The visitor

By saltykonpeito

2.7K 148 24

Saori, the aspiring young writer was living her comfortably mediocre life in Kyoto. Little did she know that... More

The new roommate
Scrambled eggs
Star Wars marathon
Happy birthday, Saori!
A series of unfortunate events
Breaking and entering
Tokyo trip
Season of farewell
Not good at goodbyes
Turning the page
Nobunaga's legacy
Candy hearts
White day
Wedding planning
The devil's concubine


409 11 3
By saltykonpeito

Once again, I managed to miraculously finish my article just before the deadline. I was satisfied with my achievement so I patted myself on the back. Despite the pouring rain, I ventured outside to treat myself to a huge ice cream.

'You deserve this. You worked hard for it, girl.' I muttered to myself and asked for extra salted caramel topping.

I was on my way home and the downpour was still going on. I lengthened my strides but the weather grew stormy. I broke into a run. I was by the Honno-ji temple when I realized I had no chance to get home without getting soaked. So I took shelter at the temple. There was no one else there except for a guy in a white lab coat. He was standing by the stone monument with an umbrella in his hand, seemingly waiting for something. It was quite odd.

'Hey!' I shouted.

Just then a lightning struck down, followed by a deafening boom. I fell back and instinctively shielded my head with my arms. Then everything fell awfully silent all of a sudden. I slowly opened my eyes and all I could see was an ominous fog. It took a while to regain my sense of hearing and my vision to clear. The first thing I heard was the heavy rain thudding on the ground. I smelled smoke and burnt wood. I looked around but I didn't see fire. The stone monument was smashed into pieces by the lightning. Then I noticed that the guy in the lab coat was kneeling on the ground. Oh, no! Was he struck by the lightning? Ignoring the rain, I ran to help.

I took only a few steps when I noticed that he was kneeling beside something. When I got closer I realized, it was a person.

'Is he alive?'

The man was unconscious. He wore a very traditional looking kimono and a haori and there was a scabbard by his hip. It was very odd. He looked like a cosplayer.

'Was he hit by the lightning? Where did he come from? I didn't see anyone else here. We should call an ambulance.' My mind was racing.

'He is alive. I have a pretty good theory of what happened but I suggest to continue this discussion somewhere drier. My name is Sasuke, by the way.' He pushed back his glasses on his nose and nodded.

'Okay. I'm Saori. What should we do with him? He is passed out. We can't possibly drag him.' I knelt down too.

'We have to wake him up.' Sasuke said with unshakeable composure in his voice.

'Come on! Get up now!' I patted his cheeks but he didn't come to. I tried to slap him a little harder but it didn't work either.

I slapped him hard this time. Still nothing. My hand was in motion again when the man on the ground suddenly grabbed hold of my neck.

'Stop it!' He growled.

I shrieked and grabbed his wrist.

He didn't let go of my throat and I panicked. I struggled to break free from his grip but he didn't budge. I was gasping for air when he finally opened his palm. I was so scared, I froze in place.

I realized my nails were digging into his wrist. I let go of him too.

His razor sharp stare was cutting straight into me but I couldn't look away. His eyes were like smoldering coal... Like carnelian. Slowly, I noticed other parts of his face. Sharp, masculine features, refined jawline, a perfectly sculpted nose... Rain soaked, jet black hair... He was handsome.

'Who-who are you?' My voice was still shaking.

A wicked grin formed on his lips.

'I am Oda Nobunaga. Of course. How come you don't know me?' He pushed himself up to sit but his features twisted with pain and he gripped his shoulder.

'Hm... Just as I thought...' Sasuke murmured. 'Come on Saori, he is injured. We must take him somewhere safe.'

'Who are you and where am I?' He looked around curiously.

I was dumbfounded. Did he just say he is Oda Nobunaga??? Or am I just imagining things? He must have hit his head. Doesn't matter, he is hurt. We must help him.

'I-I live about a five minute walk from here. I have a first aid kit at home.'

