Hetalia x Reader Oneshots

By RaveKiller16

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I own the storylines, not Hetalia, or the art, and definitely not you...unless you want me too~ Feel free... More

Little Do You Know
No Show
Bah Humbug
Cherry Blossoms
Tea or Coffee
As Strong as Bamboo
The Puffin Said It!
Wurst and Kimchi
Peculiar Visit
Screw Off
New Years Festivities
Cheerful, Hopeless Love
Dance Dance Revolution: Emerald Edition
Maple Turkey
Yuletide Cheer
New Year New Neighbor
A Chance Encounter
Mama Mia, Here We Go
At the Old Ball Game
Come Marching Home
One, Two, Three Strikes
You're Out
Just Peachy
Maid Up Geography
Wurst Affair
No One Likes a Hangover
Oh no.
Moments Like This
And Now: Dragons


267 2 0
By RaveKiller16

I'm going to place you lot into an awkward situation filled with mild angst maybe (it could qualify) and a part two.

Enjoy heathens 


Ludwig and Feli had invited you to their training session with Kiku, you only agreed if Kai, the oddest nation to come out of the woodworks, was to join you. Luckily the strange girl was down to show her brother up in the training montage that will take place at some point, so you agreed as you were eyed by Kiku who was nearby when the conversation started  and sighed to himself. Yes, he was curious of whether or not your previous skillset transferred over to you, but Kiku was anxious of whether or not you were the same. He wanted it to be so but he also didn't. The bell rang dismissing the countries to their afternoon.


Third person POV

(Y/n) and Kai stood there in the arena the former with a bow and quiver, the latter with a fire in her eyes and about twenty energy drinks. The boys had yet to get there so (y/n) made her way over to the target practice and Kai followed to help her stretch and limber up.

"Why do you work out in such warm clothes?" Kai asked when she had (y/n) halfway contorted.

"Before I was a country, I was a warrior. I'm covered in the scars of that life and I got tired of answering questions." The (h/c) haired girl sighed as she relaxed into a blob on the ground.

"Like with the mark on your back?" The artic girl hummed as she rocked back onto her heels fully limber.

"Exactly, I got tired of other nations asking if my people and land was ok so I do this instead." She stood as the boys arrived.

"Vhat is that?" Ludwig asked as soon as the trio reached the duo gesturing to the bow.

"A cruel irony." (Y/n) deadpanned as she picked it up and made her way to where her quiver was.

Before Ludwig could say anything about it Kai challenged him to a marathon which he accepted only because he wouldn't hear the end if it if he didn't. Feli tried to to keep up but gave up and decided to watch (y/n) practice her archery. Kiku made his way over to her.

"Of arr things, why this?" He asked her once he was just a few feet away from her.

"My country is very proficient in archery, hence the cruel irony, Mas-" She cleared her throat. "Honda- san."

He sighed as she knocked an arrow and let it loose, it thunked just barely shy of the center.

"Are you the same?" He asked as he slunk down to a crouch.

"Ability wise, yes. Physically, mostly yes, I've got all my innards this time around." She knocked another arrow and took aim again.

"That wasn't what I meant, (y/n). Are you the same woman from so rong ago? My dearest friend?" His words brought her to a halt, silence filled the air and as soon as Feli was about to try and lighten the mood she spoke.

"Kiku, of course I'm not the same, you certainly aren't. You've changed so much I thought that everyone was lying about you and the things you've done. I thought I was wrong to-" She caught herself. "Nobody can go through life in a rigid, unchanging way. That isn't how life works." She sighed before going to the target and removing her arrow.

"(Y/n) I-." Kiku didn't know what to say.

Feli didn't hear what was said but he saw the unease between the two and he went to (y/n) first to mediate if he could.

"Bella, what is-a the matter?" He asked with a soft smile.

"Nothing to worry over Feli. Do you mind telling Kai I went home for me once she's done? I remembered I need to go do something." She returned his smile and took her leave with a wave.

Kiku watched her leave before telling Feli that he also needed to go and leaving as well.

He didn't know where he was going, all he knew was that he felt like he should go wherever his feet carried him.

Soon he saw her there, in the yard of a temple. She was praying. Her head bowed as she asked for strength. He soon walked up next to her and went through the motions of offering and praying hoping she wouldn't notice.

"(Y/n), when I saw you again I was afraid that you were a dream or a figure of imagination. I thought you would disappear if I crosed my eyes. I didn't want to berieve that you were back. I'm sorry." He only spoke after you had noticed him.

"You don't need to apologize, I'm someone that you cared deeply about at one point and then lost. I can't expect you to feel fine I don't. You know I was going to surprise you that day." She gave him a weak smile before turning to go home.

"How?" Kiku gently grabbed her wrist.

"I was going to absolve my marriage, the process was already started and was almost done when my husband found out. You know what happened next." She met his eyes before continuing. "My teacher was the one who shot me, he wanted to save his honor after making a failing match."

"I don't understand (y/n)..." His eyes held a desperate confusion.

"I was going to throw myself at you and declare my undying love to you, Kiku. I still want to do that, even now after all this time." Her (e/c) orbs held a love and admiration that he thought only older couples could have.

"Funny, I was going to do the same thing. Our boss at the time had tried to match us when we had first met in the cherry brossoms, it armost worked." Kiku blushed a bit, bringing his hands up to cover his face from her.

"And then Teacher took matters into his own hands and mucked it up. How were you after I, you know?" (Y/n) had  by this time gently guided him away from the shrine and to a more private area.

"I fert like my worrd had ended (y/n), and it did. You were gone and I couldn't..." he trailed off.

"During the war, when my country was occupied by yours, I was scared. I should've made an effort to try to call a parle or something like that to try and limit the damages. Your soldiers were rumored to be ruthless especially with civilians so I took the women and children into the forest with me so that they could hide without being accosted. Luckily the occupation didn't last long as the war had ended and your troops left, after killing all the men and elderly." She rolled up her sleeves. "Hence these."

(Y/n)'s skin had various scars covering the once smooth surface of her entire body. Kiku paled at the site of it, he felt responsible for the pain she must have felt when that happened.

"Other nations who have been through similar situations like mine don't have them, and given my past life I think that it was meant to be. I was supposed to look as I was so that when I met you I'd be more recognizable." She offered him a small smile causing him to hug her close to him.

"That's crazy, I wourd've known who you were a mire away without arr the pain. ( Y/n), I wourd change everything if I courd. Forgive me, I'm sorry." Kiku's voice was filled with tears, he was crying. "I'm sorry."

"Thank you, Kiku." She placed a hand gently onto his chest as he began to shake with his silent sobs. "Shall we start from square 1?"

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