Master to Heroes, But an Aven...

By Weebtactics

102K 2.2K 2.3K

Izuku Midoriya, all his life having a vast fascination to heroics. Be it work the heroes of today's modern s... More

Prologue: The Beginning of Dispair [2/2]
What is a Magus? A Master or a Hero?
Lords Arriving and Servants Uniting
The Lord, The Prodigy and The Upstart Avenger
Lessons and Arms of War
The Mighty Conquest of Exams is Upon Us!
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First Day in School is always a Trial
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Murder, Crafts and Field Trip, Oh My![Part 1]
Murder, Crafts and Field Trip, Oh My! [Part 2]
Perceptions of Death and War
Yorokobe Shounen! For Preparations of the Holy Grail!
A Declaration to the Return of the Holy Grail War!
A Phantasmal Holy Grail War Finally Begins!
The Reunited Fight Under Shinjuku's Skys
Of Pride, Honor and Beserking Rage
My One True Friend

Prologue: The Begining of Dispair [1/2]

13.2K 237 298
By Weebtactics

"As soon fortold of legends of this man. Upon the darkest of night he roams the streets of France, seeking those that have done injustece to the innocent and of this country he hates. Feeling nothing but dispair and rage, he harms those that have brought his home to its twisted ways. Getting revenge for those too weak to do so and avenges their sorrow for them."

A boy, no older than four years old, exitedly read the text in the book he held. Quite heavy and big for a boy his age should be reading. And a higher dificulty level of reading compaired to what many children would read his age. Some being picture books or manga, but no. This boy was fascinated in the text and yearned more.

"Once a man in thrown to the Chateau d'if, for a false crime he did not comit. Now has become a man many fear to this day. Songs of his countrymen and women tell their children in fear and in song. That if they do not behave and make peace, this man will drag you with him in darkness and despair. The man known as the Co-"

"Izuku! There you are! Are you ready to go see the doctor today?" A woman's voice called out to the boy, as he looked up from the book to see a slender and beautiful woman. With green hair draping down her back, with part of it tied into a high pony tail. And ever loving green eyes any man can lose themselves in.

"U-Umu! Yeah! I'm ready mom!" The boy, now known as Izuku said. As he hurried onto his feet and began tying his shoes together. Then getting up and picking the book up with him as he carried it close to his chest and ran up to his mother's legs and gave her a brief hug.

The mother, Inko Midoriya, smiled at her son as she patted his head and held out her hand. Seeing her son hold on tight, both walked out the door, locking it before they left, and walked down the street to their local clinic.

"You really love reading those big books dont you Izu-chan? Maybe instead of a hero, you could be a good schollar or writer!" Inko said in a joking manner. Knowing her son wanted to be a hero at the bottom of his heart. But a mother can tease and suggest ideas into their kids can't they.

"W-Well. Those seem good. But I really wanna be a hero! Just like in these books dad leaves for me and like All Might! Smash!" Izuku said as he hopped with his mothers hand still holding on tight to his. Swinging the book with one hand in a fake punch movement, only to steady himself as he almost fell over due to the weight of the book.

Inko laughed at her son's innocent nature as both continued and entered the clinic. Signing their names in and waiting for the doctor's call. Once then, Izuku preformed standard check ups for a child his age and was observed with X-rays. Both of them hoping for news of the results.


"He's quirkless." The doctor said straight to the point of it all as Inko and Izuku gasped at the news. Izuku more so as he dropped his book. Causing it to create a loud 'THUMP' sound across the room as he shook his head to escape the shocking news.

Teh doctor then explaining why he was quirkless, due to it being an extra toe joint on his foot. And that it is rarley that quirks skip a generation, but is noticable and in the rare margins of the population. Being roughly 20-25% of the population today. Inko then helping Izuku pick up his book with her quirk and both leaving the clinic back home. Both in silence as Izuku then went back into his room with his book in hand.

Minutes passed before Inko's phone rang. Sitting herself on the couch and answering it.

"*Hey honey! How are things?*"

"H-Hisashi!? W-Why the sudden call!? Not that I mind it or anything but you don't call as often unless you have a break or-" Inko said but soon a hearty laugh from her husband inturupted her. Bringing a small smile to her face as she knew what he would say next.

