lovesick ➳ destiel oneshots

By douxdestiel

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Destiel oneshots! A lot of these prompts will either be found online or some I'll base off of episodes. Mostl... More



623 16 37
By douxdestiel

description: It's Halloween night and the Winchester's are bored. Good lord, what will they do?

note: This has Sam in it, and it's sort of Destiel-ish, but it's more just a supernatural one shot. I meant for this to be a funny type fic but it honestly turned sad and I have no idea why. This also takes place around season 8-9. 

Also! I do! Not! Ship! Sabriel! There will be no side-Sabriel in these one shots. Sorry if you do ship it. I just don't... I really liked Sam and Jess' relationship in my opinion.

words: 4,123


Where to start?

There's so much to talk about this particular holiday. First off, it's the only holiday that the Winchester brothers (and Castiel) sat down and celebrated. Sure, the other holidays like Christmas and Easter were fun but they didn't have a spiritual connection with it.

Secondly, it was socially acceptable to eat a thousand calories worth of candy up until Thanksgiving starts.

Thirdly, you could dress up in public and not get weird stares. And to add, you don't need to buy anybody gifts, you aren't expected to go anywhere, and there's no awkward family reunions for Halloween. There was so much about Halloween that everybody loved and everybody celebrated.

Well, except for the Jehovah Witnesses.

Other than them, Halloween was such a relaxing holiday with no judgment. The Winchester's were used to scary and spooky stuff, so none of the movies or costumes ever actually scared them.

Dean and Cas were relaxing on the couch in the library, with Dean's arm around Cas while he was trying to read, and Sam was decorating around the bunker while the both of them watched. Dean had a sucker in his mouth and finished it, so he put the stick and wrapper in the trash and dug in his plastic bucket for more candy.

To his demise, it was all wrappers. There were a few candy corn pieces and tootsie rolls but they tasted like dog shit so he decided to skip them. 

"The hell?" Dean muttered, still trying to find at least one last piece of candy. Dean wasn't dressed up at the moment, but he had an idea that he would bring out later.

"Is everything satisfactory?" Cas asked, looking up from his book. He was the same as Dean, he wasn't dressed up and wasn't planning on doing so.

"No! I ran out of candy!" Dean dramatically put down his bucket. Cas put his hand on his shoulder.

"It is okay. It is only glucose and syrup, Dean."

"No it isn't! I miss my Sour Patch Kids."

"Dean..." Cas tilted his head, "I did not know you had children."

The mentioned literally facepalmed his forehead. "It's a candy, Cas. Do you have any?"

Dean bent over Cas and tried to reach over to his bucket. Cas smacked his hand away and gave him the dominant eyebrow.

"Yes, I do... I haven't eaten any. You cannot have any of my glucose, however."


Cas tried to give a stern look but he just looked constipated. Dean rolled his eyes and they went back to cuddling.

Sam was over there decorating and putting all sorts of fancy things on the walls and floors. He put cobwebs and spiders on the bookshelves, bats were hanging up on the ceiling, and fake blood was spilt on the floor which eventually dried up. Sam had gotten one of those life sized plastic skeletons and laid it limp on the floor. His costume was just a simple moose costume, he was wearing moose antlers and attached a tiny tail on his pants. 

Dean said he looked like a furry, but Sam didn't really care about his brother's opinion. He grew up being called a moose since he was so freakishly tall and lanky. This was the first year that they didn't have any spooky crap going around on the night of Halloween, so he could actually dress up.

He finally finished and looked at his artwork with pride. He smiled a wide grin and looked over to Dean and Cas who were literally making out. They have only dated for five months. While they were in Purgatory they kissed and Dean couldn't let Cas go. But, Cas was left behind and after he came back that's when their relationship really struck. Dean was heads over heels for Cas. The younger brother was really proud of Dean finally coming out as bisexual. Sam always had some sort of hint, however.  

