Say Something ━━ Stiles Stili...

By Monrox

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and anywhere, I would've followed you. TEEN WOLF SEASON 3A. COMPLETED. © Monrox 2014, All Rights Reserved More

Important Author's Note
01. Straight and Fast
02. Feathers Flying
04. Open Wounds
05. Jealousy Rising
06. Shattered Glass
07. Fearful Nights
08. Covered in Red
09. A View to Kill
10. Heart to Heart
11. A Raven's Call
12. Down Memory Lane
13. Highway to Hell
14. American Gothic
15. Bates Motel
16. An Orphan's Pity
17. Closer walk with Thee
18. Deadly Tether
19. Breath of Life
20. Five Circles
21. Unblinking Death
22. Bad Blood
23. Absent without Leave
24. One Moment
25. Under the Water
26. Mother Knows Best
27. Women in Black
Sequel News
Sad News

03. Seven Wonders

17.4K 482 394
By Monrox

Chapter Three

        Seven Wonders 

        Everything stopped. Everything was silent. No more screaming, no more birds. Just pure silence. All of the students rose up, Stiles letting go out Lydia but he still had a tight grip around my lower back. The room was trashed, desks were uneven along with chairs flipped over. Papers scattered all over in a mess. Glass pieces along with feathers and dead birds all over the floor.

        My chest moved up and down as my breath continued to be uneven. God, why does the weird supernatural behavior have to interfere right into the mouth of school? Nothing happened over the summer so why now? 

        Mrs. Blake got up, trembling, "Everyone call your parents." She instructed, her voice shaky.

        Moments later the police showed up along with some parents, including Chris Argent and Sheriff Stilinski. Stiles was leaning against a desk with his blue Nokia phone with slight blood tickling down the side of his forehead. I was across from him, my arms crossed to keep them from shaking. I looked up and saw Stiles walking over to me.

        "You alright, Shay?" He asked

        I nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine."

        He nodded before his eyes traveled up towards my head when his eyes squinted. He reached up and grabbed something, a strand of my hair being misplaced. He retracted his hand and I saw a black feather that must have been tangled in my hair.

        I blushed, "Thanks."

        Stiles gave me a small smile as he hand dropped, it brushing over my elbow. I winced once a sharp pain spread through my lower arm. Stiles seemed to notice the small amount of pain. His hands reached up and pulled up my sleeve revealing a long, clean cut with blood seeping through. 

        "Shit, Shay." He mumbled under his breath.

        I rolled my eyes, pulling down my sleeve, "I'm fine Stiles."

        "Shay, that looks really ba-"

        "Stiles," I cut him off, "I'm fine. I'll call Deaton and he'll stitch me up."

        He sighed, "Might wanna get a band-aid too." His thumb going to the side of my forehead and rubbing it. When he pulled back, his thumb was covered in a light coat of red blood.

        I nodded, "Gotcha."

        And I did what I said I would do, I called Deaton but not just for some nursing on my wounds.

        "Ouch!" I winced as Deaton slid the needle of the skin, the string going through. Deaton had arrived at the school and picked me up, bringing me back to the clinic for some stitching. I haven't mention any of the things that happened to me last night but I planned on it, I just didn't know how to approach him with it.

        "There we go." He said as he cut the last bit of the string, placing a white bandage over my wound. Before he had place a tiny band aid on my other cut on my forehead. He stood up, putting away the needle, band aids and strings in the cabinet. 

        I sat silent, my hands cupped together on my lap, looking down at them. Why was I being so shy? Maybe it was because I was afraid he would tell the others. Deaton noticed my nervous posture and my fidgeted hands, "Everything alright Shailene?" He asked, using my full first name.

        I looked up and shook my head, gingerly, "No, not really."

      Deaton walked over and sat beside, examining the side of my face as I avoided looking at him, "What's wrong?"

        I finally turned my head at him, biting my lip, "Something happened to me last night."

        He said nothing so I just continued, " Well, I did something." I paused, "I don't know how but I just did it."

        "What did you do, Shailene?" 

        I gulped, "I was able to move things without touching them." I met his eyes, nervous about his reaction or what he would say. But to my surprise, all he did was sigh.

        Deaton closed his eyes for a second, trying to process something, "Shay, what day, month, and hour were you born in?"

