I keep falling for you | Meli...

By _Lullaby_Dream_

133K 2.6K 2.4K

Before the 10 year hunt for the seven deadly sins, there was going to be eight. But she refused, ran away lea... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
A Christmas Special
'Girls in the streets'
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Thank you for the support + my thank you to SU
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Update (Not the normal kind)
What's been going on
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 14

1.5K 42 2
By _Lullaby_Dream_

"Aww yeah! You better step off!"

The giant got sent back a few feet.
"I'd get out of here if i were you, wouldn't want to get beaten till a pump!" The giant groaned and left. I wiped my head from the non-existent sweat. It had been five days since i left Camelot. I ran by my old forest so i decided to go threw it. It's very close to Misite so that means i get to have a break soon. I've only had about three hours sleep in total over the days. What can i say I've been busy. Merlin has been trying to contact me using her magic. I've been able to use the forest to hide my location and some of my own magical power. When she does find me, i move immediately. Since I've been gone, the forest has restored hardly any life to it. I wonder how Chrissy is doing, i know Meliodas can take care of himself, don't get me wrong i do worry about him. I just have this feeling that he will be okay and if something bad happens Chrissy will call for me. If they leave Camelot, I know Elizabeth will follow Meliodas since she really admires him and owes her life to him, Chrissy will go with Elizabeth so that's kind of a way too make sure he's safe. And the others...I know they'll be fine, they have Meliodas with them. He is the strongest person I've ever met, well when he's at his full power.

All of a sudden i started hearing someone calling my name. Chrissy! She needs me! Her voice wasn't that far away like only a few meters away? I thought she'd be farther away... oh she didn't!

I turned around and started walking back the way i came. It was only 10 minutes before i got to this massive hole in the ground so deep you can't see the bottom of it. Vines were covering it and tangled in those vines also hanging above certain doom was an familiar face. It was the one, the only...

"Christine" She looked up and we made eye contact. She look very embarrassing or nervous hard to tell. I had my serious expression which is a rare site to see. She really did follow me when i specifically told her not to, why did i think she'd listen I'm technically one of her ancestors of course she'd act like me.

"H-Hey Y/n... Fancy seeing you here even though i did call for you to help. Mind helping me out?"
"I'm going to leave you here until those vines break and you know what will happen next."
"Y/n I'm sorry! I couldn't help myself plus what if something bad happens to you."
"I'll be fine! That city is nothing compared to what I've dealt with" I managed to safely get Chrissy out of those vines and on to solid land.
"You need to get back with the others Christine."
"NO! I won't your underestimating Misite, heck your underestimating Louisa!" Oh great, i forgot about her...
"I told you I'll be fine!"
"JUST LISTEN TO ME FOR ONCE!" That actually shocked me. She's never raised her voice at me before. I can't believe it. My head hung low, a shadow casted over my eyes. I only have one choice. I place one hand on my hip and prepared for super serious mode.

"Why would i listen to some stupid teen girl? I'm over three thousand years old, I've seen castles rise and fall. Your just being a selfish brat and wanting to get your own revenge on your sister. You can't lie to me. So do me a favour, and leave. me. alone!" Than i walked away from the crying girl. I felt bad but i had to do it, she would of kept following me. The truth is that i don't want to end up hurting her once i get my scythe back. All that energy that i'll need for it to function, it's been three thousand years so i might end up drinking the blood of the entire population of Misite. Maybe that will get rid of that dastardly kingdom once and for all.Even If that means i do it alone or i lose myself. Please like i 'found' myself in the first place.

Whatever i need to start running if i want to be there before sun down well if it's possible to be there before sun down. I've learned not think to far ahead well sometimes. Let's get cracking!


Finally I'm here! The Misite Empire! It's changed a lot. Now the biggest thing you can see is the castle made out of bricks with marble roofs. It's gigantic like something out of a fairy tale. There's a huge wall surrounding the entire kingdom. The wall is like 50 feet tall, yet that means the castle is like 60-80 feet. You could get lost in there. Crap, there's guards surrounding the entire wall, some at the gates and most are up on the walls. How am i going to get in without causing attention. In the corner of my eye, i saw a wooden carriage heading towards one of the gates. An old man was at the front with the horses, if this is a food wagon i can sneak in with the barrels. Let's go! Only just managing to sneak behind it, i jumped in the back which was the covered by a curtain. They should take better care to not get robbed. I jumped in the back and that's when i saw it. Four women were facing the other way from me. There were some barrels so it was a food truck but i guess these women were helping the old man sell. The tallest girl was a blonde, her hair was short only reaching her shoulders. All of them were wearing clothes I've seen many others way similar before. It was a hoop skirt that went down to her knees. It had frills of course, hers was a dirty pink. Her top was just a long sleeved t-shirt covered by an apron. The other three were a ginger, brunette and black haired, ginger had a dirty blue, brunette had a dirty green and the black haired one had a brown dress. What am i going to do know? Sadly my thought time didn't last long because the brunette noticed me and gasped alerting the other girls.

