabbed a large container full of high grade and put it on the counter then grabbed three small glasses. “If you don’t want to answer the question or do the dare you have to drink.” Breakdown chuckled as Thunderstar perked up and grabbed a glass off the counter. 

“Well then..Who’s first ?” Thunderstar relaxed against the medical berth as Breakdown and Knockout looked at one another curiously. “..How about I go first ?” Thunderstar said through soft laughter. Knockout shrugged his shoulders and climbed on the counter while Breakdown pulled up a chair. 

“You, me then doc will go last”

“Sounds wonderful,” Thunderstar said sarcastically, “Truth by the way.” Thunderstar pulled her knee’s to her chassis as the two mechs started thinking. Breakdown grabbed his glass off the counter and started running his large digits over the glass. 

“Anyone..special ? Any certain mech on this ship seem to catch your attention ?” Thunderstar glanced at Breakdown and saw a small smirk on his faceplate, it reminded her of the day he saved her in the mine, the same day he kissed her, as a distraction. 

“Hmm…Nope…Your turn,” Thunderstar placed her glass on the small table beside the medical berth and waited for Breakdown to answer with either Truth or Dare. She had so many evil yet hilarious dares in her mind and so many devious questions if he picked truth. It was a win win situation for her and Knockout either way he chose. 

“What’s the best question you can throw at me ?” Breakdown sarcastically asked as he continued playing with his glass. Thunderstar smirked then sat up and looked directly at Breakdown, a very evil smile crossed her faceplate as she asked her question. 

“On a scale of 1 to 10 how good of a kisser to rate yourself ?” The question caught Knockout and Breakdown’s attention making Thunderstar uncontrollably laugh to herself. She leaned back against the berth and waited for a answer enjoying the silence that edged on for a few more klicks. 

“I consider myself a solid 9,” Breakdown’s confidence showing through brought a smile to Knockout’s faceplate. Thunderstar slightly smiled as they grabbed each other’s hand and smiled at one another. She thought about Megatron but pushed the thought of him aside as Knockout spoke up, his answer was dare, finally. Thunderstar put her hands up and laid back against the berth giving Breakdown complete control over the dare since it was his sparkmate. 

“Scratch your paint,” Thunderstar and Breakdown laughed while Knockout gasped in complete shock. Knockout grabbed the container of high grade and filled his glass and quickly downed the substance. Thunderstar gave Breakdown a high five as she continued laughing at Knockout and his love for his paint. 

“Hit me with a question doc,” Knockout relaxed and looked at Thunderstar, his smile fading and being replaced with a serious look. Thunderstar continued to sit upside down on the berth while looking from Knockout to Breakdown. 

“Honestly Thunder, does any mech on this ship have a place in your spark ?” Knockout spoke in a more serious tone to try and get to the bottom of what she really felt. Not only for himself but for Breakdown. He could sense the strong feelings he had for Thunderstar, not as strong as the love they shared but he knew they were close. 

“Um..” Thunderstar sat up and let her helm fall into her lap, she knew who she cared for but that was her business, “No, I’m so focused on being the best solider I can be that I don’t ever think about anything else,” she said in a monotone voice. “Your turn tough stuff,” She looked at Breakdown and smirked. 

Breakdown could see a bit of pain behind her optics but left it alone and chose dare, Knockout was going to dare him. Great. Breakdown chuckled and waited to see what Knockout’s processor had in store for him. “Kiss her,” Knockout chuckled as he sat back against the counter. 

“Wha-..Knockout you’re joking right ?” 

“No handsome I’m not…The container’s there if you don’t have the ball bearings to do it,” Knockout was loving the joke he was making. He hadn’t seen seen his sparkmate so ruffled about something before, it was more than amusing to him. Thunderstar on the other hand was smiling and laughing. To her, it was just a kiss, they kissed before so it wasn’t anything new to her. 

“Thunder ?” Breakdown spoke in his normal, gruff tone. Thunderstar got off the berth as Breakdown stepped up from the chair and looked at the femme like she was a ration of high grade. Thunderstar rolled her optics then quickly snaked her hands behind Breakdown’s neck and pulled him down and smashed her lips to his. 

“Commander you’re almost one hour late for your meeting with Lord Megatron,” Thunderstar quickly pulled away from Breakdown as she got the comm from Steve and cursed in Cybertronian. 

“I’m really sorry but I have to go. I want to be here but Megatron needs me in the control room. I was so pre-occupied with being around you guys tonight that I forgot about the ‘meeting’ he made for us tonight.” Thunderstar quickly hugged Knockout then tightly hugged Breakdown. 