Sam went into the kitchen to cook dinner. While he was cooking, he heard a ring at the door and then a shuffle of feet, he knew it was Cas who went to open the door. After knowing Cas and Dean very well, he knew their walks from the noises and the way their feet hit the floor.

He opened the fridge and pulled out some different ingredients he would use. He was preparing some orange Rice Krispie treats which would be made into pumpkins, some punch, and pumpkin pie! He's never seen Dean try pumpkin pie... but it was pie, so he assumed he would like it. At the same time, Cas opened the door to see three little children jumping with joy.

"Trick or treat!" They all said in unison. All three of them had a wide grin that looked like they already ate way too much candy.

"Oh, uhh.." Cas drug out the 'uh' way longer than needed. 

Dean came over to Cas' side and leaned against the doorway, looking down at the kids. They looked disgusting. Chocolate was smeared on their faces and one of them was extremely jittery and looked like they were going to murder the both of them at any second. Poor parents. 

"Cas, why don't you give them your candy?" He said with a smirk. Cas rolled his eyes and turned around, went back to the library, and got his bucket full of candy. He dug in there and got the treats that he knew the little kids would like. M&M's and skittles.

He gave two of the children skittles and one of them M&M's since that was all he had. He put on a fake smile. The children looked around five but they still had a stare that could kill. They looked so angry... was the candy not enough? What should Cas give them, life sized candy bars? That would be huge! Wow, life sized! It could be as big as a human! 

"What are you dressed up as?" The child in the middle asked Dean.

"I haven't dressed up yet." Dean replied.

"What about you?" The child on the right asked Cas. "A hobo?"

Cas was dressed up as normal, with his trench coat and dress pants. He wasn't dressed up as anything in particular, especially not a homeless man. What was wrong with his outfit? Is that what people normally thought of Cas... a man begging on the streets? Cas thought he looked nice today, Dean helped him shave, he took a relaxing shower and combed his hair nice and neat!

"Hey! He's not dressed up either. At least he's not dressing as Thomas the Train on steroids." Dean spoke up.

The child started wailing. How dare such a stranger insult his Thomas outfit! His mommy worked really hard on it! But, their dog did took a shit on the back and his mommy put it in the washing machine and it got all torn and frayed. Goddamnit, okay, maybe it did look like a train taking drugs.

The two other children gave the both of them a dramatic death stare. It wasn't that scary considering they were dressed up as Tinker Bell and a fucking lollipop. Who dresses their kid as a fucking lollipop? Cannibals, that's who. Poor little tiny candies in the child's bucket. What are they thinking? 'Oh my God she's sucking him to death!'

Dean shut the door dramatically. He felt like he needed to take a shower. Those kids were so nasty. It made him lose his appetite for candy. He still heard the bawling outside from the kids. Dean looked over at Cas who was walking back to the couch.

Dean thought Cas was so goddamn handsome. He fell heads over heels for the man. It was little things that he loved. The way he walks, his little dramatic steps and the way his trench coat flows with whatever air or wind is coming his way. His tie bounces up and down and if his hair is messy, it does too. When Cas is mad, he comes storming towards anybody very intimidatingly. But, when he's upset, he slowly walks toward them and bumps his shoulder into them.

His little head tilt. Good Lord, that head tilt! It makes Dean turned on anytime he does it... and Cas secretly knows that too. Dean noticed that a lot of Cas' feathered friends do that as well. Dean doesn't know why or how it causes him to feel that way. It's whenever Dean makes a snarky comment or a reference that Cas doesn't understand. The little head tilt indicates that he's confused. Cas also does it when he's observing.

Possibly the reason why it makes Dean turned on was because of one incident. Dean was hopping out of the shower and Cas was standing right there, tilting his head, looking Dean up and down. From his ankles to his eyes. Cas didn't really seem to care that Dean was butt-ass naked, he just wanted to see Dean without him covering himself. Cas titled his head looking at Dean in all his glory.

