
By ForTheLoveOfIt

56.7K 1K 224

His dad grabbed his shirt and pushed him backwards. Ryan cried out as he tumbled down the stairs and hit the... More

Are you fucking serious?
Kissed by a girl I just met. How crazy is this school?
This is where reality strikes. Haha.
Now this is getting awkward. Like, seriously.
Can't believe this.
This. Sucks.
Welcome to hell
This is what pain means.
Not enough pain.
What the fuck have I gotten myself into?
A/N - Update and a New Book!
Car Chase - Just like the movies!
Life fucks me up. Again.
UPDATE (FINALLY) - This shit is really weirding me out.
Who's who?
Fuck you all
They all know the truth now

This is what I was worried about.

2.6K 57 13
By ForTheLoveOfIt

Ryan sat up in the bed. He glanced at the clock. It was 11 am. Shit, he had missed the bus. Julie wasn't in the room. She must have gone without waking him up.

He thought of last night and smiled. It had been real fun. Julie definitely knew the business. Ryan got to check his phone. There were two messages from Julie.

Gone to school, love. Sorry didn't wake u. --Julie

And btw u luk sexy even when u sleep. :P Cya in school :D --Julie

Ryan grinned. It was 11 already, why bother going to school? He texted to Julie, saying he wont be there, and decided to head home. 

Fuck. Home. Dad. Ryan groaned. Shit, shit, shit. Ryan banged the bed in frustration. But he didn't have a choice. He hoped mom had not returned last night. Dad would've killed her. His mobile rang again.

He picked it up. "Hello?"

"Gone a date last night, baby?" 

"Mom!" Ryan cried. "HI!"

"Don't avoid my question!"

"Uh.....yeah. There's this girl called Julie.....And how did you find out?"

She laughed. "I got a message from the bank that you spent at some fancy Italian restaurant."

"Did you go home last night?"

He heard his mom sigh. "I didn't. And......I have to talk to you about this thing here...."

"Yeah, mom, what is it?"

"I, uh...I am planning to divorce him."

A moment of dead silence as Ryan registered the news. Then he burst out laughing. "That's the best news ever! What made you change your mind?"

"Well....I want you to have a normal life, Ryan. With girls, friends. Late night parties. I don't want to see you get beaten up for everything you do.....I mean, yeah, the papers will have it everywhere...but then, I don't care anymore. I'm done living with that bastard."

"That's the best decision you've taken, Mom. I really, really love you for this." Ryan couldn't believe the relief flooding through him. God. He wouldn't have to be scared everyday. His mom will be safe. 

"I'm going to get the divorce papers by next week. Just another week more, darling. Hold on, okay?"

Ryan nodded, then realized she couldn't see him. "Yeah, yes." He had waited three years. A week was nothing. Life was going to get better. 

"One more thing, please, please, don't breathe a word of this to him, okay? You know what he'll do."

"Don't worry, mum, I'm not crazy. But how are you going to get him to sign the papers?"

"I'll manage, don't worry."

"You're the best, mom! Love you!"

"Love you too, my baby. And now I have to bang up some thugs gotta go."

"Wait, what?"

"In the movie. In the movie." She laughed. "Bye, darling. See you....maybe today evening?"

"Yeah, tomorrow. But don't come home......please?"

His mom was silent. Ryan knew she had guessed what was happening. But she didn't say anything, much to his relief. "Yeah, let's say we meet at that Starbucks near your school?"

"Okay, that's fine. So see you there, alright?"

"Yeah, bye. See you at six thirty!"

"Bye, Love you." He hung up. He had to go to school now that he had to meet mom there. He could only hope his dad didn't kill him by then.


Ryan parked the car in the driveway. He could see his dad waiting for him at the door. He looked drunk as usual. 

Ryan walked forward, trying not to look scared. His stomach was churning inside him. Nothing could save him today. He stood in front of his dad quietly. Only a week more. Just a week.

HIs dad dragged him into the house, and then into the attic on top. Ryan figured it would be easier to just wait him out, rather than fight back and get the beating of his life. He was thrown onto the bed. 

Ryan sat up on it. "What are you going to do?"

HIs dad had come prepared. He pulled out duct tape from his pocket. "You are not going anywhere."

 Ryan scarmbled away from him. ""No...." His voice was hoarse. He shook his head. Fuck him. What was he doing? Making him some sort of prisoner? "No, please...." He hated himself saying it, but that was the only thing that could stop dad. "Please, I'm sorry." He had to meet mom, or she'll come here searching for him. He didn't want her coming anywhere near dad.

His dad looked up, paused, and then laughed. "You'll be sorry soon enough."

