Honey and Sulphur (Witcher/Ga...

By WhileFalling

7.9K 350 51

Annabel gets in an unfortunate predicament and a dangerous man offers a deal. But Annabel is not from Velen a... More

Part one: the ship and the journey
Part two: The way to the Crossroads
Part three: The meeting at the crossroads
Part four: The sad man, a first deal
Part five: On the road and an unfortunate meeting
Part six: The city of Oxenfurt *
Part seven: The Von Everec Estate and more flowers
Part eight: The hedonist, a second deal
Part nine: Lonely times in Oxenfurt
Part ten: Blacksmith and a new meeting
Part eleven: Meeting in between the sheets *
Part twelve: Playing and losing
Part thirteen: A walk by the river with the Man of Glass *
Part fourteen: life continues as if nothing happened
Part fifteen: The Wedding and Vlodomir *
Part sixteen: The wedding, drinking mead, the lovely couple
Part seventeen: After the wedding
Part eightteen: Rough hands and a new victim spotted
Part nineteen: A bond has formed *
Part twenty: The End
Small announcement


569 19 2
By WhileFalling

Welcome dear readers,

So this is a fanfiction I never thought I'd write. I guess O'Dimm got under my skin while I played the expansion and rightfully so.

I missed the game after I finished it, having played close to 200 hours, that I decided to look up fanfictions. I found it surprising there was little to no stories about O'Dimm. Especially longer/romantic works.

There are lots of interesting characters in the game, and Witcher 2 as well. I hope to write for a few of those as well in the future. By writing and publishing this, I hope to contribute to the library of Witcher fanfics, because I enjoy reading them so much.

If you don't necessarily like O'Dimm, I feel this story is a pretty decent fic in itself since the beginning is not as O'Dimm heavy (since the bastard comes and goes as he pleases). At first it was mainly intended as a character study to answer the question: is O'Dimm really evil incarnate? (if you have opinions, please share, I really want to know what others think!)

Okay, enough rambling!

The romance and sex may be a little slow between the couple, but that is sort of intentional. There is other casual sex, however. I'll mark the chapters containing sexual content with a *. When necessary, I will provide other content warnings. Please don't read if you're under 18 years of age.

My main character is not a blushing virgin and I think that is more in line with the game itself, or how I happened to play it. And possibly as a reaction against the innocent romances that populate this website. If that bothers you, don't read.

If you want to chat about the Witcher, just shoot me a message :). I like chatting about games and stuff.

Like in my previous story, I will include music for each chapter.

Image source for the cover is the Witcher wikia.

Thank you for reading!! I hope you enjoy and have fun!

I wish you the best,

your fellow Witcher nerd

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