The Man I Became... Because o...

By DaniAurie21

152K 6.1K 989

An attempt to write in first person... Lets see how that turns out. "It's been 3 years since we saw each othe... More

What Next?
Settling In
Catching Up
Growth and Setbacks
The Truth is Out
Like Riding A Bike
BBQ A La Pond
BBQ A La Pond 2
Nong Yim
Wild Things
A Setup In Progress
Dinner and an Alibi
What Happened In The Night
A Tale of Ordinary Love
Drunk And Disorderly
The Other Investigation
A Proposal
Double, Double, Toil and ...
Have Your People, Call My People...
If Only...
The Shame of A Family... Exposed
Sudden Danger
The Source of the Madness?
Evidence Of A Stalker
The Plan Within A Plan Around A Plan... Or Something Like That
Thinking About Possibilities
A Small World
Cantaloupe In A Quandary
The Quiet
Unexpected Developments
A Confrontation That Took 3+ Years
A Sudden Attack... And What It Reveals
Life Bets
A Stalwart Love
A Familiar Face
A Tiny Step Towards Progress
Kara's Revelations
Rescue Mission Step 1: Analyzing the Enemy and Clearing the Mind
Rescue Mission Step 2: Slow And Frustrating, But What Other Choice Do We Have?
Rescue Mission Step 3: Reunion and Delusion
The Aftermath of it All
Epilogue... But Not The End
Special Chapter 1: What Happened To...
Special Chapter 2: Tin and Cantaloupe Forever
Special Chapter 3: The Dinner...
Special Chapter 4 Part 1: The Wedding
Special Chapter 4 Part 2: The Honeymoon
KenoLing Side Story 1
KenoLing Side Story 2
KenoLing Side Story 3

The Decisions Tin Make

1.5K 80 10
By DaniAurie21


Tul walks out of my office and I know. I know without a doubt.

A heat flares in my belly and I grip the edge of my desk to the point where my fingers scream in pain. My teeth is gritted from holding back and I feel like I will burst and just fly out of this room, grab him and beat him to a pulp. How dare he do this! How dare he invade our most intimate moments!

I grab the first thing I get hold of and heave it. I'm reaching blindly but manage to realize in time that I am holding Ae's gift to me. I grab it closer instead and run my aching fingers over the image of Can. This calms me down so much that I manage to suck in a cool breath and push the fire down. 

Now all I feel is ice and I can think clearly again.

I call Koda.

"Boss. I_"

"It was Tul." I interrupt him without listening. "Tul was the one who got past our security features. I don't know how and I don't care really."

"I know how. He used_ Well that doesn't matter but his people found one of the few weaknesses of my system. I managed to block them but I need to take the system down and reboot and I don't think that's a good idea right now."

"I'm calling that person. I am going to make arrangements for you to give everything to them then you do what you need to do."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." I leave him and call Ae.

"Everything is coming to you from K. You know what to do."

"Yeah. What happened?"

"Tul got someone and bypassed our systems. K is backing everything up on an external. Can you go collect it from him?"

"Consider me on my way. I'm actually out of the house to go to a site and it's half an hour from you. I'll swing by your place first. Tell him I'll be there within 10. Less than that even."

I fire off a message to Koda who responds immediately. With Ae there in 10, things should be a bit easier to deal with. 

Then I think.

Tul had taken great pleasure in telling me that I looked exhausted. I know I didn't though. Can and I were used to going three rounds and sometimes more. Can's body was always burning energy and just one round meant nothing to him. My lover had a naturally hyperactive system. He was capable of eating anything and never paid attention to what he put in his body. It all became fuel for Can who couldn't manage to keep any part of himself still for long, even in his sleep. 

Tul's eyes were excited and slightly unfocused. Almost feverish. They were also fulled with lust. I know he was thinking of experiencing Can's stamina. I knew he came in here to challenge me like some alpha in heat. 

If he thought I was going to let him pull any shit with my wife, there would be one less Medthanet in the world by the end of the day.

Ae is calling. My focus shift and I force down the fire once more.

"I got it. Everything. I thought I should take the important things in your safe too since he's got eyes and ears in your house. Tin. Did_ Did he_?"

