Living with the Midoriyas

By famulan07

148K 2.7K 3.3K

Izuku, Ochako, and Eri have been happily living as a family for the past 5 years, but when they encounter an... More

Part 1: All Grown Up
Part 2: A New Friend
Part 3: The Beginning
Part 4: Home
Part 5: What Matters Most
Part 6: Secrets
Part 7: Surprise!
Part 8: Promotions
Part 9: Encounters
Part 10: Tenjin Matsuri (Part 1)
Part 11: Tenjin Matsuri (Part 2)
Part 12: Confessions
Part 13: Announcement
Part 14: What'll It Be?
Part 15: Reveal
Part 16: Freedom
Part 17: A Birthday to Remember
Part 18: Plans
Part 19: Darkness
Part 20: Valentine's Day
Part 21: Miracles
Part 23: Rescue (Part 1)
Part 24: Rescue (Part 2)
Part 25: Rescue (Part 3)
Part 26: Arrival
Part 27: Prayers
Part 28: Company
Part 29: Completion
Part 30: Happily Ever After

Part 22: Illusions

2.7K 62 51
By famulan07

"It's almost time, my dear. Any day now."

Ultimatum cradled her cheek in his hand. She couldn't look at him. She couldn't bear the shame of her agreement to do what he ordered, but she knew it was necessary in order to regain her freedom.

It had been so long since she had been able to enjoy the sunshine or even wake up in her own home. She dreamt every night that she was back in his arms—back to where she knew she was at home.


She hardly knew the meaning of the word anymore. This cell had become her home for the past six excruciating months. She was drained, exhausted, and frustrated.

She activated her quirk against him, but it had little effect. All it did was anger him. He used his quirk to elevate her in mid air, a tight force around her neck.

Her chains rattled as she struggled to break free from his telekinetic hold.

"You know better than to do tricks like that. They won't work on me. I see right through them. Try to defy me again, and it'll be your last."

Without another word, he released his hold on her. She collapsed, gasping for air.

"I'm giving you one more chance. You only get one time to get this right or else I'll eliminate him."

"I-I don't care what happens to me! Just don't lay a finger on him!" She became so enraged by his threats that she wanted to strangle him then and there.

Ultimatum chuckled. "I'd watch my words, my dearest sweetheart. They'll get you into trouble."

He left the room, leaving her alone once again.


"AW! YOU'RE JUST SO ADORABLE!!" Mina squealed as she poked baby Hino's cheek.

"Kirishima! Let's have one!" His face turned as red as his hair.

"Uh. Let's get married first and then we'll talk about it in the future."

"AND YOU! OH MY GOODNESS YOU ARE THE MOST PRECIOUS THING!" She clasped her hands together as she then fangirled over Rei who was wondering who on earth was throwing such a fuss over him.

"Thank you, Mina." Momo laughed.

"They're my little men." Kirshima stated as he congratulated the two new parents.

"Have you two planned anything more regarding your wedding?" Momo asked.

Mina nodded as she began counting on her fingers. "Yep! I've got my dress, the venue has been reserved, and all the other wedding stuff is done. You know how it is. We're already only 2 months away. I can't believe it!"

"I'm so happy for you two." Momo smiled. "Hopefully I'll be able to fit into my bridesmaids dress by then."

"I made sure that each girl's dress was elastic so they would fit comfortably regardless." Mina gleamed.

"Perfect. Thank you for taking Ochako and I into consideration." She giggled.

"Well, we better head out. Kirishima and I have a few more decorations to pick up. We'll see you two later."

Mina then turned to the babies.

"See you soon, baby cakes!"

She was infatuated with them. Kirishima had to pry her away from snuggling the twins.


"I just can't believe it, Shoto. Twins. They're just so perfect. I'm so glad the midwife said that they were both perfectly healthy. It's a dream come true."

"I can't believe it either." He smiled warmly down at baby Hino, who had a firm grip on his finger. They were his joy, his treasures, his entire life.

Nothing mattered more to him than his family, and he swore that he'd never let anyone lay a hand on them.


A week had passed and both Momo and Shoto were adjusting to becoming new parents. They learned to juggle the crazy sleepless nights, visitors coming every day to see the twins, changing diapers, and establishing a feeding routine.

One hour, Hino would awaken demanding a meal, the next, Rei would cry to be cuddled. Although the parents were exhausted, they wouldn't have done anything differently for their boys.

