Niles (ManXMan, Werecat)(Book...

By Anissa_Eylene555

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[COMPLETE] Niles Westwood knows about the supernatural after he was kidnaped by Rogue wolves when he was seve... More

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Book 7
Cover Help!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Important Author's Note
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41 FINALE

Chapter 21

12.2K 638 43
By Anissa_Eylene555

The building is entirely made of glass and huge! A huge fountain sits in the front with green plants elegantly decorating it and benches to sit on. A giant logo of a lion's head inside a 'C' adorns the glass front doors. I'm assuming that is the company's logo.

A doorman dressed very nicely in a black suit and tie greets the people coming in and wishes them a wonderful day when they leave. He's a nice man I decided and even greeted Leandre head-on without fear of him firing him just because he's his boss. Although, he didn't look at me much, which still surprises me. Instead, he waited until Leandre introduced me as his potential secretary.

Inside, the front lobby is bustling with people. A front desk with the same logo as the doors has four people sitting behind it. All of them assisting someone. The logo is, once again, on the wall behind the desk. It's a cool design carved in a slab of distressed wood.

A sitting area has a massive black fireplace with a huge flat-screen TV. Honestly, it looks like a fancy living room to me. It even has a bookcase filled with books and magazines. And there are plenty of green plants that give it that homey feel. I've already gathered that Leandre loves plants and decorates with them.

The building is sixty-five floors and has five elevators, the sixth being private and a bit hidden from the others. There were marble stairs that people were making use of, but Leandre leads us to his private elevator which could only be accessed by placing his hand on the scanner. The elevator was like any other elevator, only it was made classy by mirrors on all four walls and the ceiling.

Leandre told me this elevator used to be like the others that had windows to look out as they were going up, but he likes his privacy and didn't want people being able to look inside. He wanted just plain walls but Charlotte stepped in and told the carpenter to add mirrors instead, that way Leandre could always fix his suit in the elevator if needed.

I watch as the numbers go up the higher up we go. The floor button Leandre chose is lit up gold and presents floor sixty-five. There is also a button with a 'B' and 'R' which I'm assuming stand for basement and roof. Damn, the elevator goes all the way up to the roof? I guess I do expect this building to have a helicopter pad as well after all the previous ones we have landed on. Not once in my entire life did I ever expect to land on a helicopter pad, especially one on the roof of a building.

I can't help but stare at our reflections in the mirrored doors in front of us. Leandre is, of course, taller than me by many inches. He wears a black suit with a deep royal purple tie perfectly knotted. His long hair is slicked back professionally, much like the first day we met, where you can see the comb marks running through the light strands. His suit looks almost tight on him, but it also looks as if it fits him perfectly, which I don't doubt he had it fitted for him.

Me? I wear a dark pair of old jeans and a plain white tee with a small American Eagle logo in the bottom right corner, barely noticeable unless you were looking for it. My shoes are a pair of black slip-on's that is a knock-off of Vans. Honestly, they were the best I could come up with to look 'professional' considering I don't have too many clothes, and I never really had to dress up all that much. My hair is how I normally have it, letting it run it's course freely after running a brush through it. A few blonde curls hang over my forehead annoyingly but looking at them in the mirror, they look stylish and admittedly good.

Standing next to Leandre, I look small and skinny. I've never considered myself to be extremely fit, but next to Leandre, it looks like I have never lifted any sort of weight in my entire life. I have muscles, don't get me wrong, I don't feel any sort of discomfort taking off my shirt, but if I were to be pitted next to Leandre shirtless, you can bet your sweet ass I will be uncomfortable.

Beowulf has always been fit, for as long as I can remember. He's always building up his muscles and getting stronger. But even next to him I didn't look so out of place. I was in sports in high school so I was always working out, always lifting weights. I had a prominent six-pack just like Beowulf. I can be shirtless next to Beowulf and feel fine even though it was obvious that Beowulf had more definition than me. I never felt uncomfortable being pitted next to Beowulf.

