Once in a Blue Moon

By xXTashaEatsHeartsXx

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A typical teenage girl gets sucked into a mystical world full of danger, drama, and romance- threatening to r... More

Once in a Blue Moon- Chapter 4 (reform)
Chapter 5 (Reform)
Once in a Blue Moon-Chapter 6 (revised)
Once in a Blue Moon chapter 7 (revised)
Once in a Blue Mooon chapter 8 (revised)
Once in a Blue Moon Cahpter 9
Once in a Blue Moon chapter 10
Once in a Blue Moon chapter 11
Once in a Blue Moon chapters 12 and 13
Once in a Blue Moon- Cahpter 14
Once in a Blue Moon- chapters 15 and 16
I'm not sure what's going on
Once in a Blue Moon- chapter 17
Once in a Blue Moon- chapter 18
Once in a Blue Moon- chapter 19
Once in a Blue Moon- chapter 20
Once in a Blue Moon- cahpter 21, THE END

Once in a Blue Moon- New Chapters

361 4 0
By xXTashaEatsHeartsXx

This is chapters 1-19, reformatted into chapter 1-3.... I'm still posting the new parts, so if you've aready read the other stuff, its exactly the same stuff.... I'm just keeping the chapter names with this from now on! Sorry for any confusion! Loves!!! xoxoxoxxoxox


Once in a Blue Moon


To be or not to be. Is that really the question? I have come to find no. The better question, I have discovered, is to love or not to love, or, even better yet, whom to love and whom not to love. I think that is the true question.

Chapter 1- Maggie

I was eleven and had just gotten home from my last day of school at Forks Elementary in Forks, Washington. Next year I would finally be free of the boring place, and off to Forks Middle School. This was the only school system in my tiny hometown, so I would see all of my friends, and not-so-friends, again next year. Or so I thought. This fantasy flew out the window when I picked up the phone.

“Hello?” I asked. My mother responded

“Hi Maggie.” The phone went fuzzy, one of the minor inconveniences of living in a small town. I sighed, and waited for the phone to reconnect. I scanned the woods outside my tiny house for anything unusual. I looked around my tiny, cheerful kitchen with yellow cabinets. The phone finally reconnected, and I heard my mom whisper,

“Honey, you’re moving.”

"What?” I asked, very confused.

“You’re moving with your Aunt and Uncle in Los Angeles. Your father and I just witnessed a bank robbery, and were shot trying to contact the police. Your father died before the ambulance came, and the EMTs say I don’t have much longer. Pack your bags, Maggs. Take everything and anything you want. Transfer our money to your account. Our pin is 64258 and yours is 61724.” I hurried to scratch these numbers down. I suddenly noticed a wet dot on the sheet and realized my eyes were in danger of brimming over. I merely muttered

“Uh huh.”

“Good,” my mom answered, sniffling. I realized she was about to brim over as well, but she didn’t want to make my day any more stressed. As if that could happen.

“Be safe, okay?” She asked. I muttered,

“’Kay,” as I remembered my history of falling, bruising, and being clumsy.

“You’ve got a flight at three o’clock tomorrow afternoon, okay? It’s flight 3018. Your Aunt will send the tickets to your email." I hurried to scratch the numbers down as my mom whispered,

“I love you honey. We’ll always be with you. Goodbye.” Click. The phone disconnected and read “Call Ended.” I think I cried for two hours straight. When I finally sat up from the lumpy couch with dry eyes, I considered what to pack. I went to my room to gather my favorite clothes and my guitar. I don't know if I could ever play it again. The acoustic had been a gift from my parents- signed by all of my friends- for my tenth birthday. I also went to my mom’s room for some clothes to grow into. I grabbed some Schroder family knickknacks, and all the books in the house. I decided to take advantage of UPS after seeing how many boxes and bags I had packed. I called the bank, and in my most professional voice, had the money wired to my account. I then went to bed, exhausted. In the dream I remember, nothing in my world was right, and I had no way to fix it.

