The visitor

By saltykonpeito

2.7K 148 24

Saori, the aspiring young writer was living her comfortably mediocre life in Kyoto. Little did she know that... More

The new roommate
Scrambled eggs
Star Wars marathon
Happy birthday, Saori!
A series of unfortunate events
Tokyo trip
Season of farewell
Not good at goodbyes
Turning the page
Nobunaga's legacy
Candy hearts
White day
Wedding planning
The devil's concubine

Breaking and entering

132 7 0
By saltykonpeito

Life was back to normal. One evening I was working and Nobunaga was sitting in the armchair with his arms crossed, frowning and sighing theatrically.

'What's wrong?' I glanced up from my laptop.

'Nothing?' He huffed.

'Okay.' I chuckled and looked back at the screen again. I knew he was grumpy because I wasn't paying attention to him.

'Are you done? I wish to be amused by you.'

'I'm all yours. Do you have anything in mind?' I closed my laptop.

'Make me tea!'

'Tea? How would that be amusing?' I trailed off because I got an idea.

I went to the kitchen and dug up my ceremonial tea set that my parents had given me ages ago.

'Hm... Chinese porcelain...' He examined the cup closely. 'High quality matcha as well... You are not half as brusque as I thought.'

'Thank you!' I nodded. 'Wait, what?'

'Sit!' He took out his folding fan and gestured gracefully.

I sat down with crossed legs, lounging back.

'You are not a peasant. Sit up straight!' Nobunaga slapped my knee with his fan.

'Hey!' I complained but tucked my feet underneath me and straightened my back.

I opened my mouth to retort but he reached out and touched the fan to my lips.

'Keep those pretty lips sealed and get to work!' He said curtly.

I recalled the steps of a traditional tea ceremony in my mind, took a deep breath and began to prepare the tea. I tried to look as confident as possible. He watched, silently judging me. I stopped whisking the tea for a second because I thought I missed a step.

'You are doing well. Keep going!' He nodded.

His reassuring words gave me confidence to follow through. I handed him the cup and he bowed formally before taking it. He took a sip. So? How is it? Good? Bad? Or even worse? I couldn't read his expression and it made me even more nervous. I balled my hands into fists and waited for his verdict.

'You did good.' He nodded and took another sip.

I was relieved. He remained quiet until he finished the tea. He put down the cup and looked me in the eye.

'There is something quaint about the way you move. Something that is barely visible to the naked eye. Something you are born with... A certain ethereal grace. You don't even know your true potentials.'

I was flattered by his compliment. Where did that come from?

'You would make a suitable accessory by my side.' His eyes were fixed on me. 'However, it would take tremendous effort and the best teachers to make a proper princess out of you.'

'First, you are mean. Second, I'm not your property.' I resented.

'Then I shall make you mine.'

'Hah, you can try.' I snorted.

His lips curved into an amused grin. Uh-oh...

'I shouldn't have said that...'

He pounced and took me down. 'No one is allowed to ridicule me. You are no exception.'

'If you resist, I will crumble you...' He took my wrist and bit my fingers one by one, touching them with his tongue too. 'Bit by bit...'

'I will torment you...' He turned over my hand and breathed feather light kisses on the back of my hand. Then moved on, pecking at my wrist along my vein.

'And you will be begging me for more.' His lips skimmed my arm. The heat from his breath seeped through my skin, slowly taking over my common sense.

'Try me!' I whispered in his ear and closed my teeth on his earlobe.

He shivered and seized my thighs.

'You really want the worst of me, I see.' His alluring, low voice was oozing sin and punishment has never looked so appealing.

I should be protesting, right? I bit my lip.

'Don't look at me like this!' His carnelian eyes were blazing with restrained desire.

'W-will you punish me?' I tried to hide my anticipation. This is kinky. When did I become like this? '...My lord?'

'You left me no choice.' He grasped a handful of my hair.

'Ah!' I moaned and grabbed his biceps.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door.

'Don't open it!' He commanded then flicked his tongue on the hickey he had given me the other day.

'I wasn't going to.' I gripped his T-shirt and pulled him on me.

'Good girl.' He hummed and bit the tip of my ear.

Now that someone was knocking on my door harder and wouldn't stop.

'Fuck!' I sighed.

The moment was ruined. I freed myself from Nobunaga's hold and straightened my disheveled clothes.

I went to get the door.

