Living with the Midoriyas

By famulan07

148K 2.7K 3.3K

Izuku, Ochako, and Eri have been happily living as a family for the past 5 years, but when they encounter an... More

Part 1: All Grown Up
Part 2: A New Friend
Part 3: The Beginning
Part 4: Home
Part 5: What Matters Most
Part 6: Secrets
Part 7: Surprise!
Part 8: Promotions
Part 9: Encounters
Part 10: Tenjin Matsuri (Part 1)
Part 11: Tenjin Matsuri (Part 2)
Part 12: Confessions
Part 13: Announcement
Part 14: What'll It Be?
Part 15: Reveal
Part 16: Freedom
Part 18: Plans
Part 19: Darkness
Part 20: Valentine's Day
Part 21: Miracles
Part 22: Illusions
Part 23: Rescue (Part 1)
Part 24: Rescue (Part 2)
Part 25: Rescue (Part 3)
Part 26: Arrival
Part 27: Prayers
Part 28: Company
Part 29: Completion
Part 30: Happily Ever After

Part 17: A Birthday to Remember

4.2K 75 159
By famulan07

A/N: There's been a time skip to a month later! This chapter may be a little lengthy, but I promise I'll make it worth it! Thank you for your patience!


Saturday, December 14, 2019

A month flew by. The days seemed to just come and go. With each passing day, the two pairs of excited parents-to-be became more and more eager to meet their bundles of joy.

Ochako and Momo had contacted some of their girl friends, and they all agreed to go shopping for the babies.

Ochako and Eri picked up Momo and headed for the mall to meet with the other previous Class 1-A girls.

"This is so exciting! I can't wait to shop for baby clothes!" Mina exclaimed.

"I can't either! They're so tiny and cute! We get to shop for both baby boy and girl clothes!" Hagakure squealed.

"There's not a chance either of you could be having twins, right?" Jiro teased.

Both expectant mothers stared at her with shocked expressions. They exchanged looks before shouting, "NO!" in unison.

"I-I mean. I wouldn't mind it, but Shoto and I only have one crib in the nursery." Momo stated nervously as she began to play with her hair.

"Y-yeah. Same here. Izuku and I only have one crib." Ochako added while rubbing the back of her head. "Plus, we aren't quite ready for three kids if we do decide to have three someday."

"I'm just teasing you guys. Neither of you look big enough to be having twins." Jiro laughed.

"All jokes aside, let's get this shopping trip started!" Mina chimed.

The girls began walking through the mall with Mina stopping the group and dragging them into every maternity and/or baby store that she could find.

"Oh! Try this on, Ochako! Ooh, this would look great on you, Momo!"

Mina placed a hat on Momo's head and gave Ochako a pink sweatshirt.

"Uh. I don't think this fits.." Ochako stated after trying it on over her shirt.

The sweatshirt almost fit like a crop top on her.

"Hey, moms can rock crop tops too." Mina stated.

"Well, yes, but not this mom." Ochako slipped off the form fitting sweatshirt.

"I promised Eri that we would find a new outfit today for her birthday." She informed her friends.

"Do you know what kind of outfit you're looking for, Eri?" Tsuyu asked.

Eri shook her head. "Not exactly. I just wanted something to wear to my birthday party. It's Christmas themed."

"Ooh, I know just the thing!"

Mina grabbed Eri's hand and took off towards another store.

"Mina! Wait for us!" Toru exclaimed as the her floating clothes dashed through the mall after Mina.

By the time the other girls had caught up to an overly excited Mina and Toru, Eri was already in a new outfit.

"So whatcha think, Eri?" Mina asked as she crouched down next to her.

"Um. It's very Christmassy, Aunt Mina." She stated nervously.

Mina had taken the words "Christmas themed" to heart and dressed Eri in a fully decked out red dress with white fur around the ends of the sleeves and the hem at the bottom.

She accessorized the outfit with black boots, white stockings, a black belt, and of course, a red hat.

Ochako and Momo tried their best to not let a chuckle slip out.

"I think I'd like to try something more toned down, Aunt Mina." Eri stated shyly.

"Sure thing, baby cakes. I've got just the thing—"

Asui gently placed a hand on Mina's shoulder.

"Mina, why don't you let Eri pick something out and you can help accessorize?"

Mina nodded. "That sounds good."

"Do you see anything, Eri?"

Ochako asked as Eri held her hand and looked around the store. After scanning around for a minute, she noticed a dress towards the back of the store.

"There, momma!"

She led Ochako and the rest of the girls towards the dress.

Upon getting closer to it, the girls could see more details. It was a red dress that was made of a glittery material. It had spaghetti straps and a v-shaped neckline. Ochako was a little stunned.

"Uh, this is beautiful, Eri, but I think you need to be a little older to wear this."

Eri shook her head. "No, momma. It wasn't for me. It's for Aunt Mina."

"Huh? Wha—me?" Mina pointed to herself.

"Uh huh. I thought it would look pretty on you. You got to pick an outfit for me, so I picked one for you. Will you try it on? I bet Uncle 'Shima would love it."

Although her skin was already pink, her blush was clearly visible.

