Destiny Calling

By flowerydimwit

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A Ghost aka Kate Williams, is the sixteen year old loner. But it was never that way, she used to have friends... More

Destiny Calling
EIGHT- *Belated Tanksgving Chap**
TEN ~T/D w/ G N G {Part ll}
ELEVEN- I hate you all. {Happy Xmas Eve! :3}
EIGHTEEN: Ares and Hades POV
TWENTY SIX: Goddesses in Distress
Notice me!!
THIRTY FIVE: When it Begins
THIRTY SIX: Let's Do This
THIRTY SEVEN: Finally Ever After
Epilogue: Reincarnation
A Poem For the Fans
Thank You.

NINE~ T/D w/ G N G

53 2 2
By flowerydimwit

True to my stubborn mind, I kept replaying the image of the slender legs from my nightmare. When I pulled on the clothes Aphrodite gave me, my eyes went to the mirrior of which I haven't done since I was 13. My brown hair turned lighter during the 3 years, and it grew longer to reach my lower back. My clear, endless hazel eyes were bigger like if the light could'nt get enough.

I was a total different person, and too be honest I didn't like it much. I hate permanent change.

"Kaaaaaaaaate! Hurry up in there. Remember I gotta look my best too," said the goddess of love. I hurriedly shoved the dress shirt down, wincing as I saw there was no pants and swung the door open.

Aphrodite was leaning against the door, her lips puckered like a really big cherry. Though on her, she looked like a puppy, strangely enough. "My gods, Kate! What took you soooo long," she asks, her hands placed on her hips as she extends the o.

I placed my own hands on my hips and mimicked her tone, "Ooooh, I dont know. Maybe it's becuase this dress is too short." I spinned in the dress giving her a preview. Aphrodite rolled her eyes, "No, it isnt Kate. Now, shoo or I'll turn you into a dove."

"But-" Too late. She slammed the door in my face, and I flied towards the bed. I froze. Flew?

"APHRODITE!!!!!!!!!!," I chriped in a dove's voice. Endless laughter from the goddess echoed everywhere.


True to his word, Vulcan returned exactly at 6. He escorted us down the hallway, the one I bumped into him, which seemed like days ago. He led us the way he went after he disppeared to get the ice cream I asked, walking that direction we passed architecture of all the gods and goddesses.

In order, there was Zeus, Hera, Hades, Persephone, Demeter, Posedion, Hestia, and so on. Walking on my own two legs, which thankfully Aphrodite switched me back. While walking with a goddess and Vulcan, who seemed too much interested in that Hephaestus statue, the greek god of fire.

Hmmm, interesting. I thought. I have my suspiscions on that, which he just confirmed. Same thing for Polemos, they're different. After all, they arent human, that's for sure.

Vulcan switched the direction, swiveling left where a glass walkway was displayed. Like if it was a glass garden, the exterior created a glass curve with the usual window cross as decorations. There were silver horizontal poles that were fleked with gold pieces. The floor was a spotless white. All in all, it was breath taking.

I sucked in a breath. "It's beautiful," I say, looking from the outside view the glass gave off to the uniquely designed ramps.

Vulcan smiled sheepishly, "Thanks," he said quietly, I almost, almost didnt catch it. My head turned to him.

"You made this?" I turned to Aphrodite. "He made this?"

They both nodded, Aphrodite's eyes shined with something that I couldnt pinpoint, and Vulcan was smiling sheepishly again. I slowly grinned at Vulcan, "You are so cool."

He shook his head then hurriedly moved on so we would follow. We folllowed as we rounded another corneer where two grand doors were built. Larger than anything I've seen back down there. It was a light pristine gray-sliver that glinted light where light touched it. It was as breathtaking as the glass walkway, and I might have a clue of who made this too.

Vulcan blushed a slight pink, of which he didnt let me or Aphrodite peek at when he pushed the heavy gray doors forward. There was a huge court of which consisted of 12 large thrones which almost reached the skies, of which were a bunch of white clusters of clouds.

"The chairs are for the 12 Olympians," Aphrodite whispered in my ear.

"Zeus, Hera, Posedion, Demeter, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Hephaestus, Hermes, and Hestia or occasionally Dionysus, and you?" I managed to reply, wrinkling my forehead in concetration. "You got them down?" Vulcan smiled my way, his eyes mocking me.

