Let Your Heart Win - M/M

By jjwebb

323K 10.1K 585

Oliver is determined to make it to his best friends party on time and not let her down, but life is making it... More

The night begins
The drink starts to flow
It's all coming back
Flooding back
X-Rated and alone
What happens now?
Another side of the story
That's what you get when you...
Let your heart win
In the name of love
What now? - Epilogue

Friendships blossom

20.3K 685 22
By jjwebb

Chapter 3 - Oliver

 'Yo O-j!' What? Only my home friends call me that, knowing my middle name is James. Who on earth is it? I turned around and I see this guy next to Izzy. Did she tell him to call me that? I start to walk over but in my state, it's a little difficult to say the least. As I get nearer, another guy walks over and responds to him.

Oh. Silly me. Ah well. If he's scamming on my mate though, I think he may be worth checking up on. I walk over hug Izzy from behind. Guess I'm a bit handsy when I'm drunk. 'Yo. I'm Oliver, and you are?' I put my hand out to shake but he gives me a blank stare.

'Peter. Sorry mate' and he finally shakes my hand back. 'I didn't realise this was your girl. Nice to meet you, this is Jack.' He motions to 'O-j'.

It then dawns on me that he thinks we are a couple but I'm a little bit slow to correct him and the coversation moves on.

'Wait, don't I know you?' Peters mate Jack speaks up and I turn to look at him properly. I vaguely remember his face but the vodka is hindering my thought process. 'Yeh, I hit you with my bike earlier. Sorry but this idiot friend of mine called me and I turned my head away as you ran past.'

Oh yeh! He was on the bike. He looks a little different now with some proper clothes on instead of his cycling gear. He's quite handsome, maybe more so than me. I hope he doesn't steal all the girls away from me tonight. Not that I have much game at the moment with all the booze flowing through me.

After a very long pause I remember to respond 'No worries, I was in a rush to get ready for this ones party' I squeeze Izzy on the shoulder. 'Didn't do any damage did I?'

'Nah, although my ankle is a little tender. Nothing this bottle of whiskey couldn't fix.' We end up talking for ages, one drunk man to another. I notice that Izzy and this Peter fellow have left at some point but I don't care. This Jack guy seems ok and I just can't be bothered to go off flirting elsewhere.

I really need to pee but the cue to the tiolet is a mile long. I make my excuses to Jack and wait. He wonders off in search of someone, probably his friend.


Chapter 3 - Jack

Oliver seems like a nice guy. I may have to find him again later and warn him about my mate. I wouldn't put it past Peter to try it on with his girlfriend. As soon as I realised they were a couple, I decided it was best not to bring the charm. My bottle of whiskey will have seriously ruined any flirting attempts though so it's for the best.

I walk into a room and it seems like they are playing 'I have never'. Sounds like fun so I join them.

'I have never made out with someone I barely know' someone calls out and most of us seem to take a drink.

'I have never got a parking ticket.' We all start to boo the speaker, how boring did they want to be? Of course nobody drank to that. I think somebody needs to liven this game up.

'I have never made out with a member of the same sex' a few less of us take a drink this time. So what? A game of spin the bottle when I was 14 meant I would be drinking to this statement for the rest of my party days. I don't swing that way but I'm comfortable enough with myself to admit I'd made out with a guy. No big deal...

A short while later, my whiskey has gone and there isn't much spare booze lying around in this room so I decide to leave. Just as well, I'm feeling a bit dizzy. I head to the garden for some fresh air.

My head starts to spin and the garden begins to blur. I haven't drunk this much since my first year. It almost seemed effortless back then to down as much as you could in as quick a time as possible. I'm definately struggling more than I used to.

Whoa! I nearly fall down. I turn and spot the end of a bench poking out from the shadows of a tree. Great, just what I need. I back myself up into the shadows and sit to where I assume the bench to be.

I feels a bit lumpy, but not in a cushioned way. Feeling around me I realise that I may have just sat on someone... There's definately an arm here, and a hand... It responds to mine and we end up tangling our fingers together. I twist myself on their lap some more and they bring their other hand to my face, slightly recoiling as they touch.

I'm getting light headed and my face starts to drop towards theirs. I rest my forehead against them, noses just grazing one another. I can feel their breath against my lips and in that moment I just have to kiss them.

I have never felt so electrified in all my life by a kiss like this!

The next thing I know, I'm awake in my bed and the sun is shining.

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