I woke up tired and grumpy, probably from a night of tossing and turning. I ate breakfast and got changed just as the airport shuttle arrived. I grabbed the couple bags I didn’t UPS and sat down on the warm, baby blue bus. I said a silent goodbye to my house, my friends, and my memories.

I got to the airport and boarded the plane. I was asleep almost the whole time, only waking when the stewardess asked me if I wanted peanuts. I luckily had a dreamless sleep. The man next to me woke me up when it was time to onboard. As I walked out of the gate rolling my lime green suitcase, I saw blonde curly hair atop a familiar face- my Aunt Charlie. Next to her was kind-faced, Uncle Charles with his dark complexion. I tried to look happy, and although I usually had a fairly good poker face, I knew they could see through it today. Charlie wrapped me in a giant hug, murmuring something that sounded like "I'm sorry." From the airport, we got in their over-sized SUV, considering they had two out-of-the-house children, and drove to the Weber beachfront property. As we pulled up the driveway, I realized it was more beautiful than I remembered. Up the hill that butted up to a beautiful expanse of beach sat an older house, one of the most beautiful I've ever seen. As we went inside, I realized we were standing in a grand entry room. It was varied shades of browns that were in direct contrast to the blues of the sunken living room next door. This flowed into a bright kitchen. I could only see part of it, but I could tell it was huge. It looked to be decorated in tomato reds and sterling silvers. On the other side of the entryway was an entertainment room that was done in woods and neutrals. Here you had a brilliant view of the beach. I looked back at my new guardians. They smiled, and Uncle Charles said

"Come over here." He led me to the plain, white hall closet. All the shelves and even the hanging rod had been removed. I hoped this wasn't my new room. There was a traditional ceiling closet door when I looked up. It even had the little string you pull to release the ladder. I stood there, hesitantly, as Charles walked in and pulled the string. There was a faint creaking sound as the ladder collapsed to the ground with a light thud. Charlie nodded in encouragement. I was usually quite brave, but I didn't feel like myself today. I slowly ascended the creaky stairs, and saw an unexpected ray of sunlight. I could see the beautiful main room. As big as the living room was, this was bigger. The walls were painted a rich brown that was surprisingly not overpowering. There was a black sectional with moss green pillows and blankets accenting it. I could see and hear a miniature waterfall in the corner, trickling away. I saw a small T. V. with a VCR and DVD player hooked up. They were lucky they could still find those. As I looked around the room once more, I realized it was made to look like Forks. I felt a lump rise in my throat. As I took the last step to have my feet on the ground instead of the old ladder, my toe caught on the lip the floor made over the last stair. I had luckily left my bags on the stair below. I landed with my hands out to embrace the fall, like always. As I pulled my head up, I noticed the wood floors were Spruce, the same kind that grew outside my old house. They were my favorite. As I pulled myself up from the floor, I felt my color go from pale white from cloudy Forks days to tomato red. The same moment I heard Charlie and Charles climb up the stairs I noticed a hallway leading from the main room. As I tediously walked down it, I was grateful they hadn't seen my spill on the stairs. At the end of the hall was a large circular room. The walls were covered floor to ceiling in bookcases except for one wall, which had a picture window. My boxes full of books were already in the room. Just then I noticed the bookcases were just the faintest shade of teal. It was nearly transparent. It reminded me of the ocean. These accented the Kelly Green hallways and spruce floors that carried throughout. As I poked my head back out to the hallway, I noticed there was another one on the other side of the main room. I half walked, half jogged down it, only to skid to a stop when I noticed a door on the left. I walked into a beautiful bathroom. It was done in interesting tile, and shining chrome. I closed the door and kept walking, as I pondered the greatness of a personal bathroom. The next door was to the right. I opened the door to stand in a giant bedroom. The walls were an off-shade of lime green, accented by every color under the rainbow. I looked at the simple bed that doubled as a window seat. On the opposite wall was a desk with a filing cabinet next to it. On top sat a laptop- still in box. I couldn't wait to open it. I went back to the main room and carefully down the creaky ladder to grab more bags. I went upstairs and started to unpack, wondering how much life would change- and if for the better or worse- because of this sunny place I now called home.

