The Consort Of House Marasarah

By sheldrian26

15.7K 1.4K 93

Isalinah never wanted to be someone important. She never wanted to spotlight or the weight of responsibility... More



583 54 2
By sheldrian26

Issy released the big laboured breath and string of curse so foul a pirate would blush pink. Tonight had been a whirlwind of emotions. She let her mind mull over the events of the night as she lazily walked to her private chambers. Nothing had gone according to plan, but, Issy concluded in a defeatist tone, then again how does one confront a fricking Doeshar. In retrospect, Issy knew she could have been for more insistent with her questions about his intentions but she had been completely distracted by the sexy beast that is Massillon Marasar. The way he looked at her as though she was the most desirable female on earth made her feel amazing all those months ago. Now that she knew exactly who he was, and still saw that same look in his eyes, that unfiltered lust and passion were enough to wipe all evidence of basic common sense from her mind.

Issy said a small prayer of thanks when she realised she had made it to her room without running into any family members. They had to be giving her space because the big house had nothing to do with it. Her brother and parents were experts at being in her business. They generally seemed to have no concept of space where she was concerned. Issy was genuinely shocked at the level of self-control everyone was exhibiting, considering this much distance she was getting, especially from her mother.

Once inside her chambers, Issy made a beeline to her bed, discarding items of clothing as she went along. First kicking off her shoes and lastly pulling off her bra at the foot of her bed and throwing it over her shoulder and flopping down into the welcoming familiar mattress. There she feel oddly safe and much lighter. The Doeshar was going to be a problem she finally admitted to herself. Massillon is trou...


Her phone went off as text messages came through. It was probably May wanting to gossip about some drama that happened at some fete she attended. Issy couldn't really to be bothered to look as she had enough of her own drama to deal with. Then she remembered all the stares from the lobby when Massillon walked her to the car, she was most likely the talk of the town. There was nothing more the upper class loved than a juicy piece of gossip, Issy though as she cringed.


May was not giving up, Issy concluded as she relented and forced herself out of bed to find her phone and get her cousin off her back. Except, when she looked at the messages, they weren't from May but from an unknown number who wanted her to sleep well. They had to be from Massillon  but how did he get her private number Issy wondered. Then she remembered just who or what she was dealing with: a Doeshar. He was very powerful and no doubt an expert at getting his way.

Issy texted back asking the identity of the number and was  not surprised when her suspicions were confirmed with a bashful, shirtless selfie of the Doeshar, reclined in his bed, was sent back. It was the same room he had bedded her in, however the sheets had been changed as these were now a deep green that brought out the colour of Massillon's eyes. The photo itself was a masterpiece as far as Issy was concerned. The male was practically dripping sex appeal and confidence. His golden skin of his chest practically shone through the screen. The only thing he wore were a pair of silk pajama bottoms that hung low on his hips showing of that delicious V- line that Issy fantasized about tracing with her tongue.  Issy dragged her eyes back to focus in on his face. He had a smile like the cat that had gotten into the cream and who could blame him. Issy had let him get the cream; twice. His hair was a mess and soft curls were starting to form. All in all the male was fucking gorgeous and any female would be selling a chunk of her liver to be his object of desire. However, Issy was a ball of nerve because under all that male sexiness that was a Doeshar.

Issy sent back a quick "You too" before throwing the phone on the other side of the bed like it was a dangerous weapon. She needed to sleep but found herself tossing and turning replaying the events of the night over in her head. By four in the afternoon Issy had completely given up on the sleep as a whole and had gotten up to roam the palace in search of an early meal.
After a long hot shower and a body check for lover's marks about her neck and chest, Issy settled on a tight fitted white top and and loose flowing afro print skirt. It was made of hand painted fabric and was absolutely beautiful and expensive. Father would be proud, Issy though with a smile as she left her room to roam the dark palace. The sun had yet to set and so all the shutters were closed and the blinds drawn.

In the main kitchen Issy found a full compliment of staff. An attendant who was prepping some big granny smith apples noticed her and left his pose to come to her and offer assistance. It was actually one of her father's hand selected staffers, a pastry cafe who specialized in pies; Jarreth.

"Good evening Jarreth, the kitchen is packed today!" Issy exclaimed, "what's going on?"

Jarreth bowed his head to the shoulders acknowledging her station before he spoke, "Good evening The Lady Isalinah, why of course we are working at full capacity. The Consort have given us quite a menu to prepare for the banquet to be held here at the palace in a few days time. I do not wish to complain but it is no small thing to feed five hundred guests on such short notice. I hope the Lady will understand."

"Banquet.. we are having a banquet?" Issy questioned, "there is no way we are having a banquet in a few days, Jarreth."

Now Jarreth looked at Issy equally perplexed, " The Lady must be confused as the Consort has so commanded there to be a great feast in your honour and all nobles of our House are to attend."

"She did what!!!" Issy exclaimed much to the horror of Jarreth. Issy and A'Shanna's verbal brawls were legendary in the palace and Jarreth stood in shock as he realised that the one to come would have started because of his big mouth.

Issy dashed out of the main kitchen with purpose in her step. Mothers in general could be overbearing at best and interfering at worst, but her mommy dearest was in a catagory all on her own. How dare she seek to announce Issy's connection to the Doeshar to their entire House without first even consulting Issy. The female was unbelievable.

