The Moonlit Series

By GalacticTRex

107K 3.7K 507

Book One: Lord Nerd (Logan Anderson) Book Two: So This Is Why We Kissed (Shelby Anderson) Book 2.5: What You... More

Lord Nerd
Chapter One: Happy Birthday Nerd
Chapter Two: Run for the Hills
Chapter Three: What Did You Say?
Chapter Four: Rogue Conversation
Chapter Five: She is What?
Chapter Six: Running with the Wolves
Chapter Seven: Shuffling Papers
Chapter Eight: A Cheesy Smile
Chapter Nine: Dinner at My Place
Chapter Ten: Elvis Has Left the Building
Chapter Eleven: A Walk in the Park
Chapter Twelve: What Happened in the Hallway
Chapter Thirteen: The Thing About Friends
Chapter Fifteen: The Forest
Chapter Sixteen: Sugar
Chapter Seventeen: My Milkshake
Chapter Eighteen: I'm Yelling "Timber!"
Chapter Nineteen: Facts Can't Always Help You
Chapter Twenty: Daric + Red Star = Running
Chapter Twenty-One: Charging into Battle
Chapter Twenty-Two: When Your Feet Take Control
Chapter Twenty-Three: Like Archimedes and the Bathtub
Ad: What's Next?
Chapter Twenty-Four: How to Get Out of the Closet
Chapter Twenty-Five: Black and White
Chapter Twenty-Six: It's an Alpha/Beta Conversation & I Gamma Do Whatever I Want
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Pack Meet Luna Luna Meet Pack
Bonus Chapter: Amanda's POV
FUN FACTS!!!! (4)
So This Is Why We Kissed
One: Shelby
Two: Carter
Three: Shelby
Four: Carter
Five: Shelby
Six: Carter
Seven: Shelby
Eight: Carter
Nine: Shelby
Ten: Carter+
Eleven: Shelby
Twelve: Carter
Thirteen: Shelby+
Fourteen: Carter
Fifteen: Shelby
Fun Facts!!! (2)
what you don't see
C H A P T E R | O N E
C H A P T E R | T W O
C H A P T E R | T H R E E
C H A P T E R | F O U R
C H A P T E R | F I V E
Dare You To Love Me
Prologue: The Wedding
Chpt. 1: Pine Needles and Lavender
Chpt. 2: Punched. Again.
Chpt. 3: Save It for the Morning After
Chpt. 4: Remember What Happened
Chpt. 5: What Do You Think?
Chpt. 6: Patrol With the Most
Chpt. 7: I Got Your Solution Right Here
Chpt. 8: Ask Logan
Chpt. 9: Together
Chpt. 10: Sun Kissed Jealousy
Chpt. 11: Mi Casa es Su Casa
Chpt. 12: Dinner for Two
Chpt. 13: Journal Like a Pro
Chpt. 14: Bubble Baths Aren't Always Romantic
Chpt. 15: This is Dizzying
Chpt. 16: Everything Will Be Okay
FUN FACTS!!!! (1)

Chapter Fourteen: With the Help of King Henry VIII

3.2K 105 20
By GalacticTRex

A/N: Comment on anything for any reason, good, bad, random!

~Pip Pip Da Doodly Doo~


It is currently Thursday night, five days after Tommy's party, five days since I realized that my romantic feeling toward Amanda are a lot stronger than I thought. I have been slightly conflicted on how much time I want to spend around her. Of course she makes me happy, and I love being around her more than anything. But at the same time, I want to do more than we are now. I don't want to just talk to her and hang out. I want to know what it would feel like to have her lips pressed against mine. I want to tell her how beautiful she looks without scaring her off—we did decide to be friends in the first place because we were a little freaked out. I want to be able to hold her and tell her how much she means to me. Those are hard things to resist when she is not only adorable, kind, funny, smart, has very kissable lips, an intoxicating sent, and . . . I'm a little off track. It is hard enough to resist her with all of those qualities, but she is also my mate, and boy is that pull determined. . . and impatient.

Amanda came over to my house after school to study for an AP Euro test we will have Monday. Even though we don't have the same class, we have the same teacher who runs her classes together perfectly somehow. When we first arrived, we got a little side tracked by Shelby and Carter. She had decided to watch How to Loose a Guy in 10 Days, and he decided to hang out with her instead of joining his dad and my Dad in the office. I had never seen it personally, but Amanda has. She said that it was on of her favorite movies followed by telling me that she isn't a rom-com (romantic-comedy, I'm glad she explained that to me.) person most of the time, but that How to Loose a Guy in 10 Days is one of the few exceptions to the rule.