Chapter 2- Maggie

Two years, well, two years and three months, had passed since my move. I was now almost thirteen and ready for high school, after spending these past years at Sarmosa Middle School in the heart of sunny L.A. Smog, what joy. Just as I was settling down with a random book off the shelf, my Aunt appeared from the top of the black New York style stairs that had since replaced my creaky ladder.

"Hey," I called, announcing I was aware of her presence, "In here." I sat my book down, spine up. I moved over on the bright orange loveseat so Charlie could sit too.

"Maggie, you know it's time for you to go to high school, right?" I nodded. I had been considering this for a while. My curly light brown hair bobbed in its messy bun. I could almost feel the light from the lone window play off my blonde streaks on this particularly sunny day.

"Well, it's all picked out. The school is on a series of islands. It's Mystic Academy," I felt my light blue eyes tingle with curiosity as I mentally urged her to continue. "And it's out in the Pacific Ocean." I was confused, and I knew I looked it, because she laughed. "Not many people have heard of it. It's almost always raining there, but it's quite beautiful. It's very odd," she continued, and before I could even ask, she added "but you have to figure out why." She laughed. "It's a boarding school, so you're there except summers and breaks. It's a great school, and it's public, so free! I thought it sounded pretty cool." She finished. She kissed my forehead and walked back downstairs. As soon as she was out of earshot, I heard a rapping on the window. I got up and groaned when I saw whom it was. I walked over and opened the window enough so that my best friend and next-door neighbor could clamber through.

"Standing on my roof is dangerous," I warned and his feet hit the floor with a muted thud. He rolled his eyes as he sat on my couch.

"Well hello," I said.

"Hey," he answered, grinning.

"Why are you over here?" I asked. Even though he was here every other second, I still had to ask.

"I've got news!" He answered. I plopped down next to him. I instantly felt microscopic.

"How tall are you now?" I asked.

"Six two," he grinned again. "But that's not what I came here to tell you," his brown eyes tingled as he put a warm russet arm around me.

"Then what did you come here to tell me?"

"The school on the reservation is closing, so I'm going to school with you!" He laughed. He was overly excited. Again.

"Yeah, but Zean, when you're a big junior on campus, will you still want to hang with me, a lowly freshman?" I mocked.

"Duh." He answered.

"I guess I am cool like that," I teased, laughing with him. He nodded his head; his shaggy black hair shook with it.

"So, what do you wanna do today?" I asked. He shrugged.

"You wanna hang out on the reservation?"

"Sure," I agreed.

"Be there soon!" I called as he leaped out of the window.


Man, I love hanging out with Maggie. My best friend in the whole wide world never invites herself to my place. No, I have to walk all the way over here, crawl through her window, and tease her until she’s in a good mood. Then I may possibly ask, and only if she’s up to it. Man, she can be a pain in the ass, but that’s what makes her so fun to be around. I walked back to my house, about a mile walk, and after greeting my mom, sat down in front of the T.V., letting Maggie take her sweet time. She’d probably finish her chapter, and maybe the next, then throw something on and go downstairs. Then she would take her time walking over here like usual. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the remote, turning on the T.V. I watched football until my twin sisters- Serella and Xfillia came into the room. They sat at my feet and started chattering like girls do. Suddenly, Serella turned around and snagged the remote. She turned back and gave Xfillia a high-five and turned the channel to some chick-flick. Boring. I guess I would just have to go to my room until Maggie came, then maybe we could take a walk instead of sitting in my boring house doing nothing.


I was in my favorite jean shorts, an old Forks t-shirt, and my green converse heading to the Brown's faded yellow house. I trudged over the beach of sand and headed into the forest. I walked through the clearing used for "elders meetings" where most of the houses were spaced out around. I saw the faded yellow against the dark undergrowth and walked up. Before I even knocked on the Brown's cream door, Zean had it opened, a cocky grin on his face. He grabbed my hand and practically dragged me into the house. I freed his grip and walked at a normal pace. I noticed his mom was baking something that smelled delicious in the cheery kitchen. I walked into the living room and sat on the couch. Next to it, on the floor were the twins- Xfillia and Serella- freshly nineteen years old. Serella had her hands behind her head of long hair, the exact same color as Zean's. I knew her eyes were just a shade darker than Zean's. I glanced at her left hand and noticed a thin band supporting a moderately sized diamond on her ring finger. Before I could even ask, Xfillia started babbling.