        My eyebrows scrunched together, "What does that-"

        "Just tell me, please."

        I breathed in and out, "July 7th at 7 O'clock."

        "P.m or a.m?"

        "P.m, why?" I asked, wanting to know what Deaton was trying to get at here.

        Deaton stood up, slightly pacing, "Impossible." He mumbled.

        "What? What's impossible?" I asked, worried that I could grow three heads or spit out fire. I can deal with werewolves and hunters but if I end up becoming a freaking demonic Cerberus, I'm gonna end up going insane.

        Deaton stopped pacing, turning his head to me, "You were born in 1997, right?"


        He pinch the bridge of his nose, mumbling something unclear to me until he slowly walked over to me and sat down next to me, "7/7/7"

        "What?" Confusion clear on my face.

        "The seventh hour of the seventh today of the seventh month." He finished, catching his breath, "Because you were born July 7th at 7 p.m. you're...different."

        I raised an eyebrow, "Different how?"

        "They call it the Seven Wonders."

        "Seven Wonders?"

        "Yes, only people who were born on your birthday and have ancestors who were born on that date." Deaton sighed, before he shifted his body more towards mine, "The Seven Wonders are like seven powers that a person will eventually gain. But it could, possibly, be that the person may only gain one or two wonders."

        I nodded, "Alright, is there any way of stopping this?"

        He shook his head, sadly, "No."

        Sadness struck over me like a wave as a pang in my chest hit. I'll never be human again and I'll never be normal again.

        "But these...abilities, it's not always good."

        "What do you mean?" I asked.

        "The Seven Wonders are sometimes known as the Seven Deadly Sins." He continued, "The powers can be used as dark and sinister things. If the person has a pure heart than they will use it for good. But only a true pure heart will be able to do that."

        "Do I have pure heart?"

        He smiled, "The purest."

~ ~ ~

        After my talk with Deaton, I headed home where I continued to do more research on these "Seven Wonders". Before I left I made Deaton promise that he wouldn't tell anyone. When he questioned me, I just brushed it off and made him promise. Much to hs dismay he promised. The reason why I didn't want him to tell was because they wouldn't understand.

        Don't get me wrong, if I turned into a werewolf I would go to Derek or Scott. If I magically turned into a Banshee I would go to Lydia. If I turned into a lizard freak I would go call up Jackson. But none of them are going through what I am. They would never understand and the last thing I need them to do is look at me like some freak.

        I sat at my computer desk with my laptop in front of me. Google was on my homepage and in the search table was "Seven Wonders". But not even Google could help me since all the website links were about the Seven Wonders of the World and some board game. No matter what I searched I couldn't find the right answers.

        I ran a hand through my hair, out of frustration. A thought came into my mind which made me jump up and run. I ran into my parent's old room and immediantly go their closet. A brown box sat in the middle of the floor until I slid it out. I sat down on the floor, indian style, as I opened the box and went through it. Books, pictures, and letters were all stuffed into the box that my mom had collected through-out her life. For a moment, it made me sad to be in this room and to look through her box. But no wasn't the time to mourn over my parents.

        Finally after unpacking half of my mother's stuff, I found my grandmother's birth certificate. She died of a heart attack when I was seven. I looked at the place where it said "Date of Birth" and as sure as I was, it said 7/7/1907. So this whole Seven Wonders thing came from my mom's side. When I found my mother's certificate. But she was born on December 1st, not July 7th. So it skipped a generation.

        I was startled when my phone started buzzing in my back phone. I grabbed my phone, without looking at the collar ID, and answered it.


        "Hey, "Stiles voice spoke up with his usual quirkiness, "I'm coming to pick you up so we can head over to Derek's place."

        I scrunched up my eyebrows, "Why?"

        "I don't know, Scott just said he wanted both of us to get over there quickly. Apparently something happened to Isaac."

        My eyes widened, "Is he okay?"

        "I'm not sure but I do know is that I am in front of your house so..."

        I rolled my eyes, "Meet ya outside."

        not edited...sorry to lazy

        So finally I updated, I'm sorry but I have a lot of school and personal problems that I'm going through so I haven't had so much time. Hope you guys like this chapter and if you don't realize it yet but the Seven Wonders came from American Horror Story.

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