"Yes. He fucking well did!" It comes out of me like a blast and I suck in air, gathering the cold once again. I need to be cold right now because otherwise I will raze this place to the ground with everyone in it starting from that fucker's office.

"Sorry. Thank you Ae. I didn't think about the information in my safe."

"I have it all in my car in the lock box and I'll move it directly as soon as I get back to town. I'll give it to Thalia and her people. They're the best option right now for situations like this. I already asked Koda if he wanted assistance and they're willing to help."

"Thanks. You do what you need to do. I'm getting one of my people on Tul as we speak."


I actually didn't need to get anyone on Tul. That line was for just in case. I couldn't be sure if he was spying on me on the office. I actually already had a man on Tul. Greg was currently Tul's driver but he was also my inside man. Greg was the reason I was able to find and protect Tul's ex lover and the reason why Can had all of this information.

"Boss. I'm wiping everything clean. That includes your home office. I expect a flood of viruses once I bring everything down and I don't want there to be anything for it to attack."

"Ok. Do what you need to do. And Koda, what about that thing we managed to sneak in."

"Ae now has all the information I got from it." I were referring to the virus we had sent secretly through an email Tul had opened. It was created to be like an invisible document. Once Tul opened the email, it downloaded and settles there, copying and sending us all his emails, files and other correspondences. Its a ingenious virus that doesn't actually attack your software but simply spies on everything you do.

"Ok. I'll make contact if anything changes on my end."

"Same. Be careful."

I put down and make a few more calls, most just for show, then I pretend to pull myself together and get back to work.

My phone rings after a bit and I see it's Can. In the mix of everything I had actually managed to forget about him which is shocking since he is the reason for all this.

"Hey. Is he gone?" That's the first thing he asks me and I just exhale and throw caution to the wind. I don't need to be cold with him.

"Yes. I'm worried Can. Why are you calling me from your cell? Where are you?" I stand up and move to pace my office. I can't sit anymore.

"I had to collect Phu. He forgot his cell home so I couldn't reach him in time to cancel. We're heading home now. I took the back way you don't like and no one was there. I'm going back that way." I don't like the sound of this. Something is eating at my gut and it's telling me Can's not in a safe position right now. I start packing up my things as I speak. I need to go home.

"If they have something like a tracker on the car then you need to think of another option because they might be waiting there now." I stop pacing and think.

"Come back and meet me here." I decide quickly. I need him where I can see him and I'm not thinking clearly at the moment so I feel like anything can happen. Can's not a big thinker so I can't rely on him.

"But I'm already half way in."

"Can. I'm really worried." I'm following my gut and it's telling me he needs to come to me right now.

"Ok. Ok. I'll turn when I get a chance and come back. I'm going to pu_"

"No! Don't put down. Not until I know your close. Talk to me." I start pacing again because I can't help it. 

"Here Phu. Hold the phone and put it on speaker. Talk to your uncle Tin while I drive."

I hear this and I feel even more trepidation. Phu is with Can. Will Tul still make a move? I chat with my nephew as best as I can but I feel like I don't have a handle on things right now. I can't even keep track of what we're talking about.

"Ar'Tin. There are two cars blocking the road." Phu suddenly said. His voice was suddenly fearful. I suck in a breath and try for calm.  

"Can. See if you can reverse." 

"I'm doing that now. Fuck! Shit fuck!" 

"What's happening?" I ask, not realizing that I'm shouting, but I don't think they hear me. The two of them are speaking rapidly and I'm not liking the ideas I'm hearing.

"Ram it? It's only one. The other way has two." 

"Not with you in the car. You have to get out and run Phu. There are lots of places to hide here and your wearing black and green. That's good. When I tell you to run, you need to get out of the car and do just that ok?"


"Now!" Can screams at the same time I do. I shout him name again and again. I'm practically screaming it. My secretary rushes into my office. Her face becomes bone white when she sees mine.

"Phu? Talk to me. What's happening?!"

I hear him panting and the rustling of bushes then his voice whispers over the speaker. Vivian is asking for Officer Dami next to me and I move away from her so I can hear him clearly.

"Uncle Tin. I'm going to put down and turn off the phone. I'm going to try to get into one of the cars and go with Uncle Can. Once I do, I'll turn the phone back on. Don't try to call me. If I can't sneak into a car, then I'll call you when they drive off. Ok? Love you. Bye."

