Young Justice Oneshots

By ArtemisLianCrock-B07

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Well, hi there! These are some Young Justice oneshots that I came up with, since I've read and loved so many... More

Origins: Artemis
A Nightmare
Origins: Cheshire
Artemis' Dad
First Date (Supermartian)
Safe and Sound: Part One (Cheshroy)
Spitfire: Hear Me; Part One
Torture: Part One
Torture: Part Two
Sisters, Part One: A Storm
Heart Attack (Spitfire)
St. Patrick's Day
Sisters, Part Two: Starbucks
Papa Bear Oliver
Spitfire: Hear Me; Part Two
Spitfire: Hear Me; Part Three
Spitfire: Hear Me; Part Four
Scars (Spitfire)
Blown Away
Paper Hearts
Blushing: Spitfire
What Did I Do?
A New Beginning (Part Two of What Did I Do?)
We Meet Again (Part Three of What Did I Do?)
Important A/N Please Read
Interruptions (Chalant)
A Family (Spitfire)
Tigress- Part One
Tigress- Part Two
Tigress- Part Three
Tigress- Part Four
Meeting His Parents (Chalant)
Not Much Time (Spitfire)
The Butterfly Project
It's Quiet Uptown
Bad Dreams (Arrow Fam)
No Matter What
The Girl Next Door (Spitfire AU)
Don't Do It! (A Spitfire AU)
The Pranksters
A Spitfire Wedding- ALICE
Why Didn't You Say Anything?! (Spitfire)
Why Didn't You Say Anything?! (Part Two)
A Helping Hand
What Happened to You? (Cheshroy)
A Little Advice
YJ Characters As Quotes and Thing I've Heard People Say (Part One)
Office (Spitfire AU)
Office (Spitfire AU)- Part Two
Dance (Spitfire)
Baby Bats: Introductions
Baby Bats: Learning the Ropes
Baby Bats: Learning is Fun!
Baby Bats: Goodbyes
Untitled Chaos Preview
Girls Night In

Home Is Where the Heart Is (Spitfire)

391 17 9
By ArtemisLianCrock-B07

The song appearing in the story and above is Cool Kids by Echosmith^

Artemis Crock walked slowly down the sidewalk, reluctant to go back "home". Her foster parents hated her. In fact, they hated all kids to a point where they liked to see them suffer. Artemis has gotten a scholarship to the prestigious Gotham Academy for high school, and her foster parents, the Shallows (iconic last name) made sure that she was always either studying or doing chores. If she so much as went to the bathroom, she was expected to make sure it was spotless before she left. If she broke any of her so-called guardians' rules, she'd be beaten. Which she found ironic, given her past living situation.

They said it was her own fault, though. She had been bad enough that the state had sent her to this "family" that was known for correcting delinquents, such as herself. To be fair, she did realize that she acted like a little devil, being as bad as she could, knowing that her guardian wouldn't dare lay a hand on her. She knew she was being bad, but it was the coping mechanism that she used. Ever since her father abandoned her shortly after her sister ran away, Artemis looked for a distraction, and being a total brat happened to be the easiest one.

She desperately tried to procrastinate on going back to the house as she heard a trio of kids talking and laughing behind her. Richard Grayson, Barbara Gordon, and Bette Kane were the teens. They were the only kids in the entire school who were nice to Artemis. They even made efforts to be her friends, but she had to turn them down. The Shallows would never allow it.

"Hey, Artemis!" Bette said, cheery as usual.

"Hey, guys!" At least she now has a reason not to immediately go home.

"You excited about the science fair?" Richard asked.

"Yeah. I don't have a partner though, so it's probably not happening. My foster parents are insisting that I just ask if I can go solo."

"Well, how about you join us?" Barbara suggested. "Our project is about how police and detectives are able to figure out who the culprit is, via DNA."

"Sure, why not?"

"Great!" Bette beamed. "We can go to my house after school tomorrow."