Long story short, we watched the movie and wasted a couple hours. After that, we went into my room to try to reduce the distractions.

We continued to get side tracked.

Around 6, I had made sandwiches for us, and we continued to study the early religious revolutions directly following the Renaissance. It is maybe 7:30 now. Amanda is on her stomach in the middle of my bed with her notes and text book in front of her. Her feet are closer to the bottom of the bed. I rest my back against the head rest on the side of the mattress.

Amanda sighs "Why is the Holy Roman Empire called the 'Holy Roman Empire'?" She then rests her head on her arms over her notes.

I smile. "What does that have to do with what the test will be over?"

"The Holy Roman Empire was involved with some of this stuff." Her voice is muffled.

"Yeah, but not the naming of the Holy Roman Empire."

"But seriously," she wines. "It's not holy, it's not Roman, and it's not an empire."

"I'm not a Holy Roman Empire expert. Now, ask me a question."

"How did the Anglican church start?" She yawns.

"Well, King Henry VIII of England-"

Amanda let's of a short giggle. "I love his story."

"Yes, well, he wanted a divorce, but the he needed permission that he didn't get." I explain the rest of King Henry's story. How he separating from the Roman Catholic Church so he can divorce his wife and marry another, wash, rinse, and repeat. The only change to the religion was the name and the head of the church.

I had been in my own little world while telling the story, and when I come back to reality, I notice that Amanda's breathing has evened out. I gaze at my sleeping mate before making a move to wake her.

However, I stop myself. She just looks too peaceful, too content, for me to wake her. Instead, I remove her study materials and gently move her so her head is on a pillow. I cover her. She snuggles into my pillow and curls into a ball. I swipe a stray hair out of face. She stirs and one of her legs stretches toward me. Afraid to wake her, I step back.

I step into the bathroom with my phone. I dial Amanda's home, and her mother answers. I explain to her how Amanda fell asleep, but I didn't have the will to wake her from her slumber. Thankfully, she understands. I step into my closet and put on a pair of blue plaid pajama bottoms and a white T-shirt. Once that is done, I step back into my bedroom and pull my lap top out to play some Diablo. I turn the volume way down so that I can only hear it.

After a while I decide that it is time for me to sleep. I grab an extra pillow and blanket and set up camp on the couch. I'm not sure how Amanda would react to waking up with me sleeping in the same bed as her. I'm not sure how I would react sleeping in the same bed as her.

I turn down the volume of my phone and set it under my pillow in hopes that when morning arrives it will only wake me so she can have more sleep. After I have settled myself on the slightly cramped couch, I close my eyes and fall asleep to the rhythmic breathing of my mate.


When the morning arrives and my alarm goes off, I awake, but Amanda remains asleep. I quietly walk across the room and slip into the bathroom. I take a quick shower and brush my teeth. Once I am clean and dressed, I step back into the bedroom.

As I walk back to the couch to retrieve my phone, I hear Amanda take in a deep breath followed by a pleasant sigh. I can't help but smile. Suddenly, her heart rate speeds up. I turn to look to see if she is okay. When I turn, I see her put up right and look around the room. When her eyes land on me, she narrows.

Her arms cross. "What am I doing here?" she demands.

I display a sheepish grin. "You fell asleep last night. You looked too exhausted to disturb."

She bites the inside of her lip debating. "Okay, but why am in your bedroom? Why am I not in guest room or something?"

I scratch the back of my neck. "Well, I didn't want to wake you. But, I did sleep on the couch. I also called your mom to let her know."

She scrutinizes me for a moment more. "Fine, but I'm still mad about it."

I nod. "Okay, well, I'll go to Shelby's room. I think she has something you can borrow. You look about the same size."

"Yeah, but she's like five inches taller than me." She grumbles.

I laugh. "Try two inches taller."

"Whatever." She huffs to herself as I leave the room.

When I arrive at Shelby's door, I nod, and she tells me to come in. She exits the bathroom in a robe and wet hair.

"What do you need big bro?"

"Hey, um, can I borrow some of your clothes?"

Her eyebrows shoot up in shock. Her mouth twitches with amusement. "Trying out a new style are we?"

I send her a look. "Ha. Ha." I say bitterly. "No, I need to get some clothes for Amanda to borrow for today."

My sister's face becomes wiped clean of every expression except for shock in its purest form. "Wait! Are you saying Amanda stayed the night‽"

I sigh. "Yes, she did. Now, can I borrow something for her to wear so we can get to school before the bell rings?"