"Phu? What? List_ FUCK!"

"Tin. It's Officer Dami." I take Vivian's phone from her and speak as clearly as I can through gritted teeth.

"If you want to know what's happening, then call Ae. Tell him I told you the Peach has been picked. He will know exactly what I mean."

"What do you intend to do Tin?" Dami is trying to calm me own but I'm having none of it.

"Become an only child." I heave the phone and stalk out. I know Tul isn't in his office. He wouldn't be because he's a coward. Being there would mean he would have to face me head on and he's never done that. 

I call Beam.

"He took my Can." That's all I tell him.

"Ok. I'll put that plan into action then. What a fucking idiot." Beam never minces words and I like him for that.

"Blow him wide open please."


Then I call Mom. By Mom I don't mean my mother but Can's. She needs to know what's happening. 

"What the fuck did you say? Where the fuck is he? Lemon! Pack my bag. Yours too. We need to go to Tin's house and hold the fort! Tul you said? You better hope I don't see him first!"

Despite her loudness I feel immediately at ease. Mom says a lot of shit when she's heated. Once she calm's down thought, she's as solid as a rock. I love her more than I have loved any other woman in my life.

She doesn't say good bye but I hear the click of her disconnecting the call and immediately it rings in my ear. I wince as I get into the car and see it's Ae.

"Dami just told me the Peach has been picked. I'm heading back to the station with everything. Did you call Beam?"

"Yes. I don't give a fuck what Dami thinks about us releasing everything."

"I didn't say anything to him about Beam. I plan to be as shocked as he is if I'm still at the station. I don't have to work hard at it. I feel shocked. That's the dumbest move he's made yet. Does your father know about this?"

"I don't know and I don't care."

"Tin. He may help you more than you think. Right now Tul is fucking up and it's smearing the family name. You do realize that at the end of the day Tul does all of the dirty work but Tri has a clean slate. That tells me something. He may be a dick to you and he may have been part of what happened that time but he may not necessarily be a part of this."

"Do you honestly think he's that innocent?" I can't believe what the fuck I'm hearing right now!

"No. I don't believe he's innocent but I also don't think he's as guilty as Tul. Remember, Tul wants everything for himself and he honestly doesn't have to wait for Tri to die naturally to get it."

I don't answer because I'm thinking. Ae lets me think and puts down. In the end I send him a message.

Your eldest fucked up so bad, you can't save him from this. I'm not going to shield you either.

He calls me but I don't answer.

Beam's team is quick. Before Ae arrives at the police station I get an update from him telling me the regularly scheduled broadcast has been interrupted. I call Koda and tell him to battle down the hatches. 

I don't go home thought. I have Lavon follow Greg's signal. I'm sure that Tul is with him. 

My burn phone dings. I take it out. It's Greg telling me in code that Tul is watching the press release. I hope he chokes on every word of it.

Greg has been stationary for a while and I look up a hotel close to where he is. I don't make a move yet. I don't want to be hasty. Besides the press release is working in my favour. Tul is staying put. Right now if someone so much as sees him, they will report it.

My cell phone rings suddenly, startling me. I think about ignoring it but I don't. It's my secretary and she tells me a young woman is holding because she has seen my Can!

"Give her my personal number!" I stare at the phone until the call comes through!

"Hello? Is this Mr. Tin by chance?""

"Good afternoon. This is Tin. You said that you have seen Can? Would you kindly tell me where you are?"

"Yes. I am at this location." This is actually not far from where we are. Could Tul have already gone to see Can? No. Greg would have told me. Or I at least believe that.

"Please tell me everything that you saw."


"Don't worry. I will reward you and I am a man of my word."

"Thank you. I just, my mom's hospital bill. It's too much for us. My dad is working extra hard and it's wearing him down. I just want to help him."

"This is fine. I just need you to tell me everything that you saw."

"There were three cars. One had a driver and and two others with your Can between them. The other had two persons and the other had three. I saw no other vehicles. They were very common cars: Toyota and one Nissan. They allowed Can to use the rest room and I think he also asked for food but they forced him to get back in the car and one came in and bought lots of food. He even opened a drink, spit in it and closed it back. He did it where the others couldn't see but I have the cameras back here and I could see him."

