Being Alive ( D.W)

By Gerlithequeen

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Book 3 "Because i love you" I don't own Supernatural or the pics i upload. I only own Elena and her story. More

3. 1 The Demon Life
3.2 Turning Back Normal
3.3 Speechless
3.4 "Carry On My Wayward Son"
3.5 Aunt Bunny
3.6 "What Was That About?"
3.7 Hidding
3.9 "I'm Not Scared"
3.10 Good & Bad Charlie
3.11 Young Dean
3.12 Cain
3.13 "I Need Your Help, Dad"
3.14 Charlie
3.15 Nadya's Codex
3.16 Oh My God
3.I7 Go Ahead, Kill Me!
The Darkness
A Baby
"I'm In Heels"
"We Are Not Fighting"
"What Was I Supposed To Do?"
"Who Crushed The Impala?"
"I Already Have My Answer"
Killer Costume
The Cage
"Are You Still In Love With Me?"
"Careful, Sammy"
"Cupid's Mark"
Lucifer Inside Cass
"I Saw You Dead"
"Bonding Time"
The Horn
God's Plan
"Don't Go, Please"
Screw You
Mary Winchester
Family Hunting Trip
Killing Hitler
Vince Vincente
Mr. President.
"Who Is Dean?"
"Where's Dad?"
"Do You Trust Dean?"
"Where We Happy?"
The Supernatural Books
"What Is Wrong With Cass?"
"You Made A Deal?"
Mr. Ketch and Mary
"Don't Go"
The Rift
Alternative Universe
Let Me Return The Favor
"I Love You, Dean"
New King Of Hell
"My Queen "
"It Was Mary "
"So You're Choosing Her?"
"We Have a Child?"
"She's The Trigger"
"I Love You"
Bonding Time With Jack
Bringing Him Back
Saving Dean
The Box
"Why Are You Giving Up On Us?"
John And Mary
"Michael. He's Gone"
"Damn Right, Doll"
"Leave Me Alone"
"I Love You So Much"
Queen of Hell
This Is The End Of The World
"You Did Not Fail Me"
"I Missed You So Much"
"You Enjoyed it"
"You Were Right"
A Trip To Purgatory
Alt. Sam and Alt. dean
"Happy Birthday, Leny"
"Just Drive"
"Would You Trade Me?"
"We Are Free"
"Please, Bring Him Back To Me "
"Welcome To Heaven, Boys"

3.8 "Tell Me It Was Them Or You"

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By Gerlithequeen

 A few days later. Morning. At the bunker.

I was sitting in my room on my bed wrapped in my blanket with my laptop on my lap.

There was a knock on my door and I yelled "come on in !"

Dean walked inside and I smiled "hey"

He smiled "hey"

Me "what do you need'?"

He shrugged "I just wanna talk"

I sighed and Dean walked over to the bed and sat down next to me.

Me "what did I do now?"

Dean "how are you feeling?"

I answered confused "as always, why?"

Dean shrugged "just because. I mean, your demon side was in control for a pretty long time and now with your human side back inside you....i got worried a little"

I smiled "you don't have to worry about me, Dean, i'm a big girl"

He sighed "i know but I do. So how are you feeling?"

Me "honestly, It's weird being part human again. I mean, when I was a demon I didn't really feel anything at all but now that my soul is back I feel everything."

He nodded "I know what you mean. Can i ask you something?"

Me "sure"

Dean asked confused "why did you stick around when we were demons?"

I shrugged "because I didn't want to leave you, even though you slept with everyone and everything"

Dean nodded "yeah about that- I didn't really –"

I shook my head, smiling "it's okay, Dean, I'm not mad or anything. We weren't together. You could do whatever you wanted...but you didn't let me do that. Because you killed every guy that flirted with me by beating him to death"

He nodded "yeah, but that was kinda our thing"

I nodded "Yeah, I remember. Us making each other jealous till one of us gave in and then having jealousy sex was pretty amazing"

He nodded "yeah"

Me "I'm actually surprised that it was always you who lost it first"

Dean nodded "Yeah, I guess even the demon in me wanted you"

I nodded "good to know "

He smiled.