"*Yeah! I'm at the airport now in a phone booth. Honestly part of the airports that have actual privacy and some quiet. I'll be over in about maybe..half- an hour and half depending on traffic. But hey, enough about me. How's my little guy Izuku? Is he there?*" Hisashi said with a grin on the other side of the call, but inko remained quiet.

"*Inko? Honey is he alright?*"

"Y-Yeah...hes just in his room reading some of the books you left behind and gave him. He's kinda tired now."

"*Tired? Has he been reading those all day!?*"

"N-No...he had his quirk examination today and..."

"*Oh! He must be excited about his quirk! So, what did he get. Something like mine? Yours? Maybe both of-*"

"He's quirkless...Sashi..." Inko said with a choked sob. Trying her hardest to not cry during their call. The line went silent for a moment, as Inko feared the worst of how her husband is taking the news.

"...*Fuck the traffic I'll be home in ten minutes and none the less!*"


"*I mean it honey, I'm gonna see our son and fucking take off of work for a whole month for him! What's he into now? I don't wanna get him hero related now concidering...*"

"*H-He's still into those old books you gave him, and he likes video-"

"*GOOD! I have things I bought over in Iraq for him that he might like! Don't worry honey, its nothing illegal, more books and somethings I found over there. Now, tell Izuku I'll be home in seven minutes! I'll spend more time with you too honey. Love you, see you home!*"

"H-Hisashi w-wait a sec-" Inko said before she heard the other line of her phone and a loud dropping sound as she stared at the screen of her phone in a bit of happiness and a bit panicned at how her husband sounded just now.

"*Sigh* I married a loving and caring man and father, hopefully he doesn't get into trouble..." "*MOVE YOU JACKASSES! I'M GONNA SEE MY SON!*" "HE DIDN'T HANG UP!?" Inko shouted in surprise before she hung up the phone and looked over at the hallway. 

Getting up from her seat on the couch, she slowly walked over to her son's door. Hesitant to knock, but did so anyway as she then opened it. Seeing his window curtain covering most of the light coming into the room. The computer monitor finishing a video of All Might saving people with his biggest smile.

And Izuku...

She saw him on his bed, surrounded by books her husband left and gave to him. One book stood out among them as he held it tight to his chest as another book covered his face as it looked as though he was staring at the ceiling.

"Sweetie..." Inko called out to him as he slowly stood upright on his bed. The book he used to cover his face slid off of him as he still clung to the book he had in his hands tightly. His cheeks and eyes stained with dry tears as he had somehow had gained bags under his eyes as he still looked saddened and about to cry again.

Inko went to her son and hugged her. Feeling his hands grab onto her shirt as he clutched his grip. "It's not your fault sweetie...if anything its me and your dad's fault..." Inko said as she wanted to cry. But Izuku shook his head 'no' and held onto her tightly as his shoulders shook, crying on her shoulder as she comforted him and patted his back.

"Dad just came back from work today. He's coming over very soon and even told me that he's taking the whole month just for you." Inko said as she pulled away from her son. Smiling a little at the look of surprise on his face. 

Izuku knew that for whatever reason. His dad needed to travel a lot and only got a few weeks, maybe a month break from work at best from his job. To hear him saying he's taking a month just for him is a big surprise.

"He also said he brought some things from his latest trip that he thinks you might-"

"HONEY! IZUKU! I'M HOME!" The door was then kicked open,  both mother and son jumped in surprise as they left Izuku's room to see the front door of their home was kicked open and seeing his dad/her husband smiling and grinning like a mad man. 

He was carrying a lot of bags that he dropped by the couch and floor. Getting up and smiling at his family. Being quite tall at around 6'5" (199cm), having black, unruly hair that was a clear indication where Izuku got his hair style from. A small black freckle on the lower part of his left eye, his lightly stubble face and grinning smile.

"IZUKU!" Hisashi shouted as he threw his bags on the couch and went to scoop him off the floor. Almost causing him to drop his book as he was twirled around by his dad laughing and causing him to laugh as well.

