
By dovato

269K 9.2K 652

Demi Lovato- empowering, inspiring, and brave. When she was eighteen? Opposite. After a nights full of partyi... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
65... The End
Sequel News

Chapter 28

3.9K 126 9
By dovato

Marissa's POV

What have I got myself in the middle of? I've got Demi on the phone complaining that Annie won't talk to her and she misses her and then I have Annie beside me saying she doesn't want to talk.

Annie misses Demi more than anything, and Demi misses Annie more than I could explain. Demi does need some time apart to readjust herself and focus on what her priorities are. If she's away from Annie, she'll realize how fucking dumb drinking is.

As of now, I'm in my room while Wilmer is talking to Annie about who knows what downstairs. A part of me knows I probably should be supervising because who knows what could happen. Annie loves Wilmer one day, and hates him the next.

My phone vibrated beside me and I picked it up to see Demi calling- again- we've landed four hours ago and she's called at least twenty times.


"Do you think she misses me?" She croaked.

I rolled my eyes and threw myself down on my pillow, "Demi. Are you seriously asking me this? Again?"

"She won't answer or text me back-"

"Her phone is shut off and she's been talking to Wilmer downstairs for two hours!"

"Two hours?" She said, taken back, "Have you checked on them?"


"Have you heard screaming?"


"Id go look.."

I huffed and got out of bed while Demi rambled on about Annie and tour or something.

"Are you listening?" Demi's voice rang through.

"Yes, Dems."

I jogged down the stairs and turned the corner to see Annie sitting on the counter with her knees drawn to her chest, staring blankly at the floor.

"Demi, no one is dead. I'll call you later, bye," I spoke fastly and hung up.

Annie looked up momentarily to watch me walk in, then turned her attention back to the floor.

"Annie, what happened?"

"He's.. On my side," she huffed.

Isn't that what she wants?

"And that's a bad thing?" I curiously asked.

"Well... Kinda," she huffed, "He's just saying that so he can get closer to Demi."

I think he's as close to Demi as he can get, but that's just my opinion.

"You're passive aggressive." I said, "I'm positive you and I both know Wilmer is trying so hard for you to just like him. He really... He loves you, Annie. I know it's hard to accept that and to really believe he isn't evil, but maybe you should try. Think about it."

I started backing away slowly and I knew the realization was coming to Annie quickly and it was only a matter of time until she stops being stubborn and embrace it.

Three days later

Annie's POV

I stood in front of the mirror and curled my last piece of hair. Marissa and I are going to my school orientation in about a half hour. Dreading it.

Next to the curling iron rests my phone that I just turned on for the first time sense we left the tour. I haven't spoke but the minimum of eight words to Demi. The only time I talked to her is when Marissa forced the phone up against my ear. I know it's the wrong thing to do, but Im still mad at her. I don't know why, but I am. If she can deal without seeing me for a week, she can deal without speaking.

But I can only go so far.

I picked up my phone as text messages and missed calls came beeping in from Demi. Im going to call her. I miss her way to much. When I hear her voice, it's only going to kill me even more.

I just.. I just need Demi for this stupid orientation. We listen to the principal talk, make my schedule, go around to the classrooms and meet the teachers. Demi should be here, but she isn't.

I slowly clicked on Demis contact and it only rang twice before her voice flooded through the speakers, "Annie?! Baby?"

"Yeah.." I uncomfortably shifted, turning away from the mirror and leaning against the counter.

"I miss you so, so, so much," she breathed.

"I know," I said, "I miss you too,"

She let out a sigh of relief, "Are you getting ready for your orientation?"

Of fucking course im about to cry. It seems like I've been crying a lot lately. Missing her and her missing this is just taking a toll, but I'm trying my best to keep the tears in.

"Yeah," I mumbled, "Y-you should be here."

"I know," I could hear the guilt in Demi's voice and i kind of feel bad. If she could be here, she would be, "And I'm so, so, sorry, baby girl. I'm making Marissa document every moment! I'll feel like I'm right there with you!"

"But I won't feel that way," I spoke, "I'm not.. I'm not mad. It's just going to suck because you're my mom and.. It's just a thing parents and kids to with each other," I said.

I could basically hear her heart thump trough the phone. I know I'm making her feel guilty and I hated myself for it because shes only trying to straighten herself up for me.

"You don't understand how horrible I feel," Demi said, "Just think! I'll be there on your first day. I'll take so many pictures, I'll take you to school and pick you up and do it all over again everyday. I'll make this up to you."

I nodded, even though she couldn't see me. I should be more understanding, but I cant bring myself to be. Either way, she wouldn't be here. Either I would be on tour with her today, or it would be like how it is now.

"Annie, are you ready?" Marissa yelled down the hall.

"I have to go," I mumbled into the phone.

"I'm so sorry, baby girl. Go have fun and tell your teachers I'll come meet them soon. I love and miss you more than I could ever put into words."

"I love and miss you too," and then I hung up.


Me, Marissa, Maddie, and Dianna sat together in a row where the principal was speaking. I wasnt paying attention, my mind was elsewhere.

I watched as a girl my age nudged her mom at something the principal had said and her mom smiled back at her.

Then there was a mother who was slowly nodding, absorbing all the information while making small glances at her daughter, who was paying just as much attention, which made a smile tug at her lips.

There was a daughter who brought up snapchat and took a picture of her and her mother pretending to be bored.

Between the girl that nudged her mother, the girl paying attention, and the girl taking snapchat pictures, I felt all to overwhelmed. I could be one of them. I should be.

I can't be the only one.

I looked around some more and spotted a boy with his mother. He had his phone out and she kept quietly telling him to put it away but he glared at her and continued doing whatever. Unappreciative.

I kept scanning until I found a girl with her father only. He had one arm around her and smiled as if he couldn't be more proud of one human being.