After Dick Roman put them in Purgatory and they found each other when Cas disappeared, they confessed their love to one another. Dean wanted to find any way to get them out of the practical hell so they could go home. Cas knew all along, however, that he didn't belong back home. He felt worthless and shameful because he felt like everybody hated him and was against him. Dean tried to talk to Cas by saying all of the things that Dean loved about him, but it was too late.

Dean tried everything he could to find Cas. He had nightmares every night, thinking about all the dangers his loved one could be in. He hallucinated many times, seeing Cas through the window and even in the mirror. One day, Cas just showed up. Dean immediately slammed his lips onto the man, not caring if he was covered in sweat and dirt.

Sam saw how passionate they were for one another and fell in love with their relationship. He would do anything for them to always be together, because he'd never seen his brother so happy before. Sure, burgers, pie, beer and Dr. Sexy M.D made Dean happy. But, Cas made him permanently happy. He was so glad that the angel pulled him out of perdition, all because if not, he would never had fallen in love.

As soon as Cas sat down, Sam finished dinner. The scent was hypnotizing.

"Dean! Cas! Dinner is ready!" Sam called out like a mother in an apron, with her kids playing outside. The dessert was still on the counter, cooling down since it just came out of the oven. He had chicken in a Crock-Pot all day with carrots and potatoes. 

Dean was the first to come in, practically floating in the air, following the scent trail. He licked his lips viciously and looked at the food in awe. He tried to grab the Rice Krispies but Sam immediately smacked his hand away.

"No food until you eat dinner." Sam said sternly. His hair and head whipping to look at Dean, he gave him a bitch-face.

"Okay, mom."

"Don't call me mom."

"Okay bit-"

"Jerk." Sam put extra emphasis on the 'k' with a flick of his tongue. Cas came following behind, putting his hands around Dean's waist, tightly hugging him. Sam softly smiled and went back to getting the plates prepared. He evenly distributed the chicken, carrots and potatoes. He put the pie to the side and the other treats.

Sam got out some forks and knives and handed it to the both of them, putting their plates on the counter for them to grab. Dean grabbed his and Cas did the same and they both went to the table, sitting the opposite from each other. They stared at each other faces, letting their food lose their heat and get cold. Cas put his hand on his cheek and counted the freckles on Dean's face while Dean felt as if he was swimming in the ocean of blue inside his eyes.

Halloween didn't matter anymore.

All that mattered was the two men sitting apart from each other. Cas' family and friends had said that it was a match made in heaven. Literally. Except, the angels didn't expect the way they fell for one another. When they tried to get them to fall in love, it turned out, that they were already on that track. They were heads over heels for each other and they didn't even know it. Dean was the first to realize it.

After working with Cas to kill Dick Roman, he looked into his bright and bountiful blue eyes and saw nothing but future. Future for the both of them. He saw a family with Cas, adopting children and possibly getting married. But he had no idea that the face he saw in the future was Cas, however. He saw soft hands swaddling a child, but the face was blurred. It wasn't until after he placed his lips on Cas that he saw the face untangled.

But, Dean knew that the type of future he saw couldn't happen. Dean, Cas and Sam were too neck deep in hunting that there was no way to get out. They want to get married... but not everybody accepts their relationship. Dean told John about it and he lost his shit and went all ballistic on Cas, hurting him and nearly killing him. Dean was heartbroken seeing Cas limp on the floor, his eye swelling up from a punch and his lip bleeding from a swiftful cut.

Cas was the second to actually realize and profess his love. It was in Purgatory that he knew Dean was the one. He had to protect him at all costs, even if his life was the price. He kept monsters hidden from him by trapping them and killing them. Cas hated to be seperated from Dean in that way, because he left. But he did what had to be done.

He helped Dean and Benny leave Purgatory, but he couldn't come with him because for one, he wasn't worthy enough for his friends and family. They all hated him from his past decisions and he knew if he showed his face again, they would humiliate him or kill him. And secondly, he wasn't worthy enough for Dean. He felt Dean's heartbeat beating out of his chest as soon as Cas got inches from his lips. Cas' heart did the same but he knew he would just disappoint Dean everyday. It turned out, he never disappointed him. Ever.