"Ummm... Hi?" They all scanned me and gasped some more. The blonde face palmed at me?

"Dear sister Opal, what are you wearing? We left you alone to go to the bathroom for a second and we didn't even notice what you did with yourself." It was the ginger who spoke, her voice was gentle and soft. But Opal? I was just utterly confused.
"We are going to meet the Queen and your wearing that shamble, let us fix you up!" Oh god! I think i know what's going to happen. They pulled out a dirty pale yellow dress, an apron, a white ribbon and i think make up? OH GOD! I'd rather do girl talk than this but this might help me blend in so sacrifices must be made. If I don't make it out alive, remember my story!


That took awhile, i'm pretty sure we are inside the kingdom walls now. I made sure they didn't see or touch my ring. I don't want it to get taken away. That would absolutely crush my soul. By the time they were done, i couldn't breath. Under the dress they wear corsets. Super duper tight corsets. It's to give them more of an hour glass figures. The skirt was actually a bit small on me, it went down to half my thigh. Plus the shirt was kinda tight, especially around the chest. Like i said sacrifices must be made. The ribbon went on top of my head into a bow. Isn't that adorable? Not! I peered out the back curtain to see the busy streets of Misite, it's gotten even busier than last time. How the fuck did that happen? Do people just love going to a kingdom that was destroyed by an unnatural force aka me! I'm guessing this queen is Louisa, it has to be. Chrissy has been with me and Louisa wasn't killed in my attack. Let's just hope i don't run into her... Oh crap! Well i haven't been able to see what i look with all this makeup on so hopefully she won't recognise me. We turn a corner, and than stop all of a sudden.

"Oh dear sisters! Father has said we've arrived so let us unload the cart and go inside until he needs us again!" Need us? So we are just tools to him? Disgraceful but for now i'll play along. The ginger and blonde both have to pick up one barrel together and they are still shaking. They're not strong enough to that.
"Sister Opal, please assist me with this barrel please?" The black haired one has struggling to pick up one barrel, it had a label saying carrots. So i guess it's a barrel full of carrots. Oh Y/n, your so smart! I should really stop talking to myself but nah. I went over to her and just picked up the entire barrel myself. It wasn't too heavy but it wasn't too light either. She looked in awe of what I could do, I signalled for her to follow me and we both exited the carriage. I pretending to know where I was going but I was actually just following her lead. We walked passed the other two who were just heading back, we entered a room with a few barrels inside. I placed down the barrel next to another. The other two came in with another barrel, that should be the last one i think. They all started leaving the barrel room so i followed them, i tried to copy their postures but it was hard. They're back were so straight it was so hard to copy when i did it i felt like i was going to break my back. So when they weren't looking, my back slouched down. I never knew how hard it was to be an obedient female or whatever they are. They must be a family of travellers and the father has taught them that women are bellow men. These poor children.

Okay, let's recap. I look similar to their sister Opal who must have wondered off before they headed back, the family forgot about her and left her. They didn't notice she was gone until i snuck on and made a huge noise. They mistaked me for her and dressed me like she normally would because they still thought i was her. We travelled into Misite and stopped at a house which is supposed to be there house. Soon we'll be meeting the 'Queen'. Oh crap! She might not recognise me because i have changed a bit, i kind of matured and got older from the last time we met but Austin has seen what i look like now and I've ran into him recently. I'm super dead now. I mean i did forgot about him for awhile so maybe he's forgot all about me. One can only hope.

"Alright sisters we need to put on more formal clothes for our wonderful queen" Uh huh 'wonderful'. I won't have time to sneak out during the day. So i will wait until everyone goes to bed and it's night time of course. Night time is the easiest time to do a stealth mission. What, i wonder if they have the fountain still. I know i didn't destroy it because my ego was big plus it was made in my honour I'm not gonna destroy it. But Louisa hates me so it might be gone forever. II'll just have to remember where it got buried but that was like 3,000 years ago, I can hardly remember last week how am i supposed to remember that long ago. Anyway let's just go with the flow for now.


You know when i was a ghost i saw Chrissy complain about corsets all the time. Being that i didn't know what it was at the time i thought it couldn't be that bad. I was wrong, very wrong. The corsets that the sisters made me wear was very, very tight. I can hardly breathe. This is the worst torture i could ever endure. I know i said sacrifices must be made, i regret saying that. Why must women in this place have tiny waists and a very defined hourglass figure. I will just have to endure this somehow for like a few hours.