'K-Kenny? What are you doing here?' I stood there in shock. I should have listened to Nobunaga...

'I came to see you.' He took my cheeks in his hands. 'You didn't reply to my texts and my calls. I was worried. Are you sick?'

He leaned in and kissed me briefly. 'Won't you invite me in, Baby?'

I pushed him away.

'What's wrong, Baby?'

'Who is there, Saori?' Nobunaga's voice came from inside.

'Am I interrupting something?' Kenny narrowed his eyes and strode in.

'Why is he still here?' Kenny glared at Nobunaga then turned to me. 'Haven't I told you to kick him out?'

'I...' My mind was racing. Oh lord, what now? Nobunaga is going to tear him into pieces...

Nobunaga rose from his seat with a glare so cold, I swear, the temperature of the room dropped below zero degrees. He walked up to Kenny.

'I'm taking a walk.' Nobunaga was in Kenny's face now.

'Good. Take your time!' Kenny clenched his fists and took a step forward.

The two men were almost nose to nose. The air was dense with tension. Nobunaga's right hand twitched and I felt a chill running down my spine. After what felt like an eternity, Nobunaga finally walked past Kenny, nudging him with his shoulder so hard, he staggered back.

Nobunaga took me by the hand and pulled me aside.

'Hey, get your hands off my girlfriend!' Kenny raised his voice.

'Silence!' Nobunaga growled threateningly.

'I don't want to find him here when I come back.' He said in a commanding manner.

'Who the hell do you think you are to give her orders? You are an unwelcome guest here.' Kenny shouted.

'I've told you to shut up, haven't I?' Nobunaga was alarmingly calm.

'Fuck off!'

I caught Nobunaga's arm just in time before he could attack Kenny. I looked him in the eye. It's okay. I can handle it. After a little pause, he nodded and left.

I only got time to take a deep breath because as soon as Nobunaga was gone, Kenny turned on me.

'What's going on, Saori? You get lost for two weeks and now I find you here with that guy. What's that on your neck?' Kenny grabbed my chin and forced me to look to the side. 'The son of a bitch...'

'Don't talk about him like that!' I hissed and shrugged him off me.

'Are you cheating on me?'

I clenched my teeth and remained silent.

'Answer me, damn it! Is he fucking you?' He was shouting in my face.

'Really? How can you say this to me with a straight face? You are unbelievable!' I laughed cynically and pushed him away.

'What's got into you? Are you out of your mind? This is all his doing, right?' He stared at me in disbelief.

'No. Quite the other way around. He opened up my eyes.'

'What are you talking about?' He was taken aback.

'I saw you, Kenny.' I lost my temper and shouted at him. 'I saw you with your daughter and wife.'

His tongue tied all of a sudden and his face turned pale.

'Two years, Kenny... You've been lying to me for two god damn years. Why? How could you do this to me? How could you look me in the eye? How could you look your wife in the eye? Did you ever love me? Or you just had fun making a fool of me?'

He just stood there, completely mortified.

'Why did you play with me? I loved you, Kenny...'

'Saori...' He trailed off.

'You know what? I don't care. You disrespected and hurt me too many times and I always let it slide but I've had enough. You betrayed me. You deceived me. You humiliated me. You broke my heart!' I poked at his chest. 'It's over, Kenny. I'm done with you. You disgust me!'

'Watch your tongue, Saori!' He growled.

'I don't take commands from you anymore.' I stood on my toes to level our eyes. I was right in his face. 'You should be grateful I haven't told her yet. She is my colleague, you know.'

'Do not dare to talk to my wife or go anywhere near my family!'

I was so swept away by my anger, I couldn't think straight. 'Or what? Asshole!'

His hand was already in the air. I shrieked. He slapped me. It hurt... It really hurt. My ears were ringing and for a moment, I thought I might pass out. I dropped to my knees. He gripped my wrists and dragged me to my feet. I tried to scream for help but no sound came out from my throat.

'Do not make me do something I would regret!' He grabbed my chin. His eyes were blood-shot and blinded by rage. He tightened his grip on my wrist.

'Stop! You are hurting me!' I cried out. My eyes teared up.

The next moment, the door was torn open and Nobunaga stormed in. He yanked Kenny so hard, he fell back. Nobunaga hurried straight for his sword and drew the blade. He stood before me and pointed the tip of his katana at Kenny.

'Oh god!' I gasped.

'You filthy maggot...' His voice was menacing.

