My Mysterious Savior

By Moluccan_girl

113K 3.6K 378

"You're the only one of these morons that eats breakfast at school." ~•~•~•~•~•~•~ "I swear to God, if he kee... More



3.2K 122 6
By Moluccan_girl

Lilith's point of view

The next morning, I woke up once again with Ephraim's weight ontop of me. I sighed, deciding to let him be for a while because my clock said 8 AM. My body was so used to waking up early, it still did it even if I didn't have anywhere I needed to be.

I looked down and saw that Ephraim was hugging my waist while his head was tucked under my chin. I squinted my eyes when I noticed he was sort of laying on my boobs but I didn't really care. I ran my fingers throught his hair, enjoying the soft feeling against my skin.

My thoughts wandered off but they got stuck when I came to the male that was laying on my chest. I honestly don't know what was going on between us and I couldn't seem to figure it out. There were moments where we were yelling at each other and then there are moments like these.

The both of us calm and content in each other's presence. My fingers playing around with his hair gently. Sometimes he made me feel like I was finally important to someone and other times he made me want to rip all of his gorgeous hair from his head.

I pondered over the small moments we shared like at the fair or him comforting me because Jeremiah was back out of nowhere. I don't know why but that made me think about Quinn and how she fit into this whole mess.

I never would've suspected that she'd have a crush on the bad boy of the school. I thought she was into this guy on the lacrosse team, I think his name's Darren. I'm not really sure though but I saw her texting with him a lot and he stares at her all the time.

Thinking about staring, made me think about Quinn staring at Ephraim. It kind of made sense because most of the time during class she's looking my way. I always smiled at her, I thought she was grinning at me but she could be staring at him dreamily.

That whole train of thoughts brought me back to something Vincenzo was saying last night. He was talking about Quinn looking at Evie a lot but he was busy looking at something else. Then Dash threw something at him, probably to shut him up, so we never got to hear what Ephraim is so busy staring at.

To be completely honest, I was curious about the thing he was looking at. Dash was obviously lying about Ephraim being too busy with other things to notice because he is aware of everything around his. At times, it was absolutely terrifying and sometimes it comes in pretty handy.

This one time Ephraim pulled me away from a door and when I frowned at him, the door slammed open. He if didn't tug my arm, I probably would've had a broken nose. I think it has something to do with the whole 'playing mind games' thing he does during fights as well.

I'm glad he cut down on the fighting because I'm sure Clara doesn't like seeing her son bruised up. Which brought me back to the most recent fight he participated in. Dash said that Jared pissed Ephraim off but I couldn't understand why.

Ephraim doesn't just get pissed off, I know that for sure. In every fight I've seen, he's calm and calculated, almost like he plans every move whilst anticipating his opponent's. He doesn't like surprises because he can't predict what's going to happen.

He didn't see the question about his father coming last night. I know that I shouldn't have asked but I couldn't help myself. I was just glad he didn't go mad crazy and stormed out of my house. I noted to myself that running my fingers through his hair kept him a bit calmer.

I also surprised him last night by flipping us over. I couldn't stop myself from thinking about what could've happened if Brie didn't snore that loudly. I'm pretty sure that he was leaning in with a purpose. I could see something change in his eyes when he licked his lips.

It wasn't the first time that something like that happened either. The small moment we had on the bed, the morning after we went on the fair. I had just shrugged it off as the whole morning wood thing, thinking it just made him a little horny and I was an easy prey.

But if it was that, our moment in the kitchen last night wouldn't have happened either. The whole eskimo kiss promise was adorable to me but then, to me, it got really hot really fast. Just the way he stared into my eyes while leaning his forehead against mine made me weak in my knees.

I'm not really sure what he was going to ask or say but I'm dying to know. How he stared it my eyes, I knew I wasn't the only one that was feeling what was going on around us. Sadly enough, one of my girls just had to make noise and scare the living shît out of us.

I hate to say it but I was disappointent, some part of me was excited to kiss Ephraim. The part that saw his sweet and protective side. Oh God, do I like him? My heart started to race at the possibilties. "What are you thinking about?" Ephraim's low and raspy voice dragged me out of my thoughts.

"I didn't know you were awake." I frowned, glancing at the clock. My eyes widened when I saw that it was almost 10 AM, meaning that I had been laying here for almost two hours.

"Yeah, your heartbeat started to rise out of nowhere and it pulled me out of my very light slumber." He answered, tilting his head so he could look at me. "So what were you thinking about?"

"A lot of things." I answered honestly, my thoughts were a mess and that's the truth.