"I see. Who do you think that drink was for?" I wonder what she did with that drink. I hated to think that she had to let him buy it and he would give it to my unsuspecting baby. My gut clenches in apprehension. 

"Can. That's why I switched it out with one from my mini fridge here. I opened it and then when he brought all the items, I switched it out while scanning. I scanned him twice too and charged him for the one he spit in."

"Good for you. How old are you sweetheart?" I'm impressed with her. What a smart girl. 

"17. I'm working hard in school too but I don't think I will get to go to college right now." She said it in a matter of fact manner, like she had already reached a place in her head where this was her new reality. Whatever happened to her mother must have really affected the dynamic of the family.

"How did you switch it out without him seeing?"

"I told him the guy down the isle was calling him. Which he was anyway."  I chuckle. I keep her on the phone for as long as I can to distract me. Talking to her eases something inside me that just wants to rip at the world and tear everything before me apart. The more I talk to her, the more I realize she reminds me of Can. Her speech pattern is very clear and upfront. She seems to say exactly what she is thinking and despite her more monotone way of speaking, I can sense that she is already comfortable with me. This is also like Can. Despite being angry with me when we first met, he was also comfortable enough to express his feelings openly. I always knew where I stood with him, even when he didn't know his own feelings.

"So your brother wants to be a mus_" A beeping sound interrupts me and I glance at the phone screen. My heart lurches in my chest for a second when I see it's a call from Can. 

How is that possible?!

Wait! Phu!

"Nima. I'll call you right back!" I grab the call from Phu and whisper shout his name. While I was speaking to Nima, Officer Dami and his partner arrived with a team. I had coordinated for them to follow me and us my location as a base. Now Dami moved closer and indicated I put him on speaker.

"I'm ok Uncle Tin. Actually I was able to sneak back into one of the cars and now I'm inside it still. Can you track this phone from where you are?"

"Yes, I can Phu. I have you locked down already." Officer Ling answers with a thumbs up. I blink at him because Phu can't see him so why bother make the sign?

"Who's speaking?"

"The police Phu Bear. Listen baby boy. Can you get out of the car? I need you to look around for a safe hiding spot. Once you see one, get out quickly and run to it. Make sure that there is no one around. Scan the area and look for cameras. Do you see any?"

"I'm looking but I can't see clearly from inside the car."

"Ok. Take a chance and come out of the car. If any alarms go off, run. Think of a plan before you come out." I listened to Phu breathing for a good 2 minutes before he says shortly, "Ok. I'm ready."

Phu scrambles out of the car and closes it back. There's no reaction. Still, he knew there were things like silent alarms so he hurries away while keeping as low as he can. There is some shelving and he scans around before scrambling onto a bottom section with tarpaulin. He rolls in the stuff and gives me a whispered play by play.

Suddenly there's a bang and everyone in the room with me holds their breath. We hear voices approaching. Phu's breathing becomes rough with fear and I just want to go to him and shield him from all this mess. He doesn't deserve to suffer like I did because of his father. 

"The door is unlocked so that means someone was in the car! I'm telling you I locked the fucking door!" This person was loud and clearly angry.

"How can you be sure? You spent so much time trying to fuck with that guy, you could have been mistaken." This person was much calmer and I could tell a shit eating tone when I heard one. I used mine on Tul daily just to annoy him.

"Then we need to search this place because I'm telling you, I locked the fucking car!"

"Of course you did but since someone else seems to have gotten into this car and out again then it's your job to find them. So find them. Come on A. We have other things to do. I can't believe I'm missing sex with hot twinks for this fuckery." Greg! Greg was there. So then Tul must also be there. Unless he sent Greg to do his dirty work? 


"That was Uncle Greg." Phu said softly and I picked up something in his voice I felt a kinship with. Betrayal. "Uncle Tin. Is it dad who is hurting Uncle Can? Why? Uncle Can is the best."

"It seems to be your dad baby boy but we're looking into it to be sure. Keep an eye out and try to stay hidden." I still try to protect him in some small way. "Call me back in five minutes."

"Ok." His voice was tiny and I just sighed as I turned to the people in the room. 