Kenny was panting on the floor. The razor sharp blade was only millimeters away from his neck. He was fearing his life. I was petrified at the scene.

Nobunaga tipped up Kenny's chin with the blunt edge of his sword. There was elemental terror in Kenny's eyes.

'You sealed your fate when you laid your dirty fingers on her. You deserve no mercy for disgracing her.' He was dead serious.

Gripping with both hands, Nobunaga raised his sword.

I acted on my instincts. I twined my arms around his arm and pulled with all my strength. 'NO! Stop!'

He didn't budge.

'I beg you! Please, don't hurt him! Please...' I was clinging to his arm like I was holding on for dear life.

'Stay out of this!' He grunted and shrugged me off.

Nobunaga's lips slightly curved up into a thin smile that made the blood run cold in my veins. I saw ruthless determination in his eyes. He was ready to kill. I have never seen him like this before and it terrified me to the core. He raised his sword again...

'Stop!' I wasn't thinking, I jumped in, shielding Kenny with my body.

'Get out of my way!' He swept me aside like a feather.

I fell down and hit my knees badly. I cried out in pain. Nobunaga spun around and dropped his sword. Kenny jumped to his feet and punched Nobunaga in the face when he turned back. He didn't even stagger back. However, I saw blood slowly trickling from his lip.

'This was your last mistake, fool.' He wiped off the blood and let out a cold and vicious laughter that shook me all the way down to my marrow.

In a flash of an eye, Nobunaga snapped and grabbed Kenny by the throat and smashed him against the wall. Kenny was squirming and fighting for air. I was scared to death that Nobunaga would strangle Kenny before my eyes.

'If you value your life, you forget that she ever existed. I won't spare you next time.' He was growling like a rabid dog. 'Now get out of my sight!'

Nobunaga let go of Kenny's neck. He struggled to find his feet then fled without looking back.

'You...' Nobunaga barked at me, his eyes were flashing with anger.

He took a step towards me and I backed out in panic. 'What the hell is wrong with you?'

He looked stunned for a moment. 'He tainted you. I did what I had to. You should be grateful.'

'Grateful?! You would have murdered him in cold blood if I hadn't stepped in.'

'Are you hurt?' Ignoring my plaint he took my chin in his hand.

'Don't touch me!' I tried to push him away. He wasn't hurting me at all but I was overwhelmed. I broke down crying. 'Let me go, you monster!'

His eyes trembled and his features twisted into a grimace. He opened his palm and I crawled out of his reach. His glance lingered on me and, for a fleeting moment, I thought I saw pain in his eyes.

'You are not thinking straight. Your emotions overcast your common sense. Calm down and pull yourself together!' He turned away from me and went outside to the balcony.

At first, I was too scared to even look at him but when I calmed down, I sensed something. He was just sitting out there, motionless, for a long time.

'Nobunaga?' I crouched down before him.

He mumbled something with his face buried in his hands.

'Are you okay?' I gently pulled his hands away from his face.

'I've been through war, I've seen and caused death, pain and suffering. My life's been in danger many times. But when I heard you scream...' He paused and a labored sigh welled up from his chest. 'I've never been so scared in my life... When I saw that man hurting you, I lost control over myself. But I never meant to scare you.'


'I can't get your dreading face out of my mind and I have this gripping pain in my chest that won't go away. What is happening to me?'

My heart sank with the realisation. I broke his heart... His innocent heart...

'Do you really see me as a monster?' He refused to look at me. However, I could feel his sorrow deep within. I felt awful.

'No, of course not. You are not a monster. How could you be?' I choked up.

'You were right about Kenny all along. You were right about me too. You made me realise how blind and weak I was. You were right that I get carried away too easily and I say and do things without thinking about the consequences... And you are the one suffering from it again. If anyone, then I am the real monster.' I swallowed back my tears. I won't cry! I don't have the right to cry.

'I shouldn't have left you alone with him. I failed. I promised I'd protect you but I failed you. I'll never forgive myself.'

I couldn't stand his forlorn gaze anymore.

'Don't say that! It was not your fault.' I hugged him.

'Do you want me to go away?' He hugged me back, clinging on my clothes.

'No.' I whispered.

'Do you still think I'm a good man?' His voice trembled.

'I do.' I pulled away and looked straight into his eyes. 'Nothing's going to change my mind.'

'Good. So now that it is all over, I can have you all to myself.' He said with a sneer.

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