"Like?" He propped his head onto his fist so he was slightly hovering over me.

"Quinn and you, Quinn and this dude named Darren, Jeremiah and Vince." I sighed.

"Your head must be like that Spongebob meme." He chuckled and I snorted while nodding my head. "You alright with the mess in there?" He gently tapped his finger against my forehead and I scrunched my nose because it felt weird.

"Yeah, it's like that all the time." I shrugged. "It can go from flies to my parents and then to what I'm going to eat next."

"That makes sense." Ephraim said sarcastically and I laughed. "Now what?" He questioned and I sat up a bit.

"Now we can go make breakfast because I know the girls don't handle their alcohol that well." I answered simply as I got out of bed. I quickly pulled my leggings over my legs and then put my bra on without taking my shirt off.

A gut wrenching sound was loudly heard through the house. "See, that's Shannon." I lifted my hand into the direction of the door. "I think she's in the guest bathroom." I stated as I put some socks on.

"How do you know that's her?" He frowned, tugging the joggers on before grabbing the hoodie that I stole.

"You can't keep that." I pointed to the hoodie on his torso and he rolled his eyes. "And I know that's her because this is the morning routine after a party or a night out. Sometimes a girls night in as well."

"What routine?" He asked, following me to the kitchen.

"They can't handle liquor nor hangovers, so I make them breakfast." I shrugged. "I'm always the first one up anyway and otherwise I just can't stand them. If I feed them, they'll keep quiet and won't complain about every little noise around them."

"Seems fair." He nodded, his eyes following me as I moved around to grab stuff from the cabinets. "What time were you up?"

"8 AM." I answered and his eyes widened. "It's fine, I had a lot to think about anyway." I smiled assuringly.

"Alright." Ephraim took the pans from me. "We'll go make these drunk morons some food then." We started to make bacon, pancakes and eggs but a loud crash in the living room made me stop. "What was that?"

"I think that was our glass table." I grimaced. That thing has been broke so many times but my mother just buys the exact same one again.

"You fûcking imbecile!" Vincenzo roared and I ran to the living room to see what caused him to raise his voice.

"What the-" I gasped when I saw the glass table broken with Vince ontop of it. Kyona on the other hand was crying as she tried to untangle herself from the blankets.

"I'm so sorry, Lily." She wailed, scrambling to her feet as quick as she could. "I got scared when I woke up because I wasn't alone and then I pushed him but he fell on the table. I didn't mean for anyone to get hurt." She cried into my shoulder as I hugged her.

"Hey, it's okay." I tried to calm her down. "Nobody got hurt." Atleast that's what I thought until I looked at Vince.

"I did." He said lowly as he held his arm up, which had a glass shard sticking out of it. He got up with a scowl and I pushed Kyona to Ephraim's chest. He held his hands up while she cried into his shoulder and I stifled a laugh.

"Alright, I can fix that." I said calmly. "You just continue to make breakfast, we'll be right in." I told Ephraim and he nodded, taking Kyona to the kitchen. "Are you okay?" I asked Vince and he sighed.

"I think I scared Kyona." He mumbled, dropping his head as he stared at the broken table. "Sorry about the table."

"It's fine." I waved it off. "And Kyona just doesn't like it when people yell at her. She probably just feels bad for hurting you." I said, placing my hand on his shoulder to comfort him.

"I just don't want her to be scared of me now." He whispered and my heart ached for him.

"She won't be." I assured. "Now you go into the kitchen and sit down at one of the chairs while I grab the supplies." I ordered and guided him into the kitchen.

I quickly grabbed the medical kit that had 'sutures' labeled on it. I sat down next to Vince and took out the disinfectant. "No, no, I hate that shît." He growled and I raised an eyebrow.

"First of all, you better watch your language." I warned as I pulled the shard out of his arm, making him wince. Then I put the stuff on a small cotton ball. "Second, you don't have a choice." I smirked, pressing the ball against his wound.

"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" He asked, observing closely as I took out the needle and thread.

"Yes, my mother is a a cardiothoracic surgeon and my father is a neurosurgeon. They've taught me quite some things." I explained to him and he squinted his eyes at me. "Don't worry, I'm not going to take off your arm. I've fixed my brother millions of times."

"Fine." He grumbled.

"Ky, come here and hold his hand." I stated and they both looked at me with wide eyes while Ephraim just smirked. "I'm serious, it'll comfort him against the pain." I said and she sat down next to to, lacing her fingers through his free hand. I started to do suture his wound and he winced, tightening his grip on Ky's hand.

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