"Ok. I've gotta go, thanks guys!" Artemis took off, knowing that she was already 25 minutes late as it was, the Shallows were NOT going to be happy.

She opened the back door and tried to sneak up to her room.

"And where do you think you're going?" Mr. Shallow's voice rang through the kitchen. Artemis put her hands up and turned around to face him.

"To my room, sir."

"What took you so long to get home?"

"I asked Mr. Timothy if I could do the project by myself. He said no, and if I asked again, he wouldn't let me enter the contest, so I headed home, but then a few kids asked if I wanted to do the science fair with them, so I said yes, and we sorted out the details."

"I thought that my wife and I made it very clear that we wanted you to do this ALONE Baby Girl."

Artemis immediately felt her chest tighten, her breathing get rapid.

Mr. Shallow laughed and whispered into her ear, "What, did that trigger you, BABY GIRL?" He slammed her hard against the wall. "Go to your room!"

Artemis nodded, trying to ignore the throbbing in her head and the flashbacks, and hurried upstairs. She accidentally ran into Kingsley, the Shallows' nephew, who they had adopted years ago after his mother died in a car crash. She immediately panicked. Kingsley had his eyes on her, and he was a guy who just wouldn't take no for an answer.

He smirked at her. "Hey, babe," Artemis rolled her eyes and quickly scrambled back to her feet and tried to hurry to her room, but Kingsley grabbed her arm. "C'mon, baby, you know there's no point in running. I can just follow you."

Artemis yanked herself out of his grip. "Leave me alone!" She ran to her room. She jumped onto her bed and quickly cocooned herself in her blankets. She wished she could just slam the door shut, but there was no door to slam. Kingsley's room was the only kids' room in the house that had a door. Her other three foster brothers didn't get them, either. Except it was worse for her. She was a girl. And her bathroom didn't have a door, either. It was technically "to make sure they couldn't do anything illegal behind their guardian's backs", but the perverted boys certainly used it to their advantage. Well, except for her newest foster brother. He was a nice guy, only here because it was closest to his aunt and uncle's house, where he'd be going to live soon. Lucky.

She felt someone yanking at her blanket. "Leave me alone, King!"

"Why should I?" He gave up on the blanket and grabbed her butt over the blanket.

Artemis yanked her blanket off. Yanking his hand off of her. "Back. Off."

He laughed, sitting down and wrapping his arms around her. "C'mon, what do you have to lose? Not your virginity, that's for sure."

"Good one!" Artemis' foster brother Lucas said as he walked past her room.

"Any ounce of dignity I have," Artemis answered, struggling to get out of Kingsley's grip.

"Ouch," Nolan cringed. "That's harsh."

"Yeah, I think she needs to learn a lesson." Kingsley said. He slapped her across her face. "Wanna mouth off again?"

"Leave her alone," Another boy's voice said harshly. Artemis looked over to see her newest foster brother. His red hair was disheveled, and his emerald eyes were sparkling with anger.

"Whatcha gonna do, West? Tell your little uncle? Snitches get stitches, I'm sure you're smart enough to know that."

Wally rolled his eyes. "C'mon, Artemis, I'm going to hang out with my friends. Wanna come with?"

Artemis nodded, and the two walked away.


The duo became closer as time went on. Wally had a lot of friends, the best of whom happened to be Richard Grayson. One afternoon, the duo was chilling in Artemis' room when Kingsley burst in with Lucas and Nolan. "The Shallows are out of town, so guess who's throwing a party! You two wanna come?"

"Sure," They said in unison.

"Great! Oh, and Arty, look what I got." He held up a box full of syringes filled with a clear liquid.

Artemis gasped. "Is that what I think it is?" She reached for a syringe, but Kingsley pulled them away.

"I'll trade a kiss for a syringe."

Artemis mulled it over.

"Arty, please tell me that you're not seriously considering trading a kiss for drugs," Wally said in shock.

"C'mon, Wally! It's not that much."

"Yeah, Wally, it's not that much," Lucas said.

