What a Classical turn of even...

By DahRadSkeleDude

142K 4.4K 2.6K

edit(Now that I think about it a bunch of random crap is gonna happen) Error (the FGOD) is wounded badly in... More

A/N prologue
A tied up situation
Don't look so Blue
The Truth hurts
RUN. duun dundundundundun
here comes. the mother friken. TEA
Another tied up situation
Falling for errors
Taking all the sh*t
nightmare: yeets Classic into the void
this is gonna get messy
The battlefield
The AfterEffects
The thread of Destiny
getting things together
Art room
The Party
A/N Im so confused
And so it begins
And so it begins Pt 2
Welcome Back!!!
The consequences for your actions
⊂('• ω •'⊂)
I don't have a title
Blue Yandberry
•°Merry Multimas°•
New Year's eve!!
Happy valentines day
Happy Easter!

Classic: yeets the nightmare into the void

4.5K 141 82
By DahRadSkeleDude

Error's POV

I wake up in nightmare's mansion, in my room. Ugh I have to get use to this. I pat behind me to make sure classic was there. . . annnddd he wasn't. I shoot up and look around the room. There Classic was, he was sleeping in my armchair, but his face had a blue hue on it. Hmm he must not feel well or something. I open a one-way portal to where blue was. Him and Puff (undertale papyrus) were at blues house. "Nyeh heh heh heeh, thx again blue for the apron that says hug the chef." Puff was sitting at the table while blue was making something in the oven. "No problem puff, anything for a friend From the magnificent Blue. Mweh heh heh heeh!!" "Anyways what are you making??" Puff asked. Blue added something to the bowl he was spinning a stick in. "Oh todays me and my best friends friendaversary. Mweh heh heeh!! And I'm making him a-" I quickly closed the portal not wanting to spoil blue's surprise "that was close." I opened it back up "oh thats so nice of you to do all that." Puff smiled, but that smile quickly faded. Blue walked up to puff and took a seat next to him "What's wrong, papyrus you seem down in the dumps." Blue placed his hand on puff's shoulder. "Oh it's just that, ink told me that the destroyer stole my brother yesterday and I'm so very worried that the destroyer is going to try and destroy the whole multiverse. And I do miss my brother as well." "Awww jeez, now I look like a jerk." Blue pulled his hand back "o-oh, I'm pretty sure everything will be fine as our duty to be royal guard's WE can save the multiverse. And error wouldn't hurt classic even if it killed him-OOPS I mean mweh hehehehe umm" puff held his hand up "yeah blue just stop your busted...the destroyers name is error?" "Awww blue, you got busted again. Aww shoot, todays our friendaversary thingy and I need a gift for blue. . .and a gift for puff." "Wow you two really are friends-" "AhHhHhhHHHhH!!!!" I summoned a gaster blaster to aim behind me. Classic fell back on the bed and started screaming too. "DON'T SHOOT DON'T SHOOT!!!" I made the gaster blaster disappear "D04'Г D0 Гh@Г, ©l@ss¡©!!!" Dust kicked my door open, horror rolled in, killer teleported next to horror and cross karate kicked into the room " HA!!!" They then noticed that NOTHING was happening and stood up normally. "₩H@Г ¡N ГH3 MULГ¡V3rs3 @r3 ¥0U ¡d¡0Гs D0iNG!?!?!??" I screamed. Dust, Cross and horror teleported away. Killer stood stiffly. I grabbed Classic and Killer then teleported downstairs. "Ahem. . .CAN I GET EVERYONE'S ATTENTION!!!!???" Everyone teleported down and sat on the sofa in front of me. I let go of killer who sat on the arm of the couch and I tied classic to the ceiling again. "Thank you all for coming. Now today I have some errands to-do and two of you have to watch classic while I'm gone." Immediately everyones hands shot up. And they were making this weird expression towards classic..ohh i get it, poor classic everyone likes him. "Fine, you all can watch him." Classic spoke up "Not to intrude or anything, but um Can I go with you. I already know you and bl-" ekk I slap my hand onto Classic's mouth (*insert yeeting logic noises*) "Uhh spill the beans error" nightmare spoke up "yeah!!" My eye twitchs "Ok never mind classic's coming with me." Befor Anyone could say Anything classic and i left through a portal.

Classic's POV

We end up in a white void type place . . .soo a Anti-void I guess and error lifts his hand making me get attached to the never-ending ceiling. He grabs . . .um sowing strings?? Whatever. . .'should I tell error about the kiss. Did we actually share a dream tho? As much as I hate say it but, I need to ask nightmare for help on this' Error stood up. Now It didn't take him long but he completed a long light blue scarf that had tiny glittery stars all around it. It was beautiful. Error then lowered me down as he walked towards me. He held the Scarf up to my neck. Then he put it around my neck and tied a bow in the back. My cheeks got all hot. He left me like this as he went back to his crafting spot. 'Why do I get all flustered around error? I can't have fallen for the destroyer...did I?' 'Nvm If we did share dreams anyway, could error have meant what he said when he told me he would tell me why he destroyed?' 'Wouldn't he have told me by now?' Error stands back up and walks over to me "hey classic, do you think your brother will like it?" Error held out a dark grey denim jacket that said 'cool skeledude' on the back. "Heh, wow that's cool I bet he'll love it." Error smiled a cute smile "heh heh cool" My cheeks got hot again. 'Yep I'm in love' error turned around and opened a portal "Don't worry I will be right back." And with that error was gone. I miss him already

No ones POV
Error walked into to Underswap's human town. He pulled his hood over his head and put a mouth mask on. He walked into a store and found two cute gift boxes; A red one and a blue one. perfect. Error teleported down into the underground and went into muffet's bakery. He grabbed a box of a dozen spider donuts and made a portal to leave.

Classic hung from the ceiling of the anti-void. His eyes shot up when he heard a portal opening, Error walked in with a box of donuts with two gift boxes on top. Classic was lowered and error untied the scarf around classic's neck and put it in the box. He did the same for the jacket. Classic stretched his bones and popped his back. "Thx error" "no problem Come on we gotta go." Error made a portal and they both went through.

Error and classic walked into UnderSwap "Okay, we go up a knock on the door, if carrot face answers we run or well i run I know your not gonna follow me." Classic wanted to say something but Error just continued walking up to blue's house.They made it up and error knocked on the door, they heard something fall and then two sets of footsteps walking up to the door. The door opens. Puff and Blue stood at the door "Error!!!" "Sans!!!" Blue and puff yell at the same time "You made it error and you didn't forget!" Blue yelled as he took the boxes from error. "BROTHER YOUR HERE!!!! and . . . safe." Puff turned to error and hugged him "Thanks for not hurting my brother, error." Error slowly patted puff's back "no problem." Puff moved out they way "Well come on in." Blue walked in and place the boxes on the couch and the box of donuts on the counter in the kitchen.

- meanwhile -

"The destroyer is active start gathering the sanses and papyrus...its gonna get messy"


Eyyo that was something


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