He grabbed his feet, pulled them straight, and started winding the duct tape around them. Ryan struggled, but his dad was too strong for him. Finally he gave up and just lay down on the bed. "Look, please.....Mom's going to come....she'll leave you if you do this...."

His dad twisted him over and began taping his hands behind his back. "Let her come. She won't leave, or else I'll hurt you. And you know that, so stop lying." He finsihed the job and then threw him into the corner of the room, behind the bed. 

Ryan landed hard on his side. "Fuck you, asshole!" He screamed, now seriosuly pissed. He didn't want this. He didn't want mom here. 

His dad came over and grabbed his face. "Shut up, you son of a bitch." He punched him in his stomach. Ryan gasped, all the breath knocked out of him. He couldn't resist when dad taped his mouth. 

HIs dad punched him twice in his face. Ryan groaned and leaned back against the wall. He felt a trickle of blood run down from his forehead. His dad hit him again, this time in the middle of his chest.

Fuck him. Fuck him. Ryan wanted to scream with the pain. He didn't want to take this anymore. He saw his dad get up and move out of the room, and lock the door behind him.

Ryan just stayed there, trying not to move, trying to ease out the pain. He didn't know what time it was. He hoped his mom would forget that she had to meet him today. Instantly, he knew that was never going to happen. She'd probably wait at that place for an hour or so and then come here to find out what happened. Ryan didn't want to imagine what would happen next. He could still remember the last time his dad had assaulted her....He shook himself out of his reverie. He needed to get out of here, at least to tell mom not to come anywhere near dad.

He proped himself up against the wall. The window was right across him. Ryan pulled against the tape on his hands. It was tight, but Ryan was sure he could loosen it. The problem was, he didn't have much time.


NIcky went through the menu for a hundredth time. She wasn't reading anything, the words were all blurred. It was already seven. Ryan hadn't come yet. Had Rick done this? He could have. Had Ryan told him about her plan? It was impossible, Ryan would never do that. She was sure of it. She stood up slowly, put the menu book down and started walking towards her car. 

A couple of kids came running, asking for a picture. She gave a fake smile, did it for them, then started waking towards her car again. What had happenned? Was it something Ryan had done...? She sifted through her purse and pulled out her car keys. Then it struck her. 

Ryan had gone on a date last night. Maybe he hadn't come back, got too involved with that Julie. No wonder.

She had to get back. She was feeling sick. God knows what that monster might be doing to him. She shook her head to calm herself. She couldn't afford a panic attack right now.

She had to get there. Fast.

It took her twenty minutes to reach the house. She parked her car right outside the gate and ran up the steps. She pressed her ear against the door. She couldn't hear anything. 

NIcky knocked once. It took two minutes for the door to open. Rick was standing in the doorway, wearing a dirty brown shorts and a red shirtm, with a smirk plastered all over his face. It made her want to kill im. She forced herself to remain steady. Getting angry will only make him hit her. 

Rick laughed loudly. "So why are you here now, bitch?"

"Where's Ryan, Rick?"

"Why do you care?"

Nicky breathed deeply. "Please, Rick, did he come here?"

Rick shrugged.

Nicky took that as a yes. "Is he still here?"

Rick just snapped. One minute he was laughing at her, the next he was at her throat. Nicky found herself pinned against the floor. He slapped her once. Twice.

Her eyes filled with tears. "Damn it, Rick, where is he?!" She pushed against his chest, trying to get him off her. Rick punched her face, still laughing like a maniac. Nicky felt the tears fall out even harder. What had that asshole done to him?!

Nicky squeezed herself out of his grasp and got to her feet, swaying slightly. "Fuck you, bastard! What have you done with him!" She could already imagine what he must have been doing to her babay. How could she have left him alone with this asshole? "You're gonna stay away from Ryan! I'm taking him!"

Ricky was standing there, fuming. "And how are you going to do that? You dont even know where he is."

NIcky swore at him. "I'm fucking divorcing you, bastard! You're never going to touch him again!"

Rick lunged at her, but she ran up the stairs to Ryan's bedroom. He wasn't in there. Her heart almost stopped beating.

Rick shoved her inside and locked the door. Nicky pushed against it, trying to force it open, but obviously, it was useless. She slumped to the floor, crying harder. Where was he? Where was Ryan? What had happenned to him? Maybe he was late from school.....but he would never make her wait alone anywhere. Ever. He was too worried about her to do that. 

She pressed her hands into her face. This was all her fault. It was all her fault. She curled up against the door, her tears forming a puddle around her. Ryan. If only she could save him.



Sorry for the late update guys...was a bit busy school has just started :D new term and all that :D 

This is my first a few reviews would help really! Tell me what you thought about the book up till now! I have got many things in store for our hero worry not, coz life is gonna get nasty...*evil laughter*. Haha :P

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