"Hey Maggie! Did you hear? Serella's engaged!" Her brown eyes, the same shade as her sister's, tingled with excitement. She ran her fingers through her bob cut hair as she and Serella began arguing about what to watch- a comedy or a talk show. Just then I heard uneven footsteps, and I detected a cane coming down the hall. I knew Mr. Brown had entered the room. His shoulder length hair was in a ponytail and his light eyes looked tired.

"Out. Enjoy the weather," he ordered, waving his cane as a mock threat. He tapped Zean on the head when he evidently didn't move fast enough. Zean grumbled and stood, dragging his feet back to the kitchen. I followed suit. Once Mrs. Brown heard us, she spun around, her waist long hair forming a semi-halo. Her caramel eyes were forever happy, and continued to be so as she threw us each a granola bar and flashed us each a smile.

"So the twins are in town because...?" I asked once we were out of the house.

"Because Xfillia's going to England or something for a year, so she came to say goodbye, and Serella, of course, is getting married," he answered.

"Understandable," I commented, as we walked farther into the forest.

"She's marrying some guy, Dawson," he continued, hesitantly.

"And? Do you not like him or something?" I asked, trying not to be too critical.

"He's fine," Zean sighed, almost in anguish.

"Well, I hope they enjoy their life in..." I paused, unable to complete the sentence.

"New York," Zean completed.

"So what are we gonna do today Maggs?" He asked. I shrugged. Just then, the bushes rustled and out stepped a group of teens, about Zean's age. As they approached I realized there were three guys and a girl.

"How about you meet my friends?" He offered, grabbing my hand and pulling me forward.

"Sure," I agreed, though I felt I had no choice anyway. We stopped about a step away from them. Zean cleared his throat.

"This is Maggie," he introduced me. I tentatively smiled.

"Hey," the guy in front said, winking. His hair looked like it was from Hollywood. He wore cargo shorts that just passed his knee. His mocha eyes looked me over before he said.

"I'm Zeus." The next guy waved then stuffed his hand into his pocket.

"I'm Sean," he mumbled. He had black "skater" hair down to his eyebrows. His nearly black eyes were childish, yet mature. He was wearing grease jeans and a t-shirt. These guys were sticks compared to Zean, but muscular compared to most others. The last guy gave me a flirty smile, winked, and waved.

"I'm Maliki Bana. How's it goin?" He winked again and flexed. He was buffer than the other two, but Zean was still buffest. He had his black hair in a buzz cut and he wore nothing but basketball shorts. His eyes were nearly black too, I noticed as he checked me out. All of them, even the girl, had almost the same brilliant skin tone as Zean. The girl smacked Maliki's head from behind.

"Stop flirting with Maggie!" She ordered. She smiled a perfectly white smile at me. Her jet black hair was long enough to sit on, and her eyes were nearly yellow the shade of brown was so light.

"I'm Tamia," she added.

"Uh... Hey," I responded. I felt unnaturally pale all of a sudden. Just then I heard another rustle. I reeled around right in time to see a giant group dispense from the dense forest. All of them were giants, even bigger than Zean. I gulped. All five had the same short hair and deep brown eyes. They walked in a v-line, as if geese. Zean and the others tensed at their presence. Zean gripped my hand harder, and I found it immovable. He whispered under his breath as I followed his eyes from left to right.

"Zack," the shortest one,

"Lewis" the leanest,

"Max," the tallest, buffest one. Evidently leader.

"Liam," the anxious-looking one, and

"Derek," the refined, yet seemingly nice one. I had the odd feeling they could hear us.

"Who's the girl?" Max asked, nodding in my direction.

