A Bughead story

By bugheadsstory

105K 1.9K 218

Is there one person for everyone? Someone who will love you unconditionally no matter what. The only person i... More

The call
Jughead Jones
Rude disruption
Growing closer
Juggie and Betts
We're friends, right?
First period
After school
The date
The threat
Let me see your face
We're over
The thought of Jughead
Telling him everything
I guess not
The talk
The fight
Can we talk?
Just tell me
How could you!?
I can't!
How did you know that
I'm sorry
You two are meant for each other
I love you

Not that noticeable

7.1K 90 13
By bugheadsstory

The first day of school isn't always easy, especially if you don't like being social. That was our girl's problem. Yes, she enjoyed hanging out with her best friend, but she didn't like the popular lifestyle her friend had chosen. She mostly enjoyed being alone, so they didn't really talk that much in school. Her best friend was also leader of the cheerleading squad and had tried to make her join for years. But she didn't like the attention all of the popular cheerleaders got. In reality she didn't like the popular people at school. Sometimes not even her best friend, as she felt, as if she changed her personality, when she was around them. She became very confident and sometimes also a little mean. The total opposite of the self conscious, sweet girl she had known for years. Of course she would always apologise after school, when they talked over the phone, but it didn't really feel genuine.

Our girl is probably what you'd call a loner, she's smart and does well in school, but she's not very social. She is also the only writer at the schools newspaper called the blue and gold, or at least she was, but we're getting ahead of ourselves.

Another boring day of school, she thought to herself, while walking up the stairs to her first class, which was English. English was actually our main character's favourite subject, and that day the teacher told them to work in groups of two. She was gonna work with a green-eyed guy with raven-coloured hair and a grey crown shaped beanie on his head, whom she had never seen before.

- I'm sorry, are you new? I don't think I've seen you before?

The raven-haired boy rolled his eyes and continued to stare out the window.

- I guess I'm just not that noticeable, he said with an annoyed look on his face.

- If it makes you feel better, I don't even think anyone in this class knows my name, she said trying to save the unfortunate question, she had just asked him.

- That's not true, he said still not looking at her.

- Okay then what's my name? she asked him, confident that he had no idea.

- I didn't say I knew, he said and rolled his eyes once again.

- Could you please stop? I'm actually trying to make conversation here

- Well try harder

- Seriously?! Let's just do the assignment, she said, tired of his attitude.

- Fine, so what's your favourite subject? he asked and looked at her.

- Are you serious right now? she asked confused.

- It says here, we have to get to know the other person and then write down our impression of them. The other students are doing it as well

She looked around to see everyone else talking, and decided to just go with it. They spend the entire time talking and laughing. She even got him to open up a bit. Suddenly the bell rang, and the boy realised, he still didn't know her name.

- Sorry, I didn't get your name? he asked, just as she was about to leave.

She turned around and looked him in the eyes, which somehow made him nervous.

- I guess you're just gonna have to find out, she said with a smirk, before walking away.

After she left, he just stood there, amazed. She was a lot different from the other girls and in some weird way, he was intrigued. When he realised his thoughts had gone too far, he quickly shook it off and left. 

The weird thing was, that she also found him kind of intriguing. Although she quickly brushed it off, when her friend appeared in front of her.

- Hey, I saw you in English. Who was that guy you were talking to? You two seemed to have a lot of fun.

- We were just doing the assignment.

- You mean the assignment that said to write about someone you admire? I don't really see the funny in that, her friend looked at her suspiciously, before being called over by one of the other cheerleaders.

I think now is the right time to tell you the name of our main character. Her name is Elizabeth Cooper, or Betty as she likes to be called. Betty was stunned and confused. Why did he lie to her. She thought it was weird, but couldn't help but think that maybe he actually wanted to talk to her. No that couldn't be it, she thought. They had just met. Yet she couldn't help but wonder why he did it. So when she later saw him eating alone at a table, she decided to ask him.

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