Betting With The Boys! Comple...

By faithraven09

91.1K 4.2K 589

Blurb: Carly Penton was seen as the school genius, with her grades there was no room for argument. So how is... More

Chapter one:
Chapter two:
Chapter three:
Chapter four:
Chapter Six:
Chapter Seven:
Chapter Eight:
Chapter Nine:
Chapter Ten:
Chapter Eleven:
Chapter Twelve:
Chapter Thirteen:
Chapter Fourteen:
Chapter Fifteen:
Chapter Sixteen:
Chapter Seventeen:
Chapter Eighteen:
Chapter Nineteen:
Chapter Twenty: The Big Match
Chapter Twenty One: Party Mania Part 2
Chapter Twenty Two:
Chapter Twenty Three:
Chapter Twenty Four:
Author's Note:

Chapter five:

3.3K 167 15
By faithraven09

--Day two--

There, Carly thought in relief as she slipped on the last hair slide.  It had taken fifteen minutes more to put the wig on than she would have anticipated, but at least it was on and secure, it’s a good thing I woke up earlier than normal.

She glimpsed at the clock on her desk which read 6:53am in neon green numbers.  Carly heaved a sigh as she pulled herself away from her desk and into her closet, pulling out the clothes she was supposed to wear today.  Callum, Liam and Jasper had gone slightly overboard when they were buying her clothes for the bet.  They had bought her different items of clothing, including accessories, for each day.  When she had seen the three big shopping bags containing nothing but clothing she had blanched. 

She held the clothes in her hands examining them as the sound of footsteps were heard leaving the bathroom. 

Wait...footsteps?  Alarmed Carly looked up just as her door swung open to reveal her Father’s smiling face.  Now normally John would be at work at this time, his work demanded a lot of time so it was rare for Carly to see him at this time.    

John Penton froze in the doorway as he stared at his only child wearing a wig and holding boy’s clothing.  Oh shit, is this the phase that teenagers go through?  Carly hasn’t had a phase until now.  Does that mean it’s going to be worst because she kept it down?  John thought in a panic as he watched his daughter’s eyes widen.  Shit! What did Lisa tell me to do if a situation like this ever occurred?  Accept it?  Yes, accept it.  With his deceased wife’s words channelling through his brain he moved forward and embraced Carly.

What the Hell is he doing?  Carly thought bemused as she awkwardly patted her Dad’s back. 

What the Hell am I doing?  John thought at the same time as he gave her a squeeze and then released her.  

He placed his arms on her shoulders and stared into her eyes, “Understand, no matter what you decide about yourself I will always accept it okay?  Even if you decide to become a boy and like girls, I will always be here,” John said firmly.

“Ah, ok?”  Carly said slowly, not really sure what had spurred her Father to act this way.

John patted her shoulder before exiting the room, nodding to himself in a proud manner that he had reassured his daughter.  However, Carly stood rooted to the floor as confusion on what just happened surged through her body. 

Pushing the weird event from her mind Carly distracted herself by donning the clothes she had to wear.  Dark, grey, skinny jeans with slashes at the knees were tucked into black combat boots.  She wore a long simple black button up shirt that stopped above her knees and were rolled at the sleeves.  A grey beanie was the only accessory she wore, pushed back so that her fringe could be seen.  She picked up her school bag and left making sure that she still had her phone and school items inside of the bag.  With a quick breakfast which consisted of cereal and milk Carly was about ready to leave.

“Oh honey?”  John called.

Carly stopped mid step from leaving the kitchen, she raised an eyebrow questioningly at him silently telling him to continue, “Um, do you remember Sally?”

Carly leaned against the wall, a smirk pushing against her cheeks, “You mean the girl your infatuated with?”

John blushed slightly causing Carly’s smirk to grow, “Yes,” He muttered before clearing his throat, “Well she’s coming over to dinner tomorrow, just warning you.”

“Okay Dad,” Carly chuckled, “Oh!  Before I forget, I’m staying behind school for soccer try outs. “

“Ok honey that’s-” Here John stopped himself, taking in the words that his daughter had just said, “-Wait...Soccer try outs?” 

“Yeah,” Carly called back sorting her wig out from the hallway mirror, “Is that alright with you?”