Her lips split into one of the widest smiles I have seen. "Yeah, but you are telling about this later. I want to know all the juicy details." She walks into her closet.

I roll my eyes. "There's not really anything to tell. She-"

"There is always something to tell." She cuts me off as she enters the room again. She hands me a maroon skater dress with long sleeve, black tights, and a long owl necklace. "This should look fine with the black converse she wore here. . . yesterday."

I narrow at her and her giddy-ness.

"What are Mom and Dad going to say?" She smirks.

I leave the room and go back to my own. When I get back to Amanda, she is finishing packing her notes back into her backpack.

I clear my throat, and she turns to me. "Um, here. Amanda said you could borrow this." I hand over the clothes.

Amanda smiles softly, and it sets butterflies drifting in the pit of my stomach. "Thanks."

"I'm going to head down stairs. Feel free to take a shower, and I am pretty sure there is a new tooth brush under the sink."

After she nods, I walk out of the room, a little reluctantly, and go down stairs for breakfast. Mom and Dad are both already in there. Luckily, Tyler is the only other one down here. "Hey um, Mom, Dad," They look away from what they are doing. "I have something I need to tell you." I sit down at the table with them.

"Sure, what is it, Hon?" Mom smiles at me.

"Well, you remember how Amanda came over to study last night?" I ask them. When they both nod, I continue. "In the middle of studying, Amanda fell asleep, and I didn't have the heart to wake her slumber-"

"So you let your sleeping beauty sleep?" Mom smiles broadly at me.

My brows knit? Are they not mad?

"Logan, it would have been nice to hear about this last night," Dad talks. "But, I think your mother and I understand this one time. Don't let it happen again."

I smile. "Thank you."

Amanda is down stairs shortly. I notice that the black tights Shelby let her borrow aren't solid. They have a bow tie pattern on them. I can tell she is chewing the inside of her lip as she enters afraid of my parents' reaction.

"Hello darling." Mom smiles bouncing Tyler on her knee.

Amanda slowly smiles. "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Anderson."

"Oh, Dear," Mom waves her hand. "Please call us Gwen and Max."

Amanda nods her head.

"How are you this morning?" Dad asks.

Amanda laughs. "A little disoriented." There is a light blush on her cheeks.

We chuckle with her.

Shelby comes down stairs shortly after followed quickly by Mikena.  She was happy to see 'Manda'—as my baby sister loves to call my mate. When Amanda and I were almost done with breakfast, Daric walks into the kitchen. When he spots Amanda, I can see his face darken. I step in front of Amanda. His jaw clenches. I glances at Dad, and Daric stiffly shuffles away from the entrance. Without saying a word, he opens the fridge to get his own breakfast.

I grab Amanda's wrist and start to leave the room. "See you guys later." I called over my shoulder. Amanda waves. We get to my car and head off to school.


History Lesson!!!!

Okay, so King Henry VIII of England (KH) was my second favorite thing to learn about in AP Euro (after the French Revelation). I just wanted to share what it was about:

KH was married to Cathrine of Aragon (Spanish Catholic) for decades, but he ends up falling for a mistress he knocked up (Anne Bolen) and he is sure the kid is a boy (which he doesn't have yet and kinda needs [but not totally. Look up monarchies] they only have a daughter, Mary [who will be known as Bloody Mary fyi]). So, he tries to get a divorce so Anne's "son" can also be his legal heir to the throne, but Europe is mainly ruled by the Catholic faith meaning he needs to go to the Pope who declines his request. What does he do? He separates from the Roman Catholic Church of course! !!All that changed was the name and that the King is now the head of the Church of England!! When the divorce happens, Cathrine gets to live because he still cared for her... and so did the citizens so that wouldn't end well. 

Anne's child is Elizabeth. She gets pregnant again but falls down the stairs and miscarriages...  boy. KH divorces her, convicts her, and executes her.

Jane Seymour is his new wife. She deliver Edward, but dies months later. (KH called her his "True Wife" and is buried next to her.)

Anne of Cloves (German Protestant): she smells bad and is repulsive to him and they divorce, but they hang out at parties.

Cathrine Howard (she is like 15 and he's like 50 [her dad made her marry]): She carries on a fling with her boyfriend from hometown. KH chops her head off.

Catherine Parr: Out lives Henry, great friends.

That is King Henry VIII in a nutshell, well, what I like most in a nutshell. 


A/N: Any advice, complains, or questions? Leave them here! I promise I will read them and answer questions or explain and clear up confusion.

Vote if you like the chapter, story, or if you want to be a wild turkey in the middle of summer.

~Pip Pip Da Doodly Doo~

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