Hellfire On The Other Side

De TigerDreamer101

3.7K 63 16

Clara Frollo, daughter of Judge Claude Frollo. Only four more months until her 18th birthday, she is preparin... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56

Chapter 37

27 1 0
De TigerDreamer101

"You sure you have everything?" Clara asked Adrianna. She had already checked to make sure Claytin had everything at least ten times. "Yes, and if I leave something, can't Shane just come by and get it?" Adrianna asked. Clara sighed, "Go check one more time," she said. Shane appears next to Clara, wearing his mask. "Good, your here. Adrianna is just making sure she has everything, then they should be good to go," Clara said, "Claytin is saying bye to his dad so he'll be back any minute. "Alright. I'll stay hidden until they're ready," says Shane, phasing into the wall. "I need to talk to you still! Also, we at my house, trust me my father isn't around. You're safe," Clara said. "Now, question, the spell thingy, you said it would go away after the deal is finished right?" "Yeah, that's how it works," Shane answers, still in the wall. "Okay, do me a favor? Promise you won't be stupid after I tell you this because I swear I can't take any more of you doing stupid things." "I swear in my life, which I value very much," says Shane. "Technically the deal was I'd help them with the takeover, they don't hurt Charlene and Tina.  Tomorrow, we take over. Once that's done, the deal is done making the spell go away. SO if you keep the promise, if it comes down to it, you aren't dying with me." Clara explained. "Yeah, alright," says Shane. "So that's pretty much everything dealt with by then." "Yeah except the fact that I still have to stop the villain kids and my father. So I don't know how long this takeover will be. I'll still have to lead the Villian Kids of France and I will still have to act like a villain for some time..." Clara explained. "Alright," says Shane. "And Maleficent's staff? Are you still going through with that?" "Markus already has it ready," Clara said. "Dang. But it's going back once the takeover is complete, right?" "That is a good question, still figuring it out. I don't have much of a plan on how I am stopping this at the moment," Clara shrugs. "Dang! Alright, I'll just stay in New Orleans. Once everything's settled down, call me," says Shane, panicked. "You know I will. So how are you and Char liking the life of being married?" Clara asked. Shane phases his head out of the wall and raises an eyebrow. "Are you sure you wanna know?" he asks. "Maybe, I don't know. Have you two had your first fight? Or is it so cheesy I might puke?" "Never the former, sometimes the latter, and given that last phone call, I might have to add a third category," says Shane. "You lost me," Clara said rolling her eyes. Shane shakes his head. "Nevermind, everything's great." He phases his head back into the wall. "Good, and how is she and Tina? Did you tell them they won't be targets soon? Technically after tomorrow, they won't be so that should be exciting." "Yeah, yeah, I told them everything," says Shane. "You okay? You seem to be in a mood," Clara asks tilting her head some. "Just thought that this would be a quick 'grab 'em and go' situation, is all," Shane says. "Sorry, but like I said, you're safe here. My father isn't even on this side of Paris, or any of his guards." "Shane!" Adrianna ran down the stairs and hugged Shane. Clara gave a small chuckle. "Hey, Adri! Where's Claytin?" says Shane. "Papa called, said he is almost here," Adrianna said. Shane phases out of the wall and sits on the couch. "Alright," he says. "Hey, Adri, look at what I have." Shane takes a beignet from a bag in his pocket. "Want it?" Adrianna nodded and took it. A few minutes later, Claytin came in. "Sorry that took so long. My dad wouldn't stop asking questions. Everything good to go?" "Should be, I want to stay and see you off but I got things to do..." Clara said. Adrianna went up and hugged Clara. Claytin kissed her and whispered something in her ear in french. Clara went over to Shane. "You take care of them!" Shane tips his cap. "Will do!" He summons a portal and whispers in Claytin's ear, "So where to?" Claytin whispered an address to him. Clara gave one last hug to Adrianna before leaving. Shane nods his head. "All aboard the S.S. Facilier!" he calls. Adrianna grabbed her stuff, same with Claytin and they went through the portal.