"Arty, think of how stupid it would be to get high around these guys," Wally whispered into her ear.

Artemis groaned. "Sorry, Kingsley. It's a no." She glared at Wally. "You owe me."

"I'll make it up, I promise."

"You'd better."


Artemis grinned at Wally, who she had dragged into karaoke. The music started up, and she started singing.

"She sees them walking in a straight line, that's not really her style. And they all got the same heartbeat. But hers is falling behind. Nothing in this world could ever bring them down. Yeah, they're invincible, and she's just in the background.

And she says, 'I wish that I could be like the cool kids. 'Cause all the cool kids, they seem to fit in. I wish that I could be like the cool kids. Like the cool kids.'"

Wally took over. "He sees them talking with a big smile. But they haven't got a clue. Yeah, they're living the good life. Can't see what he is going through. They're driving fast cars, but they don't know where they're going. In the fast lane, living life without knowing.

And he says, 'I wish that I could be like the cool kids. 'Cause all the cool kids, they seem to fit in. I wish that I could be like the cool kids. Like the cool kids.

I wish that I could be like the cool kids. 'Cause all the cool kids, they seem to get it. I wish that I could be like the cool kids. Like the cool kids."

Artemis joined him. "And they said, 'I wish that I could be like the cool kids. 'Cause all the cool kids, they seem to fit in. I wish that I could be like the cool kids. Like the cool kids.'

I wish that I could be like the cool kids. 'Cause all the cool kids, they seem to fit in. I wish that I could be like the cool kids. Like the cool kids.

I wish that I could be like the cool kids. 'Cause all the cool kids, they seem to get it. I wish that I could be like the cool kids. Like the cool kids. Like the cool kids."

Artemis and Wally looked at each other and laughed, moving away so a trio of drunken girls could take their place.


Wally tossed a piece of popcorn into his mouth. He was watching the new Alice in Wonderland movie with Artemis at the movie theater. She loved Alice in Wonderland, so he took her to see it, as a goodbye present. He was going to live with his aunt and uncle- who were moving hundreds of miles away for their new job offers in Central City.

"I can't believe you're leaving," Artemis said sadly as they exited the movie.

"It's not like you'll never hear from me again."

Artemis gave him a small, sad smile. "That's what they all say. And then they move and stop caring about me."

"Well, you moved around a lot, too, Arty. I mean, you were a total demon."

"I know."

"Why where you, anyway? You're so nice."

"I- I was scared, Wally. Everyone I ever cared about had left me for their own selfish reasons. My mom to prison, my sister to god only knows where. My dad probably still lives in that old apartment. I never heard from any of them ever again. I figured if my own family couldn't love me, no one would. I acted bad to see if anyone actually cared enough to try to help me change. They didn't. I grew resentful. And suddenly, my b**** act wasn't an act anymore. But I get it, I'm unlovable." Tears ran down her face.

Wally grabbed her chin gently, turning her face towards his. "That's not true, Arty."

"Yes, it is."

"No, it's not."

"How do you know?"

"Because I love you." He leaned forward slightly, and so did she. Their lips met.

"I love you, too, Wally."

The redhead smiled. "We should've done this a long time ago."

Rain started drizzling, but neither of the teens cared. "No kidding," Artemis said, and they melted into another kiss.


Wally watched Iron Man with his aunt and uncle.

"You excited to be able to get back to being Kid Flash?" Wally's Uncle Barry asked.

"Yeah! I've been dying to get back to it forever!"

"Did you like it at that foster home?"

"No. It sucked, actually."

"At least you got a girlfriend," Aunt Iris said with a smile.

"Yeah," Wally said dreamily. "She's perfect."

"Why was the home so bad?" Barry asked. Wally visibly tensed, worrying his aunt and uncle. "Wally, I know the other kids there were all delinquents, I'm sorry if they caused you any trouble."

"They weren't the main problem."

"Then what was?" Iris asked.

