Once in a Blue Moon chapters 12 and 13

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Chapter 12- Maggie

        The next day we had taken the plane from the next town over, I forget the name, to Charlotte to Los Angeles. We rented a car and drove to the Weber beach estate. Zean parked the car and I stood, giving myself a head rush. I walked as slowly and deliberately as I could to the front door. I pounded, hearing the wood crackle beneath my fist. I blushed as pulled back, hoping they heard me. A couple seconds passed, and the door opened.

        "Maggie!" My enthusiastic Aunt Charlie yelled, pulling me into a hug. She felt my cool and hard skin, I guess, and pulled back with one word-


        "What's going on?" I asked, walking inside and sitting on the familiar couch. She sat in the chair across from me and Zean sat next to me, grabbing my hand.

        "I... I think it's time you heard about your father," she admitted, leaning forward. I rolled my eyes so quickly, I doubted she noticed.

        "I already figured out he's a vampire. Or he was. What really happened to my parents? They, well, my dad mainly, couldn't have died getting shot. The bullet wouldn't have even grazed him." She sighed.

        "A group of rival vampires had a grudge on your father, and finished off their century long fight a couple years ago. Your mother was caught in the wrong place at the wrong time," she answered, her eyes shiny, like she was about to cry.

        "Oh," I answered lamely. I felt tears try to escape, but held them back.

        "What defines me as a half-blood?" I asked, only hoping she knew.

        "You age until you're seveenteenish, then you're immortal. You breathe, and have blood. You can eat human food or drink blood. Your father glittered in the sun and you should simply slightly shimmer. Your eyes won't change color when you're "thirsty" like your fathers did," she rambled. I nodded at each new piece of information.

        "Do I have venom like vampires?" I asked.

        "Yes and no," she answered.

        "What?" I asked, confused.

        "Well," she continued, "when you want to kill something, if you bite it, you release venom. If you don't want to kill or are playfully biting, no venom will be released."

        "Cool," I murmured.

        "I'm going to go on some errands. You guys can stay here, help yourselves to the fridge," she told us, standing up.

        "Okay," I answered as she closed the front door, leaving Zean and me alone.

        "Let's go upstairs," he offered. I agreed. I hadn't seen my room in a very long time. It hadn't changed at all, except it didn't look as lived in as it used to. We sat on the brown sofa, in the unchanged living room. I knew the reading room would be empty, and my bedroom would look different.

        "Are were-wolf shape-shifters immortal?" I asked, but without hope. To my intense surprise, he nodded.

        "Yes, we can control our life spans. It depends. If you weren't immortal, I would pick to die when you did, but since you are, I'll stay here with you." He started tracing circles on the back of my hand. When his eyes caught mine, I knew he was serious. I thought back to everything I'd ever read about any mythical creatures.

        "Will you turn permanently into a wolf? Ever?" I asked, my voice shaking. I remembered that from more than one book.

        "No, that's a myth," he answered. I detected humor in his voice. I sighed in relief.

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