What a Classical turn of even...

By DahRadSkeleDude

142K 4.4K 2.6K

edit(Now that I think about it a bunch of random crap is gonna happen) Error (the FGOD) is wounded badly in... More

A/N prologue
A tied up situation
Don't look so Blue
The Truth hurts
RUN. duun dundundundundun
here comes. the mother friken. TEA
Falling for errors
Taking all the sh*t
nightmare: yeets Classic into the void
Classic: yeets the nightmare into the void
this is gonna get messy
The battlefield
The AfterEffects
The thread of Destiny
getting things together
Art room
The Party
A/N Im so confused
And so it begins
And so it begins Pt 2
Welcome Back!!!
The consequences for your actions
โŠ‚('โ€ข ฯ‰ โ€ข'โŠ‚)
I don't have a title
Blue Yandberry
โ€ขยฐMerry Multimasยฐโ€ข
New Year's eve!!
Happy valentines day
Happy Easter!

Another tied up situation

5.5K 177 67
By DahRadSkeleDude

Errors POV

I wake up in a dark room that smelled like my clothes after I destroy an Au. I try to stand up but ONCE AGAIN I'm tied to a chain and not even a spinny one. I hear a door open and two sets of footsteps coming down stairs. "Well well well look who decided to wake up." I can just hear them mocking me. "Ok, look I have things to do so just untie me and you probably won't have any injuries." They step closer into the light given off by a small lightbulb hanging over me. It was Dusty and Cross. "Now why would we do that?" Cross and dusty's eyelights were gone. Hehe they're trying to be intimidating. I quietly chuckle to myself. "Why would you tie up little ole me?? Is it because i'm scary??" Dusty moved in closer "We should be asking the questions NOT you." I laugh again "If only you weren't as dumb as you look." I quickly stand up in my chair and swing it, breaking it on their skulls. They fall to the floor. My hands were still tied so I pulled my hands under my feet making a satisfying popping noise. "HHaHaHAhA So long suckers!!" I turn to leave but was quickly impaled in my ribs by a tendril. "$H¡Г" I didn't even hear them walk in...the must have teleported 'sigh'
I was placed in another chair but this one was metal and it was stuck to the ground. They put magic restraintment handcuffs on me. Dusty and criss cross get back up while glaring at me. Horror and killer wait next to them "he does know theres a gaping hole in his ribs right??" Horror whispered to killer who just shrugged. Nightmare walked up to me. "So who are you and why have you tresspassed on MY Au??" I looked at him confused "uhh this isn't your Au...your Au is DreamTale." A pissed expression grew on his face "JUST ANSWER THE DAMN QUESTIONS!!!" "I'm in a hurry soo whatever. . . 'sigh' Sup I'm error the 'destroyer' of the multiverse and I'm here because your 'Au' has been chosen to be destroyed by yours truly." I answered in a bored tone. " Ok, first you better take those qoutation marks off of the word Au and second, your THE destroyer of multiverse??" "yep." Nightmare turned around to his gang. They were whispering to each other like a bunch of girls talking about a cute guy. They looked at me then teleported probably back up stairs.

Third POV

nightmare and his gang teleported back up stairs and into the kitchen.

Cross: I think we should kill him

Dust: I second that

Killer: is it because he took you both down with a chair???

Horror: I bet cross' chocolate, that thats the reason

Cross: *hands horror a chocolate bar* 'sigh'

Killer: pfft, ok?? But I think we should ask him why he saved nightmare

Nightmare: good Idea killer, lets go

Killer: ^/////^

Nightmare and his gang teleported back down stairs.
Nightmare: hey error, we have some more questions for ya

Error: oh yaay more questions

Nightmare: sarcasm noted, now how did you take control of their bodies??

Error: oh it was easy really, they have terrible fighting composer, they didn't fight all at once, your weren't really helping, their blind side was obvio-

Nightmare: N-NO!! Not like that you know what I mean!!

Error: oh. . . well I just took some of my strings and wrapped it around their souls. Kinda like how chara controls frisk's soul.

Horror: Well why did you save nightmare right after YOU stabbed him???

Error: I didn't know he was nightmare as in dreams brother as in gardian of negative emotions. It would have set off the balance if I would have killed him which would cause the multiverse to collapse and that would just ruin everything I have ever worked for.

Nightmare: o-oh °////° well one last question

Error: fine just ask already

Nightmare: Do you wanna join my gang?


The gang: WHAT?!?!

Nightmare grabbed his gang with his tentacles and teleported up stairs.

Cross:I Thought we voted on killing him???

Killer: It doesn't matter he's gonna say no anyways

Horror:I bet cross' chocolate he's gonna say no

Dust: He could be a good asset to the team

Nightmare: thank you dust

Dust:but if he says no, we kill him

Cross: thank you dust

Nightmare: . . .okay lets go


Sorry i missed yesterdays posts
I got busy
But i will post two more today


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