My Cup of Tea (snowbaz)

By bibliosoph

60.4K 3.4K 1.6K

Baz is the son of Mr. Pitch, the CEO of Pitch Industries. Instead of focusing on his business studies like he... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Author's Note

Chapter Seventeen

1.7K 98 44
By bibliosoph

Simon had no idea how to go about his daily business. He got up the next morning when his alarm went off. He walked to work, even though it was raining and he'd forgotten an umbrella. On the walk, he though about Agatha. When he had dated Agatha, it was easy to go about his normal life. He could get through the day with no difficulty. Sometimes there would be days where he didn't think about her or speak to her at all and it felt fine. He didn't feel like there was something missing. Now, though, it felt like this was pointless. Like each order he took was just another step on his walk to a slow and painful death. Any time there was a lull and no new customers came through the door, he checked his phone. He knew, somewhere deep inside of him, that it was pointless because Baz had a job and had whatever else going on, but he always wanted to check just in case

He thought about texting him. He thought about texting him a million times over again until the only thoughts running through his mind were the possibilities of texts he could send. Since he had called Baz up the previous night, he felt like he shouldn't text him. He felt like he would be intruding on his life. Even though Baz had promised that this––whatever this was––was not some practical joke, he couldn't help but shake the feeling that he was pushing the boundaries between normal and clingy or obsessive. He couldn't get Baz out of his head even when his lunch break rolled around and his boss, Ebb, handed him a basket of scones that were from the previous day and therefor unfit for customers. With each bite he took, all he could think about were Baz's lips on his own. The way Baz's lips were so soft and cool and how it had all been like a dream. Then, added with the lack of communication that day, Simon worried if it really had been just a dream. If he was so lonely that his mind somehow dreamt up this wonderfully perfect boy who cared about him just so he didn't have to face the truth that he was alone

When Simon walked back home from work that day with the basket of scones (the leftovers, anyway. He'd already eaten about half the basket) the rain had started to turn into a drizzle. It was peaceful, in a way. It was cold rain, the kind that normal people probably would've complained about, but Simon liked it. He always ran so bloody hot so it felt like the rain was cooling him off. Then, of course, thoughts of the cold rain brought him back to thoughts of Baz (because he was that kind of nice cold, too) and he couldn't help but beam like an imbecile as he walked back to his flat. When he arrived outside of his building, he saw a limo double parked out front with its hazards flashing through the rain and the light layer of fog. Curious, he wandered over to the sleek vehicle to see what it was doing here. 

Just as he approached it, the passenger door swung open and Baz stepped out. He was in a suit (of course) and his hair was slicked back. Simon liked it better when it hung loose around his face like he had worn it last night on their date. Despite the hair, Simon was happy to see him. He was still feeling a bit concerned about everything after last night, but seeing Baz standing in front of him with flowers in his hand made all of that worry wash away until there was nothing left in his mind except for how kissable Baz looked with that damn smirk on his face. 

"Snow," he said, shutting the door and walking over to him. 

Simon didn't know how to greet him. With a hug? A smile? A kiss? A handshake? He didn't want to do anything wrong so he just stood there with the basket of scones in his hands, smiling like mad. "Baz." 

Baz came closer to him until they were almost chest to chest. "Simon." 

Simon couldn't help but blush at that. Baz said his name like it was magic. "Wh––'re..."

"Use your words, Snow."

He looked up at Baz, his heart pounding in his chest. He had no idea what he was supposed to say. His mind couldn't articulate a single thought (which was not uncommon, but it was so hard to focus on anything except for Baz's lips). He moved in closer so they were practically on top of each other because being an inch apart didn't seem nearly close enough. 

Before he could make his next move, Baz pressed a soft kiss to his forehead. Simon felt like he might catch fire. 

"You're here," Simon said. 

Baz nodded and handed him the flowers. Simon took them and smelled them before setting them in his basket. They were beautiful, of course. It was a bouquet filled with daffodils, buttercups, and lilacs. The yellow, white, and purple colors made for a wonderful sight. "I just wanted to come and apologize in person," Baz said. Simon realized that they were still standing in the street so he led Baz over to the sidewalk by the front door of his building. 

"You really didn't have to." 

"I know, but I wanted to. I wanted to express my sincere regret for how you found out about what I do for my father's company. I wanted to let you know that I would never lead you on or play with your emotions."

Simon nodded, still unsure of what to say. Of course he forgave him. He forgave him last night on the phone. This was the nicest apology he'd ever received and he couldn't help but beam at the gesture. This made every feeling of doubt wash away as if it had never existed at all. "I'm sorry, too. I shouldn't have gotten mad at you for something like that when we'd only been out once." 

"Nonsense. You had every right to be upset with me. Hell, I'm upset with me."

"And the flowers..."

Baz grinned. "Ah, yes. I just happened to stumble across your Facebook last night after we spoke. I noticed that you seem to like them quite a bit, considering that they're half of your feed." 

Simon blushed again. He made a mental note to learn to control himself. 

"Now that I've come and said all I wanted to say––"

"Youshouldcomeupstairsbutonlyifyouwantto." He said it one breath. He wasn't sure if Baz had even registered it. He was about to apologize or maybe just thank Baz and send him on his way so he couldn't make a bigger fool of himself, but then Baz smiled at him and took his hand. 

"I'd love to."  

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