"It's that Schroder girl," Liam growled. So he was the jumpy one.

"Margret, right?" Max directed at me, once again taking the floor.

"Maggie," I corrected.

"Okay," Max agreed. "Maggie it is. It's so great to finally meet you! Zean won't shut up about his 'best friend'!" I saw Zean go red.

"I don't talk to you, Max!" He glared at him.

"Let's go," I decided, dragging Zean away. "Nice meeting you!" I yelled over my shoulder. Once we were out of ear shoot, I wheeled around.

"Who were they?" I demanded.

"The group that annoys the hell out of me!" Zean growled.

"What do the do?" I asked.

"Everything! They annoy the teenage crowd to holy hell, but the adults think they can do no wrong!" He hissed.

"Well," I concluded, "on a brighter note, what island are we living on?"

"I was thinking Timber Isle. It's the farthest from main campus. There's fifteen dorms, and it's inhabited by wild animals."

"Cool!" I agreed.

"I know! So, Timber Isle?"

"Timber Isle!"


Why did those assholes have to come and bug us again? They’re good for nothing and have no right to even live on the reservation- they didn’t act like Savahos. I grumbled and paced in my room until I heard a knock on my window. My heart rate sped; I’d never gotten an unexpected night-visitor before. I raised the window to Tamia, panting with a worried expression.

“Come quick. It’s Maliki.”

“Ow!” I yelled as someone dropped me off onto rocks. “What the-?” my sentence trailed off as I noticed I was surrounded by wolves. Was this just another strange dream, or migraine?

“No,” a voice that sounded eerily like Maliki told me, even though he wasn’t there. I looked up to see Tamia, sitting calmly on a rock in front of the light-gray-and-white wolf. He nuzzled her back and she pet his nose.

“Have you felt the call?” she asked calmly.

“What the hell are you talking about Tamia? Why are all these wolves here?” I demanded.

“They are your friends,” she told me slyly. A slight smile appeared on her face. This ticked me off more than the lies.

“You little bitch-witch! What did you do to them?” I yelled the sound echoing. The wolf behind her lunged at me, snarling, and landed in front of her. But she was no longer there. In her place stood a beautiful black wolf that almost radiated beauty. No, this was not happening. I started violently shaking, and then suddenly, I felt stronger. Strong enough to take on that wolf-bastard. I lunged at him and was suddenly stopped. What the hell just happened to me?

“Ah, you will make a fine alpha, Zean Brown, son of Paul Brown, last alpha of the wolves,” a voice that sounded like Max told me. I had an eerie feeling it was in my head.

“What the hell is going on?” I whispered menacingly.

“Sit down, relax. You shall know everything.”

Chapter 3- Maggie

The rest of the summer passed by without much excitement. Zean and I had out bags packed and ready to go to Timber Isle on August Fifth, a monthish before my birthday, and three days before school started. We got on the bright orange ferry heading to our learning home. There were fifteen people on the ferry. I knew eleven. The other boys looked like Max's gang, just freshmen like me instead of juniors like Max's gang (on board) and Maliki, Tamia, Zeus, Sean, and Zean. As I was introduced to Ryan, Harry, Andy, and Colin, I suddenly wondered how much influence "Max's gang" had on the Savaho boys. We spent the forty-five minute ride otherwise in utter and complete silence. I stared out the window, daydreaming. As we finally unloaded onto Timber Isle, I knew I'd love it. The old building was about two stories high; I was guessing part was a community room and cafeteria. This was sitting against a great expanse of rock-beach that went into forest. I knew there were other living creatures here, but I sensed they weren't dangerous. We picked up our bags and walked towards the building. As Tamia and I made eye contact, I realized I would be one of two girls on an island of boys. I shuddered. Once inside, we picked dorms. Mine was in between Tamia and Zean, so I felt more comfortable. I unpacked my bags in the dreary yet spacious room with the door open so I could listen to my friends. I steeped out on the little balcony with a great view, which also got a great breeze. Everything was chilly, dark, and wet. Just what I was used to. My room was white with outdated furniture that adequately served its purpose. When I finished unpacking, I went out to explore the island. I came back to find the place deserted. I peaked into every room to find the balcony door wide open, but no signs of habitation. I went into my room. I started hearing howling right outside my window. I was nearly asleep when I thought I heard my door creak and snuffling, as if the doors were open and a dog got in and was smelling the place. I got up and locked my windows and door, preparing to try to achieve a good night's sleep.