Dean "but how do you feel about your powers? "

I nodded "yeah, I feel the same. Nothing's really changed"

He nodded "yeah, that's good"

Me "Dean"

He looked at me "yeah?"

I shook my head "I don't wanna lose you ever again"

Dean asked confused "what are you talking about? I' m right here"

Me "I don't ever want to break up with you. I don't wanna lose you. You and I have been through enough pain and heartbreak. You've hurt me and I hurt you back, we're done. I just want this to work, for once, I wanna be with you for longer than just a few months. "

Dean smirked "what? you want us to hit a year before the problems start?"

I nodded "Yes"

Dean leaned in smirking "so you want to be with me but only for a year?"

I smirked and put a hand on his cheek "problem?"

He shook his head "no"

I smiled "good"

Then I kissed him and he kissed me back.

I pushed back a little "I love you, Dean Winchester"

Dean "and I love you, Elena, and now give me a kiss"

I smiled and kissed him. 

he kissed me back and pulled me on top of him so i was straddling him. 

I took his shirt off and he started kissing my neck. I sighed out in pleasure. 

Dean took  my shirt off and kissed me harder. His hands wandered to my back into my pants and rested on my ass. 

I smiled.

And out of nowhere a phone started to ring. 

Dean let out an annoyed sigh and dropped his head in my neck. 

I giggled amused "oh god. There's only two guys i know who have got the worst timing ever. And one of them is down the hall"

Dean groaned annoyed and took his phone out. 

He answered annoyed "It better be a life or death thing, Cass, or you and i are gonna have a serious problem"

Then he nodded, annoyed "we're on our way"

He hung up and looked at me pissed off. 

I giggled "cock blocked by an angel, who would've thought that?"

He rolled his eyes.

At Sharkeye's. Morning. 

Dean "this is why you call us? This is your emergency?"

Cass "yes"

Dean "no. Cass, an emergency is a dead body, okay? or a wigged out angel...or the Apocalypse, take three. Some chick bolting no you is not an emergency.That's every Friday night for Sam"

Sam "dude"

Dean shrugged "i can't believe that you cock-blocked me for this"

I Rolled my eyes. 

Cass asked confused "i don't think i understand the term "cock-block"."

I shook my head "doesn't matter, Cass, really, forget about it"

Cass "okay. but this isn't just "Some chick."I 'm responsible for her"

Dean asked confused "since when? you met her once, how many years ago?"

Me "what happens if we find Claire? If she really wanted to stay with you then she wouldn't have ran away"

Cass nodded "i understand. But i need to know that she's safe. And i need your help"

Sam nodded "okay. Maybe we should check the group room first?"

Dean "you know what, we're gonna stick here in case she circles back. You and Cass go ahead"

Sam nodded "okay"

Dean handed him the keys and he and Cass got in the car. 


Dean and i were sitting at the table. 

He had already finished his burger while i was only halfway through. 

Me "Dean, do you even chew?"

He nodded "i'm pissed"

I smirked "aw, how cute. You're pissed because you didn't get any"

Dean glared at me "not funny. Not at all"

Me "but it is for me, baby"

he rolled his eyes. 

I took sip from my coke "do you think Cass is a good role model? "

Dean "you know, i can't judge on that one because i ain't exactly a role model either"

I shook my head "That's not true"

He scoffed, amused "sure"

I put a hand on Dean's thigh "you okay?"

He nodded "Yes"

I took my hand off "That's a lie right there, babe"

He rolled his eyes "i hate when you do that"

I nodded "i know"

Dean sighed "Well, i lost the black eyes, so that's a plus. But i still have this"

He gestured to the mark on his forearm. 

I asked worried "is it really still affecting you that much?"