'That'll do. Let's go!' Sasuke turned to the stranger. 'Can you walk, Lord Nobunaga?'

Lord Nobunaga??? Why is he playing along? I was freaking out.

'Yes.' He nodded and with a little help, he managed to get on his feet.

He began to walk then turned back and barked at me. 'Hey you, woman! Bring me my sword!'

'Uhm, excuse me!? Rude!' I retorted. I looked around and saw something gleaming not so far from the spot where we'd found him. 'Wow, this is heavy. Is this... Is this real?'

'What else would it be?' He gave me a despising look and sheathed the sword.

He is running around with a real weapon?! Now, I was really freaking out.

He didn't look good at all. He was pale and weak. Fortunately, I lived nearby. Sasuke and I had to support him up the stairs. I thought he might pass out again before we get home. We made it back to my apartment.

I turned up the lights and he got startled. Sasuke ushered him to the couch.

'What is this place? Where am I? This looks like nothing I've ever been to...' He was looking around curiously.

'What's wrong with him?' I was hiding behind Sasuke.

'Saori, Lord Nobunaga, I'll explain everything.' He just called him Lord Nobunaga again... 'But first, Saori, can you bring me that medical kit you mentioned?'

'Yes, right away.' I nodded and hurried to the bathroom.

'Here.' I handed the box to Sasuke. 'Bandages, band-aids, scissors, cotton balls, sanitizer... Do you need anything else?'

'I hope not.' He nodded. 'Lord Nobunaga, may I take a look at your wound?'

'Are you a healer?' He narrowed his eyes.

'No, but I know how to treat small wounds.' Sasuke replied nonchalantly. It seemed like nothing could make him lose his cool.

'Alright.' He slipped his arm out of his kimono.

My god, he is ripped... Wide, sturdy shoulders, broad chest, toned arms and... blood... I quickly returned to planet Earth when I noticed the gashed wound.

'I think we should take him to a hospital. That might needs to be sutured.'

'No, that's not a good idea. I can handle this.' Sasuke took the medical kit and began to tend his wound. 'This is gonna sting a little...'

'Agh...' He cried out and twitched when the disinfectant touched his open flesh.

'Told ya.' Sasuke said calmly.

'This is burning me!' He pouted like a kid. I kind of felt a pity for him.

'Stay still, okay? A wound like this can get infected easily. Let Sasuke clean it for you! You can hold my hand if you want to.' I was afraid of him but I reached out my hand and after a short hesitation, he took it. His skin was rough and calloused. His hand was large and perfectly fitting around mine.

When Sasuke began to clean the wound again, he didn't cry out, only because he was clenching his teeth.

'Agh, you are crushing my fingers!' I cried out. He was squeezing my hand so hard, I was clenching my teeth too.

'Okay, I'm done.' Sasuke finally finished the bandaging. 'Now, Lord Nobunaga, can you tell us what happened before you ended up with us? Tell us everything you can remember!'

He let go of my hand and I rubbed my swollen fingers.

'Hmm... I was residing at Honno-Ji. It was already nighttime. I was on the balcony. I might have slept in because the next thing I can remember is that someone dressed in all black attacked me. The fool cowardly tried to kill me in my sleep...' He snorted.

'The temple was on fire... He managed to strike me on the shoulder and we were fighting when a sudden storm came. I was about to take his head when a lightning struck down at my feet. Then nothing... I assume I lost consciousness because the next thing I remember is this insane woman hitting me...' He shot me a look that sent a chill down my spine.

'I see.' Sasuke rested his chin on his knuckles deep in thoughts. 'My calculations were correct.'

This makes no sense. He is a lunatic... And what on Earth is Sasuke is talking about? Why am I even trusting him? I just met him, he could be a lunatic too.

'What are you talking about?' We both looked at Sasuke questioningly.

'Lord Nobunaga, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Sasuke and I am an astrophysicist. A scholar so to speak. I study time and space. Can you tell me what year is it?'