"Greg being there doesn't mean anything. Tul often stays in comfort and sends him to do the dirty work. We need Tul to show his face. Because Greg is there, he wouldn't take my calls and we antagonize each other in public. He wouldn't have a reason to answer me."

"But would he check his voicemail? What if you sent him a desperate message? The kind Tul would like to be present to hear?"

"What do you mean? I think he would. I don't know." I'm getting an inkling of what Dami wants me to do and I'm not liking it.

"Tul wants to reduce you to desperation. He may want to hear you begging and pleading. If that's the case, then this will work." Ling said with a smile. I didn't like that smile one bit.

"Call Greg and leave him the most, desperate and wretched phone call you can honestly make. Pour out everything. Be angry, be hurt, be worried, make threats, plead. Sound like the desperate lover you are."

I stared at Ling for a good few seconds, then I sucked in a breath because this is for Can, called Greg, and left several voicemails. I made them one after the other, devolving as I went. I screamed and raged, finding the perfect outlet for the chaos inside me that was the raging need for Can to be back by my side. I threatened both him and Tul. I swore to destroy them if they touched Can. I cried and screamed. I roared in anger and pain. I released all of my restrictions. Then, over the phone, I let them hear Ling finding me and trying to talk me down. I let them hear things breaking and someone crying out in pain before I cut off the phone. 

"If Tul is close by then he'll respond to this just to throw you into more turmoil. If he's even more reckless, he'll have Can close by to torture."

I nod and quickly call Phu. He hadn't called me back when I told him to. He doesn't answer and now I'm worried for him more than ever. 

Then my phone rings.

"It's Greg." I look at Dami and Ling.

"Then that means Tul is close. Answer him." Ling nods at me.

"You fuck." I answer the phone like this before I cut it off. I let Greg call back twice before I answer him again.

"Really? A power trip now. Dude. What the fuck is up with those vms? Like really?" I put down again because his tone is condescending and he knows very will that I wouldn't ordinarily take it from him. I want them to think I'm letting them play me. He'll call back in five minutes or so and I'll be waiting to curse him. So said so done. I don't even bother with the cursing.

"Where's Can? I want to speak to him."

"Your giving orders?" It's Tul this time. I can head a muffled noise in the back ground but it needs to be Can's clear voice. This is part of the new plan.


"Oh? The press release wasn't enough for you? I did all those things by the way. The Sex trafficking, the money laundering, the stealing. What's kidnapping Can and tasting him for myself? He's a real surprise. I never thought he would be able to handle such a long ride. I never thought it of you either Tin. Wow!" His tone is mockingly impressed but underneath it I can hear the raging need to destroy me for exposing him. Tul isn't thinking clearly right now either and after all the move's I've made, he's so focused on me that he's missing the bigger picture. 

"I will FUCKING KILL YOU! DON'T TOUCH HIM!" It's not that much of an act. 

"Hahahaha. Say bye Can."

"Tin! Tin you have to fin_" I know what Can is asking me. Even after everything he is worried about Phu.

"Did you know that Phu was with Can when you ambushed him Tul?"

There was a very pregnant pause. In the corner of my eye, I can see the police team moving at the sound of Can's voice. I desperately want to go with them but I know what I need to do and it's crucial that I keep Tul on the phone. 

"Your lying." Suddenly he's the one sounding betrayed and upset, as thought I kidnapped his son.

I laugh and it's shocks me to hear how hollow it is. I feel nothing right now. Even my rage is spent.

"Your son knows everything now. You better hope he can forgive you. You better hope I don't find him first. I'm thinking I need an heir. After all, Can can't make children. I wonder if Phu will call me dad?"

There's a growl and I know I've hit him where it hurts him the most. Tul may not love his wife, but he loves his son and he even had Hin raise the boy until it seemed like Phu was actually the son he had with Hin. But even Hin wasn't safe and as Tul devolved into his own madness, Hin took the brunt of it. Took it all until he almost lost his life. Phu would have come home and met Hin dead if I hadn't gotten there first. 

"Kiss your lover's ass goodbye Tin. I'll be reshaping it to suit me very soon and when I'm tired of him, I might just throw him back to you." Does he think those words will make me crazy. He's wrong. I will never give up on Can no matter what. 