I frowned, "Of course. I have to now my history after all I'm officially in the situation now."

Vulcan smile slipped, "Not yet you aren't. But you wouldnt want to be, our family is a bowl of nuts and mashed olives."

I stared at him, "Our?"

He led a tiny smile slip out as he held his hand out, "Hephaestus, god of fire. Nice to meet you."

I smiled, full on and instead of shaking his out strtched hand, I jumped and clapped my hand like a crazy person. "I knew it!!!" I exclaimed excitely, I did an awkward happy dance in a circle as both the new confirmed god and goddess gaped at me.

"Ahem," a deep voice echoed around the court.

I turned forward and my eyes dropped, a 10ft giant stood in front of me. Aphrodite, next to me straightened and turned a few shades whiter. Hephaestus straightened and his expression was blank and serious.

'Thats my Dad. Zeus, the king of all gods and godessess, and the god of the weather and the skies,' Aphrodite mouthed to me.

I stared at the big man, my neck craning up. "Errr... Hello?" I squeaked.

"Speak up, mortal. Don't you have a mouth?" he retorted.

"I do! And you just rudely accused of something untrue! And I said hello!" I said defensively.

He stared at me, intently giving me a once over. He turned to Aphrodite, and let out a warm and friendly smile, "I like this one. She's got a mouth and a backbone."

Aphrodite blushed red. I arched a eyebrow in amusement, as Hephaestus cleared his throat. All eyes swiveled to him, "Father, shall we start the meeting?" he said stiffly.

Zeus nodded, assuming his pose of stone and seriousness. Hephaestus walked off and took a seat at a throne, which was a clash of metallic sliver, white, gold and ivory. All connected with bright bolts ans nuts. He placed his walking stick in a slot in his chair which was also made to look like the throne's design.

I turned back to Zeus, who is 10ft then suddenly he was a tall 6ft man with the muscles and everything. His skirt dress shrinked, to reveal a part of his chest. "How-" Zeus was already in his throne. of which was the biggest connected by glass the color of the skies and glass that was as dark as night. there were also bolted lightning bolts scattered in specfic positions on the chair, making it look bigger and more fearful yet magnificent.

"You'll know soon," Aphrodite whispered next to me. I gave her a confused look. But she ignored it and waved me to follow her. She led me to the center of the court as she pointed to a small stage which was protected by a circular golden bar that had a opening for aa person to fit through.

"In there?" I asked, dumbly. She nodded.

"But isn't that where people are persecuted?" I say timidly.

"No, of course not. Were not that barbaric," she replies with a stern face, "We just ask questions of them and send them on their way."

I nodded, a false comfort. As I started to walk to the stage, I heard Aphrodite mutter to me, "Don't believe the myths they tell you on Earth, they never get the story right."

As she moved to her own throne, she kept muttering, 'Mortal myths are ridiculous these days.'

I moved cautiously to the stage, ignoring the pratically burning stares of Hephaestus and Zeus and probably Aphrodite now. The doors opened and i looked to see an outpour of people coming in, the rest of the gods and goddessess. My hands shook nervously, as I shook them to calm my nerves. As I ascended to the platform, I swept to the side allowing the full view of the court invade my vision.

All the gods and goddesses were mingling and talking with each other as I scanned them to find Aphrodite, luckily I spotted her. Her throne next to Hephaestus, who was talking to a boy with dark hair in curls. Aphrodite's throne literally pulsed with life, as her pinks, red, and purples were clashed together to display a beautiful piece named for love, hope, and enternity. Her chair had the pinkest roshes whoch grew from the chair not a single dirt brown root or dirt smudges on the perfect pink roses. Her throne was the word of perfection, the living representation of love.

Next to Aphrodite was a throne of pure flame, the entire chair was engulfed in the fiery substance. Of which I couldnt pretain of which god or goddess who sat ther. After that was Zeus's throne, then after his was the second biggest throne of which a lady in her early twenties sat, staring straight at me. I cringed, and she noticed, her mouth in a frown. Her eyes twinkiling as depthless black eyes held a simple blank stare. Her throne which consisted of feathers and the colors of black, green and blue. There was a splash of tiny spots leading to a feathered chair with feathers of green abd blue. It almost looked as if the throne was a peacock itself, alive but a seat fit for the lady who stared bravely and unwincingly.