It was in that first month I figured out I was skilled. I had finished freshman classes and was currently in junior and college credit classes. I was also bored. None of the Savaho students were in school until September fifteenth. I first noticed they returned in English, my first class. They weren't at the dorms in the morning, then I saw Zean. He sat next to me. We made eye contact and he looked dumbstruck. I looked at him questioningly.

"I'll tell you later," he whispered. The whole class I could see Zean staring at me from the corner of my eye. After class, he disappeared. I couldn't find him, and my classes were out, since we only had an hour today. I made eye contact to my friend walking towards me and groaned.

Okay, so I had figured out how the school was 'odd.' First off, the students all dressed differently, and I had figured out why. There were oriental rocket-racers who wore sports clothes and ran so fast you couldn't see them. There were mermaids who grew fins when exposed to water. There were chameleon men, who could change their pigment that wore tie-dye clothing. There were witches and wizards who wore billowy robes. They had long pockets to hide their wands from the unsuspecting. My friend was in this category.

"Hey Melissa," I called.

"Hi!" She yelled. "You're coming to potions class!" She grabbed my hand and dragged me up to a tower on the main campus building. I groaned again. We walked into the class, obviously taught by a dark completed woman who was very tall.

"'Ello Melissa," she said in a beautiful Jamaican accent, "who is dis?"

"Oh, this is Maggie Schroder. She's human, but she figured it out, so I figured, oh well!"

"Okay. How about she sit on dis stool for da class, ya?" Melissa nodded. I pulled myself up on the stool, preparing to watch, well, I don't know what. I saw many students with little steel pots. When the students went to get ingredients, the pots followed them to the storage cabinets that lined the room. One boy and his brimming pot walked dangerously close to my stool. The pot tripped over my stool, knocking the two and me to the ground. I felt covered in slimy substance. I groaned.

"Caleb, what was in dat pot?" The teacher yelled..

"Just a... a... an aging po... potion," he stammered. I felt Melissa's presence beside me,

"C'mon, let's go to the nurse," she said as she helped me up. I felt taller.

"Aren't you taller than me?" I asked when I towered over her.

"I was," she murmured. Her brown eyes looked worried, and she was constantly brushing back her blonde hair. She had to help support me, because my new height and weight were unnatural to my brain, as was my voice. When we got to the nurse, she took one look at me and said

"You grew." Well, no duh. We found out I grew three inches, so was now five foot eight. After other tests, we determined my age to be sixteen.

"So I can drive?" I asked. The nurse shrugged,

"I don't see why not." I was instructed to go back to bed and to call my Aunt in the morning. I took the ten-minute ferry ride back to Timber Isle, and noticed all the Savahos were there. I went to my room and closed my door. I changed back into my pjs. I had just closed my eyes when I heard a knock on the door and someone speak.

"Maggie?" I groaned.

"What Zean?" My unnatural voice called.

"Can I come in?"

"Yeah," I answered as I sat up, rubbing my head.

"What the hell happened?" He demanded as he saw me.

"Some kid spilled an aging potion. Not that big of a deal."


"I don't know! What does it matter?" He was silent.

"What did you need to tell me?" I asked after a silent moment. He snapped to attention.

"This is weird, okay?" I nodded. He looked scared of me being critical.

"Zean, you can tell me anything," I told him, twining my fingers within his. He took a deep breath, and it all spilled.

"Okay, did you hear the wolves last night?".

"Every night since you left," I corrected.

"That was me. Us. The Savahos, well besides Ryan, Harry, Andy, and Colin, but they figured it out."

"Why can I know?" I breathed.

