Timeless Magic(Tomione Fanfic...

By KcSabenacioBadilla99

109K 3.3K 547

This fanfiction is under revison. Book 1: Timeless Magic Before Voldemort killed Harry, Hermione came but so... More

A words from the Author
Chapter 1: A Cry of an infant
Chapter 2: The Child
Chapter 3: Hogwarts
Chapter 4: The snake and the lion
Chapter 5: Knowledge
Chapter 6: Power
Chapter 7: A peace offering
chapter 8: Butter
Chapter 9: The start
Chapter 10: Immortality
Chapter 11: Myrtel
Chapter 12: Flight with Hippogriff
Chapter 13: A snake poison
Chapter 14: Moonlight
Chapter 15: Pain
Chapter 16: Tom Riddle
Chapter 17: Unknown
Chapter 18: Source
Chapter 19: Space between time
Chapter 20: Under the snow
Chapter 21: Muggle World
Chapter 22: The Chamber of Secret
Chapter 23: Falling down
Chapter 24: The first victim
Chapter 25: A dinner with Perquiry
Chapter 26: Investigation Start
Chapter 27: Dinner with Malfoy
Chapter 28: Petrified little girl
Chapter 29: Rubues son Hagrid
Chapter 30: The killer
Chapter 31: Dumbledore Request
Chapter 32: Drift into unknown
Chapter 33: Collisions
Chapter 34: Snake
Chaptet 35: His Plan and Hers
Chapter 36: Return of lost
Ending: Crime and Time
Tom Riddle

Chapter 37: Gaunt shack

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By KcSabenacioBadilla99

Tom just arrived outside the village of his mother's birthplace, the Gaunt Shack after killing his father. The Gaunt shack was an ancestral home of the Gaunt family, located in the woods just outside the village of Little Hangleton.

The shack was small, dilapidated, and thick with filth, but was somewhat kept in check by Merope. The shack was poverty-stricken and shabby, due to the families' lack of money. Morfin had nailed a dead snake to the front door of the shack.

After Merope stopped taking care of the place due to her marriage and subsequent death, the house plunged even deeper into deterioration and declension. The insides became littered with a mass of filth, rusty pots, and moldy food that Morfin did not bother to clear out.

It was the home of Toms's family from the mother's side. Marvolo, Merope, and Morfin, the last remaining descendants of Salazar Slytherin or so what he had thought.

It is unknown if the shack was passed down from descendant to descendant, as the family gold was squandered several generations ago, thus it is possible that the family moved into the shack when their funds ran dry before Marvolo was born.

From the original timeline when Harry visited the memories of Tom Riddle Snr, the Gaunt Shack and its inhabitants were once visited by the Ministry of Magic official Bob Ogden, who came to question Morfin about his habit of using magic in front of villagers.

Six months after Marvolo served his sentence, he returned to the shack in arrogant expectations that his daughter would be dutifully waiting for his return with a hot meal at the table. Instead, he found a clear inch of dust and her note of farewell. In another two and a half years later, Morfin returned and found his father dead and the family signet ring as the last heirloom for him to inherit.

Tom gets inside the shack only to see Morfin in front of the fireplace. To the original timeline Tom came into the house to learn his heritage but this time Tom already knows everything about his heritage. He also knows the man who was seated in front of the fireplace.

"Who goes there", said the Morfin when he notices someone get inside.

"Your demise", Tom said at him.

He doesn't have a plan to kill him anyway. His plan was to implant a fake memory on his head. He just killed his father and now he just needs someone to take the blame for the crime.

Morfin Gaunt.

"How long she has been sleeping?", ask Perquiry worriedly to her daughter. She received a letter yesterday from Dumbledore about Hermione's condition. Without any seconds Seraphina flies to Hogwarts only to see her daughter lay on the bed in the infirmary.

Lucky was the one who finds her unconscious and looks for Dumbledore. Dumbledore quickly carries her to the infirmary.

Headmaster Dippet was also with them observing Hermione's condition when they notice something odd with her. The heat of her body is not normal then there is a vein starting in her chest spread. The veins glow like a golden liquid running through Hermione's veins.

"Till yesterday ms. Perquiry", explains the headmaster. Two Aurors were beside her.

"She is no normal witch ms. Perquiry", said the Auror.

"The Prophecy from the ministry also started to show a white light with golden dust and the mark on her chest is the same as the mark on the prophecy. She is the witch from the prophecy", said the Aurors which made Headmaster Dippet and Dumbledore shock. Last week when Seraphina visit the Ministry of Magic, the council reveal a prophecy that appeared sixteen years ago, and the same day when she found Hermione, the mark of an hourglass in the prophecy is the same as the birthmark on her chest.

"The time and the witch become one

Erase the future to make new ones

Rewrite the time on her hands

The witch will decide the future of both worlds on its hands"

"What faith does the prophecy was talking about?", Dippet said.

"I believe it must be something Hermione always dream about every night", Perquiry said.

"I remember Hermione said that to me when she came for my help regarding the incident. The attack, she believed somehow that it already happened before but she doesn't know when", explain Dumbledore.

"Inform the ministry August", said Seraphina from one of the Aurors. The Aurors quickly disappear.

"She told me once that her dream somehow is like an episode. An episode of her life. Sometimes i think she doesn't come from this time but in the other time, the future", said Seraphina while she cares her daughter's hair.

The golden vain still on her body and the heat. Dumbledore set the infirmary into ice to keep her body in normal.

"Whatever that faith is, we must be prepared", Dumbledore said.

Seraphina prays on whatever prophecy that is, her daughter would be safe.

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