My gaze moved over her as she lost interest finally and moved her gaze to stare at something else. The throne next to the bird throne was decorated leaves, tree branches, birches and buds, bloomed or not. There was a plaster of nature, which was ripely ripped from the groud and permanently glassed to perfection for the throne, which somehow never molded or rotted.

The lady who sat there mingled with the person who sat next to her. Her hazel hair swept in a elegant bun braid hung down her side and her perfectly matching green dress skirt, matched the emeralds stuck in her hair. The throne next to her caught my eye as I scanned it before this "meeting" started. Well, actually it looked like two of the same throne, the only difference was the contrast in color, one was sheer gold and the other was a virgin silver.

And while the silver seat revealed a bored young woman, the gold throne was swarmed with people, mostly girls. A black head, a blond, which happened to be Aphrodite, and other people who I assumed were fan girls who we're blushing so hard, that they would quickly be a target for a bull.

Pass the silver throne was a wooden bronze throne, made to perfection. Where the others lack construction, this was precise to very wooden piece and every bronze glass setting. It was decorated in various pictures of an white owl with gray eyes, and as a blanket a scalded golden cape was draped on the seat.

No one sat there yet but I had an idea of what kind of personality he or she would hold.


A dark sound of a laugh echoed right next to perfect throne, and who sat there, you may ask? Polemos, the blond boy who, I think had the hots for Aphrodite or Dia, or both. But stubbornly won't admit it.

He sat in a throne made out of armory including the detail of the dead body along with swords and arrows that punctured out to create an imitating effect. And clearly it was working as I swept right over him, probably the god of violence and torture I thought to myself.

And finally the last two thrones were mentally polar opposites, while one had a staff with two intertwining snakes, the other had a crest or tide stopped and frozen to that minute, this used as a background from the throne itself. Which was blue, of course, the exact shade of the frozen tide.

"Attention in the house," a deep and loud voice said, penetrating the sound from one eardrum to the other. Zeus voice toned in a Judge Judy manner continued to speak. "Everybody take a seat as we judge the mortal."

Instinctively everyone took their seat, their faces from social able to a stony calmness. Which was quite terrifying to see everyone turn like a brick in less than a second. "Today, my brothers, sisters we are here to judge the mortal Kate Williams. As if to see if she is what The Fates have weaves into their legacy map. From the words of The Fates, I call this meeting to a start. All hail to me."

Everyone kneeled whether in their chair or in front of it, there was a wave if people on their knees, their heads gracing the clean, pristine floor. I eyed warily if I should do it and as I drooped to a slight bow, I was yanked right up by the one and only, Zeus. He suddenly appeared from thin air, in front me pulling me back up to my confused but standing upright stance.

"But, don't I-" he cut me off by shaking his head. "You do not bow to people who are below your superior," he said a deadly serious voice.

"Huh? What the heck are you talking abut?" I ask, confusion leeking out of every spoken word. He gave a small grin or smile, something meant to be flirtatous and alluring, a distraction but to me it looked like a locked door.

Gods, no one was telling me anything!

After Zeus vanished and reappeared at his huge throne, he proceded to prod and poke me with questions, some basic and others, not so basic.

It started off with a 'Hello, your name is?' Kate. Kate Williams.

'Where do you live? On earth?

Where do you go to school? On earth?

What's your favorite colors? Uh... silver and white?

Have you ever had a bad hair day? Uhh... no?

Who are your parents? The people who raised me.

Have you ever had any type of diseases? No...

Have you ever had crushes? Not many...

How many? A 1/2 half crush.

Huh? What? Silence.

Are you dating or are your single? Like I'm gonna tell you? This question made the lady next to him, the queen or starer, who glared at him, with a single dagger in her emotionless eyes. 

By the end, though, Zeus sighed so loudly it literally bounced off everything. And to say everything, it was a lot of power for a small sound. "Kate, your going have to give us some type of reasonable answers," Zeus said, running a hand through his perfect hair.

"But then, why are asking questions that should'nt be asked, things that go way past public life and into deeeper personal life?" I retorted, annoyed. I crossed my arms across my chest, and stared him in the eye.

