Jungkook imagines

By ilu_jjk

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Enjoy the imagines between you and Jungkook.. :) More

Imagine 1; avoid
Imagine 2 ; bitter coffee
Imagine 3; misunderstood
Imagine 4; in love
Imagine 5; kookie monster
Imagine 6; overwatch
Imagine 7; jealous
Imagine 8; stay
Imagine 9; 11 o'clock
Imagine 10; jealous
Imagine 11; sorry, my fault
Imagine 12; ring
Imagine 13; confession
Imagine 14; because of you
Imagine 15; ferris wheel
Imagine 16; it hurts
Imagine 17; in trouble
Imagine 18; pizza
Imagine 19; sleepover
Imagine 20; m.c
Imagine 21; baby
Imagine 22; bitter coffee (2)
Thank you!!!
Imagine 23; promise
Imagine 24; welcome to big hit
Imagine 25; warm memories
Imagine 26; oppa
Imagine 27; surprise
Imagine 28; present
Imagine 29; please don't go
Imagine 30; please don't go (2)
Imagine 31; please don't go (3)
Imagine 32; lost child
Imagine 33; weekly idol
Imagine 34; feel nothing
Imagine 35; dork
My heart..
Imagine 36; countdown
Imagine 37; not for me
Imagine 39; heart problem
Imagine 40; he's mine
Imagine 41; i like you
Imagine 42; fight for you
Imagine 43; costume
Imagine 44; party
Imagine 45; want you back
Imagine 46; want you back (2)
Imagine 47; bitter-sweet love
imagine 51; mine..
Imagine 52; when jealousy strikes
Imagine 53; when jealousy strikes 2
Imagine 54; cut!
Imagine 55; Prank
Imagine 57; when you two have to sleep in separate rooms

Imagine 56; fallen harder

3.8K 79 4
By ilu_jjk

"Hey Y/n, dare me to fit as much as i can in my mouth." he holds two rice cakes in each hand, you put your pen down and look at him as if he was stupid. "Jungkook! You keep distracting us!" He pouts and puts down the rice cakes and picks up his pen.

"You need to take a break at least." you hear him say, "I can't stop studying or else i'll fail and my teacher will drop me out of the class and i need this subject for University!" you start overthinking and got frustrated, you run your hands through your hair and lay your head down.

Jungkook didn't like seeing you stress too much, he sighs and pats your back, "Y/n, you're the most beautiful and smartest girl i know. Don't stress too much, it looks ugly on you." You were blushing from the words he said but stopped when he said the last part.

"Wow. Thank you Jungkook." you sarcastically say.

You two then start studying. "But y/n.." he starts off all of a sudden, you didn't look at him but you were listening, "There's this girl.." you stopped writing. Your eyes widen and your heart starts beating abnormally strong and fast.

You and Jungkook were best friends from the start of College, it's funny how the two of you were frenemies at first but ended ip being best friends in the end. However, to you Jungkook is more than a friend, you started liking him when you spent more time with him.

To Jungkook, you were just his beat friend.

You never planned to confess because you were afraid of losing what you have between you and Jungkook.

"Did you get that?" he asks, you look at him, "S-sorry what was that?" you clear your throat, he grabs your pen and faces you towards him, you tried your best not to blush but he was too caught off guard talking about his crush to you he didn't point out your red cheeks.

"I want you to come watch the baseball match with us." he asks with the puppy eyes he pulls, everytime he does this, your feelings for him grew bigger. You remove his hands from you and moved backwards, "Have you asked her yet?" you ask him.

"Noo—but, my best friend will help me though?" he looks at you with them eyes again, "Hey, what does this do for me?" you cross your arms, he grins and moves closer to you. "I may or may have brought Taehyung to come with us.."

You flick his forehead, "Are you stupid?!"

Jungkook thinks you like Taehyung because you did say you like him but you inly said that to cover the fact you like him, not Taehyung. "I'm not going.." you grump and started working again.

"Y/n~~ pleaseee.." he whines, you shake your head. He pokes your cheeks, "Why go to a baseball match anyways, do you even know if she likes baseball?" You say, he sits back down on his chair and thinks about what you said.

"Yeah but it's a chance for me to say what i feel and maybe get a kiss from he—"

This is when you knew.. you fucked up.

You choked on your saliva, "A-a kiss?!" you coughed, he widen his eyes getting water for you, you drank the water, he pats your back, "Are you okay?" he asks, your eyesbrows cross, "Are YOU okay?!" you say in amazement.

"You can't just kiss her Jungkook." you look at hus expression, he laughs, "No obviously, i'm not gonna force that! They do this kiss cam whenever it's break." you were unsure, how about if it lands on you and Taehyung..