The trio exits the portal in front of Tiana's Place. "If you want some more beignets, you know where to find them," says Shane, pointing at the restaurant. Claytin went over to Adrianna and hugged her tightly. "I have to go, but you be good! You listen to Shane and Charlene!" Adrianna started to cry some. "When will I see you and mama again?" "I don't know baby girl. But even if I am not here physically, both your mama are here," Claytin said poking Adrianna's chest where her heart is. "I don't want you to go!" "I know, but I have to. I love you so much!" "I love you too papa!" Shane hugs Adrianna, then walks through the portal to the address that Claytin gave him.

They were at the old location of the Court, under Paris. "The old entrance is blocked so Claude won't be able to get in or realize anyone is here. I am going to bring people who need a safe place to hide and live down here. The Court should be safe, Clara wouldn't give up the location," Claytin explained. Shane nods. "Alright," he says. "Stay safe." "And you keep my daughter safe!" "I'd rather die than let anyone lay a finger on her," says Shane. Claytin nodded. "Well, I'll see you in who knows how long..." Shane sighs. "Yeah. See you when I see you," he says, going back through the portal.

(The Next Day)

"Oh shut up will you?" Clara took a sip of her beer, "If we are going to do this, let's do it already." The others looked at each other and nodded. Markus went over and picked up his mother's staff. "Let's do this!" "Garrett, where are the people you recruited?" Clara asked. "Waiting." "Great okay, are we forgetting anything? Because I am not redoing this because of forgetting something." "We checked," Anna said. "Nothing is forgotten," Dawn added. "Markus..." "Already on it," Markus said going to check again. "Good." After a few minutes, he came back and nodded. It was time to do this, it was time to take over France.

Clara, Markus, Garrett, Anna, and Dawn stood on the balcony of Clara's old church. Her father was behind them watching. "Feels like old times huh?" Garrett laughed. "Shut up Garrett!" Clara growled. She looked over to Markus, "Ready?" "Ready!" "Go!" Markus took the staff and banged it on the ground. Dark gray clouds formed in the sky, covering all of France with dark green tints. The black thorned vines went around the border of France. They were watching threw a magic mirror thing. They could hear screaming and crying. The other villain kids and others who joined jumped out and grabbed people. Clara saw Henry, wearing his eye patch, she felt a small feeling of satisfaction knowing behind it, it was an empty eye socket. There were a few others she recognized, Ginny, daughter of Mother Gothel, Jocelyn daughter of Jafar, Umar, son of Ursula, and Sheng, son of Shan Yu. She knew most of the others as well. Markus looked at Clara and nodded. He muttered something pointing at Clara's throat. "PEOPLE OF FRANCE! I AM CLARA FROLLO! IF YOU WISH TO LIVE, YOU WILL NOT FIGHT! FRANCE IS OURS! DO NOT TRY TO RUN! THIS IS YOUR HOME! ANYONE COUNTED AS A TRAITOR WILL BE PUT TO DEATH!" Clara's voice boomed across France. Clara looked down at her hand to see the mark of the spell Shane put was gone. It took less than five minutes, France was theirs.

(6 Months Later)