Your probably thinking why I'm basicalle defying the Kings of Gods, but trust me I had a really good reason. I hated people poking into my life, and even a god or even Death does that, I would be annoyed up to the points where I would snap at them. Which explains half of my 'reasonable' answers, and my reaction.

Though, Zeus next response, was so shocking, it got me to laugh, just a little in the inside of course. I could'nt let my exterior of annoyance break. Zeus grinned, so big that even the other gods and goddesses had to shift uneasiy in their seats. "Tola ya I liked this one. This one's a sure keeper," he pointed down to me and spoke to the court.

I blinked, as Zeus's smile was still plastered on his face like an idiot.

However, it came to a abrupt stops as the lady next to him, the starer placed a hand on his chest to get his attention back to her.

Wow, I thought, she's more needy than the fake people down on earth, she was the like the... The Plastic Barbie 3000.

Zeus grunted, his grin fading to a slight grimace, the lady's hand still in contact of his chest as he shouted toward the room, "Meeting adjorned. Next time, will be in 3 days time. I will, for now review the 'reasonable answers' the mortal Kate has so kindly given us." And with that he vanished brining the starer with him.

I stared at the blank space of where the King and the Queen stood, judging by the size of their thrones. While around me, conversations started up again, and I heard a pair of familar feet behind me as Aphrodite stood next to me, also staring  at the vanished space of where the King and Queen were.

"I'm sorry about that. He likes to play that no need to bow to all female mortals, it's super annoying," Aphrodite said.

"Hey are Zeus and Hera okay?" I say out of pure wonder.

"They're happy, aren't they?" Aphrodite said sarcastically, stating the opposite of the obvious. I looked at her, feeling the need to say, 'Arent you the goddess of love and bauty, arent you the one whose supposed to fix love or something?'

Aphrodite looked at me, giving me a slightly, slightly annoyed glare, but said, "Yes, but Hera," she spat the name, "wont let me interrupt their, and I quote 'perfect and happy' marriage. And so I have to watch Dad get sad and lonely everytime he sees her or has to bid under her will for something. Hera thinks its all because he loves her but we," she gestured to everyone, who were suddenly in our conversation, "all know she's a lying, evil, little-"

"Okay, I get it," I hold a hand to stop her mouth, "But I dont get why you hate her so much. Though she is a creepy starer." I shuddered, remembering the way her eyes were staring right into the depths of my very soul. And let me tell you that was freaking creepy.

"Well," Aphrodite placed a hand to her hip, "She is his sister and she gets jealous of everybody that comes within a foot with Zeus. Athena's mom got turned into a fly, and everybody on earth thinks its Zeus, but no it was Hera who brainwashed Zeus, or bribed him with another mortal women." She clucked her toungue, "Zeus's weakness, beautiul woman. Though I dont blame him, men do have their ages where they do court the woman many times along with having realtionships with 6 other women, and then one night out of the rest, they-"

"Ok, ok. I got it," I say stopping her with both my hands out. "And Athena's mom got what?!" I say surprised, actually it was more of curiosity. But to each their own.

At the same time, I tried to envision Athena, the black haired young girl who's face stated she was fearless. Was she afraid for her mother?

Aphrodite hesitated in answering, which definitely got interested stares right on her her. "Well, yeah. Her mother did become a fly but it was all good and yeah. But anyways," she says changing the topic and I noticed right away.

"What are you thinking of doing for the rest of the night since the boring meeting is finally over?"

I shrug. "Probably stay in the room we were in before."

Her eyes beamed in mischief as her mouth began to say an a idea I revolted so much.

"Let's have a slumber party!!"

Yep, I think, never had one in over 3 years. I smiled weakly and put out a unconvincing 'yeah.' Though she didn't notice as she included the invitation to everyone else in the room.

I groaned inwardly, great, just great a sleepover with a bunch of gods and goddesses. And by the looks of it, everyone was coming, whether I liked it or not.

Heya guys!
Just wanted to let u no that this will have 2 parts since its way too long to put in a chapter. also a great big thanks to ppl who read my work, and a hi to the future readers, hi! So anyway, I also have to tell I may possibly do a Xmas bunch of chapters leading right into Christmas. So keep the reading up and luv ya guys!!! <3


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