"Um. Well. Okay. For you, Eri."

Mina accepted the dress and headed into a changing room.

After she changed, she showed the girls her new look. "Wow, Mina! That's stunning on you!" Hagakure gleamed.

"It's really nice. I love your figure in it." Momo stated. She looked down at her round belly hoping that she would get her figure back one day.

"Aunt Mina, you look so pretty! Do you like it?"

Mina noticed Eri's eyes sparkling as she was looking up at her. A smile formed across her lips as she nodded.

"I love it, Eri. Thank you. Now we just need to find something for you, birthday girl!"

Eri turned to face her mother.

"I don't think there's anything in this store for me, momma. Maybe I can find something somewhere else."

The girls headed for another store.

"Let's try this one! It looks like they have maternity clothes and baby clothes. What a good idea! I'll set you mommy-to-be's up with some sweet outfits!"

Momo and Ochako glanced at each other. They knew Mina had great taste, but they were trying not to laugh at her enthusiasm.

"Here, Momo! Try this one, and this is for you, Ochako!"

Mina handed Momo a cream sweater and maternity jeans while Ochako was given a casual emerald green dress.


"Momma and Aunt Momo, you both look soo pretty!" Eri complimented as she gave Ochako a hug.

Both outfits allowed their bumps to be on display. Momo's sweater and Ochako's dress curved over them perfectly.

"Only about 3 more months for both of us, huh, Ochako."

Ochako nodded. "Yep! Izuku and I can't wait."

"Neither can I!" Eri exclaimed.

"Thanks for picking this out, Mina. I love it. It's really comfortable."

"Yeah, and I bet Midoriya will love it too." She winked.

Ochako blushed.

"I hope you're not suggesting anything in front of Eri." She whispered, hoping Eri wouldn't hear.

"Suggesting what?" Eri asked while curiously looking at Mina.

"Uh—suggesting that we should go look at the baby clothes now!" Ochako stuttered as she quickly pushed Eri towards the girls' section.

"Aw, look at this little onesie, momma! It has pretty flowers on it!"

"I see! That's really cute. I think we'll get that."

Ochako picked up the tiny onesie and hung it over her arm.

"Look at that one, Aunt Momo! It has little panda bears on it!"

Eri continued shopping around excitedly for adorable tiny human clothes. She stopped in her tracks upon coming to one onesie. She grabbed it and ran back to show her mother.

"Momma. Look at this one.." She held up the onesie on display.

"That's so adorable!!" Hagakure fangirled.

"It's.. a Deku onesie!" Ochako smiled. "We can surprise papa with it!"

Ochako and Momo happily left with several new outfits for their babies as well as a couple of things for themselves thanks to Mina's fashion advice.

"All right, Eri. It's getting pretty late. We'll need to head to a restaurant soon for dinner. Do you have any ideas about what you'd like to wear to your party?" Ochako asked.

"I think so, momma. I have just the thing."


After a long day of shopping, the girls headed to a restaurant to grab dinner. They had just ordered their drinks when Froppy decided to ask Jiro a question.

"Hey, Jiro. When are you and Kaminari getting together?"

All the girls' heads turned to face a blushing Jiro.

"W-what? Why are you all looking at me like that for?"

She covered her face with her hands.

"I-it's not like that! Not at all!"

"That's what Ochako said too when we were teens, remember? Now look. She's married and pregnant with Midoriya's kid." Mina winked.

Ochako's face turned Santa Claus red.

The rest of the dinner went smoothly with all the girls bonding and chatting about the good old times as Class 1-A.

Once they paid for their meals, the girls said their goodbyes and parted ways.

"We'll take you home, Momo." Ochako told her.

"Thank you. I appreciate you giving me a ride."


Finally, Ochako and Eri made it home safely.

"Papa? Are you home?" Eri called out from the foyer.

Izuku poked his head out from the living room.

"Hi, Eri! Did you two have fun today?"

Eri nodded and ran to give him a hug.

"Yep! We got lots of clothes for little sister and even momma got some too!"

"Oh, did she now? I wanna see!"

"No, papa. It has to be a surprise."

Izuku sighed. "Fine. It'll be worth the wait."


Friday, December 20, 2019
Aldera Jr. High

"Happy Birthday, Eri!" Satsuki smiled.

"Thank you, Satsuki, but actually, it's tomorrow." Eri giggled.

"Oh. Well Happy early Birthday then! I can't wait for your party. Thanks for inviting me!"

"It's no problem, Satsuki. You're my friend! I wanted you to be there."

Kota overheard their conversation from his seat nearby. He worked up the nerve to pick up his lunch tray to move and sit next to Eri.

"H-hey. Is that seat taken?" He stuttered.

"Oh, hi, Kota! Y-yes! I mean, no. I mean, it is by you now." She smiled awkwardly up at him.

"Oh, well. T-thanks." He put down his tray and sat next to her.

"I-I'm having a party tomorrow night for my birthday.. y-you're welcome to come if you want.. but please don't feel pressured to! I just thought I'd offer—"

"I'd love to come."

"Y-you would?" She smiled in disbelief.

Kota nodded. "Y-you're my friend, Eri. Of course I want to celebrate your birthday with you."