Clara leaned against the railing of the balcony of her room. France's sky was still covered in the dark gray and green clouds. France wasn't pretty, it was a hellhole. No one outside of France, besides Shane and whoever he told, know about the takeover. So when the planes came in, none ever left. Queen Belle, King Adam, Queen Cinderella, King Charming, Queen Aurora, and King Phillip were all captured and in prison. With Esmeralda, Quasimodo, and Phoebus being with the Court, Clara was able to protect them by pretending to still not know the whereabouts of the Court. Not a single gypsy from the Court had been caught, she was protecting them as their princess, as much as she could. She was currently fidgetting with her empty ring finger. She had to hide her rings to keep from everyone she was married. "Clara!" A familiar voice cut through her thoughts. She gave a small flinch and turned around and went over, and opened the doors, going back to her room. "I'm here," she said meeting her father's eyes. "Where were you last night?" Frollo asked. "With the others. We had things to do," Clara responded. "You didn't make it by your curfew." "I never do..." Frollo slapped her. She fell to the ground near her mirror. She pushed herself up and looked at the mirror. Her cheek was a deep red from the slap. She had a black eye on her left eye from a few days ago, as punishment for arguing with her father. "You are lucky I don't ground you! Now, I need to talk to you about promising yourself to the church, it's been six months and you still haven't." "I've been too busy, I am leading this country if you hadn't noticed. You may rule Paris, but I am responsible for every villain kid in France," Clara huffed. He slapped her again. "You have a month, after that, you are going to the church!" Frollo left her room, slamming the door behind him. Clara felt a pit in her stomach. At the end of the month... She had to end this by then but she had no idea what she was going to do. She couldn't promise herself to the church. "He just had to choose the end of the month, I can't do the end of the month..." Clara thought. "CLARA! COME ON! YOUR LATE!" she heard Markus yell from outside. She went out onto her balcony and looked down. He had the other three with him. "I'm coming, give me a minute!" she called back. She went back inside, grabbed her leather jacket. She went and jumped off her railing landing next to them. "Show off!" Garrett said. "Oh, don't worry about it, I am in heels," Clara said smiling. She took her dagger out and walked off them following close behind.

"Claytin! Will you stop and calm down?!" Clopin chased after his Claytin. "I asked you to leave me alone dad! You have a Court to protect." Claytin said, entering his hidden home. "You are the prince of the Court of Miracles Claytin! It is your job to protect them as well!" Clopin said following him. "I am trying to protect everyone here dad!" Claytin said annoyed. Claytin had become the leader of the needy. He'd find the weak and bring them here for protection. But even with all the room they had, they were losing room. There were too many people in France. There were up to three people sharing a cot while others slept on the floor still. Food was hard to get for everyone not to mention protecting them. It had been six months here. He had to wear a lot of black when he left so he wouldn't be recognized and so he could blend in with the shadows. He watched Clara a lot but she still didn't know he was here. He would watch her when she was out and he'd watch the mansion for any sign of her. He was basically a stalker but he was stalking his wife so if her life was at risk, he'd be able to try and save her. Or at least contact Shane if she didn't make it, god forbid. "Claytin! You haven't been yourself son! You have been acting moodier than usual!" Clopin said. "France has gone to the villains and no one from outside can help us! Most of our heroes are locked up! The only heroes from France not locked up are part of the Court and they can't do anything because they are in hiding! They'd be captured in no time with all these villain kids walking around!" Claytin said annoyed, "Not to mention my wife is leading this against her will so she can stop this takeover! I have seen her from a distance but haven't been able to talk to her! I haven't talked to my wife or even seen my daughter in six months! Adrianna's eleventh birthday is at the end of the month! From what I observed with Clara, the likeliness this will be over by then is slim! I can tell she is trying but I think we all know, including her, we won't be there for our daughter's birthday. She will have a birthday without her parents! She will not have parents on her birthday again! She already had to deal with Iven for ten years! We wanted her eleventh, her first birthday away from him, to be special! So, forgive me, dad, if I am being moody!" Claytin said raising his voice until he was yelling. Clopin sighed, "You're right, I apologize. But have faith in Clara, if you lose your hope, all the Court will too. And it is taking a lot for me and Roma to keep them convinced she isn't a villain and that she still is on our side." "If she wasn't on our side she would have given up the location of the Court!" "I know Claytin! Don't throw your frustration at me! I am on your side!" "Right... sorry dad. I am just stressed and miss my family..." "I know, but this can't go on forever. Clara will stop this and Adrianna will return." Clopin patted Claytin's shoulder and left. Claytin sighed and went into the crowd of people to help the injured. He had a lot to do, and a lot to plan.

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