Second chance in love

By Bookworm2293

29.6K 563 87

When Marcus O'Connor tells his best friend Vea Mathews that he was about to propose to his long-term girlfrie... More

Second chance in love
Second chance in love chapter 1
Second chance in love chapter 2
Second chance in love chapter 3
Second chance in love chapter 5
Second chance in love chapter 6
Second chance in love chapter 7
Second chance in love chapter 8
Second chance in love chapter 9
Second chance in love chapter 10
Second chance in love Chapter 11

Second chance in love chapter 4

2.2K 39 0
By Bookworm2293

Vea's POV

As we went inside Cinco's I can't help but feel nostalgic; birthdays, celebrations and other things we just want to make a big fuss about was done here, every single memory was here, which was the main reason why I stopped going here. It was also here when he tried to make me tell who I liked.

"Just thought it was appropriate to spend our first lunch, in a while here." Said Marcus.

As we sat down, I got a good look at him. Looking at him now, he looked different, for someone who was married to his "love of his life" as he proclaimed years ago, he looked sad. You can see that somehow he has been suffering inside and it's slowly taking a toll on him, but you can only see it in his eyes. Other than the sadness reflected in his blue eyes, everything was the same as four years ago. He still has that somewhat unruly brown hair, sharp eyes, angled nose and jaw, thin lips and that 6'4 frame with a model's body. He still looked as gorgeous as the day I met him.

When the waiter gave us the menu, I couldn't help but look back and reflect on what has happened in the last four years. I for one am not the same happy go lucky girl from four years ago, I have responsibilities now. Mitch needs me, and now she's all I got left. I started wondering what has transpired in Marcus' life, he mentioned not having kids right now, maybe Vanessa stills didn't want kids. It was something she never really gave much thought of back then.

She never wanted to ruin that perfect body of hers, said it was a lot of work to maintain it just the way it was, what more when she deliberately needs to add more weight for a baby. But after a heated discussion with Marcus one night she said in a few years she will have a go with a pregnancy, and looking back that's when he started contemplating on proposing, I guess. Marcus wanted kids, maybe he was contemplating breaking up with her because of her views on becoming pregnant but that changed when she agreed.

"Let me guess, Bolognese for you V?" Asked Marcus

I smiled and nodded, it was sweet he remembered my favorite dish from Cinco's. He then ordered for himself and tried to open up a polite conversation.

"So how have you been?" Asked Marcus

"I've been good I guess. How about you?" I asked

"All things considered, I guess I'm doing good as well. When did you come back?"

"About three years ago, something came up that I had to be here."

"Oh, so why didn't you come back to the condo?"

"I guess you can say I have a new place to be in."

I can see in Marcus' eyes that he still wants to probe deeper into my answers but I have to guard myself around him. Things are not what it was before, he's married sooner or later he's going to have a family of his own, just the way he likes it.

The waiter then arrived to place our orders. While we were eating Marcus can't seem to stop looking at me every thirty seconds. It seems like he was constantly checking if I was really there, like I was just going to poof and be gone

It was nearing dessert time when Marcus talked again.

"I tried looking for you, you know. Why'd you have to cut me off like that?" Said Marcus

When he said that I could feel my heart melt, just like before when he does something nice. I closed my eyes and willed myself to not feel anything for him. When I opened my eyes, I saw the pain in his eyes, but two things caught my attention, one was regret. Regret of losing his best friend, I guess. The other I can't begin to comprehend it was love.

"I'm sorry Marcus, but I have to go. I'll see you in court." I said and didn't give him the chance to reply. I got my bag and and got out of the restaurant. I immediately got into a cab and gave him the directions of the day care of Mitch. I promised to bring her to her real mom and dad, and I was going to do that, but beside that fact I need my sister more than anything right now.

My feelings are in disarray, I feel horrible, I need to stop loving him. I tried everything to forget him, I thought I have moved on. It has been four freaking years, but one look at him and everything came back, I was transported back four years ago loving my best friend in secret, hoping that he will notice me instead of that bitch he married. I wanted to hate him for making me feel this way, but I know there is only one person to blame in this situation and that's me.

Marcus POV

I felt happy that I was eating lunch with her again after a long time, I'm starting to think that I can have that second chance I've always wanted. I brought her to the our special place, I ordered her favorite dish and started getting to know her again. I really hope she hasn't changed.

I tried starting conversations but for some odd reason she's blocking me of, she doesn't want to let me in, but one thing i feel certain about was that she was hiding something painful. I know I was an outsider now, though I can see in her eyes she does want me to know her again, but this time under her own terms, if that's the way she wants it then it will be that way.