Even though Demi isn't here, I should be thankful that I have her. A mom that unconditionally loves me. I couldn't be more thankful for her.

"Hey," I heard someone whisper to me as they took the empty seat next to me.

I looked over and surprisingly saw Wilmer, "Wilmer?"

"Im sorry I'm late," he whispered, "I got held up in traffic."

"Why.. Why are you here?"

"Why wouldn't I be here?" he smiled, then looked up at the principal and started taking in all of the useless information.

Wilmer came as a parent fill in. He knew Marissa would be here, but he came anyway. Maybe.. Maybe what Marissa said in the kitchen the other day was true. Wilmer really is trying. Maybe he really does.. Care about me.

About fifteen minutes later, the principal said, "Alright, make your way to the East and West sides of the gym to pick out your schedule,"

We then all stood up and began exiting the room.

"So, after what he said, do you know what classes you wanna take?" Marissa asked.

"What?" I asked.

She laughed and rolled her eyes, "Good thing I was listening. I know which classes you'll want to take."

Whatevs. I watched as Madison saw her favorite teacher and dragged Dianna a different direction, leaving me, Marissa, and Wilmer in line behind the snapchat girl.

I impatiently bounced on one foot. I kinda wish I would have paid attention to what the classes were about and stuff. Hopefully Marissa knows me as well as I think she does.

"Hi sweetie, what's your name?" A woman asked.

We all three stepped forward and I said, "Annie Lovato,"

The woman started flipping through papers and asked, "Is this your mother and father?"

I felt my cheeks redden as the awkwardness filled the room. Not as awkward as Marissa being my mom, but on the Wilmer part..

"No," Marissa slightly laughed, "I'm her aunt and this is.. This is her stepfather."

Marissa. Fuck. Awkward.

"Oh... Okay, well it says here her mother will be paying the computer rentals. Is that correct?"

"Yes," Marissa said, "She just couldn't make it tonight."

"Oh, okay. That's unfortunate."

No shit.

The woman started talking to Marissa about classes and then they started making my schedule. Wilmer started taking pictures to send Demi to pass time.

Eventually the schedule was made and we began walking around the hallways to all my classes.

"Oh, hey, your locker number and combination is on this sheet!" Marissa said.

"Where is it?" I asked.

"Upstairs," she said, turning into the staircase.

We started following Marissa until she stopped at a locker and handed me the paper. I looked over the numbers, then put them in the combination, and opened it up.

There was a piece of paper folded and taped onto the locker. What is it? Is it for me or is it from the person that had it last?

"What is this?" I asked.

"Open it!" Wilmer smiled.

I took the piece of paper out of the locker and opened it up.


I'm so so sorry I couldn't make it today. I just wanted to remind you of how much I love you and how proud i am of you. I know you hate school, but please behave. Haha, I'll see you soon.

To the moon and back.



I smiled at the note in my hands, the pain of missing Demi hitting me really hard. Keep it together, Annie.

I sadly folded the piece of paper back up and taped it back. I'll leave it there and when I come to school on a bad day I can read it or something.

"How did she do that?" I asked.

"She called the office and they arranged it." Marissa said.

"Okay," I sighed, "Let's go see more classrooms."

Wilmer closed my locker shut and said, "After you, my lady"

I awkwardly smiled and started walking down the hallway to my next class room. I heard Marissas phone start to rapidly beep and then she groaned, "Fuck. Guys. My work is calling and they need me in right now. I have to work late."

I stopped and turned around in disbelief, "Arnt you on vacation?!"

"Yeah, but they say it's an emergency.. Uh.. I-" Marissa was going one thousand miles an hour mumbling and typing. What is she going to do?

"I can watch her," Wilmer spoke up, "We can swing by your house after leave and get her clothes. She can stay the night!"

"Are you sure?" she asked.

I gulped.

"Yeah, it's no problem," Wilmer said.

"Alright," Marissa said, walking over to us, "You know where the key is. Be good, okay? I love you,"

"Love you too," I said as she kissed me on the forehead, then disappeared down the hallway.

"Next class room!" Wilmer said, then began ushering me down the hall.

I wonder if I'll make friends. I don't know if Madison, Kyler, Abby, Jayde, and Kate will have classes with me or not. We all find interest in different things, so usually we just meet up at lunch.

I wonder if Conner will show up. He never did call me. I did my part and came to the hospital and now it's his turn to do his part and contact me. Obviously he didn't like me as much as he said.

"Mrs. Burns?" Wilmer read the name outside the classroom, "Whatta name,"

I giggled and opened the door to my
Social Studies room. It was covered in pictures of presidents and politics. Gross.

"Hello!" the woman smiled, "I'm Mrs. Burns, but you can call me Mrs. B. What's your name?"

"I'm Annie," I smiled, shaking her hand.

"And, you must be her father," she said gesturing towards Wilmer.

Oh for fucks sake.

"Yeah, something like that. I'm Wilmer, it's nice to meet you."


Wilmer's POV

Annie had taken over my Netflix a few hours ago and started with season 1 of Pretty Litte Liars, even though she's seen every episode.

Annie has been dozing off for the past hour, but I'm completely engrossed in this show. Not that I would admit it to Annie or Demi.

Spending the day with Annie really made me happy. I think she's starting to actually like me and I can't put into words how amazing that feels.

I felt Annie's head go limp on my shoulder and I smiled at the sight. She really does warm my heart.

After I almost finished with season 1, I slowly stood up and laid Annie down on the couch and pulled the cover over her. I would've had a bed all set up for her, but I wouldn't want to move her up there and risk waking her.

The only thing that would make this day better is if Demi was here.

Im really hoping one day that we can all three have a family because there's no one I love more than those two girls.

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