That's why it was a match made in heaven. They were just too perfect for one another.

"Guys, can you eat your dinner and then get a room? I feel like it's a hot stream in here from the temperature rising. And your slight boner, Dean." Sam chirped, putting down his plate and sitting next to him, putting down another tin full of dessert to give them.

Dean's face turned a complete different shade of red and Cas titled his head in confusion and annoyance. He could tell that Dean was embarrassed and so he looked over the table and saw his lap. Yep, a growing boner.

"Later, I'll help you get rid of it." Cas smirked and winked, his voice going down an octave, the back of his throat gruff and lustful.

"And... I'm out." Sam stretched out the 'and' dramatically. He picked up his plate and went to the library's couch to eat in privacy without having the urge to take a shower.

Dean and Cas ate their Halloween themed dinner, talking about different topics. Like monsters all the way to why do you never see a baby pigeon. No, for real! Has anybody seen a baby pigeon? Maybe all the pigeons are babies and we just don't know it. Or, pigeons come out of the egg a full-grown ass adult.

They put their plate in the sink and their cups after they finished every last bite. Cas had to scoop out some leftover potatoes in the trash since Dean had squished them with his fork and it no longer looked appetizing to him. Dean satisfyingly rubbed his tummy and sat down on the couch next to Sam.

Cas followed and their thighs touched from how close they were sitting. Dean looked over at Cas and wiped a crumb off of his shirt. Cas wasn't a very efficient eater.

"Did the meal satisfy your hunger?" Cas asked the both of them, tilting his head.

"Oh boy. It sure did. Thanks Sammy." Dean was the first to reply.

"Yeah, it did. Did you enjoy it Cas?" Sam said, looking over at Cas. He finished his food before they did and he was just sitting there, looking and feeling the ambiance of the bunker.

Cas sealed his lips and thought for a second. "No. I could not taste anything. Molecules."

Dean smiled ever-so-slightly. It was weird how Cas couldn't taste food. Cas couldn't enjoy burgers or beer. Or pie! Who the fuck can't enjoy pie? It's so sad. Dean had given Cas his slice of apple pie after they started dating and Cas looked at it in confusion.

Cas didn't know he was supposed to eat it. So, he cut it up into tiny pieces and started to feed Dean like a baby. Dean jolted his head back in confusion and he told Cas to eat it himself. The same thing happened, Cas had said it tasted like molecules, and Dean was heartbroken. His boyfriend couldn't enjoy the sweet and savory hot gooeyness that was pie. Pie was Dean's life, and he couldn't share that same life with him!

Sam brought out the desserts and Dean ate with pride and enjoyed it very much. He had pumpkin pie smeared on his lips and caramel on his pants. Dean didn't care if he gained five pounds that night. He was just glad to eat something that wasn't fast food for once.

After they ate their treats, Dean's smile turned into a smirk, and he stood up dramatically, making sure that the both of them saw. Cas looked up. Sam eventually looked up too, and he knew the smirk on Dean's face. He's about to do something weird or funny.

"Where ya going?" Sam asked, a slight confused and amused look on his face. Sam got nervous as he knew what his brother might be doing.

"Getting into my Halloween costume." Dean replied, singing slightly.

Dean went into his room and that left Cas and Sam on the couch. Cas continued reading "50 Shades of Gray". Sam looked over and saw what he was reading and his eyes widened at the title and cover. Why would a gay dude be reading a totally heterosexual book? About kinks? What the hell? Sam shook his head and stood up, going to fix the fake skeleton that just fell.