"I was getting there. There's this thing, fixating. When it happens, the fixatie, or the person fixated on, is the fixater's, or person who fixated on the fixatie, world. It's like super-potent love at first sight. It’s like the fixater is no longer connected to the world by sporadic strings, but connected to the fixatie by one iron cable." Something clicked in my head. I felt my mouth form a little 'o.'

"How does the fixatie feel?" I asked.

"No one's ever been able to resist that much devotion. Ever," he answered. "Maggs, if you haven't figured it out, I've fixated on you. I love you and you're my world now. I'm sorry for dragging you into this," he hung his head on the last words. I bit my lip. I touched his cheek, lifting his face.

"I love you too." As I spoke the words, I knew they were, and had always been, true. He pulled me into a hug, one I felt as if I were made to fit into. He was unusually warm. I was about to comment on it, when he released me. He put his hand under my chin, tilting my face towards his. He leaned in. When he was about two centimeters away, he breathed "you ready?" His breath was delicious in my nose and open mouth as I nodded. It was woodsy, musky, and overall natural. We leaned in for the most natural kiss I could have ever imagined. His lips were warm and fierce yet gentle. His warm tongue traced my lips, and his warms hands were in the nape of my neck and the small of my back. All I could think was about warmth, and the niceness of this. We broke of, and both breathed "amazing." He chuckled as he touched his nose to mine.

Zean and I talked late into the night, which was okay it being Friday. We talked about how there were creatures near here that were dangerous.

"Manangals and fairies, which live on Masahaga, Lisle, and Mahowl, are out natural enemies. There are others that are enemies to the witches and rocket racers and mermaids, but they're not as dangerous." I bit my lip.

"Wait, what exactly are you?"

"I'll show you tomorrow," he promised, tracing circles on the back of my hand.

"What are you called?"

"Were-wolves. But we're more 'shape shifters.'" I nodded thoughtfully.

"What are manangals, and why are fairies dangerous?" I thought of the Tinker Bell fairy and couldn't see the threat. He chuckled.

"Manangals are bat women who feast on blood. They're like female vampires with wings. Fairies are paired with them. They eat the flesh. The only thing either feast on is... Humans." I took in a sharp breath. No Tinker Bells live on those islands.

"Okay, so what can a werewolf do?" The words felt odd on my tongue.

"Well, some of us have powers, but the elders have to discover them. It's confusing. We can share thoughts. Like, when we're in wolf form, we can't talk with words from our mouth, so we talk with words and pictures from our minds," he explained.

"Oh," I responded, yawning. He chuckled

"Time for bed?" I nodded as he picked me up to move back the comforter, laid me back down, and covered me up.

"Sweet dreams," he whispered as he kissed my forehead. He grabbed a pillow and a sheet and laid on the floor. I was almost immediately asleep, dreaming about my newfound love.


I don’t know what compelled me to tell her things that could give a grown man nightmares, but she seemed to handle it amazingly well. I knew there was something special about her, but my fixatie? I never would have guessed someone so good would be meant for someone like me. I guess tomorrow would be an interesting day. I didn’t know how she would handle seeing me as a wolf- as a savage beast. Lucky for me, she seemed to like and accept me, but I didn’t want to push her too far. But, then again, with her being the love of my life and soul-mate, I guess her wish was my command. I yawned and fell asleep, feeling content and completed.

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⭐️ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴏꜱᴛ ʀᴇᴀᴅ ꜱᴛᴀʀ ᴡᴀʀꜱ ꜰᴀɴꜰɪᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ᴏɴ ᴡᴀᴛᴛᴘᴀᴅ ⭐️ ʜɪɢʜᴇꜱᴛ ʀᴀɴᴋɪɴɢꜱ ꜱᴏ ꜰᴀʀ: #1 ɪɴ ꜱᴛᴀʀ ᴡᴀʀꜱ (2017) #1 ɪɴ ᴋʏʟᴏ (2021) #1 IN KYLOREN (2015-2022) #13...
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In the future, everyone who's bitten by a zombie turns into one... until Diane doesn't. Seven days later, she's facing consequences she never imagine...