"I'm unsure about this Jungkook.." you rub your chest, you were hurting. "Come on y/n, i'll never ask for anything else." you sighed, "Fine." He smiles and throws his fists in the air in victory.

"You're buying me lunch tomorrow." you say expressionless, he growls not liking the idea.


"Okay, so give her this ticket and ask her for me, thank you. I'll watch from here." he gives you the tickets, you turn around to see Chaeyoung with her friends, she's a very pretty girl and smart too, she's kind and—

"Go y/n before she leaves!" Jungkook pushes you excitedly, "Okay okay, calm your ass down."

You sighed and walked towards Chaeyoung and her friends. Chaeyoung's friends notices you and tells Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung turns around, her hair does the flip thing making all the guys drool, of course Jungkook saw that.

She smiles and tucks her hair behind her ear, "Hi y/n." you smile, "Hey Chaeyoung..i uhm.." you look back to Jungkook and he throws a thumbs up, you turn back rolling your eyes, "So this baseball match is happening tomorrow, do you wanna come?"

Her eyes lit up, she looks back at her friends and they were insisting she should go, "Jungkook invited you by the way." You point at Jungkook behind you, she looks back and smiles, "I'll go..but you're going too right?"

You smile and nod, she giggles and waves at Jungkook and at you, "I'll see you tomorrow then." you run back to Jungkook, "Happy?—"

Jungkook picks you up and spins you around, before he puts you down, both of you lock eye contact, you blushed again. You swear he heard your heartbeat. You hit his arm, "P-put me down." he puts you down, "I-i'll see you tomorrow."

You start to run home. Jungkook watches you and smiles.


Today was the day you lose your bestfriend and the person you like. Taehyung came to pick you  up, you opened your house door and see him. Not gonna lie but he does look handsome to you, but you didn't think he agreed to go see the match with you.

"You look beautiful." Taehyung smiles, you gave a soft smile back, "Thank you.. you look h-handsome.." you were cringing, you wished you could've said it to Jungkook instead.

He holds out his hands and you look at it hesitantly, "if i take his hands now..i must move on, me and Jungkook aren't meant to be. If we were, we would've been together ages ago." you sigh and hold his hands. He smiles.

Both of you made your way to the stadium, to your luck you see Jungkook and Chaeyoung. You two approached them, "Hello." you smile at both of them, Chaeyoung hugs you making you shock. You oat her back, she pulls away and talks to Taehyung leaving you to talk to Jungkook.

You two smile at each other, he's just my bestfriend.. "How you feeling then kooks." you ask him, he smiles, "I feel very happy." he hugs you, your heart fails to hide your feelings, "Why's your heart beating so fast? Did you run coming here or something?" he laughs.

You fake a laugh, "Y-yeah something like that.."

You four went inside the stadium, the seating was a bit weird.


"If you wanted to be alone with Chaeyoung, Why did you sit both of us together?" you whisper to Jungkook, "I got too excited buying the tickets.." he whispers back, you look at Taehyung and smile, "You want anything?" he asks, you were feeling hungry.

"A hot dog would be nice, oh and popcorn, and a drink—i mean a hot dog would just be fine." You noticed how much you were ordering, he isn't like Jungkook who would not care what you eat as ling as you were happy.

"So a set then?" he giggles at your cuteness, "If that's okay.." you say getting shy, "Anything for you." he smiles.

The match started and you were getting jealous to what they were talking and laughing about. You and Taehyung however was just chill.

"Hey kook, how's things going?" you ask, he smiles at you, "Everything is fine, you?"

"Meh.." you say, you turn around to Taehyung and he was talking to the girl beside him. Great. Just great.

You were not just 3rd wheeling but you're 4th wheeling now.

"Both teams are going to have a 5 min break, shall we see who our two lucky couples are for our special segment called Kiss Cam!!" Everyone whistled and cheered. So this is what he was talking about, you saw couples kiss in the big screen until it pointed at you and..

"Oh.. Y/n look! It's us on the screen!" he says excitedly, however your heart was beating and breaking at the same time, You felt bad for Jungkook, it was supposed to be him and Chaeyoung, not you.

"Jungkook i'm sorry i—" he was already looking at you. "Jungkook.." you two were looking at each other for awhile now,

"Y/n.. I like you."

You shake your head from disbelief, "B-but you like Chaeyoung, t-this is wrong.." you covered your mouth, "No, this was just a set up. I explained to these two." You look at Taehyung and Chaeyoung, they were both nodding.

"Come on, kiss! kiss! kiss!"

The guy chanted making everyone else chant.

"Have you not kissed a guy before y/n.." you smack his arm, "Shut up." he pulls you closer, "There's only one way to find out." He slams his lips on you, the crowd cheered. Everything to you was going slow.

The person you like.. your best friend turns out to like you too. You were the happiest person alive.

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