He looked at the burger, completely zoomed out. 


No reaction.

I put a hand on his cheek "Dean? hey, where'd you go?"

He shook his head "i'm right here. "

I nodded. 

Dean out his hand over my hand that was on his cheek  "can you promise me something?"

I nodded "yes"

Dean "if i do go dark side, you gotta take me out"

I froze and took my hand back. 

Then i shook my head "Dean-"

Dean "knife me, smite me, throw me into a freaking Vulcan, whatever. And don't let Sam get in the way, because he'll try. "

I shook my head, stood up "i -i need a minute"

Then i walked out. 

Dean sighed followed me "Elena"

I turned to him, hurt "how can you expect that from me? how can you ask me that, Dean?"

Dean "You know how it was like, Elena. i can't go down that road again. I can't be that thing again"

I shook my head "i won't let that happen"

Dean "can you promise me that or not?"

Me "you expect me to kill you if you turn dark again? Dean, do you even think before you talk? Do you even realize who you are talking to? "

Dean "That's why i'm asking you"

I scoffed, shaking my head "you're unbelievable"

Dean nodded "Elena, i wouldn't ask you if i wasn't sure. You know that"

I looked down. 

Dean put a hand on my cheek and made me look at him "promise "

I shook my head "i can't, Dean, i'm sorry"

Night. at a store. 

We were waiting outside for one of Claire's friend. 

A boy came our way. 

Sam "Dustin Tate?"

The guy shook his head "no, man"

Sam "oh, really?"

Cass grabbed the boy and pushed him against the wall"yes, you are. And you're gonna tell me where Claire Novak is"

He started to choke the boy. 

Dean walked to us, eating a corn dog "i'd do what he says"

Dustin choked. 

At another store.

Cass walked out with Claire "Claire, wait"

Claire "Screw you!"

Dean "hey, Miley Cyrus, settle"

Claire "Eat me, Hasselhoff"

Dean looked taken back.

Me "hold on a sec, Rambo. Look. I'm -"

Claire "Elena. And you're Sam and Dean. We've met, remember?"

No one said anything. 

Cass "Claire, you were going to rob that convenience store?"

Claire "so?"

Cass asked irritated""So?" So it''s wrong"

Claire asked hurt "you wanna talk to me about wrong? you killed my dad. Is that wrong enough for you?"

Cass "no,  didn't"

Claire "Really? because without you, he'd still be here. And my mom would still be around"

Cass "Claire, i-"

Suddenly she pulled a gun out on him "don't"

Cass sighed "that won't hurt me"

Claire "fine"

Suddenly she aimed the gun at us . 

I raised my eyebrows "hey. Come on. Hold on a sec"

Claire "why? like you don't have it coming. you stood there while this monster took my dad"

Then she dropped the gun and looked at Cass "i used to pray to you, Castiel. Every night, i would beg you to bring him home safe. "

Cass nodded "i know"

Claire asked shocked and hurt "you knew? My father was a good man. In what messed up world does he have to die and you get to live?"

Cass "I'm sorry"

she shook her head "No. You feel guilty. There's a difference"

Sam "so what? now you run back to Randy, the guy you steal for?"

Claire "how do you know about that?"

Me "Dustin"

Cass "Claire, that man is using you"

Claire "he was there for me when things got bad, and they got real damn bad. He was there when no one else was. He's my family. And you're just can go to hell"

Then she walked away. 

We looked after her. 

At a bar. 

The four of us sat down at the bar.

Dean "four whiskeys "

Sam "don't beat yourself up, man. Claire was-"

Cass "Right. she was right. Who am i to tell her how to live her life?"

Dean "Well, somebody needs to. It's not like we're talking about Mother Teresa. The girl just about knocked over a Gas 'n Sip. she's got issues"

Cass nodded "Because of me"

Me "Well, you are wearing her old man's meat suit. That might have been not really helpful"

Cass "i thought i could make it up to her"

I shook my head "i don't think you can. I mean, Jimmy was her father and to some people that's- everything, you know?"