Eri's cheeks turned a bright pink color. The bell rang, signaling the students it was time to return to class.

"Well, I better get going. I guess I'll.. see you tomorrow."

"Y-yeah. See you.. tomorrow." Eri smiled as she watched him exit the cafeteria.

"Wow! What was that?" Satsuki asked.

"N-nothing! He's just a friend.." Eri blushed.


Saturday, December 21, 2019

"Happy Birthday, Eri!" Satsuki chimed while handing Eri her present.

"Thank you, Satsuki!" Eri thanked her as she accepted the present and carried it to a nearby gift table.

"Ribbit. I hope we're not too early. Satsuki couldn't wait to see Eri."

"No, no. You're just in time." Ochako stated.

After a short while, more and more guests arrived. While the adults chatted with one another, Eri talked to Satsuki and waited for Kota's arrival. Her heart stopped when she heard the doorbell ring.

"I'll get it!" She shouted as she dashed for the door.

"H-hey, Eri. You look really nice."

"Hey, Kota.. T-Thank you.."

Kota felt as if Eri had a spotlight on her. She wore her brand new dress that Ochako had bought her a week prior. It was red and made of sparkly material, but without the spaghetti straps and v-shaped neckline. Ochako and Izuku were opposed to her wearing that for now. It had short sleeves and a boat neckline.

"H-Here's your gift! Where do you want me to put it?"

Eri led Kota to the gift table. Once he placed the gift onto it, he was greeted by several of the other guests. After conversing with them for a bit, he, Eri, and Satsuki all headed back into the living room.

"Did you see the way he was looking at Eri? I think someone's caught the love bug." Mina smirked as she stated her observation.

Ochako giggled whereas Izuku had a blank expression on his face.

"Now, now, Midoriya. You can relax. Miss Eri won't be courting for awhile." Ida said while patting him on the shoulder.

A/N: Courting is an older term used for dating with intention of marriage


Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday dear, Eri

Happy birthday to you!

Eri blew out her twelve candles right after she made a wish.

"What did you wish for, Eri?" Satsuki asked.

Eri shook her head. "Cinderella said that if you tell your wish, it won't come true, so my lips are sealed."

"Eri, would you like to open presents now?"

Ochako asked after serving everyone a slice of Christmas cake. She set a chair out in the middle of the living room for Eri to sit in so everyone could see her gifts.

The first gift Eri received was from Ida. It was a history book about heroes. Eri loved it. Although she wasn't Izuku's biological daughter, she inherited his inquisitiveness and loved learning anything and everything about heroes. He had even gotten her a little notebook of her own for hero notes a few years back.

"Thanks, Uncle Ida!"

"Ooh! Open mine next, Eri!" Satsuki exclaimed.

Eri was handed a miniature box. Inside was a friendship bracelet.

"I made one for me too. See?"

Satsuki held up her wrist to reveal a green beaded bracelet that had the names "Satsuki" and "Eri" spelled out on the beads. She had created Eri a matching one but hers was pink.

"Thank you, Satsuki! I love it!" Eri slipped her bracelet onto her small wrist. She absolutely loved her new accessory.


Eri finally made it down to the last two gifts.

"T-that ones from me.." Kota said shyly as Eri carefully unwrapped the box.

"A blanket!" She exclaimed as she removed the soft blanket out of the box.

Eri cuddled up with her new blanket. It was so warm and soft.

"Thank you, Kota. This is perfect since it's cold outside." She smiled.

"Y-you're welcome." He replied.

"The last one is from your papa and I." Ochako told Eri.

Eri removed the tissue paper and pulled out a black box from the bag. Inside was a gold heart shaped locket.

"I love it, momma and papa! Thank you."

Ochako helped Eri put on her new locket.

"I'm going to put a picture of us inside it." She stated.

The party continued for awhile longer with friends and family socializing. Mina sneaked away time hold mistletoe above Kota and Eri's heads while they were sitting on the couch.

Both blushed vigorously at Mina's gesture.

"U-Uh. Mistletoe.. so do you uh—" Kota stuttered while Eri giggled and swiftly kissed his cheek, causing Kota to blush even more.

Satsuki and Mina fangirled whereas Izuku was not amused.


"Mina. Come here, please."

"What is it, babe?"

"I wanted to talk to you."

"Kirishima.. what are you—"

"I know we haven't been dating for very long, but there's something about you. You're kind, bubbly, sweet, everything I could have ever wanted."

"Babe, what are you—"

Kirishima knelt down on one knee and pulled a small box out of his back pocket. Ochako continued to record a video on her phone.

"Mina, will you marry me?"

Mina covered her mouth and began to cry happy tears. Although many would think it was odd that he decided to propose at a Christmas/birthday party, Mina thought it was perfect. She was surrounded by all her friends and loved ones.

"Well, of course!" She exclaimed.

"This is the best birthday ever." Eri smiled as she snuggled against Izuku.

"You picked out the perfect dress for Mina, Eri." Kirishima said as he rubbed the top of her head.

"Well, I'm the fashion expert, Uncle Shima." She chuckled.

• • • • •

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