"Oh sisters! Father says it's time for us to meet the Queen!" So they have covered mine and their own faces in makeup. Maybe they won't recognise me, i can hardly recognise myself in the mirror now. The 'fancy' was the same colour as the dress they made me wear in the cart. The more formula dress is pretty much a cleaner version of the outfit i got before but it's one piece now and there is no apron. The sleeves go down near covering my hands. The dress also goes down past my feet so it leaves a trail behind. I wonder what's gonna happen there. I follow them into the back of the cart, it's completely empty and it does have these low down shelves that you sit on. If whats happened up to now has taught me anything, it's that something terrifying always happens in this kingdom.

Eventually the cart stop and we all had to step out. There I stood in front of the shadowing castle. The palace itself had a small wall around it keeping to itself. The castle was shining, not a single piece of mould or dust was on the exterior. By the gateway, we lilacs. They were well kept and freshly trimmed. Louisa spared no expensive I see. There were four guards guarding the gate which was up so you could see the many other guards protecting the castle. The girls started following the old man  which was apparently there father so I followed as well. I don't like where this is heading. Misite royals never let anybody with low status in, you'd have to be very wealthy and important for them to even let you in the front door. What is going on in this crazy place? I just need to keep up the act until dark. Unfortunately it's only about one or two in the after noon, i was never good at telling the time with the position of the sun. Why can't there be a device of some sort that tells the time for you?

We entered the throne room finally. Have they expanded or something? Because that was one looonnggg hallway. The throne room is huge. The old man went off to the side to stand with others, while us four walked until we reached the centre of the room than kneeled. I was in a line with other girls as well. There was even a row in front of us. So many girls from the common folk. There were a few princess here but there weren't kneeling but standing to the left of the throne. With personals maids or butlers behind them. I finally dared to look up.

There she was. Louisa... She's grown up. She stared down at us with a devious grin plastered on her face. Unlike how you'd see most Queen in fairytales, there was no golden crown upon her head. Or a huge poofy dress concealed her legs from site. She was instead wearing an outfit that could be formal and used in combat.

(The sword and the hair isn't like that for Louisa. I'll explain what there are like after. Just the outfit, she also has like ankle boots.)

She still looked regal no matter what. Her hair seemed to have darkened from our last encounter. Her dark brown hair had gone an light chocolate instead. Her hair was tied into twin buns. Her amber eyes still shone, but instead of the curiosity that used to swirl in her eyes, these was a dark aura inside. Her eyes scanned each girl in the room, checking each of their features. She was analysing everyone. I only just took notice to what layer beside her golden throne. A ginormous sword lay against the wall. I'm surprised the wall could take it.

It's even nearly bigger than her. How can she even wield that thing? How strong is she? Where did she get it? Did I mention there was only one throne now? Austin was just standing beside her, still wearing the Misite Empire knight uniform. His sword was in scabbard around his waist. The throne was what a typical king would sit on but I guess Louisa either wanted to look more powerful or she hates stereotypes.

While observing her, our eyes locked. She stared at me with some confusion. I quickly looked down. Any second longer she might have recognised me. She coughed getting everyone in the rooms attention. We all looked up at the bluenette. She stood up from her golden throne. She then spoke with a clear and confident voice.

"Attention all females in this room wether your a princess or baker. You've been called here for a specific reason. You've been hand pick by my own personal maid out of all the maidens in the empire. This is because we are in need of an heir to the throne. Since my dearest brother has become 18, it's about time his gets a match. What do you all think? Don't actually answer that it was an rhetorical question." But why doesn't she just get herself a man.

"Now you all may be thinking. 'But my queen, why don't you get your self a husband and make the heir together'. Simple reason really, if I got married my new husband would have more power than me and actually have power over me. I simple can not let that happen. I rule this kingdom, I don't want some man bossing me around. So Austin will be the one who will have the heir to the throne." She sat back on her throne. She snapped her fingers and a girl dressed in a professional maid outfit even with the little thing on her ran up to the throne. She dirty blonde hair and brown eyes, she looked about the same age as Louisa but her expression was more soft. She stood tall by it and took a piece of paper out of her pocket and began reading.

"Since Queen Louisa wants only the best girl for Prince Austin. You all will be tested on many different subjects. Queen Louisa doesn't just want Prince Austin just to have a beautiful girl, she wants her to be at least smart at somethings also have some knowledge of combat so she can be ready to protect Prince Austin at all times. Like a personal bodyguard which is also his wife." So that's why all these different types of girls are here. But if there's combat, hehehe. They are all going down. To be honest this whole thing is so cheesy. It's probably gonna be super boring as well except for combat of course.

For some reason I started observing the other girls. They are looked the same but different at the same time. One in particular caught my eye. Something had slipped out for the top of her dress since she was kneeling. It was a necklace, but I know this necklace. I brought it.

Wait! Don't tell me she... The girl felt me staring at her so she lifted her head towards me and smirked.

Of course it's her...
Can't get away from her for the life of me.

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