"D-Dad s-stop it! I'm getting dizzy." Izuku said as he soon felt the floor again and wobbled a bit and stumbled till he meet the couch cushions and rested there. His dad laughing as he did the same with inko and giving her a kiss.

"Sorry kiddo. Can't a dad see his son and wife after so long?" Hisashi said as he jumped over the couch and sat on it. Prompting Izuku on next to him as he grabbed his bag and opened it. Clearing away the small table and pulling out a large suitcase longer than his bag, which the suitcase was first poking out of, and placed it on the table.

"Dad, whats in it?" Izuku asked as his dad grinned and unlocked the case's locks. Opening it slowly, revealing a large old looking bow. It's color was a dull dark read, looking like as if it was made of stone and hard wood. Along with the string of the bow being made of the thinnest black thread.

"This is something I found in Iraq during my job over there Izuku! This is one of the world's oldest bow said to be used by one of Iraq's older heroes known as Arash Kamangir!" Hisashi said with pride as Izuku's eyes shined when looking at the bow before him. Amazed of how a weapon from the past still looked like treasure.

"And that's not all I brought! I brought you more books of Iraq's history of heroes!" Hisashi said as he pulled out several books piling on the table. Some thin, large, and some the height of a cinderblock. Izuku was amazed and looked at the covers of them all as Hisashi and Inko were glad to see him happy again.

Izuku caught up in the excitement also looked at one of his dad's bags by the door. And noticed something poking from it as part of it looked gold in color. He pointed at the door as his parents followed his finger as he then asked his dad. "What's in that bag dad?"

Hisashi smiled softly at his son and stood up. Grabbing his bag and opening it to reveal an odd shaped book. The cover looking like as if it was stone but leather, and had numerous designs as though carved onto it. And at the top corner of the book it looked extended or as if another book was merged on that top corner.

"Izuku, this was one book I knew was right for you when I found and fixed it back up. It's the story of the world's very first hero and about the world's first country that ever existed. It's an Epic. One that I know you'll love." Hisashi said as he spoke nothing but love and warmth to his son about this book in hand. 

Izuku could feel his fathers love and affection for him as he assumed it must have been hard to fix an old book for him. And it was about the world's first country and hero. He almost wanted to cry again just because his dad came back and brought him possibly the first book to ever be written.

"But listen Izuku..." His dad continued as he listened more. "What's real about this book and it's history. Is that if it didn't existed back then. Probably their wouldn't be any stories or even heroes today." Hisashi said as Izuku became more surprised and exited to want to read it right away.

"R-Really!?" Izuku asked in glee and excitement that made Inko smile and giggle at how happy he was.

"King Arthur. Sigfried the Dragon Warrior. Robin Hood. The Invincible Karna. The Hound of Ulster. So many legends and heroes were all inspired by this one tale of the world's first hero. This is known as, The Epic of Gilgamesh." Hisashi said as he then stopped his child from clinging onto him like hell and tried to take the book from him.

"Nngh! Come on dad! Read me the story now please! Pretty please!" Izuku said as he tried to push away his father's hand as he was being held back from reading a new story as his dad laughed and put away the books back in his bag.

"Alright, alright then son. I'll read it to you before you head off to bed. Right now, how about we get something to eat. Family Dine Out!" Hisashi said as he and Izuku cheered and pumped their fist in the air and yelled in victory. Inko giggling and taking a photo of them together on her phone before getting her sweater and all of them getting ready.

Soon the evening became a heart warmth for Hisashi as he savored this moment. Going for a small dinner by the lake. Hearing the days his wife went on with Mitsuki and his son still reading the first book he left for him before he left for the UK. Soon enjoying telling his son of some of the other thing's his workers and friend found in Iraq and Izuku pouting at him for not bringing them.

Sadly night came and izuku had school tomorrow as the family of three retuned back to their home (They don't live in an apartment, just a average house but big for a family of three). Izuku hurried into the bath to get ready for the story his dad would read to him. But left his favorite book in his best place for it on his bed before getting in.

"Hisashi...if you were to sell those, how much would they be worth." Inko said as she knew more of her husband's profession and wondered what treasures they'd also be holding. Hisashi looked over at the bow and books on the table and hummed. Stirring his drink in hand as he thought up the numbers.