"Your delusional. Do you really think you'll survive this? Do you really think I'll let this go? In some ways we are exactly alike brother. I will never stop. Not until I remove your last breath from this world." My voice is steady and calm. If he touches my Can, he will not live. I don't care what happens to me after but his life is forfeit and no one, not even Can will make me change my mind on this.

There's a rustling sound and I hear Can ask in a high voice, "What do you think your doing?"

Tul doesn't answer but I can guess. He'll be taking off his cloths. Then he'll take his riding crop and beat Can with it. Once that happens, he'll tie him to the bed in whatever weird position he likes and abuse his body while he fucks him. Its his MO and he gets off best this way. 

"Put that back on! Are you crazy? Is Tin still on the phone? Tin! I know where I am. In a warehouse. There's guns here. He's planning to sell them! He also has some girls here! They're really yoooooooAhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

"Can! Can!" I hear it now; a swishing noise followed by a crack! Tul is hitting my lover. Can is whimpering and crying. I growl and pace. I need to keep Tul occupied because otherwise he'll catch on to soon that the police are on the way.

"Can! Listen to me baby. We'll track him down. As soon as K is done with the house system, we will track him down and come find you. Can!" I make shit up on the fly. There's a sudden bang and I hear Greg shouting before he suddenly stops.

"What the fuck are you doing?! We don't have time for that!"

"What the fuck are you doing?!" Tul roars back but I know Greg is stalling. 

"Put your cloths back on! In fact, just grab them!"

"What?" Tul's reactions are too slow. That's good. Usually he would obey Greg instantly. He must still be caught up in his own feelings.

"We have to go! Hurry the fuck up. What are you_? Leave him!" I hear shuffling then another bang as a door slams open. There are several shouts and I kill the call. Something quivers in my stomach and I vomit right there. I had to let Can suffer. I had to let him be hit. Oh God!

"I'm sorry baby. I'm sorry." I don't know why but I have to say the words out loud. I have to hear them in the air. 


I call Can's phone again.

"Uncle? Something is happening. I found a new spot but there are people here. Women and children locked in rooms. It's freaking me out. They look messed up. I think one of them has her period. I can see blood on her cloths down there."

"Where are you Phu?"

"I'm locked in a monitoring room. The guy here suddenly ran out and I came in. He left his keys in here too, idiot. I locked him back out."

"What can you see in the monitors?"

"Rooms with guns, rooms with the people and empty rooms. Then there's a room I can't see in at all. Everything is dark in there."

"Ok. I'm calling the police and I'm telling them where you are. One of them is going to call you so try to give him your best directions."

"Ok. Got it. So the police is here?"

"Yes. Sit tight."

I call Ling and tell him everything. He listens and then rings off to call Phu. I can only wait. In the mean time I call Beam, Ae, and Mom. I keep chatting with them to help the time pass. At one point, Ling calls me and says he got Phu. Finally after a little over an hour, he calls again and tells me to go to the nearest hospital. They have sent Can and Phu there just to make sure they are all right. 

I break about a million traffic laws just to get there. I meet a police officer at the front who escorts me up to Can's room. I burst in like I'm running through winner's tape. He's sitting on the bed, looking lost but when he see me, he leaps off and directly into my arms. I scoop him up and he grabs my head and pulls me down so we can kiss, sucking each other's tongues and exploring our mouths. I shudder and pull away but Can wouldn't let me go. He pulls me back in for another mind numbing kiss and I forget where I am, pushing him back towards the bed instinctively. I need to reassure him. I need to reclaim him.

"Uncle Tin!" Phu's voice causes us to leap apart as he races into the room much like I did. I beacon him and he runs to my side. We hug each other for a long time and I sigh.

"Did he hit you very hard Can?" I whisper and Can shakes his head against my chest.

"My Mom's done worse to me with one of her designer bags you got her. I think he was toying with me. They were more of a loud shock than a hard hit."

I sigh in relief and rub his back. As much as I would like to take us both home and sooth out the ragged edges, we have to stay here. This isn't even close to being over. I feel numb. I can't even remember my own name right now. I know I'm forgetting things to do and information to tell you but I can't concentrate right now. All I can think about is Can and Phu.

I'm sorry.

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