New love (Noi x Leif)

By Slimegirl16m1

48.1K 679 1.5K

After Noi, Leif, and Ava get kidnapped, and Noi gets stabbed being put in the hospital when Leif breaks out o... More

"I'll do it!"
in Hospital Pt1
In hospital Pt 2
Welcome home
Realizing Feelings (Noi x Leif's Part)
Realizing Feelings (Asch x Rhys's Part)
Realizing Feelings (Pierce x Ava's Part)
Picnic Disaster
Need a Hand?
Thank you
The magic Council
How will we return now
Library and Jealosy
Cafeteria and Bed Troubles
Little break
Blue Whale Challenge
A date
Merry Christmas
Taken & Tortured (1 of 4)
No leads & Grave Mistake (2 of 4)


3.3K 55 94
By Slimegirl16m1

Leif's POV
Its been two days Noi should wake up today so I decided to visit him again cause I visited everyday I dont know why but a voice in my head said to visit him every day, after explaining where I was going and stopped by a store to buy him a Spirit plush at least Ava calls them that, when I get to his room I smile with joy to see Noi awake

Noi's POV
I look around, "Where am I?" I ask myself then hear a familiar voice "Your in a hospital, at least the humans It that." I turn to see Leif, he's smiling, and blushing? "L-Leif what are you doing here? Where's Ava and the others?" I asked "They're at the apartment, I came to visit you while you were healing up, you've been knocked out for two days straight." He explained I think back to the events that happened and quickly freak out "I-IS AVA OKAY IS SHE HURT!" I said worryingly Leif laughs "She's fine, they should be showing up in a hour or so, A-Also here!" Leif hands me a spirit? "It's a spirit plush, Ava calls them that." He said I look at it and take it smiling "Thank you Leif, why are you being so nice?" I ask "Cause I feel bad, you got hurt cause of me, and could have died." He said with guilt "Since when did you care if I died?" I was concerned if this was even Leif maybe a monster took his form or control of him "U-Ummmmm, I-I Dont know for some reason I just felt so guilty and bad even scared." He said, I felt warm inside and smiled

1 hour later
Leif explained everything and I felt really happy, Leif did all that for me how sweet! We then here a door open and look over to see Ava, Asch, Pierce, and Rhys walk in "Noi your awake!" Ava comes over and hugs me I hug back "Yeah and Leif told me everything that happened while I was out for two days, is it true Pierce yelled at Rhys?" I ask Ava laughs and Pierce looks red as a beet "Yep!" Ava says laughing "Wow I never would expect Pierce to get mad Like that." I laugh with Ava "Yeah also did Leif tell you how he came to visit you everyday it was so cute." She says but I look confused Leif didn't tell me that "U-Ummmm uhhhh." I look to see Leif goes red "No he didn't." I say they look surprised "Well he did and He'd stay here all day long talking to you, he ignored us when we'd try and talk to him, and would mope every time he had to leave." Asch snickered "SHUT UP ASCH!" Leif yelled Blushing a Dark Ruby red colour, I couldn't help but laugh with everyone else who was laughing as how adorable Leif was acting "Wow Leif since when did you like to Hang around me so much, thought you hated me?" I laughed "I don't hate you, I care a lot about you..." Leif said in a serious tone which dimmed the mood a little causing everyone to stop laughing, I looked at him cause it sounded like he was being serious "O-Oh." I stuttered a little scared at how he was looking at me "S-Soooo, ummm How about we see how much longer Noi has to stay before he can leave the hospital, I-I'll go check." Ava tried to lighten the mood as someone walked in "Oh perfect timing Doctor. Piper question how long will Noi have to stay before he can leave?" She asks the man so that's the healing sorcerer Leif told me about "Well saying he got stabbed around one of his lungs, lucky the knife didn't hit it, he'll have to stay Two more weeks and when he gets home he shouldn't move around much maybe lay around the couch or bed, he mainly just needs a lot of rest." The Healing Sorcerer said "Okay thank you." Ava thanked the Sorcerer "And saying Noi is now up we'll need to run some tests on him, Noi will you come with me please?" The Sorcerer asked I got nervous and felt someone squeeze my hand I look to see Leif squeezing it "It's okay Noi if you want I'll come." It felt nice that Leif wanted to make sure I was okay so I nodded and we followed the Sorcerer to this room

After the tests
Leif helps me back to the room and we see Ava, Pierce, Asch, and Rhys doing something "Ummm what are you guys doing?" I ask they look over to us "Ava said this is called Uno, It's quite intriguing, a human game on E-arth." Rhys told "Want me to teach you two how to play?" Ava asked we both nodded Playing for about almost all day surprisingly I won most of the times, Asch got mad that Rhys kept betraying him, Pierce was always so close but Ava would make him pick up two more, And Leif I think was trying to help me win cause whenever he got a card to reverse back to me he'd place it down, overall we all had fun, when they had to leave I said bye to all of them, when Leif was leaving he came back "What is it Leif?" I asked he turned his head away I swear I saw him blushing "C-Can I hug you before I leave?" He asked, my heady started pounding for how cute he was- wait why am I thinking that I only think of Leif as a friend- now, I'm in love with Ava, but could I be in love with Leif? "S-Su-Sure." I stuttered holding out my arms and hugging him he hugged back and left after that Why if Leif acting sounds weird, but it's adorable, and extremely hot, I wonder how'd he look with his shirt of- WAIT NOI WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU THINKING I AM NOT IN LOVE WITH LEIF I AM NOT IN LOVE WITH LEIF..... "Am I?"

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