Blank canvas | Jk+Jm

By jikookstarz

288K 9.2K 3.8K

"J-Jungkook? What color is this?" Jimin held up the small tube of yellow paint while his hand shook. "I-I do... More

Painted rain🥀
Help 🥀
Hibiscus 🥀
Hoodie 🥀
Chipped paint 🥀
Color 🥀
Emotions 🥀
Black eyes🥀
Chance 🥀
Cherry lips 🥀
Falling 🥀

Wet table 🥀

8.9K 568 210
By jikookstarz

The teacher smiled very respectively to Jimin as he stood in front of his desk at the end of class.

"I'd like to come to an optimistic decision and say you took my advice." Jimin shook his head as if thinking.

"Well I'll just submit one of my recent paintings for now, not for competition purposes but to just see if I'll qualify." Mr.Lee slouched his shoulder in disappointment.

"Park Jimin I'll say once you see what you're up against and that you make it through you'll want to submit that portrait."Jimin scratched his nape and shrugged looking over at the stack of drafts of portraits on the desk.

"You won't mind if I choose which one to send through?" Jimin shook his head.

"Perfect! I see you looking at the drafts, how is yours coming along?" Jimin plastered a look of shame on his face.

"I haven't figured out exactly who I want to do I feel like parents will be a little to cliché and also best friends." The teacher sighed.

"I'll recommend someone with a story to draw or paint. For you you may paint since you're better at that. You are right park. I have gotten a lot of best friends and parents so far." He chuckled and held up the stack of drafts.

"Ok thank you I think I have an idea now. Have a good day!" He waved and left, walking out of the classroom to meet an impatient Taehyung.


"Sorry I was submitting a painting." Taehyung gasped

"No way!" Jimin nodded and he gave him a thumbs up.

"That's my boy." Taehyung slung his arm around his neck. Jimin looked at his watch and sighed.

"I have to go pick up my car at the shop can you drop me there and I'll meet you at work?" Taehyung hummed as he got in the car.

"So did you talk to Jungkook after I left?" Jimin nodded.

"Well he was trying to sneak out at first, but I was in the kitchen and he didn't see me." He chuckled.

"I feel bad for him. He took me where he lived last night. Taehyung, that's not a place somewhere should live. It's a foster home."

"Isn't he too old to still be in a foster home?" Jimin glances at Taehyung. He was right. Once kids hit 18 they are supposed to be put out to live in their own if there were a foster child.

"You're right. But it was disgusting. The place looks ran down, the owner reeked of smoke and alcohol. And he looked abusive." Taehyung scratched his nape.

"I mean if it's a foster home they should be getting government checks every week." Jimin shook his head.

"That doesn't mean anything. Anyone can wear fancy clothes and clean a house to make it look like they are treating the kids right." Taehyung shrugged and agreed.

"When I texted him and asked him if he would be ok he said no. I asked why and I haven't gotten a text back since then." Jimin looked at the last message that said seen and put his phone in his backpack.

"Don't be late for work" Taehyung said pulling up to the automobile shop "I can clock in for you if you want." Jimin nodded.

He got out and grabbed his stuff walking to the entrance where he opened the door.

"How can I help you - oh your here for your car. Park Jimin is it?" He nodded and the room out his car keys out of a drawer.

"Ok just sign here it's just a form saying that you came back for your car." Jimin took the pen me signed it.

"Ok just meet me in the parking lot I'll meet you there." Jimin hummed as the man walked through a back door.

Jimin sighed heavily as he walked to the parking lot where his car was soon to be.

His mind was packed. He was thinking about work, school and last but definitely not least Jungkook.

He wondered of he was ok. He thought maybe he failed him and Jungkook had a lot more things he kept hidden.

"Excuse me" the man said holding up his keys.

"Oh! Thank you I'm so sorry." He bowed and took his keys. Hopefully work can clear his mind.

Jimin glances at the clock and the raw feeling of completion wrapped around him as there was only five minutes till the diner closed.

It was empty so all hey had to do was clean and head out. He grabbed the cleaning supplies and started at the tables.

The jingles from the door went off and Taehyung shouted from the counter.

"We're sorry the diner closes in -"

"Where's Jimin?" Taehyung looked up from the register.

"Oh he's back there he should be cleaning the tables." Jungkook nodded walking to the back of the diner.

"Can I help- oh gosh Jungkook" Jimin put down the cloth in his hand and took a deep breath.

"Thank heavens you're ok." Jungkook nodded.

"Sit down I'll make you sandwich or something." Jimin took off his gloves.

"Please I haven't eaten." His voice set off an unnecessary spark of sadness over Jimin.

Jimin went to the kitchen and and quickly whipped up a sandwich and carried it out sitting across from Jungkook.

He'd never seen someone accept food so fast. He examined Jungkook and he immediately felt horrible.

"Jungkook what happened to your lip?" Jungkook looked up form his sandwich and bit his lip.

"I-I bite my lip a lot." He stuttered, looking away from Jimin. Something about Jimin pushed him to speak the truth.

"Bull shit." Jimin said plainly.

"Jungkook how old are you?" Jungkook looked up as if thinking. Jungkook looked ashamed and bit his sandwich.

"I think I'm 18." He whispered playing with the crust of the bread on the table. "Yeah I'm 18."

"You had to think about that?" Jungkook nodded.

"I was supposed to be kicked out by the time I was 18 but they pitied me and let me stay. I had no one and no where to go to." He said. I've gotta appreciate they let me stay.

"They let you stay and abuse you?" Jungkook bit the sandwich. He seem to not be able to make eye contact with Jimin anymore. His eyes suddenly held an abundance of liquid that fell on the table.

Jimin quickly sat next to him and before he could think he hugged him. Jungkook was skinny.

"It's ok." Jimin mumbled

"I'm sorry" Jungkook whispered pushing Jimin away from him.

"Jungkook just tell me if you need help and I'll help you." Jimin said holding his shoulders. Taehyung watched from the corner of his eyes as if a sad movie was playing.

Jungkook finally made the eye contact Jimin was waiting for.

"Help me."

A/N: thank you so much for supporting me I can't thank you enough I'll try to update misfortune by Sunday 😆✋🏾

....will be properly revised

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