“Not bad by the way,” She whispered next to his audio receptor. She kissed his cheek then sped out of the med-bay and down the hallway to the control room. On the way there Steve stopped her and informed her that Megatron wasn’t very happy about her being late and he was blaming Knockout and Breakdown. 

Thunderstar took a deep breath then stepped into the control room and quietly made her way to Megatron’s side. She saw a ground bridge open and Megatron walk through, she looked into the swirling green portal then ran through behind Megatron. She came to a stop as she heard the sound of the rushing water and saw the area Megatron stood in was filled with the moonlight. 

“Excuse my questioning but why are we out here so late at night ?” Thunderstar stood beside Megatron, she wanted to look up at him but for some reason she felt afraid. She felt like if she did she wouldn’t be able to look away, that she’d feel something she shouldn’t, so she kept her optics on the ground beneath her. 

“To discuss us Thunderstar…To discuss your happiness..and mine,” His voice had a certain softness to it. It made Thunderstar almost lose control. She kept her optics the ground as she slowly started walking away from him. 

“What of my happiness ? I’m perfectly content with my life now. I’m your Second in command and as strong as they come.” She was happy with the way things were, yes there were other things she wanted but she wasn’t one for begging or pleading. 

Megatron saw Thunderstar walking away from him, he turned and followed behind the femme, determined to win her over. Not with force or even by yelling at her but by simply speaking to her. Reasoning with her. It was his only option, he had been planning this night out all day, the words he would say to her, the soft touches he’d give her. He wanted it to be perfect.

“Thunderstar, are you truly happy ? Isn’t there anything else you want ?” Megatron saw her stop walking and hoped he’d hit her with his words. He’d hope he wouldn’t have to raise his voice or tell her of his past, he just needed her to understand how much he cared. Even if it was hard for him to say it he needed her to see it. 

“No, there’s not.” She bit her glossa as she leaped down the cliff, she wanted to spill out her insides, to turn around and tell him how she felt. How she’s felt since they met but that’s not how he trained her so she ignored her feelings and focused on being his Second in command and nothing more. 

Megatron sighed and jumped down the cliff, Thunderstar was standing next to the waterfall watching as it all came rushing downwards. Megatron grabbed her hand but she slid it away from him and walked away from him again. She stood in the middle of the wide open area, shaking her helm while clenching her hands into tight fists. 

“Do you remember what you told me when we first started training ? Don’t let your emotions get the best of you. That if we do not control our emotions then they will control us.” Thunderstar kept her distance from Megatron as she spoke. 

“Thunderstar do you think it is easy trying to be a strong leader when all I do is think about you ? No ! It’s not ! I hate the fact that you make me so weak !” Thunderstar turned and walked back to the cove next to the waterfall, Megatron lowly growled and followed behind her. 

“I refuse to act on my emotions !” Thunderstar yelled. Megatron cornered her and placed both his arms on each side of Thunderstar’s helm. She was boxed in by the warlord now. Now they were forced to face one another. Face to face. Which is exactly what Megatron wanted. 

“Do you think it has been easy to go on everyday pretending like I don’t care for you ? When you touch me while we train, when I hear your soft voice say my name there is a ache in my spark.” Megatron moved his arm to lift her helm and look into her optics. 

“I know you feel it. The connection we share..face it Thunderstar. We can’t fight it any longer…Give into it”

“I’ll fight it and you until I can’t fight anymore,” Thunderstar shoved Megatron aside and made her way back to the top of the cliff again. She wasn’t ready for all of this. Just thirty minutes ago she was having fun with Knockout and Breakdown and now she was being told Megatron needed her. It was a lot to take in but a part of her ached for Megatron, to reach back out but she couldn’t. 

“Thunderstar I-.” 

“The last time I gave my heart it was smashed into a thousand pieces ! I loved Wheeljack and look what he did to me ! How…How am I suppose to believe that you will be any different ?” Thunderstar sighed and let the tears slide down her faceplate. 

“I feel it..the connection…I’m just so afraid of giving myself to you only to be hurt, crushed..I-..I don’t want to feel that again.” Thunderstar was now silently crying. The tears spilled from her optics and ran down her faceplate, she didn’t even bother trying to wipe away the tears, she just let them fall. 

“This time will be different because I have felt the same pain Thunderstar. It’s the reason why I to am afraid to love again…I once gave someone my spark only for them to betray me and leave me later. After I got hurt I swore I’d never let myself fall in love again but you..” Megatron wiped the tears from her faceplate and looked into the hurt optics of the femme. 

“You make me want to love again.” Megatron placed his helm against her’s and slid his hands behind her back. “I want to protect you and be a good leader for our troops.” Megatron pulled back from Thunderstar to stand in the moonlight once more. 