While the Todoroki's were establishing an official routine, the Midoriya's were making last minute preparations for their little girl who was due any day now.

"Crib? Check. Diapers? Check. Clothes? Double check—"

"Izuku, honey. You've checked through that list three times already. We have everything we could possibly need." Ochako placed her hands on her hips.

"Almost everything." Izuku placed his notebook down on the changing table and placed his hands around Ochako's belly.

"It'll be any day now. I'm so excited and nervous at the same time!"

Ochako placed a hand on his cheek as he kissed her forehead.

"I can't wait either. Eri can hardly contain herself. She's so thrilled." She giggled.

"Yeah, mom's told me that she hasn't stopped talking about it since she picked her up from school." He chuckled.

"Are you sure she was okay keeping her for the night?" Ochako asked.

"Positive. Eri wanted to stay with her. Plus, I kind of made arrangements for us to go out tonight on a date." He blushed.

"A date??" She asked. They hardly had any time alone as it was and even less so for a date lately. They were so busy preparing for the baby along with several late nights that Izuku had to work.

"Yes. I got us reservations at Ginza Kojyu. It's not formal, so we can dress comfortably."

"Appreciated. I don't think I can squeeze into many more of my formal clothes at this point. My feet have been so swollen that I can hardly wear most of my shoes. Heck. I can't even see my feet anymore." She sighed.

"I think you're just perfect. You always have been."

One could tell the love Izuku had for his wife just be looking at his eyes. They were always glistening and filled with affection when he looked at her.

"Oh, stop. You're making me blush!" She began to fan her face with her hand. Once she had calmed down, she checked her watch.

"I need to go get ready for our date. I'm just going to throw on some maternity jeans and a sweater. I'll be right back."


Ochako rushed upstairs to get ready. She changed into her stretchy maternity jeans and a cream sweater. She then touched up her makeup and brushed her hair.

"Ochako, we need to be leaving soon, honey."

She heard Izuku call from downstairs. She grabbed her purse and rejoined him at the front door.

"Can you help me put this necklace on?" She swept her hair to the side so Izuku could connect the necklace.

"This is the necklace Eri picked out." He smiled as he connected the hook to the chain. It was a gold necklace that had an infinity sign on the front.

Eri and Izuku had went shopping for Ochako's birthday a few months prior, and Eri had the perfect idea to get her mother a necklace.

Upon finding the infinity sign necklace, she knew it was the one. She told Izuku that she wanted to get her mother that one because it represented her love for her.

"I love you to infinity, momma."

After connecting her necklace, he held the door open for his wife as they made their way to the car.


Upon arriving to the restaurant, they both were starving, especially Ochako. She stated how she was going to eat enough for two, both she and the baby.

Izuku simply laughed and stated that it was a good idea.

Throughout dinner, the two laughed, talked, and simply enjoyed each other's company.

They had forgotten how much they enjoyed dates. It was rare for them to have free time to go places due to Izuku being the Number One Hero.

By the time they returned home, they were both exhausted. They changed into pajamas and headed to bed.


Around 2 a.m., Ochako had awoken to a strange noise downstairs. She turned to see that Izuku wasn't next to her.

She sleepily arose out of bed and headed downstairs.

"Izuku? Are you down here?" She asked groggily.

She headed into the kitchen where she saw him looking in the fridge.

"Maybe you're the pregnant one." She teased.

He was quiet. "Oh, come on, Izuku. That was funny."

He walked closer to her.

"Izuku? What's wrong?"

"I-I'm sorry.." He whispered.

Those were the last words that she heard until she felt a sharp pain in her arm. She had been injected with something.

As her vision blurred, she saw a smoke-like substance irradiate from "Izuku". His masculine physique shifted into a feminine shape.

"I-Izuku.. h-help.." She stated as she lost consciousness.

"I-I have her.."

"Well done, dear. Now. Be a good girl and bring her to the car."

She turned off her earpiece after she was given her new orders and silently carried Ochako into the car that was parked outside the Midoriya's home.

"Don't worry. The injection is only a sedative. It's safe for her and the baby. She'll be awake in a few hours."

As Reprogram drove them away, she placed her hand against Ochako's cheek as tears streamed down her face. "I'm so sorry.."

• • • • •

A/N: In case anyone is confused about "Izuku", "he" was only an illusion. In reality, he was actually still asleep right next to Ochako when she got up to search for "him".

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