'1582.' He cocked an eyebrow.

'Whaaat?!' I automatically jumped behind Sasuke again. This guy is bat shit crazy... 'Sasuke, I am fairly positive that we should call the police. Or someone.'

I was so scared, I was trembling. Sasuke put his hand on my shoulder. 'Calm down. I'll explain.'

He turned back to Nobunaga. 'You are in 2019, Lord Nobunaga.'

'That's... How? How is that even possible?' He was shocked. And so was I.

'I know it is hard to believe, but you travelled through time accidentally. The energy of the lightning caused an extreme distortion in the continuum of space-time and created a so-called wormhole. A temporary tunnel between two distant points of time and space. My calculations predicted the approximate location and date. That is why I went to the Honno-Ji monument, to find out what was going to happen. I didn't know what to expect though...' Sasuke's voice trailed off. He was examining Nobunaga.

I was petrified. I heard what he was saying but couldn't really believe it. But the living, breathing evidence was sitting on my couch... Suddenly I felt dizzy and I collapsed next to him. He is the real Oda Nobunaga...

'But how? How?' I was staring at the wall. 'This... This breaks the laws of physics.'

'Not really... And it makes sense.' He adjusted his glasses and turned to Nobunaga. 'According to history, you died in that incident at Honno-Ji. The temple burned down and you were thought to have committed seppuku.'

'Akechi Mitsuhide betrayed you and attacked you with his troops.' Sasuke added.

'Impossible... That can't be... He would never...' He sunk his face in his hands and fell silent.

His haughty smugness crumbled away like a sand castle at high tide and my heart went out to him. He was just told that he was supposed to be killed by his own trusted retainer. Poor guy...

'Hideyoshi... Did he take over?'

'Yes. He and Tokugawa Ieyasu finished what you have started and unified Japan.'

Nobunaga was completely ran down into the ground. He remained silent for a long time. Finally, he sighed. 'So, I'm a dead man walking?'

'I'm afraid, yes.' Sasuke nodded.

'You need a drink.' I went to the fridge. I was still processing everything I've just heard. 'Sasuke?'

'No, thank you.' He shook his head.

I put some ice cubes in a glass and poured whisky with a trembling hand. I felt Nobunaga's eyes piercing through my back the whole time.

'Here, drink it!'

'I assume I can't go back.' He said mournfully and gulped the whisky. He coughed. 'This is strong.'

Sasuke looked at me and motioned with his head. He wanted to talk to me in private. I led him to the balcony and closed the door behind us. When I turned around, he put his palms together and bowed deep before me.

'Saori, I know we've just met and everything that happened tonight seems unreal, but please, please, please do me a favor!'

'What is it Sasuke?' I asked uncertainly.

'Could Lord Nobunaga stay with you? My apartment is smaller than yours and I don't even have a couch for him to sleep on. We can't leave him all alone. We have to take care of him.' He was practically begging me.

'I know.' I sighed and looked at Nobunaga. The way he was sitting there was just so sad. He was wounded, alone and lost in time. It was tugging at my heartstrings. I couldn't possibly say no. 'Of course he can stay.'

'Thank you, thank you, thank you so much!' Sasuke bowed several times. 'I promise I'll help you with everything!'

'Do you think he is dangerous?' I was a little concerned about taking in a medieval warlord. 'I mean he's been through a lot. He might flip out and he has a katana... A real one...'

'He is a noble man with pride and honor. He would never hurt a woman.' Sasuke put a reassuring hand on my shoulder. 'Unless, he has a reason.'

'You are not helping at all.' I dropped my shoulders and sighed.

'Don't worry, he is human too. He is just like you and I.'

'Are you sure? I remember from school that he was called the Devil King or something like that.'

'Yes, I am sure. And I want to thank you for trusting me even though we barely know each other.' And again Sasuke bowed to me.

'Please stop, this is getting awkward.' I chuckled nervously.

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