I kept staring at her, hoping she would initiate some talk. Something that will give me a reason that she still feels the same way, but I got nothing. I used to be able to tell how she feels, but now I can't. So, I tried to defend myself.

"I tried looking for you, you know. Why'd you have to cut me off like that?" I asked.

She closed her eyes, hiding what she truly feels. All I can feel now is regret, I had her, I was the one that she would go to in times of trouble, I was her strength and at that time I was her love, but I was blinded by the glamor of Vanessa to see what was right in front of me. I'm starting to feel that I'm too late, but I'm not giving up, the only time I would surrender is the day she says I do to another man. I love her, I was stupid to think that what I feel about Vanessa is anywhere near what I feel for her.

"I'm sorry Marcus, but I have to go. I'll see you in court." She said as she runs away from me yet again. I followed her after leaving some money for the food but she immediately got into a taxi and sped off.

As I was left standing on the sidewalk, I realized something, I have to do extra work to get her back in my life and I know exactly where to start.

I immediately called Maria, if I were to know how to get Vea back in my life I have to know where she is currently standing. Call me a stalker but I want to call it research, I need to know her basic information, how I can contact her and such. I am a lawyer, a damn good one at that, and this is basic shit.

"Maria, I need you to do a background on Counsellor Matthews. Contact details, status and such, every little thing you can get would be appreciated, email it to me as soon as possible." I dictated

"Copy sir" said Maria

After waiting for about twenty minutes, Maria was able to send me the basic information of Vea. Apparently she now lives five blocks from our old condo, this would make sense, it's close to the little girl's day care and from her office, she was never one to drive anyways, said she preferred walking. I also got her email, cellphone number, landline number and whatever contact details I may need in the future.

She's still single and hasn't dated anyone in the past three years, apparently after five months when she left town she had a boyfriend which lasted about a year. After reading this a certain knot of jealousy erupted in me, she liked me but dated someone else for about a year. Would I really be concerned about this I mean they did break-up, should this really hit a nerve?

One thing caught my attention though, it says in her file that she was the sole guardian of a certain Andrea Michelle Rogers, three years old, female. This might be the little girl that I saw at the daycare, but Rogers, that's the new last name of Vea's sister Michelle. Could it be that this little girl is the daughter of Michelle, if so where is Michelle and why was Vea taking care of her little girl.

While thinking about it, I remember the little girl saying that she wanted to see her real mom and dad at the cemetery. If this is the case, Michelle is dead and so is her husband. This could also be the reason why Vea came back in town, to take care of her sister's daughter, her niece. She wouldn't want the child growing up without knowing who her real set of parents were. She did mention before that when you lose your family through death, you would hang on to every little bit that would remind you of them. That was the reason she and Michelle never left town for better opportunities, she only left to avoid me and came back because of this.

Everything was somehow making sense, this is why she looks so guarded now, the pain and suffering in her eyes, everything. She lost her sister, and brother-in-law, plus the fact she lost her parents a long time ago, her only family now is the little girl.

I called Maria again asking to locate the cemetery where Michelle and her husband were buried in. She gave me the details and I decided to go there on my spare time. Michelle and I were somewhat close before, she was a happy go lucky girl, a good older sister, and a doting wife to Richard.

I felt so guilty that I wasn't with Vea during this hard time in her life and that stupid ex boyfriend of hers was. I was supposed to be the one that was comforting her, the one holding her, the one to tell her to stop crying, and the one who supported her when she became guardian of the little girl. But I wasn't.

I knew things weren't going to be the same for Vea and I, but I hoped it didn't change that much. I would have to up my game if I were to win her back, she's not really one for taking risks at times and at this point I would be a risk to her, I needed to change that. This is why she ran away from me, I have to show her that I would do anything for her and the little girl. I can be the rock again in her life again, like before, I can be her best friend again, but hopefully something more can come out of this. I finally have her back in my life, I have waited four years for this chance and there's no way I'm letting her go and walk away from me again, she's done it twice now, letting her do it a third time would be idiotic of me. I love her and its about time I start the fight I should have started years ago. I have my second chance and I'm not letting it go to waste.

A/N so I updated:) it's been a while since I did that... Anyways... Thanks for the support by the way and tell me what you think:D

I would like to call this the revelation chapter, Marcus somehow understands the new Vea. She has been through a lot and we would be meeting her ex in a few chapter (evil laugh)... ;P he's going to be something so watch out for him. Another thing the Thompson case would also be appearing in a little while, we get to see them in court action!:) yeah I'm boring that way:)) Sooooooo comment and/or vote if you want:) until next update!!!

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