Wally was about to beat around the bush and just say the Shallows were super strict, but then he remembered. Artemis was still stuck there. In that house. Alone. Fear filled his gut as he remembered that it had been five days since she called him- usually they talked every five hours. Panic started to surge through him as he started making connections.

"They- the Shallows- were abusive! Very! Artemis doesn't even have a door on her bathroom, the other guys can literally walk in on her whenever they want! And they don't have door either, except for Kingsley, and that's only cuz he's their family. The Shallows would find out the kids' triggers if they have them and then use them to upset them! They don't correct kids, they force them into subjection! I hated it there, they were as bad as my dad! And Artemis hasn't called me since Monday, I'm scared for her Uncle Barry!"

Barry's face hardened. "I'm on it, Wally."


(The Monday Arty disappeared)

Artemis walked as quickly as she could down the icy streets. She navigated her way the one of the worst neighborhoods in the city, but she had somewhere to go, someone she had to see. She found the run down apartment building she was looking for and walked in. The smell of cigarettes and alcohol immediately greeted her. She saw no one at the front desk. She didn't care. She knew where she was going.

She walked up the creaky stairs as quickly as possible. She found the room and froze for a second before raising her fist to knock. Then she heard a woman's voice start speaking. It sounded like begging. "Lawrence, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! It will not happen again, I promise!"

"Idiot woman!" A cruel voice that sent shivers down Artemis' spine spoke. It was harsh. There was a sharp 'smack!' and then the apartment door slammed open, nearly hitting Artemis. The blond man snarled at her before stomping off.

Artemis immediately ran into the apartment. She could see an old Asian woman in a wheelchair clutching her cheek. She looked at Artemis in confusion and slowly started realizing who Artemis was. "Artemis?" She whispered in a faint accent.

"Mom!" Artemis flung her arms around the woman. "Oh my god, I missed you!"

"I didn't know what happened to you! Your father said that you ran away, but when I got back he told me what really happened and I'm so sorry, Baby. I am so sorry!" Paula started sobbing.

"It's alright, Mom," Artemis reassured her mother, wiping away the tears on both of their faces. Soon, Artemis realized that she had to go back home. It was late, the Shallows were going to kill her. She ran home as fast as she could, but she was still greeted by her two furious foster parents.

"I think we should teach her a lesson," Mrs. Shallow said sadistically.


Artemis woke up to the blinding white that tube lights admitted. She felt hands wrapped tightly around hers. A forehead rested against it. She looked up to see Wally, looking exhausted and worried. "Wally?"

His head shot up and a huge smile crossed his face. "Artemis! You're awake! Oh my god, I was so worried! You scared me, baby!"

"I'm sorry," Artemis muttered.

"Don't be, Babe. You're alright. And that's all that matters. The Shallows are in jail awaiting their trial as we speak, Lucas and Nolan were moved to a new foster home, and King is with his grandparents. They got questioned and vouched for you."

"Thank god that while they are nasty, they are also decent human beings."

"Yeah. Umm, there's a couple that are interested in fostering you. They're friends of my uncle. They live in Star City. I know that sounds like a pain, but they're awesome. And trust me, you'll love them!"

"Alright. Wally, I went to see my mom. My dad isn't treating her well, I wanted to know if-"

"I can fix it? I'll try."

"Thanks, Wally."


Soon Artemis found herself in Star City, enjoying the life she was enjoying now. Her mom was securing a better apartment, and Artemis was living with Oliver Queen and his girlfriend Dinah Lance!

She was shooting arrows at a target in Ollie's indoor archery range as Paula watched her. Oliver walked in, grinning ear to ear. "Artemis?"


"Look at this." Artemis turned her head to see Ollie holding a duffle bag. Out of it he pulled- holy crap was that GREEN ARROW'S UNIFORM?!


"Yeah." He tossed Artemis another duffel bag, which she opened to see a bunch of fabric in various shades of green. "Speedy went solo. You wanna be my new sidekick?"

Artemis looked between Oliver and her smiling, laughing mother in disbelief. "Seriously?" She asked.



2,674 words, WOW!

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