~White Chapel~

By WaywardAuthor

937 78 42

I didn't think I'd be on the run at 16, with two friends and murder on our trail. A bounty over my head, and... More

Silver Dagger
"Somethings not right"
Monsters are real?!
Dank Basement wonderland (The Bunker)
"House Rules Cassie"
We've got work to do
A funny thing happened on the way to me killing you
Children shouldnt play with Monsters
"You sure are worth a pretty penny"
What goes around,comes around
The road so far
The adventures of Cas and jack
The kid with the 67' chevy
Mix a little salt and Holy water
You're the one that i haunt
Swan Song

Winchester? Like from the books?

84 5 3
By WaywardAuthor

"Hi..Yeah I'm Cass. Thank you uhm, for coming here" I stuttered
"Come inside, I really think we should talk."
I opened the door further and ushered them inside. Pointing to the couch, they glanced at Ethan.

We all sat down. Them on the couch, and myself on the second chair. Our voices stayed low, as to not wake up the two sleeping teens nearby.

"So, my mother was killed and as she died she gave me this"
I show Sam the note, with his number labeled 'your father'

Sam's eyes have a teared up look to them, cloudy with remorse and guilt.

"According to my mom..you are my dad. This is weird for me, but is it true?"

Before he could answer the phone rings. I rush up, not realizing I knocked my journal off the table.

[Sam's POV]

I noticed the girls journal hit the floor,
It flipped to pages littered with sigils and drawings of creatures.
Creatures only a hunter would make a journal about.

I picked up the journal, careful not to rip anything.
"Sam, that's definitely your daughter"

Dean said with a smirk, yet a slight bit of concern was laced in my brothers voice.

"Maybe she is..I mean I did know her mother 15 years ago. Which adds up."
I ran my hand across my face.

I decide to flip through the journal for a moment. Pages with exorcisms , spells , information on monsters and ghosts.

Yet what truly caught my eye was the most recent page.

Titled "Demon Knife"

I recognized that all too well.
If she is my daughter something put that in her hands.

"She said she was attacked dean, her mother gave her my number. I-I mean with this journal. It has to be a job like ours."
I was concerned.
These kids.
My kid.
They were in trouble.

I sat the book down on the table and waited for her to return. I glanced at the sleeping boy.

Then looked at dean, who seemed to have been serious. Yet laughing his ass off at my dilemma.

[Cassidy's POV]

I picked up the phone hesitantly, glancing at my , who I've been told is my father and my possible uncle.

I let out a shaky breath and held the phone up to my ear.

"Hello?" I spoke quietly

Nothing. Just heavy breathing, on the line.

"Who is this? What do you want!"
I began to yell a little, I'm not going to lie after all of today's happenings I was terrified.

I heard a slight chuckle, and the line when dead.
I angrily shoved the phone back onto the hinge. In a fit of distress my hand slammed against the wall.

Behind me, I sense someone. Quickly turning ready to fight.
I had been constantly on edge all day.

Veronica was standing there, heavy and concerned eyes gazing towards me.

"Are you ok cass?" She asked

I couldn't believe she was asking if I'd been okay, after all she'd been through today.

"No..but I'll manage. Actually now that you are awake. My dad..is here."

I guide her out into the living room. She sits on the chair and I sit beside her.

"Hi I'm Veronica." She said, still holding up her guard.

"Hi I'm sam Winchester, this is my brother dean" Sam said quite professionally.

Veronica startled smiling, then went into a fit of silent laughter.

"Your-haha-the Winchester's? Pfft, yeah ok" she smirked. Laughter still escaping her lungs.

I looked at her in confusion, and slight disappointment. My brows furrowed.

"What's so funny? How do you know about them?" I questioned her

"Cass, there's a whole book series about them. The Winchester's, at least that's who they claim to be" she explained

Sam and deans faces began to frown, clearly annoyed.

"Look sweetheart, we are sam and Dean. The person who wrote that stole our lives and published them."
He said seriously, clearly he wasn't lying.

Ronnie's eyes widened
"Wait. So your the real Sam and Dean? Like you hunt monsters and ghouls? angels are real?"
She was spiraling, I grabbed her wrist to snap her back into reality.

Sam looked down and smiled
"Yeah, we are"

He looked up at me, he seemed so kind. Yet it was so clear to me that something was concerning him. Other then the fact that I existed.

"So, Cassidy can you tell me what happened?"

"Cass. Yeah, we'll since you two are hunters, what an odd coincidence that is. My mother was killed by a demon, then two of them possessed Ethan's parents. I killed them.." I paused for a moment. Glancing over,
'Good he's still asleep'
I thought to myself

"Then we came here, a safe house my uncle brought me too when he told me about hunting. Then we realized Veronica had been possessed. I excorcised her , I didn't want to kill her. Then I called you.
Now we are here , at this moment."

I explained, the day flashing before my eyes like a bad dream on repeat.

"So get this..we need help. Apparently I'm your daughter Sam. Which is pretty damn cool I'll admit. Veronica talked about those books constantly. You guys are hero's"

Sam and Deans faces plastered slight smiles.

"'So get this' pfft , Sam I'm seeing the relations here. Hunters, you guys say the same things, and by the looks of her journal. You are both researchers."
Dean explained

We all glanced at each other, Ethan passed out on the couch, Veronica questioning why she's here.. it was a mess.

"This place is warded, but the sigils are chipping and I don't have supplies to replace them. For whatever reason, I think these demons are targeting me. We aren't safe here"
I was concerned for our safety. I hoped that these guys had a plan.

Sam and dean glanced at each other , dean glanced at the teens next to me and gave a reluctant nod.

"Alright we are going to take you guys to our bunker, some other people are waiting there for us anyways" dean explained

"Pack anything and everything you need, we likely won't come back here" Sam assured me

We grab our things , which wasn't much to begin with. Then head out into the impala. Sam opens the door to the back row, and we all get in.

The rumble of the cars engine sounds, and we pull off. Sam explained we'd be on the road for some time. So I decided this was a good time to get some rest.

Hey all! Glad some of you are taking interest in the story. I have a lot planned for the next few chapters.
See you in the next one!
Note:trying to release chapters as soon as they are done, or weekly at the latest!


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