"The bow...with archery masters and in the sports selection of marketing it could be worth about 320,000,000 yen ($3,000,000 USD). Probably more if sold to a history museum or war collector." Hisashi said as he then eyes the book poking out of his bag.

"The book...honestly the price on that is huge...I can't even give an exact amount of it. Heroes, Heroic Associations, Historians, museums, collectors, countries, all of them would be in a market and write a check with whatever amount they would give to a book so historic and founding of today's society." Hisashi murmured on as Inko sighed and gave him a smile.

"I feel like your co-workers feel like your an idiot for keeping these and the others you bring along." Inko said as she giggled at the pain expression her husband showed her before he scowled in memory, proving her she was right.

"So what if I'm an idiot. I'm not the only one. Kairi sometimes collects things too like me. But yeah, most of the others at work would sell this as quick as possible. But the stuff I sell to the countries I make happily enough for the three of us to live good for quite a long time." Hisashi said as he smirked a bit before taking his drink.

"Is it because of Izuku?" Inko said as Hisashi took the drink away from his lips and placed it back on the table. Smiling a bit as he looked at his wife.

"Well I'd be lying if I didn't say that was the only reason. But its the first reason why I don't sell some of the stuff I bring home. Aside from him, it's too much money for us. We don't really need it unless otherwise. And because I love my work. I guess i'm kinda addicted to it." Hisashi said as he looked into his reflection in his drink.

His hold then tightened as he bit his lips. Looking back at Inko. "Hey Inko. Would it be bad, to say I wanna take Izuku with me?" "GHA!?" Inko said as she almost spat out her tea and looked at her husband as if he was mad.

"W-Wait a sec Inko! I'm not saying it like taking him away from home for half a year or more. But, just like during some summers and month or two in spring and winters ya'know?" Hisashi said as he prevented his wife from crying at the thought of Izuku leaving her home. 

"I may seem imposible for Izuku to be a hero in other people's eyes. But, I believe in him. And I know as parents we have to think what's best for him. But we also have to love and support what he dreams of." Hisashi said as Inko started to tear up a bit of her husband's words and devotion.

"Maybe him traveling around with me, he could learn more. Plus with Kairi sometimes around, he'd probably teach him some self defense if he wants. And, if it goes south, at least he'll have a career idea to follow in later on." Hisashi said as he smiled at his wife, who was trying to stop herself from crying at his words.

"H-Hisashi you loving idiot...W-We'll talk about it with Izu-chan later...but if he says yes, you better be calling me a lot more!" Inko said as she sniffled and smacked her husband's arm. Several times. As he winced and laughed at his wife.

Soon small footsteps could be heard running down the halls as both parents looked at Izuku running into the dining room. Wearing an overlarge white T-shirt and back basketball shorts underneath. "Dad! I finished the bath! Can you read me it please!" Izuku said as he then struggles to drag his dad's bags to him but soon fell on his back.

"Alright then son. Come on." Hisashi said as he carried him by the back of his collar as Izuku let out small glee's and swung around his dad's hold on him. Sitting on the couch and pulling out the book as Izuku brought over a couch cushion and hugged it in excitement. 

Getting closer to his dad's side as he opened the book and flipped it to the first page of it all. Inko smiled and left out a plate of cookies for the two of them as she went to the shower next. Hisashi soon began to read the pages of the book. Seeing his son smiling and reaching for a cookie to eat while he read.

'Izuku...maybe one day, you'll become a great hero for all the innocent. And perhaps a greater hero than those in the past.' Hisashi thought a bit happily as he cleared his throat as he prepared to read his son a story.

A story of the first King and his adventures and journey's with a dear friend.

"Of the past, before known to man as the city of Uruk came to be. Gods roamed this world as above man. Yet alone in their own plane of existance for their creations could not reach to them or know of their divine powers. "

"Upon this thought, the gods decided to have create a child. Half god, half human. In to create a bridge between man and gods. This human, soon was born. And many knew of this child would one day be destened for the role of King to man. But as now, he is but a child soon to lead to the place of King above man and Gods."

"That child's name...was Gilgamesh..."

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