I have muscles now, I have a six-pack still, their just not as defined as they used to be due to the fact I never get around to the gym to lift weights. And I was just fine with that. I never felt the need to amp up again. But now, standing next to Leandre, I feel an almost overwhelming need to hit the gym. I feel unworthy standing next to him. I know I shouldn't feel that way, I know I should be grateful for the muscle definition I have currently, but I'm not. I feel horrible about it. I want to look like I used to in high school when I was working out every day and playing sports. No, I want to look better than I did back in high school. I want to amp up my definition and be worthy enough to stand beside Leandre.

I sigh in defeat as the elevator comes to a gentle stop and lets out a 'ding' before the doors slide open, hiding both our reflections momentarily. I need to stop comparing myself to Leandre. He's a supernatural creature, meaning I need to accept the fact that no matter what I do, he will always be better than me. He will always be more attractive than me, always be stronger and faster, always have the upper hand. I need to accept that fact, and the sooner I do that, the better I will feel about myself. I've never been one to feel sorry about myself, but right now I'm hating pretty much everything about myself. Dammit!

Leandre steps out of the elevator so I follow after him before the doors can close in my face leaving me stranded in the elevator. The first thing I notice is the cold. The lobby area was cool but not to cool since its still only April, but up here, it's like the AC has been cranked on high, giving me instant chills with the sudden drop in temperature.

The only light source currently is natural light coming from all the open windows. I can see a reception desk with the same logo in distressed wood on the wall behind it just like in the main lobby. Then, a glass wall that shows a conference room identical to the last one Leandre took me to. Two separate doors labeled as 'Men' and 'Women' restrooms. And dark double doors that are almost formidable as I look at them. Not much else is up here besides a small sitting area that only has two sitting chairs, a small table between them with magazines, and a TV.

Just from looking around I can tell that not many people come up here. Especially judging from the sad sitting area. The front desk has an iMac and a corded phone, nothing else. Leandre said he doesn't have an assistant which I'm assuming if he did that would be his assistant's desk.

Leandre walks the short distance to the double doors. He places his hand on the ID scanner, the green light bright and pretty from the lack of lighting. The scanner beeps to let him know his handprint was accepted and that the doors are now unlocked. He pushes open the doors and flips on a switch, the room illuminating in light.

This office is very similar to the one back at his Pride House, only the wall behind his desk is made entirely of window. He has paintings and pictures of lions in action just like his other office, plants in every corner, a bookcase, a desk, and a door leading to most likely a private bathroom. Two leather chairs with a table between them sit in front of his desk, and a leather couch off to the side. It really is almost identical to his office in the Pride House.

Leandre sets his bag down on the desk and then turns to me. "I need to check on the progress of a few projects going on, so you can come along and get a tour of the place at the same time,"

I nod my head as I have nothing really to say. I knew from his last office space that this building was going to be impressive, especially after the run down he gave me once before when he was explaining his business to me. I just hope I never get lost considering everyone I've met so far all speaks French. I wouldn't know how to ask for help or directions.

"This is my office, if you were to accept the job as my assistant, that desk out front would belong to you. I would keep you in here but I have already come to the conclusion that it would be a very bad idea considering how often you distract me," He says in a tone that suggests he is blaming me.

I roll my eyes before I frown at his words. "I do no such thing," I defend.

His top lip curls. "I warned you once before, do not roll your eyes at me, Niles,"

I bite my tongue to stop myself from goading him on further. I'm a little afraid of what might happen if I were to push him any further. I don't think I'm ready for anything that might happen if I keep provoking him.

"Okay, sorry," I snort. I have to try damn hard not to roll my eyes again. "Can we go on this tour now?" I ask to change the subject.

Leandre stares at me for a moment before he sighs and shakes his head ohso slowly. He doesn't say anything as he walks past me and out the doors again.I can't help but grin and follow after him happily. I don't know what it is,but frustrating the hell out of him is very satisfying. 

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