Blank canvas | Jk+Jm

By jikookstarz

288K 9.2K 3.8K

"J-Jungkook? What color is this?" Jimin held up the small tube of yellow paint while his hand shook. "I-I do... More

Painted rain🥀
Help 🥀
Hibiscus 🥀
Hoodie 🥀
Chipped paint 🥀
Wet table 🥀
Color 🥀
Emotions 🥀
Black eyes🥀
Cherry lips 🥀
Falling 🥀

Chance 🥀

7.9K 485 152
By jikookstarz

Jimin had been invited out by Taehyung to hang in his apartment and play games and hang with their other friends.

They hadn't been able to hang out much because of classes and different majors.

Hoseok and Namjoon majored in production, Jin in singing, and Taehyung and Jimin in art. They found any time they can possible find to hang out.

There was junk food, video games and beer lied around Taehyung's apartment. Jimin drank a bottle of beer while playing Hoseok In over watch.

"Hey dude I'll be right back I've got to do something." Jimin hummed as the game was paused. He felt someone sit next to him and looked up at him.

"Taehyung's bestfriend Hmm Jimin, right?" Jimin nodded smiled at him.

"SeokJin?" Jin gave him a thumbs up and just relaxed in the seat next to him.

"I don't want to seem like that boyfriend but has Taehyung been acting a little different lately or is it just me." He nervously laughed and Jimin furrowed his eyebrows.

"Umm no same old French dude who's rude 24/7" he chuckled but Jin didn't seem to be laughing.

"I don't know he just seems a little distant lately." Jimin put down the beer and glanced at the time. He had promised to meet Jungkook after work ended infront of the store.

"I don't know what you mean." Jimin nervously laughed. He hadn't realized any changes in Taehyung. He was his bestfriend. He would notice no matter what.

Someone knocked on the door and Taehyung ran to get it.

"Did I invite someone else?" He mumbled unlocking the door. As soon as he opened the door the hair stood on the back of his neck. He closed the door and looked at everyone in the room.

"Who the fuck invited him?" He said angrily.

"Who are you talking about?" Jin stood up quite confused. And everyone shrugged.

"Yoongi! Who invited him!" Every person in the room looked at each other in character confusion. Jin the most confused.

"Ok obviously no one did, what's going on?" Namjoon said slipping from the kitchen.

Jimin rolled his eyes and walked up to the door and opened it. Yoongi was still standing out there looking awkward.

"I didn't know you guys were all here, I just wanted to talk to Taehyung." He scratched his nape and Jin stood up and walked over to Taehyung.

"What's going on Tae?" He held on to his arm and yoongi looked at them.

"Oh nevermind I'll get going." He waved lazily and walked away stuffing his hand in his pockets.

Jimin groaned at the sudden drama that appeared and lingered in the air.

"Hey I need to leave I've gotta meet up with Jungkook let's talk after class tomorrow." Taehyung nodded and Jimin left chasing after yoongi.

"Yoongi wait!" Yoongi walked faster instead which was awkward because the male don't even like walking for too long.

"Hey what's up with that?" Jimin said stepping into the elevator with Yoongi who bit his lip and pressed the lobby button.

"Nothing." He said plainly. Jimin sighed. The events happened way too fast for Jimin to process it.

"No, you guys are broken up." Jimin said following Yoongi. "You walked all the way over here?" Yoongi hummed.

"Yoongi whats wrong you're my friend still." Yoongi stopped and sighed turning around to face him.

"I still love Taehyung ok?" He said Jimin was taken aback he blinked a couple of times and yoongi kept walking.

"Yoongi you guys were 5 months ago-,"

"Explains why he already has a boyfriend, huh?" Jimin zipped his mouth shut.

"Look, I don't know what it's like to still be in love with someone even after five months but Taehyung didn't break up with you because he lost interest." Jimin was practically jogging to keep up with Yoongi.

"Yeah I know that, but I didn't know he'd move on."

"Who says he really moved on?" Jimin said Yoongi looked at him but kept his guard up and rolled his eyes.

"You're on his bullshit too?" He laughed facetiously.

"No, I was the one there for him when he was crying about it, he really loved you , he couldn't stand being apart from you when you both got busy with school. You could've told him you'll make it work but you went along with the break up instead didn't you?" Yoongi was silent and Jimin felt as if he won.

"Oh now you can't say anything? Taehyung knows no better he's so horrible at relationships." Jimin laughed thinking about his bestfriend.

"He was afraid you'd break it off first. So he did the job. You could've been the bigger person -,"

"Is it too late?" Yoongi said walking a little slower now. Jimin shrugged.

"Not my place to say" Jimin smiled and yoongi huffed.

"I left Jungkook to run the store while I'm gone. I hope he's doing fine." Yoongi mumbled over the strong breeze that blew pass them.

They walked into the store and Jungkook was about to say welcome when he saw Jimin he broke out into a contagious smile that caused jimin's inside to flutter.

"Hi hyungs." He waved and Jimin waved back.

"You're free to go bud." Yoongi smiled weakly and Jungkook thanked him and bowed and walk from behind the counter walking to Jimin.

They walked out the store and Jungkook shook from the sudden breeze.

"Aish I bought you a jacket." Jimin chuckled Jungkook frowned.

"I didn't expect it to be this cold." Jimin took off his jacket and gave it to Jungkook.

"No you'll be cold." He shook his head and Jimin gave him a warning look and Jungkook took the jacket and put it around him.

"So what'd you do after I went to work?" Jungkook built a conversation and took in the men's cologne off of Jimin's jacket with a small smile.

"Well my friends and I had a little get together at Taehyung's place, I walked with Yoongi back here and that's pretty much it." Jungkook nodded and they walked silently. Their footsteps were synchronized and their distance decreasing within every couple of feet.

"Why didn't I drive." Jimin chuckled and Jungkook agreed.

"Have you ever had smores?" Jimin said stopping infront of an open desert spot.

"had what?" Jimin gasped.

"No way you've got to try it." Jungkook was taken aback at Jimin's strong pull into the store.

"It's like a mix of chocolate, marshmallows and graham cracker all in one it's so good you'll want some more." Jungkook laughed at his joke at the end and went along with him.

"Sounds like a sugar rush to me." He laughed.

"A sugar rush you'd like." Jimin responded.

To Jungkook this whole moment was a sugar rush, the highest point in his life. And he felt eventually if he ever crashed, it wouldn't be a good one.

A/N:  Taegi

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