Accept it, accept it, accept it, John chanted in his head, “Yeah that’s fine,” He called back his voice slightly high pitched.

“Ok then,” Carly called, “See you later Dad!”

“Bye,” John said weekly, he rubbed his face tiredly.  Why is it that this lone conversation makes me feel ten years older than I am?

Carly walked down her neighbourhood, puffing out a bored sigh as she stared around at the familiar houses.  Thoughts of Sally circulated her head as she scuffed her boots on the pavement, after her Mother died Carly had taken it upon herself to protect her Father from the other gender.  Her Father was a handsome man and with a decent pay he was quite desirable to the single females.  He has dated a few women but she hasn’t seen him be as serious as he has been with Sally.  Of course Carly did her own investigation and dragged Callum, Liam and Jasper with her to spy on one of their dates.  It had been an ugly affair what with Liam accidently spilling his drink, on a woman’s breasts then trying to desperately clean it, as he had been twirling it around showing it off in his posh champagne glass.  Carly had to get out of their quickly before the outraged screech’s of the woman drew the attention of the couple they had been spying on. 

However, from the ten minute view she had of them, not only could she see that her Father looked happy but so did his date, she had seemed to glow as she sat chatting to her Father.  Carly smiled softly; normally Carly would have a sense if a woman her Dad dated seemed a bit off.  But Sally didn’t strike any radar bells or signals; instead Carly felt a sense of calm and contentment when she saw the interaction between the couple. 

I like big butts and I cannot lie!       

Carly jumped a metre in the air as her phone sounded in her bag.  She quickly scrambled to get it out as an elderly man glared at her from his porch.  She sent him an apologetic look as she answered the call, walking hastily away from the old man.

“Liam I swear to God stop changing my ring tune!”  I shouted as soon as I answered.

“Well hello to you to,” Callum muttered.  Carly’s eye twitched slightly when she heard Liam’s laughter booming in the background.

“Where are you?”  Callum asked.

“I’m next to the crumbling house,” She mumbled grudgingly. 

“Alright I’m coming to your left,” He said.

Carly only needed to wait five minutes before Callum’s black car came around the corner.  She climbed into the back and made sure to give a hard smack to the back of Liam’s head, who sat in front of her. 

“Ow!”  Liam whined, but laughing all the same as he dodged another slap to the head.

“I swear you’re so childish,” Carly muttered, as she placed her bag on the empty middle seat. 

“Okay we need to talk serious now,” Callum said, Jasper leaned forward and placed his forehead on Callum’s head rest, “We know for a fact that we can’t keep you away from Samantha because it’s basically humanly impossible, so you’re just going to have to put up with it.  Now for the soccer try outs you need to really try.  And I mean try.”

“Why?”  Carly asked as she poked Jasper’s arm in a bored manner, “I mean it’s not like it’ll make a difference if I play good or not.”

“Yeah here’s the thing,” Callum said sheepishly, “You kind of got a bit of a reputation for yourself and well...everybody likes you.”

“What?”  Carly said, abandoning her poking to Jasper’s relief.

“You’re through the roof man!  Everyone in school is talking about the cute new guy on Face book, some weirdo’s have even managed to capture pictures of you talking to Elliot when you weren’t looking and uploaded them,” Callum said with a sigh of frustration.

Carly’s thoughts on this were different; she was slightly creeped out on how people got the photos but on the other hand...she wanted the photos so that she could enlarge them and hang them in her room. 

Photos of me and Elliot together?  That is possibly going to be the closest I’m going to get in taking a picture with him. 

“But what has that got to do with me playing good at the try outs?”  Carly asked, so that she could distract herself from her own creepy thoughts.  

“If you screw up you’ll look like a complete twat and we can’t be associated with twats,” Jasper said nonchalantly.

Carly stared at him bluntly, fully prepared to give him a smack too. 

“Not to mention that I’d end up looking like a complete moron, related to a guy who can’t play soccer,” Liam chimed in.  A smacking sound sounded in the space of the car along with a whine as Liam rubbed the back of his head. 

Callum chuckled, “Just do your best,” He said flashing a grin in the rear view mirror, “That’s all we’re asking.”

Carly rolled her eyes but nodded, today was going to be a long day.

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