Thunderstar wasn’t afraid to look at him this time, in fact she was happy to look at him standing in the moonlight. The moonlight lit up his chassis while keeping his face in the darkness. Thunderstar waited until his dark red optics landed on her to speak her mind. 

“When I’m around you it’s like I’ve never loved before, like everything with Wheeljack never even happened. You’re not even mine and I’m still so afraid of losing you, that’s why I followed you that day. To keep you safe..Megatron,” She grabbed his hand but kept her optics on the ground. 

“Maybe it’s better for us to be together…Maybe that’s what we both need or maybe I-.” Megatron cut off the femme by lifting her helm and gently pressed his lips to her’s while slowly his arms folded around her backside to pull her even closer to him. 

Thunderstar snaked her arms around the warlord’s neck and pulled back from his gentle kiss and placed her helm against his. They stood there enjoying each other’s embrace, enjoying the peaceful moment they were having. Thunderstar was still so close to him, he was a breath away, she wanted to say something but didn’t know what. 

Thunderstar pulled back from Megatron and smiled, she slid her hand down his arm and intertwined their hands. Thunderstar pointed up at the stars and started telling him about the constellations but Megatron could care less. He was just happy she admitted she needed him just as much as he needed her. 

“We’re under the moon and the stars and you’re interested in me ?” Thunderstar chuckled then went back to looking up at the stars. 

“And you’re fascinated by things you can never touch,” Megatron slid his hands around her waist as he softly chuckled.

Without warning Thunderstar turned around and shoved Megatron aside, “Catch me,” she said through her laughter. Megatron smirked and chased after her, the two leaped down the cliff and sped down past the cove next to the waterfall. The sound of the rushing water making them both smile. 

Thunderstar gasped as her leg was grabbed and she was pulled to the ground, his strong arms held her to the ground and his dark red optics locked onto soft purple optics. She smiled as he looked down at her lips then back up to her optics. “Now what ?” Thunderstar giggled then kissed him. 

“Was that a good enough reward ?” 

“I’ve seen better,” Megatron smirked then gently kissed Thunderstar again. She pushed him onto his back but never broke their kiss and kept their hands intertwined. Megatron pulled back and sat up from the ground, Thunderstar laid her helm in his lap while looking up at him with the gentlest smile. 

“Ugh, that femme makes me sick,” the spider-femme softly spoke to herself as she watched the two from behind the tree’s. She caught their energy signatures and investigated but didn’t like what she saw. It only added more fuel to the fire, it helped Airachnid decided on her plans. 

“She has to die,” she said as Megatron gave the femme another kiss. Airachnid was jealous. She felt hurt and lost, Airachnid had loved Megatron long before Thunderstar was even separated from her traitorous mother. Airachnid and Megatron had met in Kaon when Megatron was still a gladiator in the pits, she loved him and he loved her but as soon as the war started it fell apart. 

“You are all I need Thunderstar,” Airachnid growled and scraped her digits down the bark of a tree to refrain from jumping out and attacking Thunderstar now. No. She had to be smart about how she dealt with the femme especially since she was now Megatron’s pet. Airachnid hated watching this, she hated torturing herself but she couldn’t pull her optics away. 

“And you’re..all I..want Megatron,” Thunderstar gave a soft smile before closing her optics and falling into recharge in Megatron’s lap. Airachnid pulled herself away as Megatron picked Thunderstar up and held her next to his chassis. Her spark ached as he kissed her helm and walked through the ground bridge back to the Nemesis. 

Once he was gone and the portal was closed Airachnid yelled in frustration and pure jealously. She had known for months that the two felt something for one another but she never thought they’d act on it, she always thought Megatron would be her’s for the taking but now he was gone. Megatron was taken from her and she needed to get him back. 

“Megatron is mine,” Airachnid transformed and started flying back to the harbinger. The base she’d taken over, after kicking Starscream out, she’d searched most of the ship but she’d go through it again to find something, anything to get rid of Thunderstar. Something that would look like the Autobot’s did it and hopefully help her get Megatron. 

Megatron gave Soundwave a curt nod as he walked into the control room with Thunderstar. She clung onto Megatron as she recharged, her helm buried in the crook of his neck and her arms folded around his neck. It was by far the best thing he’s seen in a very long time and it brought a smile to his faceplate. Megatron opened the door to his berthroom and gently laid her down on the berth. 

“Don’t tell me you aren’t staying,” she said in a soft, playful tone. Megatron climbed on the berth and gave her a soft kiss. 

“Of course I’m staying,” He laid back on the berth and folded both arms behind his helm. Thunderstar curled up beside him and placed her helm on his chassis while snaking her arms around his frame. She gave a soft moan before saying his name then falling back into recharge. Megatron pulled the covers over them both and watched over Thunderstar before finally he himself fell into recharge.

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