Cas and Sam were close before he and his brother started dating. But, after Dean came out to Sam and saw how happy they were together, he loved Cas. He loved him (in a friend-like or rather brother-in-law type way) because of the smile he puts on his brothers face. Cas was also one of the most helpful people with their hunting. Cas was diligent and smart and he used his powers wisely. Sure, there were times where Cas made mistakes when it came to decisions, but they usually could fix it and it would be no problem. The Winchesters had done the same many times.

They had only grown closer after the relationship struck. Sam was grateful it wasn't one of those awkward family things... where he would dread going to reunions in the future. Speaking of future, Sam didn't know what he wanted to do for his future. When he looked in the future, he saw himself hunting. He potentially wanted a girlfriend and get married and have children. But, like Dean and Cas, his job was in the way of his life.

Sam really did want a future, but there was no way he could step out of hunting. He's tried multiple times, but he just felt grief whenever he did so. He felt mournful of the lives he saw at stake on TV, lives that he could've saved.

Meanwhile, Dean came back in his costume. Sam rolled his eyes practically to the back of his head and Cas scrunched up his face in annoyance and disgust.

Dean was a piece of bread smothered in peanut butter. His arms sticking out with a black long sleeve shirt and matching pants. He had the cheesiest smile on his face like the ones on the packaging. Cas shook his head but he looked to what Dean was holding in his other hand.

A matching costume. Another piece of bread but instead of peanut butter it was jelly. Cas knew it was for him because of the smile on Dean's face as he looked at him.

"No. Ag, ag, ag, ag." Cas mumbled Enochian, his fists clenching to his side. He usually spoke it when he was extremely flustered or upset. Dean didn't know what 'Ag' meant but he assumed it was 'no.'

"Adphaht. Amma. Adphaht. Amma. Amma. Miketh. Bagle. Adphaht." Cas' voice started to rise and his face got slightly red from embarrassment. Dean sometimes embarrassed Cas and he knew it did, so he kept on doing it. 

Dean wiggled in the costume and kept sticking Cas' costume in his face. Cas' knuckles were white from how hard he was clenching. Cas imagined Dean forcing him to go outside, wearing that and embarrassing himself. Cas hated to be embarrassed. His brothers always embarrassed him in heaven since he was the youngest angel in his garrison. But, he did grow power over them and became leader of Anna's garrison, so he got slight revenge on his enemies.

"Cas! Come on! You know you want it! You're the jelly to my peanut butter because you taste so goo-"

"AMMA! ENOUGH!" Cas yelled, storming out of the library. Sam had wide eyes and looked over at Dean, who quickly got out of his costume which left him in all black. Sam looked over at where Cas was going, he turned a right which lead to the bedrooms

Dean quickly trailed behind, but Cas must have zapped himself to his room because the slight footprints lead to no where. Dean first went into his room and he wasn't in there. So, he shut the door and went down the hallway to Cas' room. He opened the door and saw Cas looking out of the window at the dark night sky.

Dean held Cas' shoulder from behind and Cas turned around and he had slight tears in his eyes. Cas hated crying in front of Dean, especially for something stupid like the situation at the moment. The light from the moon and stars outside reflected off the tears welling up.

At that moment, Dean's heart slightly melted. Looking at the embarrassment and redness painted and splattered on Cas' face made him so guilty.

"Cas, angel, I'm so sorry." Dean cooed, looking at Cas with regret in his eyes.

"Dean.. I do not like to get embarrassed. I understand that Sam was the only one to witness, but I imagined that you forcefully made me leave and go outside with the outfit still intact on my body. I did not enjoy the thought." Cas replied, his tears shrinking and going back inside his eyes.

"I know. I'm so sorry." Dean said, grabbing Cas' hands and looking down at them. He brought the hands up to his mouth and placed a small peck on the top of them. Cas' hands were always extremely soft since Sam showed him a daily moisturizing technique.

"I forgive you." Cas said and pulled Dean into a tight hug. Dean's hugs were so warm and they filled everybody's sadness with love. Dean was a good hugger.

Cas couldn't have it any other way. And neither could Dean.

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