Cass "no, i don't. I never knew my father. He was distant, to say at least. What about you? did you love your fathers?"

Dean nodded "With everything i had"

Sam nodded "Yeah, i mean, it wasn't always easy, but yeah"

I nodded "Yeah, i mean, Bobby saved my life, i owe him everything."

Cass "what about your birth father?"

Me "Well, i sent him to hell, so yeah"

Dean nodded "i mean, look, John Winchester and Bobby Singer are not gonna win any Number 1 Dads awards but they were there when we needed them"

I nodded "Yes"

Sam "hey, tell him about that time in New York"

Dean "oh yeah, okay. We were working this haunting in Long Island..and me and Sam beg the old man to let us go to the city for once. "

Sam "he had this thing about New York. Too big, loud, dirty"

Dean nodded "Yeah, and he hated the Yankees"

Sam "big time, yeah"

Dean "But somehow we convinced him to let us we all go, we all, you know, see all the sights and ride the subway, eat too much pizza, the whole nine. By about midnight, Sam and Dad are zonked and i figure, screw it. I'm gong to CBGB. "

Sam "CBGB is-"

Cass "i know. That's where the Ramones and Blondie got their start"

Dean nodded "Right"

Sam ".Well, anyways, he was way underage at the time. "

Dean "yeah, so i get there, i sneak i, and it is nuts. I mena, people are drinking and they're smoking, they're snorting whatever. There's a 500-pound guy on stage with a mohawk, just screaming and my mind is blown, i don't even know what do to. Then this girl walks up and she's, "hey, why don't you come over and sit down with us?". All right"

Sam "they get him drunk for the first time"

Dean "but not fun drunk. I'm not quite sure what's in that stuff, but the room starts to spin. And i feel like i'm gonna puke forever. Right about that time .. i hear him. "Dean Winchester.". My old man. I don't know how, but he found me. And now i'm really freaking out, because he's just standing there, not saying anything. Everybody else is freaking out too. nobody's even looking him in the eye. finally, one guy with a safety pin through his nose and a "kill everything" tattoo looks up. And he says, "sorry, sir.". John "Freaking" Winchester"

I downed my shot. We all did. 

Cass "he saved you"

Dean nodded "yeah, and you know what he got for that? Me whining about how much he embarrassed me. Me telling him that i hated him. But he turned around, looked at me and said, "Son, you don't like me, that's fine.  it's not my job to be liked."."

Sam ""It's my job to raise you right."."

Dean nodded "and he did"

I raised my eyebrows at him. 

Cass "do you think Claire is in trouble?"

Dean "She's hanging out with a guy named Randy. She's in trouble"

He raised his hand and ordered more shots. 

At the house. 

We walked inside with our guns out. 

Randy was sitting there on the chair surrounded by a few guys. Looks like he was in trouble. 

Sam "don't"

Cass "where's the girl?"

Suddenly we heard screaming coming from the other room. Claire. 

Cass rushed up there. 

Then the two of them walked downstairs. 

Claire looked at Randy,  hurt "Randy"

Dean "get her out of here"

Sam nodded "go. go"

Cass and Claire walked out. Sam followed them. Then i walked out. 

They got in the car but Dean was still inside. 

Sam "where's De-"

Suddenly we heard shouting coming from the house.

I rushed inside and saw Dean kneeling there with a knife in his hand. Blood was all over him. Every gun in here was dead. He slaughtered them all. 

The others followed me. 

Clair screamed and sobbed into Cass' chest. 

I looked at Dean "Dean"

Then i rushed over to him and kneeled down. 

I made him look at me "tell me you had to do this"

Dean "i didn't-i didn't mean to"

Me "no. Tell me it was them or you"

Dean didn't say anything. he didn't know what to say.

He just leaned his forehead against my shoulder. 

I put my arms around him and sighed. 

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