By the time she reached her mother's private chambers Issy was mad and inching for a fight. Unfortunately her mother's chambers were empty when she busted in, only to find two attendants cleaning up. 

"Good Evening, I wish to know the location of the Consort if it is known to you?" Issy said aloud as she forced a pleasant demeanor to her face. She didn't want to have her mother alerted that she was on the war path before she could get her fingers within ringing-neck proximity. 

"The Consort spent the last evening in the private chambers of the Doeshar and has not returned since then," one of the females answered helpfully.  

Issy yet another smile in thanks for the reply before making a swift exit. 

That sneaky witch always chose the best sanctuary when she was scheming, Issy thought.  A'Shanna knew access to the Doeshar's place of rest was closed to everyone but herself as mate. Issy would have to go knocking and beg entry. Fucking hell she swore, realising her mother had won this round. 

Instead Issy decided to retreat for now and plan her next move where her mother was concerned. She was making her way back to her own chambers, deep in thought when she walked into a large male. Issy was about to formally apologise to the attendant who was no doubt fearing for his job security when she looked up to see the one person she had been avoiding quite insistently since Massillon's first visit to the palace; her brother Arion.

"Arion!" Issy exclaimed, her voice far more high pitched than was appropriate given the circumstances. She cringed inwardly as she had never been able to hide anything from her big brother. Once Arion was felt something was off about a person or situation he would dig until he got to the roots. He could be relentless. 

"Hello little Issy," Arion replied. 

Shit Issy thought, Arion only called her that when he was up to something that he wanted to pull her into. 

"Heyyyyyy..." Issy replied awkwardly. She cringed some more when she saw the strange looks her brother was giving her at her behaviour. Real smooth Issy, she thought. If the family blood hound wasn't on the case before he would definitely be snooping for now on. It was the thing that made him so good at his position as their House's heir.

"I have to go into the city on some business. Would you care to join me?" asked Arion. Issy knew that their close bond as siblings had been suffering because of her avoidance tactics. It was obvious that Arion had notice the withdrawal and had was trying to reach out. As the heir to their House, Arion was everyone's friend but lonely all the same. She once thought her conception was more that a happy accident, but to give Arion a true friend as their were far closer than most siblings with such a wide age gap. The big goof ball was a natural at the game of politics and business but a complete novice with personal relationships. Arion hated any awkwardness or conflict, and generally was the person who strove to maintain peace between Issy and their mother. Their father generally ignored the pair whenever they got into it no matter how A'Shanna would try to pull him in. He would only go so far as to comment that this was A'Shanna's karma biting her in the ass.

"Oh Arion I cannn..." Issy trialed off as she watched the boyish humor drain from his features, " can move some things around, no problems, I'm all yours tonight." She couldn't bear to disappoint her sibling and sent up small, insistent prays as she made her way to her chambers to change, that she didn't let the cat out if the proverbial bag on this little adventure.

"Why are we here again?" Issy asked aloud as she took again bite of the juicy, greasy goodness that was her stuffed blue cheese burger from Murella's. The shop was completely empty save the two of them despite the fact that it was just after twelve which was the vampire equivalent of lunch time. It was empty because Arion had asked that it be empty. Even the kitchen staff had made their food and then left as well.

"I wanted a good burger for midnight meal and Murella's makes the best ones. This place has been your favourite since you were a young," Arion answered as though it was the most obvious this in the world.

"But why is the place empty Arion," Issy bit back with a little more aggressively than socially acceptable at a dinner table. She found herself looking around to see if her out burst had been overheard despite the room being completely empty. Some habits became something close to instinct when drilled in by a Mother Hen like A'Shanna.

"Oh that," Arion replied was a noticeable mirth to his voice as he folded the paper napkin to wipe the clean corners of his mouth, "that to make certain the conversation we have right after remains between us and only us." 

The rest of the burger was saw dust in Issy's mouth as her mind wondered at the coming conversation. Her brother had trapped her here with his oh so innocent "business trip" to the city. Issy wondered quite disheartened if even a single person in her life wasn't a manipulative fucker as a slow familiar anger was lit deep in her gut. She was sick and tired of all of the underhanded bullshit everyone was playing at. She felt like a doll as the end of a string, being pulled and pushed for everyone else's purpose.

"So... what is this conversation we needed to clear our an entire business for?" 

Issy could hear the tightness of her voice as her emotions betrayed her as they always seemed to when it counted.

Arion paused to finish chewing the last of his meal before his eyes finally leaving his plate and Issy found herself fighting the urge to shrink away from the stare that met hers. Her goof ball brother was gone and in his place was the Doesharee of House Odimah. This side of her brother was stone faced and hard eyed, not a single emotion could be found there.

"Isalinah, tell me something dear sister," Arion began, "did you enjoy your meal with the Doeshar last night?"

In any other situation the question would have been simple enough but Issy knew from experience that he already knew the answer to it. Issy pulled her hands off the desk and into her lap. she didn't want him to see them sweat and thimble as fear of exposure racked her brain. How much did Arion know. Fuccccckkkkkk!

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